Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 6. (The class needs a Hero!)

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry


#6 of Final Fantasy

Next Chapter

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 6. (The class needs a Hero!)

2 Days had gone by without anything happening. No wonder, it had been weekend but today some things would become different than normal.

As always, Natascha had been early at school to train with Yamato but once she wanted to enter her room, where she placed her things over the time, she had to notice that the room was closed and their trainings place was laying in darkness.

„HHHMMMM..... Has he overslept? Maybe I should wait a bit. "

But 15 minutes later, when the school bell rang, he hadn´t appeared and at that moment she began to think of some strange or fearing situations until she reached their classroom.

Once she was in, she saw that he wasn´t there also. She then wanted to call him but at that moment the teacher came in and the lesson began.

„Good morning Class!!!" The teacher greeted.

„Gooooodd Morning.... " Came back in a sleeping Voice from the pupils.

„Sounds like that you are still hanging in weekend. Well..... Time to wake up because we are having some work to do today. " The teacher said and slammed some paper on his table.

„The Math test is waiting to be done and I hope that you have used the weekend not only for playing because.... A few from you are already on the verge of staying one year longer in this class so.... Good luck. "

He came to Natascha´s and Yamato´s table.

„Let´s see.... " He said. " Natascha and...... Where is Yamato? "

„I don´t know. He didn´t appeared in the morning like always. " She answered while she looked at the empty seat.

„Hmmmm...... Seems like that he can get ill after all. No matter. He will write the test later and to you.... I hope that you have studied because.... " She cut him.

„Yeah..... I know. "

„Then I wish you luck. "

What the teacher didn´t knew, Natascha had learned like crazy all over the night. She had only slept 3 hours and even in her sleep she had learned but now she couldn´t concentrate completely on the test because her thoughts were drifting away to Yamato´s side.

I wonder where he could be now. She thought. Is he may be sleeping or is he..... WHAT THE FUCK AM I THINKING!!!! I promised him to make this test a good one but now I´m sitting here and...

Without more self talk she began to write_._

After 40 minutes, the teacher finally said.

„Alright Boys and Girl. Time is over!!! Place your pencil´s on your desk and give me your test when I´m coming. "

A Grooming was going through the Air while the teacher took the tests and the pupil's immediately gathered in groups to discuss their results but once the teacher had taken each test he said loud in the room.


Another Grooming was going through class and many began to look at the teacher in fear because this teacher was known for surprise tests.

„Don´t worry!!! I´m not having some tests left. " He finally said.

A Happy „UUUFFFFF" was now running around but I was quickly silenced when the teacher spoke on.

„We need to disgust some things... As you know. The Year is coming to an end soon and you all know that we are celebrating this. " Each one nodded a happy yes and began to wave in thoughts of the last year.

„And I hope that you have not forgotten that each class needs to make something for our contest. "

Deathly silence from one moment to another.

„HAH... I knew it. You all have forgotten it. Well.... Your pitch that you cannot say no this time because the former class won the contest and in this year you have to defend the title and the prices in our cafeteria. "

It was typical that the winner class was able to dictate the prices in their cafeteria for one year and it was mostly known that each class, except for Yamatos one, made to expensive prices to make sure that they were the only one who could eat in there but since the former class had won, the prices had become so cheap that even the first classes were able to buy some foot.

„I´m awaiting some proposal till weekend and now have fun chatting till the lesson is over. " The teacher said and began to gather his things.

The groups began to gather again. This time bigger than last time. Everyone was hanging together with someone, except Natascha. Even if she had done nothing bad anymore, Yamato was the only one wanted to be around her and maybe this was also the reason why everyone was staying away.

„HHHHMMMM..... A Contest???.... What would Yamato do?" She said not knowing that she talked loud.

„He would tell you that you should use your own Head. " The teacher said while he walked past her.

„WWWHHHAAAA..... Did I talked loud? "

„Yep. "

„Damn!!! Sorry!!! "

„No need. This is normal in your situation. HAH.... Maybe I should help you a bit. "

„Really? Thanks! "

„Don´t thank me too early. I only give you a tip. Go into the library and search for the contest last year. "

Over her Head was a question mark standing but she didn´t talked on.

2 School lessons later

The school was already out for today because too many teachers had become ill and now Natascha was sitting in the library, checking the yearbooks from last Year.

First, she found nothing special but then her Eyes flew over that, what the teacher had meant.

She was holding a big book of the former classes of 7 and under one was standing in little letters.

The winners of the school festival.

She began to read the names and on the last one, she gulped. It was the Name of Yamato and in clamps was standing.

Captain of the winner's team

„So.... He was the Captain of the winner team but.... What has he.....? " She whispered to herself but then she found the answer.

She had simply turned the page and on the next page was a newspaper article pinned in. It showed a big Podium with Yamato and his Team on it plus 6 Pokémon.

