The Protectors: ... it will look into you

Story by WolfenRyujin on SoFurry

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#2 of The Protectors

So here is the second installment of The Protectors.

Our villain finally gets his name, something's up with Flicker, and Hammer has to manage some of the

fallout his decision to go public has brought about.

Let's see how this all will work out.

While this story mostly is pretty tame and deals more with character stuff, there is some eroticism going on so

no reading if under the age of consent.

Leave some comments if you have advice for me on how to get better, and thanks for your time.


As Flicker came to he moaned, his head pounded as if someone had used it as a punching bag.

'Jesus, what happened last night...'

Slowly he got on his feet, swaying a little. Was he drunk? That... no, that didn't sound right,

he couldn't remember the last time he even had a beer.

A little sigh escaped him as he slowly made it to the bathroom.

When had he come home? Not to mention that he was naked and as needlessly complicated

as his costum was he should be at least somewhat aware as to when he got out of it.

Something just wasn't right, something was off... maybe the cameras had caught it, just had

to check them... after the shower that was.


They certainly were interesting, those heroes, the supposed villains surely had the spark as well.

He still didn't know what exactly it was, but he had learned at least a few little things from his

conversation with the lemur.

Flicker he had called himself, not his real name of course, apparantly they thought it necessary

to hide their identity.

It didn't matter. What did was the fact that lemur had been quite strong, yet unaware of his abilities,

or at least their probable source.

Slowly the lion wrote a few notes into a book before it disappeared into violet mist, swirling as a little

breeze swept by.

If he was going to stay here he probably needed a name too. He had one, of course, but names meant

power, so he too was going to protect his identity.

A grin slowly spread on his muzzle, the whole thing started to look like a lot of fun.

What name should he go by though. He took a look around, maybe he would find something in the

books he had taken from the library, both Flicker and the security guard had proven helpful after a few,

encouraging whispers.

He probably should do a bit of redecorating too, the empty building he had chosen for now was a bit

run down.

As he looked over a few books his magic already was working on the interior.


'... in other news, famous hero Hammer has gone public with his identity. It has been confirmed

that his real name is Brian Collins...'

With that the news anchor was replaced by a clip that showed Hammers big reveal, part of his

little speech.

Brian ran a hand over his face and sighed, it had sounded cheesy even to him as he had spoken those

words last night, now on the TV he sounded like someone from a comic book.

Slowly his gaze wandered over his living room, at least the phone was silent, now.

He had pulled the plug on the thing shortly after leaving the shower, too many people calling,

too many journalists who wanted the big story behind the reveal.

It was expected of course, but it still was stressful, even more so since he wasn't sure his brother

would give him moral support ever again.

-So, made it into the national news huh? You know, i always figured you had a secret, but this.-

As Brian looked up he saw Damien, a sixpack of beer in one hand, something from a chinese takeout in

the other.

-This is honestly a bit bigger than i imagined, you know?,- with that the skunk sat down beside the big mutt,

handed him a beer.

"You were pretty close most of the time," with that he opened the can before chugging it in one, big gulp.

-You know that there are at least twenty journalists downstairs, waiting for the big hero to show up with some

explanation of sorts?-

"I know, believe me, i know... ," he looked up again, changed the channel to see that another channel had him

in the news.

"Guess i should go down and get it over with, huh?"

-Say... everything okay? I probably can't even imagine how this must be but... you looked happy when you announced

yourself to the world. Did anything happen?-

"Had a fight with my brother, i... knew that would happen, still hurt though."

-If it counts for anything, i'm still here,- Damien said as he friendly patted the rottweilers shoulder.

"Thanks, honestly, but it's a bit different when he has my back," he still brought forth a smile.

Damien nodded, the skunk understood, not completely, but from what he knew the brothers had been pretty

close, they had to be if Phillip had held on to the secret for so long.

-If there's anything i can do, just say so, okay? I'm not your brother, but we're still friends, right?-

"Sure we are," he smiled a bit again, ruffled Damiens hair a bit.

"Guess i should get down," Brian said as he slowly stood up, stretched a bit.

As he headed for his bedroom, he looked out of the window, yeah, he had to take care of this.

Finish what you start, that's what their father had told them when they were little and now wasn't the time to break

what had become a rule for him.

"See you later, leave the food, i'll get you something good for breakfast!"

Time to change into his custome, to get down there and talk to the world.

-Hope so... and don't ham it up too much for the cameras,- with a chuckle in his voice Damien left the apartment.


'...with that we go live to the scene. Allan, any new developments?'

