A Primal Arrangement

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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When a young elf warrior finds out that he is certain to not be the leader of his sect he seeks out a way to find power at all costs, which may be exactly what he has to pay in order to get what he wants...

A commission for Wolfpersona on FA

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The sun began to rise on the misty veils of the forest and the clan that dwelled within it, the elves within already busy with their daily tasks. It was the time that their land yielded the most bounty before the chill of winter set in, and though it often a festive time the mood was dampened by the passing of the leader of their warriors, whom called themselves the Dragon Knights after the folklore of their people. Much of the discussion of the villagers was not of their chores but who would lead the clan in battle, a choice which would be made at the passing of the next full moon. The clear choice was an extremely muscular elf named Archebrand, whose name was steeped in the tales of the fell beasts and bandit tribes that he had killed in order to keep their village safe.

Telis, however, had other ideas in mind for who should be the next leader. He believed he would make a far better leader then the overbearing musclehead, but while he was proud of his athletic build and fighting prowess he was no match for Archebrand and if it came to a fight he would lose for sure. However he also knew that if he let the chance slip by him this time it was likely he wouldn't be able to claim the position as the head of the Dragon Knights, since by the time his rival would step down he would no longer be viable for it. He couldn't hope for another accidental death, he had to find a way to get much stronger in the few weeks that preceded the moon.

It was that motivation that pushed him to talk with their tribe's shaman, an older elf that guided their village in times of both war and peace. After the usual shows of respect to the elder Telis rushed up and sat on his knees in front of the seated male, his body still shuddered slightly despite his attempts to hide it. "Oh great wise one, I beseech your aid and guidance." He said in a revenant tone. "I believe strongly that my place is at the head of my Order, yet I fear I am no match for the one who will assume the position based on his strength alone. What can I do, or is my destiny to stand beneath him?"

It felt like minutes the young elf sat there and waited, his anxiety grew by the second before finally the Shaman spoke. "You are brash but bold, young Telis. I know of whom you speak and also that he is a great warrior, both approved by our people and the spirits alike. There is a way that you can defeat him, however the cost will be great and you may not survive."

"Please, if there is a way you must tell me!" Telis begged.

"Very well." The Shaman replied before he drew a sheet of parchment from his cloak. "In the vast expanse of the forest wilderness there is a druid that calls himself White Lion, he can give you the strength that you require to claim the position you so desperately desire. Be warned, any encounter with him is very dangerous and his gifts always come with a price. In my recommendation I think that you should stay here and be grateful with the position that you have, and to date no one has gone against it, but the spirits have spoken and I would be remiss not to tell you what they said."

"Thank you elder, I will think long and hard about my choice." He said as he grabbed the scroll. In the next second he was on his feet, giving a brief thanks for his time before he rushed out of the tent and unfurled what turned out to be a map. "Stupid old coot, thinks he can wave this power in front of me and then tell me not to go. Looks like it's time to find me a druid."


For four days Telis traveled, his journey mired by nearly every peril that nature deemed fit to throw at him. He began to wonder if it was something the Shaman had done purposefully to try and convince him to turn back, or if perhaps it was the machinations of the druid that he grew ever closer to finding. Either way it only served and fuel for his quest, his sword hacked through the offending plants with merriment while his armor kept the worst of the thorns from piercing him. Near the end of the fourth day he knew that he was close as he passed by one of the landmarks shown on the map nearest to the X that he headed towards, and sure enough as the forest broke into a large clearing he could see the faintest wisps of smoke on the edge of the brilliant orange horizon.

It took all his reserve not to sprint towards his destination, instead he kept to a cautious pace as he continued onward. Even though he had not heeded the Elder's warning he had enough sense to know that the druid had the potential to be dangerous. When he was only a few feet away from the hut he drew his sword and continued onward, slowly creeping up to the window. Inside the hut looked normal enough, though he didn't see the person in question he saw that there was food on the fire and a hot mug of drink on a table near the chair.

"Excuse me, White Lion?" Telis said as he knocked on the door, only to find it swing open upon his touch. Even though his better sense told him to wait he decided to peek in and see if he could scout anything that could help him. "If you're in here your door was open, just want to make sure that you are okay." He lied as he walked in and shut the door behind him. The smell of food made his empty stomach growl as he walked over to one of the tables and looked over the alchemical ingredients scattered about. It reminded him much of his Shaman's hut, though the scrolls on the table hinted at such complexity he couldn't even comprehend.