She began to read the text and then everything became clear.

„A Pokémon Contest show.... HHHHMMMMMM..... Why not this time..... "

She began to write her thoughts on empty paper that she had brought with her and after 30 minutes, she placed the pencil aside and let out a big „UUUFFFF ".

3 Pages full of ideas where laying in front of her. Each side with another idea.

„Wouw!!! It turned out much more than I´ve had thought. I need to choose one but which one? They are all good..... Maybe Yamato can help me. "

She then gathered all of her things and started her journey but before she left the library, a thought jumped into her mind.

Wait a minute.... I don´t know his address!!!!

It was true. She really didn´t knew his address even if they were now together for nearly a year and even if he already knew her home. He had always wanted to show her his home but it had always come something in between.

„Crap.... How can I find it out now where he lives?" She again said loud.

„Where who lives?" A Male Voice asked from behind her.

„Yama...... UPS!!!! Did I spoke loud again?" She said while she jumped around in shock.

„Yes you did and Yamato is living not far from here. " A Tall Male said with a big smile.

„OOHHH Sorry... ÄHM.... Where..... Is.... "

„Here. This is his address. " He handled her a little paper with every needed details.

„Thanks.... ÄHM...... "

„Call me Shin. I´m the Liberian. "

„OK. Thanks Shin. "

Right after she said thanks, she left the library.

What she didn´t knew was the fact that Shin was also a knight with the Name Tristan but that she would find out very much later. Now she was only able to think of how she would go to Yamatos address.

40 Minutes later

She had walked the hole way towards Yamatos Home and right now, she was about to reach it.

„Holy Road 1..... This is the Holy Road but..... Where is the Number one? This Street is only a fast Road with..... OOHH... There is a House..... Maybe.... "

She had seen a roof behind some trees. So she decided to move towards it but once she reached it, she only looked at the building with big Eyes and an open mouth.

„ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? This cannot be his House!!!" She said loud before she looked at the Number and the Name sign on the entrance door.

It showed the Number 1 and his Full Name was standing on the sign.

„This is his House??? OH WOUW!!! "

The reason she said that was the simple fact that she was standing in front of a 30 room Villa, which was built in Victorian Style.

Once she had come clear with that fact, she placed a finger on the Bell Button but she didn´t pressed it.

Should I...... Maybe he is not home or maybe..... OOOHHHH YOU CRAVENLY HEN... Press the Button and see.... She thought before she slowly pressed the Button.

Once she had pressed the Button, she waited for a response but there was nothing first. Then, before she was able to press the Button a second time, she heard Yamatos Voice over a speaker but it was more like a whisper.

„Hel...lo..? "

„Yamato? Is that you?" She said into the speaker.

„Na... Ta.... Scha...?" Came back.

„Yes. It´s me. Would you..... „* BEEEP *

The door began to sum and she moved past it.

Once she reached the door, she wondered because the door was open but there was no Yamato in sight.

„Yamato? Where are you?" She said while she moved in.

„I´m.... Here.... " She heard him say from the next room but again it was more like a whisper then a strong Male Voice.

Once she knew where he was, she closed the door and placed her shoes next to it. Then she moved through a big Hall which was more looking like a Palace. Everywhere where she looked she saw old paintings of places and people and in the middle of the room where some steps going up to the next Floor. This steps were also special because they were made of granite and marble.

Holy Hell.... I never thought that he was a rich guy. OK.... He never acted like one and maybe.... I have so many things that I didn´t know about him....

She thought on while she walked past the steps and into the room from where his Voice had come from.

Once she entered the room, she was welcomed by a little fire in a Fireplace and above that Fireplace was a little TV standing. Of course running right now but with no sound or very low sound.

Right in front of her was a Sofa standing with its back to her and to her right was a table with 6 Chairs standing.

„Yamato? Are you here?" She asked into the room.

„Got..... Homework?" Came as an answer from the other side of the Sofa.

„Yes. "

„Place..... Table..... And leave. "

„OK but.... Are you OK? "

„I´m ...... Fine...... NNNNGGGHHHH.... "

She wasn´t really happy about that answer and she decided to take a look at him. She moved over to the table and placed her back on a chair. Then she moved over to the Sofa but before she was able to look over it, she heard him say.

„No. Don´t look at...... NNNNGGGHHHH......"

* BLUR * *BLUR *

The sound she heard was one of those she was already familiar with and it was one of those that she hated to hear. That was why she nearly jumped in front of the Sofa only to get the shock of her Life.

Right in front of her was Yamato laying but he wasn´t like himself. His whole Body had changed its color from Red to light Red and the white was only a pale Grey. It was also looking like that he had not showered himself for Days because his fur was lying flat on his Body.

„You are not fine!! You are..... HHHHHUUUUHHH.... Freezing cold!!! "

She had moved close to his Body while she had talked and once she had been close enough, she had placed one hand on his front only to remove it a second later.