The TV screen split up, showing the vixen news anchor on one side, a chubby housecat in a worn down

trenchcoat on the other.

Journalists were there, from a lot of newspapers, different TV stations, all in all the scene was chaotic

and the cat looked a bit lost, but he was a professional, at it for over thirty years.

-Yes, yes Jane. The crowd got even bigger now, big news seem to travel slowly but i can tell you, it's not

only us journalists here,- with that the camera swept to the other side of the road showing people holding

up signs, cheering.

The crowd really had grown, it still was early so there had been little going on so far but it looked like

some skipped school or even work today just to get a look at their hero.

-As you can see, Hammer...or Brian Collins as he's really called, seems to have quite some fans in this city.

We talked with a few of them and it looks like some even drove here, through the night, just to thank him

in person.-

'Are there any news on the hero himself, Allan?'

-Not so far...wait..i think he's coming out now. Yes! Yes, he's coming out of the house, in his costume and

it looks like he's ready to talk to the press.-

Cheers erupted again as Hammer walked up to a small podium that had been provided by the press.

He had announced this conference, if you could call it that, himself...more or less at least.

Actually he just had said that he was willing to talk to the press in the morning, not that it had made any

difference, he barely had slept at all after his fight with Phillip.

After adjusting some of the microphones he cleared his throat, cameras watching every move as even

the fans that had gathered went silent.

"Good morning," was all he got out at the moment, an awkward smile on his lips.

A deep breath later he tried to gather his thoughts.

" I'm sure a lot of you have many, many questions. I will try to answer what i can as good as possible."

And with that the bombardment began.

Somewhere a TV was switched off...


Coffee in one hand, toast in the other Flicker strolled through his own apartment, computer screens,

as well as a TV, came to live after a voice command.

Sure, it was nothing big, but the lemur had been happy with his little tech-paradise, not that anyone

would recognize all the circuit boards, mechanical parts, shelfs with chemicals, and books on almost every

subject flying around, as an apartment.

For him this little junkyard was home and the place where he came up with his best ideas.

Some may have been coincidental, but still, if he needed to relax, he mostly did it here buried into some

invention that wasn't finished.

The TV meanwhile showed some sort of interview or press conference, he didn't pay too much attention though,

took a sip from his cup before biting into his toast, before he, as it happened quite often, started fiddling with

a little prototyp.

He wasn't even sure which one it was, there were so many ideas he had started but never finished, for one reason

or the other.

Money, supplies, not the right energy source or circuitry, so much stuff that could be missing or just not be paid for.

With a sheepish grin he scratched the back of his neck before one hand snatched his phone and held it up to his ear,

as the other continued fiddling with his invention.

He didn't even realize it had happened before the phone rang, he accepted and pressed the phone against his

shoulder with his cheek.

For a second he looked a bit confused as his other hand, as if nothing had happened, returned to the two hemispheres

in front of him.


He cringed, not good...had he forgotten something? Wasn't today his day off?

-What do you mean 'where are you?' I'm at home.-

For some reason, it was even odd to himself, he didn't sound as concerned as he should, part of his mind

still focused on the lense adorned hemispheres, fitting in circuitry, switching out a few experimental accumulators

he had build with the help of a few friends.

'DA HELL ARE YOU DOIN AT HOME?,' the voice sounded even angrier than before, then again, the badger on the other

end always sounded as if he was slowly reaching the emotional equivalent of an atomic explosion.

-Calm down, it's may day off...isn't it?-

Slowly he recognized his invention, his own little take on a mobile, holographic emitter, weird how easy it seemed

to come now, for over a year he had tried to get this thing to work but it always had failed at either power or circuitry.

Now for some reason the right combination was... just there, as if someone else had put it into his mind.

'How in mother of god's forsaken name did you get that idea?'

Flickers ears twitched a bit, he knew his boss, sounding calmer was never a good sign... still, he could've sworn it was his

day off, just to make sure he looked at his calender.

'Drag your ass here if you wanna keep your job, NOW!'

And with that the call was canceld, Flicker left confused as he, absent-mindedly, finished the holographic emitter.

-What's his problem today... ,- he sighed, so much for a day off, especially sad since he felt as if he could

finish a lot of gadgets today.

Hopefully the inspiration wouldn't leave as sudden as it had come.

Slowly he stood up, went for his bedroom to put on some cloth.


The lion could feel it, feel the energy shift ever so slightly, something had happened to the spark in Flicker.

He looked up from the book he had just started reading, his brow furrowed, it was just a subtle change in its flow,

but the implications could be big.

