The Prophet Prologue

Story by Mich on SoFurry

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#1 of The Prophet

This is the prologue to a story I am writing. Please comment and let me know what you think.


The deluge of rain continues to fall in the night as a figure pads down the street, turning his collar to the cold he tips his hat and keeps walking the wind whistling past his ears. He checks his surroundings not seeing a single soul anywhere, Not that he would find anyone at this hour.

He checks his watch cursing the fact his boss made him work so damn late, wishing he was at home with his wife sleeping soundly. He hears a loud bang that almost made his skeleton jump from his body and take off running, looking around he notices a garbage can fell over. He chuckles nervously thinking the wind must have pushed it over as he keeps walking down the empty city street thinking to himself he was in no real danger.

He ducks under a bus shelter for protection from the rain as he fishes out his pack of cigarettes from his pocket, pulling out the smoke he lights it and takes a deep inhale blowing the smoke from his nose. He takes a look around not able to see much. Removing his hat he shakes it despite the fact it's still raining, getting most of the water off wishing he brought his umbrella. The middle aged Elephant remains under the cover from the rain as he finishes his smoke, knowing if his wife found out he would be a dead man.

Putting his hat back on he looks up and notices a shadow move in his peripheral vision, he gasps and looks seeing nothing as he shakes his head.

"Damn weather, playing tricks on me" he nervously says to himself.

He turns his collar back up and heads in the direction of home.

In the alley a shadowy figure watches the Elephant and smiles as his eyes begin to shine a deep red as he begins to follow him. He stays several meters behind the man trying to avoid detection as it's easier to sneak up on the unaware then have to chase them down.

He moves from shadow to shadow, getting closer as time passes on, being down wind he can smell his victims fear he smiles "Ahhh, such a succulent smell" he thinks to himself as he begins to chant quietly keeping his eyes on his target.

As the unsuspecting man continues down the street he comes to an alley and turns to head down it knowing it was the fastest way home, despite his mind screaming bad idea. He lowers his collar as the wind dies down and he notices now a person is behind him.

He spins around to see who it is as he only see's a dark figure with glowing red eyes. He rubs his eyes thinking it must be a trick of the lights as he notices they are in fact glowing red. He begins to shake in fear "Oh god please no, Please" he turns on his heel and begins to run down the alley knowing he would be safe once he gets to his door.

The dark figure moves now quickly after the Elephant cursing as he gives chase, leaping up onto the fire escape near him, then begins to jump from fire escape to fire escape getting ahead of his soon to be victim.

Panting heavily, his size making it rather difficult to run, he doesn't turn back he just keeps running seeing his salvation getting closer and closer. His lungs and legs scream as he keeps going "Oh God, Oh God" He just keeps repeating to himself hoping to come out of this alive and unharmed.

He stops almost falling over as the shadowy figure drops right in front of him, He begins to step back "Who are you? what do you want? My money?"

The figure just smirks unseen by the other man "It's quite simple, I want your soul" He says with a mirthful laugh.

The Pachyderm falls back over a garbage bag and he lands with a hard thud almost knocking the wind out of his lungs, shimmying back he tries to plea with the figure. He tries to catch his breath as he hoarsely whispers "Please don't kill me, I don't want to die"

"Oh but we all die at some point, Just a matter of when and how" his assailant says with a joyous sound to his voice.

"P-p-please, don't. God please" the poor man pleads.

"I'm afraid, even he cannot save you now" the shadow smiles his white teeth shining in the low light as he reaches out a paw his hand starting on fire as he makes a motion.

A Blue flame appears at the end of the assailants paw as he waves it at the male on the ground the flames engulfing him.

The fire doesn't burn him in fact it almost seems to warm him as the fire dances up his body, he thinks he may have been spared till it hits his head and suddenly lunged into his eyes. The pain suddenly intensifies as he begins to feel it burn his eye balls he panics clutching his face in hopes to snuff the fire out.

The shadowy figure just smiles as he raises his paw and clutches his fist tightly as the fire rushes into the back of the man's skull and burns all the way down into his victims lungs.

All that is heard from the alley is a loud scream and sudden end as the smell of burning flesh wafts in the wind, the shadowy figure chuckling as he walks back down the alley towards the way he came.

Just then across the country a female whippet slept soundly. She woke up with a start breathing heavily "Oh no" the Canine gasped looking out the window with fear in her eyes.