Warbands Honor Part 1

Story by Ages on SoFurry

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#1 of Origins

To Shovrick,

I know it isn't Charr to show concern about a mate when they are on a mission, but I think we both know by now that I don't give a damn about how Charr I act. These past two weeks you've been gone were dull and boring, and I'm about to break the arm of the next Legionnaire who thinks because you are gone I'm a defenseless sniveling cub in need of saving. Hah it'll be double the fun to see you break it again when you get back!

I guess I'm really just stalling here though. There's no subtle way of putting this on paper and I wish I could tell you in person, but I thought you would want to know as soon as possible. You are going to be a sire Shovrick, I hate to give you this news during your mission, and if you get hurt because I distracted your thoughts... Well then it's gonna be one hell of a night for my warband.

Walk softly my love, Hah! Could you imagine me using your legions lingo? Even better trying to talk like Iron Legion! Finish this mission and come home safe, then you can think about being a parent.

Kiala Goretail


The gray Charr's eyes kept reading over the letter unable to put it down, not quite able to believe himself becoming a sire. Shovrick was to absorbed into the letter to notice that another Charr was sneaking up on him. "There you are!" Howl grinned as he saw Shovrick jump "Now I never thought I'd see the day Shovrick took his mind off the mission. She must really mean something to you."

Shovrick slipped the letter into his leather jacket, dyed to the same color of his fur a dark gray that could blend into the darkness of any night. He stared at howl judging his intent "She does..." the Charr jerked his head back towards the direction of the camp unwilling to tell anymore on the matter.

The walk back was silent, Howl tried once to get more information out of the Charr resulting in blank stare from Shovrick. As the two got closer to the camp Shovrick could begin to make out the rest of his warband.

Euryale and Dinky were sitting by the fire speculating what the next mission would be. Before Shovrick could look away he saw Euryale wave to him, the charr continued walking giving her a nod of recognition. To his left he saw Reeva sitting by one of tents showing the new recruit how to clean her rifle.

"Oh your back!" Reeva placed her gun on the ground and stood to meet the two Charr "I hope you weren't to hard to find Shovrick, can't afford to waste energy now. Last mission before we get to go home." Shovrick's eyes met hers in an unconcerned gaze. As he uttered his first syllable Howl interrupted him "He was in his usual spot on the hill, reading another letter" Howl teasingly prodded at Shovrick with his shoulder.

"Another letter?"

Shovrick nodded "Kialla is worried about me." As shovrick spoke he tried to hide the emotions flowing through him. He still had no clue what to think about the news, whether or not he liked the idea of being a sire.

"She's always worried though." Reeva stood up dusting off her uniform "you're the best member we got, and aside from that I would never let anything happen to you. Or anyone one of us for that matter." A disgruntled cough interrupted the conversation causing Reeva to glance over her shoulder. "Sorry Maverick, well guess I should get back to getting ready talk to you two later."

Reeva continued to polish her rifle trying her best to teach Maverick what she knew. As soon as Howl and Shovrick were out of earshot she stopped what she was doing and stared towards Maverick, his eyes were focused towards the tent the two walked off to. "What's your problem with Shovrick?"

Maverick slipped out of his gaze and a look of hostility overtook him "He's to quiet, and he's hiding something. Charr like that are always trouble." A growl rose up Reevas throat "Now you listen here everyone in this warband trusts Shovrick with our life. Whenever there's a situation that seems impossible he's the first to volunteer, and he always gets the job done."

"You think I care about that cub, I don't trust him that's that." Maverick looked away trying hoping his response would end the conversation.

"Mav, he is the only reason you're not still in the Canton rotting away in your own filth. He's the one you should be trusting out of all of us, now shut up and show me what you've learned" Reeva tossed the rifle she was cleaning into the air grinning as Maverick struggled to catch it. "Still doesn't change the fact that he is keeping things from us."


"I'm heading back to my tent soldier, make yourself comfortable, because we are about to start our last mission." Shovrick nodded as Howl walked off "And don't go running off again."

Shovrick tried to hide the smile on his face as he walked towards the fire, normally his warband couldn't afford to have one up for fear of alerting potential targets to their presence. The enviorment was on the Ember warband's side this time however, as the cliffs rose up creating a natural barrier blocking view from the enemy side.

He sighed as he felt the heat of the flames embrace him, he dug through his coat pocket. As he found the letter, he unfolded it skimming over its contents one last time before feeding the flames.

He stared into the fire for a few minutes listening to Euryale and Dinky talk

"I don't like thinking about where we're going it makes my head hurt."

"Dinky everything makes your head hurt." Shovrick laughed quietly " just give me your best guess at what you think we're doing. It doesn't even have to be a good one."

Dinky reached up towards his head scratching at his chin "I don't like guessing either, makes me feel like eating meat." The Charr smacked his lips together savoring the moment "Why don't you just ask Shovrick anyways he always knows what the plan is."

Shovrick leaned forward glad to finally be noticed "I wouldn't tell you. Not until Howl gives the ok."

"Besides it's no fun asking him, he already knows what the plans are." Euryale let out a laugh, enjoying the view as Shovrick stared at her with his expressionless eyes "Chin up it was a joke."

"I know, it was a good one."

"Well you could at least laugh." Euryale turned back to Dinky playfully punching him in the gut "and that's for not answering me."

"Ouch that kinda hurt!"