„It´s.... It´s only...... NNNNGGGHHHHH!!! "

* Blur *

He had tried to say something but then he threw his Head down into a bucket which was standing next to him and let his inside come out.

Once had finished, he sank back into the Sofa and started to breath really heavy and deep.

After that she had recovered from the shock, Natascha took his arm around her neck and tried to pull him up while she said.

„Time to go to Bed!!! "

In return he tried to act funny by saying.

„No Mom. I want to.... to.... SHIT...... NNNNGGGHHH...."

* Blur *

He had tossed her aside before it was too late and blurred out more of his insides.

"...... NNNGGHHHH..... PANT..... Pant..... I´m Sorry.... I´m not..... A good help.... "

He collapsed back onto the Sofa and Natascha tried her best again to pull him up but it was no use at all. He was quiet too heavy for her to lift up.

Damn!!! She thought. What should I do now? He is too heavy for me and he is showing the same signs of illness that my brother had. If only.....

She had finally got the right idea and began to search for her Handy.

„Fuck!! Where is my Handy if I need it? "

A second later, she recognized it where she had left it.

„OH NO!!! I have forgotten it at home!!! Crap!!! Yamato, please. Tell me that you are having one. "

Instead of answering her directly, he moved his left arm up a bit and pointed over to the little fireplace.

She quickly moved over to it and on a little side table, she found it.

„You mean this is your Handy?" She asked while she moved up a Headset and he nodded a quick yes.

„Really? But.... How does it works? It looks so different than mine? "

"..... Pant..... Place..... Head..... " He said and she did it.

„Say..... Micro.....phone.... activate. "

Again she followed and once she had said it the microphone said back.

„Awaiting Orders. "

„What now?" She asked Yamato but the microphone said.

„Unknown Command. Please again. "

„What the.... " Now he cut her by saying.

„Say..... Call.... Prometheus. "

„Call Prometheus?" She asked and the microphone answered.

„Command accepted. "

She then heard the normal beeping like on a normal telephone and only 4 beeps later, someone got on the phone on the other side.

„Hi there Yamato. What is it today? "

„.....Doctor Victor?" She asked a bit confused.

„HHHHmmmmm..... Yes?" Came asked back.

„It´s me. Natascha. "

„What the..... From where did you have this Number and what....? "

„There is no time to talk!!! I need your help. Yamato is sick. Really sick!!! "

„Alright. Tell me the symptoms. "

„His whole Body color is pale. His temperature is freezing cold and he is blurring out his insides. "

„Where is he now? "

„At his home. "

„OK. Stay at his side and try to warm him. I´m on my way. "

Once Victor had closed the connection, the microphone shut down itself and Natascha layed it aside. Then she began to search the Room for a blanket or something to warm him but there was nothing around. That was why she did something that Yamato had never wanted to happen.

She moved close to the Sofa and then she layed herself behind his Body.

Immediately, his heart began to race once he felt her Body on his back and he tried to move away but it was no use. He was too weak to move.

Luckily, she was not able to see his light blush on his face which even intense once he felt her whole Body on his.

She on the other side blushed also but not as heavy as him because she enjoyed his fur much more than he did with hers.

10 minutes later

Finally, Victor arrived with 2 of his helpers and luckily, Natascha didn´t needed to open the door for them because each Yamato´s friends, Knights, had a Key to his house.

„Natascha!!! Where are you???" Victor called and she called back.

„Here!!! In the living room!!! "

Once they had made their way into the living room, the three began to smile once they saw Natascha and Yamato laying side by side.

„Don´t....... Say...... A.... A........ NNNNGGGGHHHHHH!!!! "

* BLUR *

„WOHOW!!! Easy big Boy. " Victor said while he placed his Doctor bag next to the Sofa. " Let´s see how sick you are. "

Victor then took a strange looking thing out of his bag and placed it on Yamato´s Ear.

„What is this?" Natascha asked while she moved away from Yamato´s back.

„What? This? It´s a thermometer. " Victor answered.

„OOHHH.... OK. I didn´t know that they are now looking like this. I mean.... I only know those things that you are taking into your mouth or ass. "

„Yeah... I know these things. Slow and inexact and...... OH. OH!!!" Victor´s face became mad before he moved himself up to scream into Yamato´s face.


„What´s wrong? " Natascha again asked.

„What is wrong? Look for yourself!!!" Victor said and handled over the thermometer.

The Number on it was showing 15 degree. What meant that Yamato was near a total circulation collapse.

„OH MY....." She placed a paw over her Mouth.

„Boys!!! Move him on his Stomach!!! Natascha. Please wait outside. " Victor said and everyone followed his orders.

Once Yamato was laying on his Stomach, Victor removed his Panties to get a full View of his Ass. Then he took a big injection out of his back and began to fill it with some Medicine.