Hadn't he decided to keep an eye on it, so to speak, he probably never would have noticed.

There wasn't much he could do about it at the moment, but it would warrant further investigation later on.

He sat up a little, the warehous around him already more of a home to him, pillows and veils, floating, purple

flames illuminating the hall.

There still were things missing, but all in due time. With that thought out of the way he summoned his notebook,

grabbed a feather out of thin air before writing his discovery down.

Maybe the magic he had used on the lemur, although not completely compatible, had started this change.

It was feasible, and since he didn't knew else about Flicker, the only probability that made sense at the moment.

Maybe tonight he should look after him, to make sure that what he had felt wasn't just an anomaly in the normal

rhythm of this spark.

With that he returned to the book he had read before.

Nietzsche, must've been an interesting man from what the book let on.


An hour and a half had passed, talking, explaining, answering questions before he finally got the journalists

to leave.

The whole thing had taken it's toll on him, not physically, but mentally, his head hurt a little.

Back in his apartment he headed for the fridge, getting something to drink before sitting down on the couch.

It was still early, maybe he could get a little sleep before heading out for his patrol later on.

Hopefully Phillip would call at some point.

Seconds after the thought he slapped his hand against his forehead, he had unplugged the phone... what

if his brother had already called?

Grumbling the rottweiler got up to fix the issue, maybe there wouldn't be calls by journalists every few seconds.


In a way Larry liked his job, it was one of the reason he stayed fit. Bike courier, nothing fancy, payed the bills.

Sadly not much else which was one of the reasons a lot of his gadgets probably would stay blueprints or just half

finished prototypes.

It got him thinking as he kept cycling, moving through the heavily trafficked streets, making sharp turns at some

of his shortcuts.

He liked being a hero, well, hero was maybe a bit much. Most people didn't even know him, they looked up

to guys like Hammer, Tesla or women like Hedera and Sachmet.

He was just a scrawny guy in a costume, no fancy powers, just a few gadgets.

Larry shook his head, he had helped with some fights, even some bigger ones, so where was this self doubt coming from?

It didn't leave that easy though, people were ignoring him all things considered.

He just wasn't as fancy as someone lifting a taxi over his head or someone controling plants to make people high.


Larry was... Larry, costume or not he always would be the normal guy trying to catch up with the athletes... not even

athletes, there was no catching up to people who, like Tesla, could fly or fling lightning.

Sighing he hit the brakes, got off his bike and went to deliver the package he had came to this address for.

He probably just needed to clear his head, after all, being a hero, doing what was right, had been his dream since


Another sigh before he looked up at the building in front of him before going for the doorbell panel.

It was rare for people to sent a bike courier to a private adress, but hey, as long as he got paid.

'Yes?,' came the short answer after he had rang the bell of his customer.

-I'm from Blitzdelivery, have a package for you Mr. ... Mr. Huston.-

'Yes... yes, i'm on fourth floor, could you bring it up?'

It wasn't normally his policy, or rather the company's, but the guy sounded sick, his voice coarse.

-Sure, i'll be up in a bit.-

With that the door buzzed, signaling that he could open it.

It didn't take too long to get up into the fourth floor, the elevator being a big help, as he left it

Larry looked around the hallway to find an open door.

-Must be it,- he mumbled to himself before making his way over.

-Mr. Huston?-

The man was nowhere to be seen as Larry approached the door, since he had sounded sick, maybe he had passed out?

Not likely but possible, slowly he made his first step into the apartment, looked around a bit.

-Mr. Huston?,- he asked a bit louder as his gaze moved over the walls and furniture. It all looked a bit old, some photos

showing a fennec with what seemed like scientists, others with generals, maybe some politicians.

-Must be someone important. Mr. Huston?!-

Still no answer, slowly he was getting worried, left the package on the coffee table in the living room before heading deeper.

'I'm here...i'm here...'

There he was, an old fox, ears a bit tattered at the edges, a pair of glasses in front of eyes that looked sad but still burned with

the curiosity of a researcher.

He was in a wheelchair, for some reason that came to mind only after a few moments.

Larry felt like he had seen him somewhere before, odd enough, shouldn't he recognize him from the photos then?

But the fox before him was no real comparison to what the pictures showed, while fire was still in his eyes his body

looked beaten and his face, it looked a bit tired, a weird contrast in itself.

'So, what have you brought for me?'

Right! The package, he went back for it, handing it to the fennec, smiling a bit awkwardly.

-Here you go, just need a signature,- with that he held out a small device, scanned the code on the package before

handing the fox a pen for the touchscreen.