A sudden gust of wind at his back caused the young elf to turn around, seeing a blue robed figure not more than ten feet behind him. At first he was about to raise his sword before he saw the crest of a white lion on his cloak which caused him to immediately drop his attack stance. "Forgive me White Lion, I did not mean to intrude." Telis said as convincingly as possible. "I was guided here by my Elder in order to ask for your help."

"Ah, another seeks an audience with me." The man replied as he pulled his hood back, revealing his elven features and white-blond, wild hair. He looked to be no more than thirty, but the elf could see a wisdom in his eyes that resembled some of the older elves in his clan. "You came at the right time I suppose, may as well offer you a meal for your troubles since you look half starved."

Telis felt his pride flare at being called weak but he tempered it down as much as he could as he nodded. "Thank you, White Lion." He said as he sat down in another chair. "I would ask if it is true that you're a powerful druid, but I can tell by your surroundings and your stance that you have quite a bit of magic behind you."

"Now now, that's enough of that." White Lion said with a chuckle as he handed Telis a bowl filled with soup. "People tend not to visit me to give me compliments and I'm not a fan of subterfuge. So go ahead and spit it out on the nature of the help that you have come to ask me for. Let me take a guess... let's see, you either need me to try and summon the elements to make someone fall in love with you or you wish to gain more power in order to try and do some heroic deed."

"Well, it's the latter actually." Telis replied, slightly taken aback by the other elf's bluntness. "I believe that I should be the leader of my warrior sect but someone else is about to take it by brute force. I wish to gain the power to defeat him."

"See, now was that so hard?" White Lion chuckled as he ate his soup. "Let us finish our meal and I shall begin your spell at once."

Once more Telis was stunned into silence by the man's actions as he continued to eat. The human was nothing like The Elder had portrayed him to be, though the druid certainly had power he did not wield it in a way that was frightening to him. He wasn't the wizened old men though either, not only did he have the presence of magical power about him but a physical strength as well, though it must have been well hidden considering the slender frame the druid revealed when he removed his robe. It didn't really matter much to him though, he had come for one thing and as soon as they finished their meal he was going to get it.

After about an hour of banter the two had placed their empty bowls aside, the druid stood up and motioned for the warrior elf to follow. "I think I know the perfect spell for you, one that will give you the body of a truly powerful warrior." White Lion explained as he began to mix the chemical reagents into a bowl made of obsidian. "Now naturally the Shaman of your tribe warned you that there will be a price attached to this that's going to proportional to the spell cast, something that if you choose to drink you'll be forced to fulfill. If you have no compunctions against such a thing then we will continue."

"It doesn't matter, whatever the cost is I want you to make me the strongest, baddest fighter in the entire clan." Telis replied, his mouth nearly watering as he watched his future get brewed by the deft hands of the druid. The magic that was wielded by the divine caster was indeed a sight to behold, he didn't hide his actions like their magic users tended to do.

The whole process took less than fifteen minutes before the slender male held what appeared to be an ordinary cup of tea in his hands, the only difference being that the liquid was a pale blue color. "If I were you I'd strip down, you're going to burst your clothes if you keep them on." The druid advised. "Once your transformation has finished I'll arrange to have them altered to your new frame if you so wish."

At first Telis began to wonder if perhaps the druid was putting him on, but when it appeared the other male wasn't going to hand him the elixir before he complied he sighed and took of his clothes. As he removed his tunic and began to undo his tunic he thought for a second he had caught the other male leering at him, but when he turned his head to investigate it appeared it was all in his mind. Still it caused him to undress at a much slower rate and continue to watch the druid, it wouldn't be the first time that a male decided to try and fawn on him and he made sure to set the record straight with that particular offender immediately. The only problem would be that he was pretty sure that he wouldn't be able to put the druid down as easily, though as he continued to watch he began to think more and more that it wasn't going to be a problem.

