Forgotten - Ch 1: Re-Learning (Edited)

Story by aelrondragon on SoFurry

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#1 of Forgotten

I found some minor mistakes while re-reading the story and I've taken the time to correct them.

!!!Remember!!! This is the first chapter of my first series and I would appreciate it if people commented, gave opinions and gave me ideas on further chapters! Thank you for the support!

Any and all association to any company event or artist of any sort that may have been mentioned in this story were strictly added for advertisement and should not be accounted for as © theft. This is a fantasy-fiction story so any and all characters, character names and other mentions are that may also be the name of anybody reading this or not is strictly coincidental.


Chapter 1



It is ~8:20pm


I wake up in a dark room. I don't remember who I am, where I was last night, where I came from, or what I was doing last night. Heck I didn't even remember where I am. I try to go back to sleep when all of a sudden, a light popped on. A human is standing in a doorway looking at me. I look around for a second and see that I am in jail, although I'm not in a jail cell. I see the man again and he has a concerned look on his face. He is in his mid 30's, has elbow-length hair, gray-blue eyes, and is wearing a black jacket that goes all the way to the ground. He is a cop, judging from his badge.

He starts to walk toward me. I quickly back up into a corner. The man stops for a moment, and then quickly begins walking towards me again, this time slower and less threatening. He goes to a bench, which I had probably been sleeping on, and sits down. He motions for me to sit next to him, but I refuse. We sit and look at each other for a while.

A lady looks in through the doorway and says, "His acquaintance is here." (acquaintance. I remember I had an acquaintance by the name of James Martin.) The man that is sitting on the bench looks towards the door and says, "Thank you, Jean." He looks back at me, his eyes glistening with the eagerness to hear my story. (what story! I remember nothing, not even my name. I have no story.)

He asks, "What happened to you last night?"

I say, "I don't remember."

"What did they do to you?"

"I don't know."

" what do you remember?"

"Nothing, accept that I had an acquaintance once. His name is...James, James Martin"

"OK. I'll see if I can get you something to eat while I fill out the rest of the forms to release you to James. He's waiting for you in the main lobby. If you remember anything or need to talk, please give me a call. Here is my number." He grabs a pen and his notepad from his shirt pocket, and writes down a number. He says, "This is my cell number. You can call me any time and I'll answer it immediately"

I say, "OK! Thank you!"

"You're welcome"

"It is an honor to have policemen, like you, willing to help others like this."

"Thank you, but the honor is mine sir." (What does he mean by that? Could I be somebody of great import? Is there something wrong with him? have I gone crazy and started hearing things?)

I walk out of the room and into the main lobby. It was about 8:30pm, judging by the small glimpse of light over the horizon. It was always summer here and the light always faded at around 8:00-8:30. James is standing in front of the front desk. As I've always remembered him, he is wearing nothing but a button-up t-shirt and shorts, even on the coldest of days, but I guess that's what you expect when looking at a husky. He has all light-gray hair, blue eyes, and a black nose with pink at the tip.

I say, "So what's the news? Am I getting out?"

James says, "No, not yet. They still need to fill out the paper work. Then you're free to go home"


"Yes. You're home"

"Where's that"

"Geese how badly did they beet you?"

"I don't remember"

"Well what do you remember?"

"I remember you. But that's about it."

"Damn. they really beat the fuck out of you didn't they? Well I guess I'll have to take you to work to then, ha ha."

"What's so funny?"

"You own the entire state practically. You own 97% of all the buildings in Traven. *speaking under his breath* Lucky Bastard."

"What's Traven?"

"It's the state we live in."

The police man comes walking into the lobby and says, "OK! you're free to go. Do you want anything to eat before you go? Coffee? Doughnuts? Chips? Pizza?"

"No thanks" I say with a disgusted look on my face.

"Oh! Im so sorry. I forgot, most anthros dont like that stuff... Is there anything I can get you?"

"No, I'm fine, thanks.And actually they do like the food but I hate coffee."

"Oh, OK then."

James and I walk out the door and get into James' car.


Time lapse 1.5hrs It is now 10:00pm


We arrive in front of a two story mansion the size of a very large warehouse. The ride was quiet. Too quiet for my liking. James says, "Welcome home!"

I say, "I live here?"



"your friend should be waiting inside."

"My friend?"

"Yes! You said he was going to stay in your guesst room for a while."