Mr. Huston needed a bit of time, his hand shaking slightly, he didn't look that old, old, yes, but... well, he sounded sick,

so it was probably that.

'Done, thanks for the delivery,' he said with a smile.

-No problem,- he smiled back, for some reason, some strange reason he almost felt a connection to the fox, almost

asking him what it was he researched.

But as the question was going to come out the fennec looked up.

'Don't you have other deliveries?'

-Oh, y-yeah, sorry, see ya.-

And with that he left, still a bit confused. What had just happened there.

Going down he used the stairs before getting back onto his bike, moving on to the next address.


Phillip hadn't called, sad, but it couldn't be helped. Maybe he needed more time, this, all in all, seemed like something

were taking the first step wasn't right.

Taking the first step, after all, was what had led to the debacle.

For now he had other things to worry about, not necessarily more important things, but at least stuff he could do something


Slowly he looked around from the roof he was on, took a deep breath.

Sunset had been a few hours ago, he actually had overslept a little, but after yesterday everybody probably would be a,

at least, a little understanding.

And while he could forgive himself the little nap, he still didn't want to cancel his patrol.

"No sense dwelling on it," he sighed a little before getting back up.

"Time to get moving, get a little action," he almost smiled at the thought, probably was the best he could do.

With that he stretches his muscles a bit before jumping to the next roof, running, repeating the motions.

It wasn't the most subtle way to travel, but for him it was the fastest, at least in the city.

There probably wouldn't be too much to do, at best a few little crooks selling drugs or something along

that line.

From time to time he stopped, taking a closer look at alleyways and backyards, the usual spots.


Hammer wasn't the only one patroling the city.

After trying to figure out why Mr. Huston had looked so familiar to him, and a little power nap after his

work day, he finally was moving around the city in his own way.

At least, Larry thought to himself, the muse hadn't left him, all the ideas for new gadgets, as well as improving

old ones, were still there.

That weird feeling from before snuck back, turning his thoughts more to the fact that he probably couldn't even

build half of what he was imagining.

Flicker stopped in his movement, sighed as he shook his head. Money had always been an issue for what started

as a hobby, but now?

There was so much he wanted to build, to invent and improve. But as it was everything would just stay

in his head, never to see the light of day.

Maybe he should go public? No, no one cared enough about him to let that make a difference.

And if he went out and left the hero business?

It was an option, but not really one he liked. Being a hero, helping poeple, it always had been his dream, what drove


In a way, he thought to himself, he could understand some of the villains.


He could feel the thought hitting him like lightning, Charles Huston...

His name had come up in a file, years ago, it had been a huge, national case where some villains had been

after the projects of a certain company.

One of their branches had been in this city and a few folders had been left behind, probably were lost

during the escape, one of those folders had the the name Charles Huston on it.

Flicker had been the first on the scene back then, had tried to take a look into it but aside a few fotos

the file had pretty much been blacked out, a name or two had escaped the marker.

One of them had been Charles Huston, no point in censoring him since the folder had his name on it anyway,

Brazen was the other.

After that Flicker had spent some time researching everything he could about it.

How, why didn't he notice sooner?

Soon enough though, another question popped into his head: What exactly had happened to turn an upcoming

hero into what he had seen in the apartment?

Sure, none of them was what you'd called immortal, at least as far as the lemur knew, but most of them, even the

older generations, didn't get sick so easily or to this degree.

There were probably exceptions but the fennec had looked like someone who was on the verge of dying for some

time now.

It didn't take him long to change his course, moving towards the address he had visited before.

While he couldn't change anything about the fox's condition, he still wanted to know what had happened, what had changed.


Charles was lying in bed, not really able to sleep, coughing kept him awake. He had pills for this, of course, but

what was the difference now?

Doctors at the company had given him a few months, at best.

He let out a sigh, before coughing again, as he sat up to get into his wheelchair.

His ears twitched a bit, had he heard something? It was possible he just imagined it, his hearing wasn't the same as

in his youth.

A smile spread on his weary lips, he had helped a lot of people with...

There it was again, the slightest creak, his floor had been old even before he had moved here.

Slowly he made his way to the door, someone was trying to be very quiet but unfamiliar with the apartment.

As he opened the door, just a bit of course, Charles tried to get a glimpse at the intruder.

What he saw made him blink a few times, rub his eyes before fishing around for his glasses.

A lean, tall lemur stood there, looked around, picking up old photos before going through some drawers.

Odd, of course, wasn't the lemur himself, but what he was wearing.