When Telis finally stripped the last of his clothing away the naked elf stood in the middle of the house, a slight breeze tickled against his skin as he allowed his muscular frame and average endowment hang out unashamed. As soon as he was completely bare White Lion handed him the cup of tea, which the other elf immediately drained. It wasn't a terrible tasting concoction, Telis thought to himself as he smacked his lips from the tart liquid, he tasted hints of mint and blueberry as the warm liquid ran down his throat into his stomach. For a few minutes the two just stood there and waited, White Lion writing something in one of his books while Telis just stood there and felt like an idiot.

"So... when does this stuff kick in?" Telis asked anxiously. "I was kind of hoping to get back to the plains before nightfall, I have a little campsite I had made earlier that I know I can make if I hurry."

"Patience, my dear boy." White Lion replied as he sat there nonchalantly. "You'll know it when the magic has sufficiently suffused itself through you in order to trigger your body to change. I assure you it's working though."

Telis was less than convinced, a small part of his mind wondered if the Elder had led him to this place just to embarrass him and teach him a lesson in humility. A minute later he was about to gather up his clothes and leave when he suddenly felt a twinge in his leg. It was hardly noticeable at first, but it quickly grew stronger and began to spread through his entire body like a gentle warmth of the sun. As he looked down at himself he saw his already toned muscles begin to bulge outward, his thighs and calves quivered as several inches of diameter were added to him and made them look like they were chiseled out of stone. There was several loud cracking noises as his feet pushed out even more to give him a better base for his new form as the tide of muscle quickly traveled upwards.

The elf warrior was unable to stifle a groan as his ass inflated with muscle, which turned it into a perfect bubble butt as his cock grew several more inches. While it wouldn't do anything to help him fight he was still impressed at the additional length to his endowment, which would no doubt help him reel in even more elven maidens once he had one the title of the leader of his sect. He had little time to think about it though as the changes continued upward, his flat stomach seemed to suck in on itself before it went from an athletic set of abs to an eight-pack worthy of the gods themselves. His member began to stiffen as his hands ran over his new endowments, and as he did he could watch as his calloused hands grew even bigger until he could wield a greatsword with ease.

"Oh yeah, this is power!" Telis shouted as the changes moved up his chest and pecs at the same time, his arms rippling with new strength as his chest filled out with meaty muscle. As it traveled up his body he could feel his spine pop, adding even more height to his frame until he stood nearly head and shoulders above the druid where before they could see eye to eye. Finally the changes cascaded at his head as his shoulders popped out into their new configuration and his neck bulged out to accommodate his new frame. "This is more than I could ever expect, Archebrand doesn't stand a chance against me now!"

"Yes yes, very good." The druid replied as he began to undo the strings on his own tunic. "I'm sure you're the mightiest warrior that your clan will ever see. But now I do believe that the time for your price to be paid has come."

The new muscular elf just scoffed as he continued to flex his newfound body. "Yeah, sure, whatever." Telis replied before noticed that the other elf had stripped down to nakedness as well. "Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing?!"

"Allowing you to pay your price, dear boy." White Lion said as he presented his groin and rather large tool at the newly transformed male. "Get on your knees and suck it."

"You think you can order ME around?!" Telis snarled defiantly as he arched back to punch his beefy fist right into the overreaching elf's face. The druid didn't even flinch and as the warriors punch got mere inches from his face he suddenly felt all the force of his blow stopped as though by an invisible force. As his arm shook with the effort to try and break through the barrier he suddenly noticed deep blue lines begin to branch out from his hand up his arm. He pulled his hand away but the color continued to seep through his skin like an ink and where the highest concentrations were a strange pattern began to emerge on it.

"Oh dear, it looks like someone is moving on to the next phase of their magical transformation rather quickly." The druid said with a smirk as he watched the other elf look at his hands in befuddlement as black claws began to slide out from his fingertips. "I was hoping to get a bit of fun out of your transition form but I guess that's not going to be the case."

"Transition form? What black magic have you done to me!" Telis growled as he swiped his claws in anger at the druid, only to find them missing him by mere inches. "I don't want to change any further, I was happy with the form I had! And I'm not some cock-sucker that's going to bow to your every whim!"

