Once upon a time

Story by Docsigma on SoFurry

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Once upon a time

I am not gonna sugar coat it, this may get graphic, not for the faint of heart!

Told by Bec

"Now, when I was a kid, I used to live within a small village, we used to live normally, everyone was happy, there was a few bumps here and there but we were happy. Until the day, the wars started, there was a full scale war between the humans, and well, everyone else, the humans needed soldiers, but sadly their armies were fading fast.

The Kings came together to think, until a hooded figure walked in, the person spoke about a way to win, the figure showed them a walking construct, with free will, to a extent, showing their strength and their durability, but the price for a single one of these things....a soul.

They began taking every male from the towns, children even, and began to train them, they trained and trained till the brink of death, then......the massacre began.

They tried to just quickly kill a person and transfer the soul in, but it did not work, they thought you needed to torture the souls body, then, they began to, spikes, fires, acid, you fucking name it, they used it, I was just four fucking teen, they thought I was too dis obedient, they placed me in a large metal bull, the inside was hollow, coldness closed around me, then it got warm, it was a welcoming warm, then it got hot, I began to sweat.

Then it got hotter, the sides of the bull began to burn my hands, I began to cry, I sobbed and begged for mercy, for someone to let me out, all I got was silence, I began to get blisters and boils all over, all I felt was agony, pure pain, after a while I gave up, and later down on my side, my skin shrinking and cracking, leaking blood to sizzle on the metal,trying to sing my mothers lullaby through burned and cracked lips, then sweet darkness engulfed me.

I woke up a while later, gasping for breath, but nothing would go in, I looked at my hands, they were stone and metal, only three fingers, I looked around for a mirror, taking one I saw what I had become, I roared in anger, sadness and grief, the rage began to take over, I began to trash the room, slamming and breaking all I could, a man walked in, he yelled something to me, I could not tell, he swung with a axe, I slammed my fist down on his head, his neck gave a weak snap and he feel on the ground, I looked at my hands, the blood covered hands, that day I was a killer.

The past days I felt the pain again, the constant burning and searing, then....I snapped, I gave in, I became monotone, I did what I was told, I killed who I needed to, then one month later, before we could all be sent out to fight, we heard the war had ended, all that killing, for nothing, they ended with a peace treaty, and both sides said all warforged made for that war should be scrapped, they began to file us in, all we could hear was a loud crushing sound, then more would file in, my group was next, but I heard sweet whispers of nothing, promises of freedom, I looked around and saw a blackened skull, with the number 22 carved in the chin, I took it, I then woke up about a day later, far in the forest, I looked at the skull, it coated in blood, my hands shook as I gazed into the skull, I tried to smash it, I broke part of the left socket, but my metal head dented in return, I decided to place him in my chest and began to wander, about 296 fucking years later, taadaa! And this is the story about Bec and Craig, and no Craig we can't get wine."