ice's childhood part two

Story by ActionPads on SoFurry

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well after the fight in what mom had won,she howled as the wolf had fled and dad went after him.He chased after him and snapped at his feet until he was on the edge of our home.Then he turned around and saw my moms bloody neck and ran after her watching her every move.Then she turned and went for the frozen river and the ice was very thin but she didn't care she needed to get help and fast otherwise she was going to bleed out.We watched her cross it and then she stopped and i heard a cracking noise then she fell as the ice broke below her.All i could do was watch the ice break and her tread water as blood poured out of her neck and turn the water under her red.

"ice..i-i don't ha-ve much time..left so i want to say i love you and im glad you were brought into this world."she said and coughed.

tears came to her eyes and i started to get them as well.My dad rushed over to her side and tried to help her out but he couldn't get a good grip with out her falling back into the water.I whimpred and she looks at me and looks away knowing she cant feed me.I cry and cry out but she cant do anything.Shes dieing and she knows it,even i know that as a small pup and i sit there and pray also starting to get cold and sitting on her deep red blood.Softly licking at it,and even though it may be gross it was the closest to her mom she was going to taste or touch.In my head i was thinking what would happen if mom dies.She thought dad would leave her out,kill her,or even give her away.She didnt want to leave her family.I was scared for her mom,dad and even myself as a little newborn pup.I walk off and pace as things in my mind go faster.My dad howls and paces while she is freezing to death.He can't help her until she dies and that could be a while because shes a fighter.