Telis tried to grapple the druid but only succeeded in causing a swath of light blue, heavy scales form over his new pectorals and abs to form an almost armor plating. When it was clear that force was not an option he fell to his knees and clasped his clawed hands together, the scales on them already spread half-way up his arms and had begun to assimilate his shoulders. "I'll pay any other price, just not this." He said as he bowed down to the druid in the same reverence as he would his village Elder.

To his surprise White Lion just laughed, then petted his head, the hair on his head turning an electric blue as it grew thicker until it became a bushy mane. "You think this is the payment?" He said with a chuckle. "This is only the beginning boy... so I suggest you get on with it so we can move on to more important things. I want this spell to be cemented by the first light of the moon so that I can do other tasks before the night is out."

Telis gulped as he looked at the erect cock in front of him, then at the elf that owned it. Their size and strength difference was so much that it was almost comical, yet as he began to feel the scales cascade down over his groin and the blue coloration flow over his own huge member he realized that this druid had him on the ropes. Perhaps if he could just distract the druid while he formulated a plan to murder the elf and escape, all he had to do was comply with his demand...

The changing elf licked his lips in nervous anticipation as he slowly leaned forward, his tongue stretching out to unnatural lengths as it thickened in his mouth. When he was only a few inches away he looked up at the druid with almost pleading eyes, and the smirk he got back made his heart sink. He could tell that the White Lion was enjoying this, the powerful creature he was becoming on his knees and about to service his cock like a common whore. Nonetheless he opened his mouth and slowly closed it down on the foreign flesh, feeling the druid's hands tangle in his new hair as he dragged his lips forward and pushed the throbbing tool further into his mouth.

This... isn't so bad... Telis found himself thinking as he pulled back on the throbbing tool before he shoved himself forward. Each time he drew back his face seemed to stick slightly to the druid's sensitive flesh and as he felt his teeth begin to shift and sharpen he realized that he was growing a very draconic muzzle. His nose merged into his face as he began to breathe exclusively out of it, wanting to get the other elf's cock deeper into his maw in order to please him better... to help distract him of course. As his head bobbed on the druid's member he suddenly felt the hands holding him clamp down on the sides on his head. The skin underneath his touch began to throb before a pair of milky white horns began to slide out of his skull and into White Lion's hands, who used them to spur the new dragon on faster. Soon Telis' new snout was nearly mashed into the other elf's groin as he took the entire length into his maw to the point where he could feel it press against the back of his throat, then with one big thrust he felt it actually push in where his throat muscles involuntarily began to massage the huge tool as it went in further and further...

Then with a sudden abruptness Telis found himself completely pulled off of the other elf's cock, which caused the massive dragon man to nearly tumble to the floor. "Turn around, it's time to seal your fate as my new plaything and protector." The druid announced as he held his hand over the prone dragon man, who snarled at him for a second before his scaled face was immediately turned to regret over his actions. "I've been eyeing up that backside ever since you entered and now I will have it."

Telis tried to muster up some last measure of defiance as he stood back up, his feet cracking as his toes merged and formed heavy black talons while his feet arched up into a new configuration, but he found himself unable to do anything but turn around. In the back of his mind he remembered that he was some sort of warrior, that the magics which bewitched his mind might also have done something to his brain. The transforming dragon still had a plan though, he reasoned as his member flared out into a ridged, spaded tip. He thought that since his blowjob didn't work if he pleased his master with his tailhole he would be able to be allowed outside for a few hours! It seemed foolproof, even though a small voice in his mind was trying to tell him that wasn't even close to the original plan.

As Telis turned around he noticed the former elf did notice something odd; the druid's member seemed to have grown a full foot since he last had it in his mouth, something that White Lion seemed to notice him realizing and caused him to smile. "I see you've noticed my own alterations my pet." The druid said as his own muscles began to expand, a dusting of white fur began to cover his skin. "There is a reason they call me the White Lion, but that's nothing that a little toy like yourself should be concerned with."

Telis nodded slowly as he felt the last of his changes began to happen under his master's touch, his muzzle opened in a fanged groan as he felt his tail begin to snake out just above his backside. It made sense to him now as he felt that thick head push between his scaly, muscular cheeks, it was his master's job to think for him and it was his job to keep him safe and satisfied. As he felt his newly formed tail get grabbed by the druid he could feel the furry groin of White Lion against his backside, a truly heavenly feeling as the elf's face twisted and contorted into a feline muzzle. He could hear a deep purr of satisfaction from the lion man behind him as Telis's final appendages formed, the muscles on his back bunched up before they pushed out into a new pair of wings while he felt a foot and a half of lion flesh push into his backside.