Euryale ignored the distressed Charr as she turned her gaze back to Shovrick, she always carried concern in her eyes, the same concern that caused Kialla to keep writing to him. It alarmed him how similar the two were at times. "Why'd you throw that paper into the fire?"

The question broke his train of thought; he shook his head back and forth regaining his bearings "It's just a letter."

"You've never burned your letters before." Euryale's tail swayed back and forth gently as she tried to get an answer out of the gray charr.

Shovrick clicked his claws together as he thought of a reasonable response, he sighed as he realized she would keep pushing until he gave a real answer. "Fine, just don't tell anyone."

Euryale pointed to Dinky "What about him?"

Shovrick let out a stifled laugh as he looked towards Dinky "I think he's a little occupied."

Dinky's right thumb was under his index and middle finger as he pulled his hands away from each other "Ahh! I just cut my thumb off." He jumped around for an added effect. In the next moment he fell to the ground laughing.

"Alright go on then."

Shovrick's ears twitched in anticipation as he worked up the nerve to speak "It's about Kialla..."

"Is she okay? She didn't get hurt did she?" Euryale looked straight at Shovrick, concern covered her eyes.

Shovrick shook his head at the onslaught of questions "No it's nothing like that, It's just in the letter she sent me she said..." He paused uncomfortable saying thw words out loud "I was going to be a... sire."

Euryale jumped from her seat almost tackling him to give him a hug. Shovrick tensed up as he felt her arms go around him. "That's wonderful news Shovrick." He moved his hands to her arm tapping her to get her to let go, he sighed in relief as he felt her arms retreat away from him.

"I don't know if it is..." Shovrick turned away from Euryale staring up at the stars, there wasn't a cloud in the sky blocking them. "I don't want anyone to treat me different, they already do now that Kialla is my mate."

"Shovrick we just all care about you, it's more then you at stake whenever you go out into the field now." Euryale reached forward patting him on the back.

"If it means I can't fight anymore I don't know if it is worth it." Shovrick jerked his body down resting his head on his paws "Just don't tell anyone... Please.."

Euryale nodded swiftly in reply "Warband's honor..." Euryale paused for only a brief second before a smile formed on her face "Besides I'd hate to see the person that says you can't fight."

The two stared into the fire watching as the blaze cut out into the darkness. Relunctant as he was to admit Euryale was right; his warband wasn't going to condemn him for falling for another Charr.

"No more time to think Shovrick" he turned to see Euryale's claw pointing towards Howl gathering the warband around the campfire.

Howl stood opposite the group allowing the fire to reveal the worn features of his face "Clawspur get your sneaky bastard self out here before I make you." As if on cue Clawspur emerged from the shadow giving a slight nod to howl as he sat down, "Good. Now that everyone is here it's time to get briefed." Howls eyes darted between Shovrick and Clawspur a wry grin appeared on his face"This time however I'll give the honor to Shovrick and Clawspur to fill you in."

Shovrick glanced towards the other thief in time to see him mouth out the word 'you'. He pulled himself off the ground moving towards a position where everyone in the group could see him. Shovrick took in a deep breath and stared off towards a nearby ridge "The mission is simple; we have to rescue two hostages from the separatists just over the ridge." The members nodded in response all forming their own plans for how to proceed.

Maverick scoffed in Shovrick's general direction "How come he gets to know the orders before the rest of us?"

"It's a competition between me and Clawspur, to see who can learn them the fastest."

"So you're stealing intel from the legionnaire?" Maverick glared at the Charr barring his fangs.

Howl stepped in between the two charr speaking with agitation in his voice "Not if the legionnaire gives them permission, now stop interrupting." A silence fell over the camp, and Maverick looked away from the group mumbling to himself, "Excellent job Shovrick, you could stand to work on your presentation a little more though. " Howl let out a laugh and soon the rest followed, "I've already got everyone's positions in mind, I want to get in and out raising minimal alarm."

Shovrick, Eurayle, Dinky, the whole warband watched as Howl explained the strategy. Howl dropped down to his knees drawing the camp in the dirt, "Shovrick you're going to enter on this side, use whatever way you think is best." Shovrick gave a slight nod before flipping his hood up. "Yes sir. "

"Clawspur, you're going to sneak in behind Shovrick, only emerge if anything goes wrong." Howl continued discussing the plan keeping his voice low and even "Reeva and Maverick I want you on that cliff keeping a close eye on Shovrick."

"Alright! Sniping is the best kind of work." Reeva face broke into a smile dragging Maverick up with her.

"Sir, if I may, I only want them to fire if I give a signal."

"What do you have in mind Shovrick?" the legionnaire stared at him, a curious look in his eyes.

"I'm going to get myself captured. They should lead me straight to my destination, and it will give me a better idea of the condition the prisoners are in."

Maverick laughed, "that's got to be the stupidest idea I've ever heard, I thought the point of a stealth mission was to not get caught."

"Well than it's a good thing I'm in charge here, because I happen to agree, we don't know what condition the captives are in; wait for his signal before firing." Maverick clenched his fist in anger, "What! The plan is flawed."

"Quiet Maverick! That is an order." Howl walked towards Euryale tossing her a blade, "If everything goes as planned, than Euryale and I will get a nice break. Should the separatist catch on to our plans though, we'll provide cover for you to get out with the prisoners. Now I want everyone, double time!"

Howl kicked his heel into the ground causing dirt to smother the fire. Shovrick sprinted down the cliff to and waited in the shadows as Reeva and Maverick climbed to their vantage point. One more night until I get to see her again, he tightened his grip on the daggers in his hand.