Once Yamato saw the injection his Eyes became big and he tried to move, or better said runaway but before he was able to do it Victor said.

„Boys!!! Fix him!!! "

Immediately, Yamato felt 4 Hands on his Body. 2 on his Arms and 2 on his legs. That was it for him. He was not able to move anymore. That was why he began to plead.

„Please...... No..... " But Victor cut him with a harsh Voice and an Evil grin on his face.

„To late little Boy. You didn´t had listened to me so you have to pay now.... OH How long did I had wished to do that to you. "

The injection was now full and Victor moved over to his blank ass with it.

„NO.... Please...... I wound........ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! "

Too late. Victor had set on and had pushed the needle in.

Yamato screamed as loud as he could once the needle hit and outside the room, Natascha began to fear a bit because she thought that Victor had done something evil to Yamato but when she wanted to reenter the room, Victor came out closely followed by his Boys, who were carrying Yamato on their shoulders.

Yamato had a tear in both Eyes and Natascha looked at Victor but he immediately said.

„Don´t worry. I only pushed an injection into his Ass. That´s why he screamed like a Baby. "

„An injection? MMMMMPPPPPFFFFFF!!!! " She tried not to lough loud but her face spoke bands.

„HEY ...... That...... Fucking....... Hurts!!!!" Yamato said while he was carried up the stairs and to his Bedroom.

„MMMMMPPPPPPFFFFF...... HAHAHAHA....... My Master screamed.......HAHAHA...... because of an injection, which....... HAHAHAHA....... moved into his Asssssss.......... HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!!!! "

She had to hold her stomach while she laugh.

After a Minute or 2, she finally stopped laughing and moved together with Victor back into the living room. There, they opened the windows to let some fresh Air in and once each window was open, Victor killed the fire in the fireplace. Then they both set down on the table to speak.

„Well.... How is he? Will he become well again?" She asked.

„Within a few Days yes but till then he needs your help. " Victor answered.

„My help? Why? I´m only a normal Girl with no medical teachings. "

„You don´t need some medical teachings. Just do what I tell you now and everything will be fine. Besides. You are the only one which can come close to him. Every other person, he would attack in this status that he will move in soon. "

„What status? "

„To explain it, I have to ask you something. Do you know his past? "

„His Past? HHHMMMMM...... Now that you asking it..... I know not many over him. "

„HHHMMM... Typical for him.... Well.... You must know that this is his first time of being sick. "

„What? Are you kidding me? " She looked at Victor in disbelieve.

„It´s true. Normally he can block illnesses away but for that he needs Mana and.... " She finished.

" .... And because he had helped my brother, he had no Mana left to protect himself. "

„Exactly. And because of his fear, he didn´t searched my help. "

„Don´t tell me that he didn´t searched your help because of the injection. "

„No. Not at all. You must know that...... HAH..... His Master Died in Hospital after an Operation and since then he fears each Hospital. He always believes that he would never move out of them again and only moves into one when he really has to. "

„OHHH... "

„That´s why I leave him here in your Hands. "

„And what should I do? "

„Nothing special. You only need to change the warm compresses on his Head at night, make some soup when he wants to eat something and help him if he needs to go to the toilet. "

„Ok... Now that you mention it.... Where is the toilet and how long does he has to lay in bed? "

„Follow me. I show you each room and he has to stay in Bed for around a week. What means that you also stay a week at his side and not at school. And don´t worry. I tell your teacher the Story. "

„Thanks. "

Together they then moved through the whole house and Natascha began to feel comfortable in at as if she had always lived in it. Once they came to the kitchen, Victor moved to the freezer and opened it only to close it afterwards while he said.

„I should have known it. Nearly empty as always. No matter. We buy something on our way back. "

„Our way back?" Natascha asked.

„Don´t tell me that you wanted to wear these clothes a whole week. "

„OOHHHH..... HAHAHA.... No. "

„See. "

„But.... I don´t have much Money. Do you? "

„No. But I bet that he has stored some in his hideout. "

„Now that you mention that. Is he rich? "

„No. He is as poor as a Church Mouse. Why? "

„Poor? But how did he got this Villa? "

„He had inherits it from Master just like his Gun blade. "

„OH... Then. "

Somehow, she was happy about that and began to smile slightly.

„Alright. This is his room. OHH... And this room there is taboo. No matter what. " Victor said while he pointed over to a door at the end of the hall.

„Why that? "

„That you have to ask him. I only know that he never let someone in and that he always attacks each one who wants to enter it. "

„Alright. "

„Well. Let's take a quick look at him and then we can go to your home. "

Said, done. They quickly did a quick look at Yamato, who was already sleeping in his Bed.

Victor then told his helpers that he would be back in 1 hour and that they had to wait till then before they were allowed to go home. Than he left together with Natascha.

To Be Continue