"Yes now I remember"

"Good to see that your memory is coming back"

"A little at a time"

"Well I'm on my way to check on your biggest factory."

"Wait, what exactly do I do, you know, for work?"

"Nothing. Like I said before, you own 97% of the state of Traven"

"Oh ok"

"I handle all the work. You pay me very, very, well."

"Well that's good to hear, at least I wasn't a jerk before this incident"

"Far from it. You even give out free insurance to your least paid workers, you donate a lot of money to charities and give bonuses to everyone who works for you. No wander everyone wants to work for you and has accepted the fact that you own almost the whole state. The people love you. They worship you. Even the government can't keep up with you, you're only 18 and you already overpower the government in popularity, and almost the whole country would be willing to fight to protect you"

"Who were those people that attacked me?"

"They work for the government."


"The government is afraid to attack you directly so they hire people on the streets to attack you and everyone that attacks you is thrown in jail"

"Well thanks for letting me know this."

"Anything for you sir."


"Well I better get going. I have a meeting to attend to in 15 minutes."

"OK! Bye!"



I walk into the living room. My friend is sitting on my couch watching the Caramelldansen on youtube. He is a polymorph-K-9, Medium build, and yellow eyes. He usually takes on his fox or huskey forms in which case he is all white with black paws, white digits, and black claws. His eartips and snout are black.

Without even thinking, I say, "Hey! Exavior." Hence I re-learned my friends name.

Exavior says, "hey! Aelron, what happened? Are you ok? Did they hurt you? Did you fight back? How many fingers am I holding up?" He holds up a total of seven digits. I re-learn my nickname, Aelron.

"*Humph* Apparently The government sent someone to try to kill me, but they failed. Yes, I'm ok. The guy attacked me so brutally that I don't remember anything before today. I don't remember if I fought back. And you are holding up seven digits."

"Jeese. You should never have gone out to eat. But what do I know, you always go out to eat and nothing has ever happened to you before."

"Well I'm going to bed"



Time lapse It is ~8:00am

(it was about 15 minutes of talking after the car ride)


I wake up to the smell of freshly made bread for toast, eggs, over easy, of course, bacon, sausage, and orange juice. I've always made my own food. Everything is home grown at my own house. Exavior is in the kitchen cooking, he has always had a gift for being able to please a king with his food if he wanted to, In a sense I am his king. I do not order him to do anything but he tries to please me any way possible. ^^ *blushes a little thinking of it* He said, "Good morning. A little later than usual I think."

I look at the clock on the wall. "Oh shit, I have to get to work!"

We look at each other, smile, shake our heads, and say, "Nah!" both of us giggling at the thought of me actually working.

We hear a knock at the front door. I say, "Oh, by the gods. I haven't even started my meal."

Exavior says, "I'll get it"

"Thanks [honey]." [Hence I found out that I was gay, or maybe just bi]

As Exavior walks out of the kitchen, I start to eat. I almost finished my food when he came back in with one of my 53 body guards. I never really pay attention to the detail of their weapons, gear, armor, or faces. I finish the last bite and then look at the two of them.

My body guard says, "Sorry I wasn't there two nights ago, but you said, 'Take the night off, I want to eat out with some collogues, without distractions, please.' I should have been there to protect you. I should have..."

"But you didn't. You did what I asked you to do. For that I am thankful that you listen to me."

"Anything for you sir."

"That's not the first time I've heard that."

"It won't be the last sir."

"Please, call me Aelron, or at least stop calling me sir."

"I'm sorry"

"I'm going to stay in for the day. I won't need to be escorted today. Tomorrow I start my life as it was, so I might need your escort."


My body guard walks out of the room. I am about to take my dishes to the sink and clean them when Exavior grabs them and washes them saying, "Being as rich as you are, you don't need to wash dishes"

"I know, but still, I'm rich, not lazy"

"Point taken"

"So what do we do here? Are there any animals?"

"*Rolling his eyes* Are there any animals? *Humph* You have a whole 5 million acre nature reserve called 'The Roaming Wolves'. It currently caries about 700,000 animals, most of them being wolves and dogs."



That was it for chapter 1

Tune in next time!

The Caramelldansen on youtube is featured in the link below:

® "Aelrondragonlord™", "Aelrondragon™", "Aelron™", "Exavior™", "Xavior™", "Xav™", "Aelrorta™", "Ella™", & "Elly™" are Registered Trademarks of Adam Trucker

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