"Enjoying yourself toy?" The druid mused as he saw his newest dragon pet's tongue lolling out of his mouth in a stupor. He loved nothing more to take power hungry souls and transform them into massive, yet completely subservient creatures, and this elf was no exception. His will was putty in his paws from the beginning and he just knew he was going to make a powerful companion in the days to come. Already the huge dragon man before him had his tail completely raised for him and had managed to clamp his tight muscles against his cock to milk all the pleasure he could from it. As a reward for his good behavior he thrust his hips as deeply as he could until he hit the dragon's prostrate, which caused the reptilian male's own cock to jump hard from the stimulation.

Telis could feel his master getting close, his own claws dug into the ground to make sure he was ready for the druid's gift. "Yes master, gift your pet with your seed!" Telis called out, his solid blue eyes half-closed as he begged for the white-furred lion to cum in him. His new owner was more than happy to oblige, both males letting out loud roars as they climaxed together just as the druid had intended. As Telis' seed hit the floor it drew out the last of his will with it, his mind and body bound entirely into service as the druid's forever.

"Mmmm, very good." White Lion said as he slowly withdrew, both their bodies shuddered slightly as he pulled out and left his toy to recover while he toweled off. "You have certainly proven yourself Telis, therefore I will allow you to stay in my stead and be my personal pet and protector."

"Th-thank you master." Telis replied, his heavy chest rising and falling as he regained his breath. The druid smiled as the rising moon framed the dragon man perfectly, his powerful muscles framed in hardened scales and anointed with splatters of his own seed. "I will do everything in my power to ensure your continued happiness."


Several weeks later an anthro lion stood in the chamber doors of the Elder Shaman of the nearby clan, standing upright as the sounds of fighting could be heard outside the tent. "I see you have brought your latest charge here to fulfill his desire to beat the leader of our warrior sect." The Elder said.

"Your sect's leader was ignorant when he agreed to the fight in the first place." The White Lion replied as he sat down on one of the pillows. "Also for the terms of what will happen to the loser. My new toy will be filling a hole of his own before the night is out I think."

"Indeed, I trust that he won't be appearing the next morning with any new attributes, will he?" The Shaman asked sternly.

"No, the one that you have sent me is sufficient to my needs." The White Lion replied nonchalantly. "Though I wouldn't mind another... but having two can be so hard, there's the infighting, the additional power, just too much hassle."

The Shaman's eyes narrowed as he looked down at the smirking druid. "I do hope that you remember why I sent Telis to you in the first place then, to keep your lusts contained and to spare any of our other males from your wanton temptations. You are here now as a guest, I want to make sure it stays that way."

The casual demeanor of the lion-man suddenly turned to a cold fierceness as he stood up, which caused the older elf to back away slightly. "Such arrogance, is this what I get after all we've been through?" The druid asked as he extended his hand outward, the Shaman gasping as grey fur began to sprout over his body and his nose turned black as his face began to extend into a muzzle. "Perhaps I'll go back to my canine preferences for a while and reclaim my property as my own."

The Shaman waved his hands in the air as claws and fur sprouted from them, even under his loose robes his muscles had begun to fill out and his member had started to stir. As the elf let out an inhuman snarl from his furry head White Lion put his hand down, the changes reverting back almost instantly. When the Shaman had recovered his senses enough the druid merely bowed and exited the domicile, reverting to his elven form in the process. He looked over at the fighting circle where his new pet had his huge foot on the back of the impressive yet still inadequate physique of an elf sprawled out flat on the ground. Even though the other elves couldn't see it the druid could see the true form of the dragon man as he hefted the sword of the fallen combatant in the air in defiance.

"Well, we're certainly going to have an interesting night." He said to himself as he imagined the hulking warrior and his new dragon toy pleasuring him, causing him to smile even more. "I have always wanted to try too pets in a row, maybe he's willing to make a deal after all."