Leather, latex maybe? His whole body clad in it, pouches and straps everywhere while his face, partly covered

by some googles that, while radiating light, hid his eyes.

It didn't look like he had superpowers, while the fennec was old, he wasn't stupid, and those pouches probably

held gadgets of some sort.

A burglar though, still was a burglar.

Slowly his brow furrowed, was this the same lemur that had been in his apartment before?

The thought had came suddenly, the young man hadn't looked like someone who was going around robbing

people but still, it was possible.

As good as he could he held back a cough, concentrated, it had been some time and the doctors didn't

approve, but at the moment he had to protect his home and the phone was far away.

Slowly his right hand rose, little sparks of electricity erupting from it before he let the bolt jump.

Splitsecond was all it took before the lemur was struck and sank to the ground, he would be out for a minute

maybe too, but it was enough.

For a few seconds the fennec felt dizzy, massaged his temples a little, his powers just weren't what they used

to be.

As fast as he could he moved into the living room, tried to immobilize the lemur before waiting a few minutes.


-...oooooooooowww.... ,- Flicker moaned as he came to, what the hell had hit him?

'Wouldn't have thought you a burglar,' a raspy voice slowly reached his ears, his head still pounding.

-I'm...nfff...i'm not really a burglar...was just looking around.-

Slowly his vision cleared, he shook his head a bit, tried to focus.

'I'm not sure what exactly you'd call this but i didn't invite you, did i?'

He started to struggle, tried to move against the bonds before hearing a weird crackling, nervously the lemur

looked up at his captor to see sparks jumping between Charles' fingers.

'While i may not be what i once was... i can asure you that i'm quite dangerous still.'

-Okay...okay, i get it... i'm sorry i came in here without permission i.. just wanted to check something....-

Before he could say more the old fennec had removed his googles, leaving Flicker with a shocked look on

his face, eyes wide in fear.

But Charles didn't pay attention to his captives features, looked more intently at the device in his hands,

moved it around a little.

'It's custom made, you built this?,' curiosity got him, once again, curiosity always got him.

-Yeah, if you'd put it back, please, i'd be very grateful.-

'Ah yes, the whole secret identity thing, never did that myself... not... to that extend at least.'

Charles eyes wandered off a bit, as his thoughts did, the hint of a smile on the edge of his lips as he,

as Flicker thought, remembered the good old days.

After a few moments he got back on his train of thought, placed the googles on Flickers head again.

'So, what exactly do you want here?'

-I... remembered your name from a file a few years back, wanted to know a little about the man who was

worth that much black pen.-

'Well, you have him before you now, i'm as unremarkable as they come.'

-Aside the electro-stuff you mean.-

The fennec smiled a bit at the comment, shook his head in amusement.

The lemur still didn't seem dangerous and so he decided, foolheartedly maybe, to release him.

It took them a bit, and for Larry it still was weird but soon they sat in the living room, each a cup of tea in his


He had told the fennec a lot, almost everything, there was a feeling of kinship between the two although they

were quite different.

'Explains the googles, i asume they're not your only invention.'

-No, i... built a lot, have many more ideas and prototypes, just... probably won't finish them.-

'Why not? You seem like a smart man, bet you could achieve a lot if you put your mind to it.'

Larry sighed, took of his googles after setting the cup on the table and rubbed his face.

-Money, is one of the big issues, time, as a result of that, the other... all comes down to supplies.-

'Yeah, always comes down to money, on the other hand you could help people with your intellect.'

-The thing is, i don't want to go public... i... i like the hero business, you know?-

Moments of silence as Charles, once again, looked over his pictures.

A few tears were forming, never rolling down his face though, as he took a deep breath.

'Maybe... i can work as some sort of mediator, as long as i still have at least, get some of your ideas to

Mercurum, get them out there.'

-That...that could work i guess...-

'Give it a thought, you don't have to decide now.'

But something else was bugging Larry since first he had seen the pictures lined up here.

-Say, i've been thinking since this afternoon... what exactly happened to you? I mean, you're older, sure

but in those pictures you look healthy, strong... i'd say you could have been the big hero of your time.-

'Let's... talk about that some other time. It's late, old men need their sleep and young heroes like you should

be out there, stopping crime.'

He didn't look like he was tired but Flicker could tell he had overstepped his boundaries quite a bit.

-Y-yeah, sure, i'll... i'll go and do that.-

'I'll tell you next time... ,' were the last words he heard from the fennec before he left the apartment,

the way he had entered.


The night was quiet, sure, there were some teenagers smoking pot or drinking, he lectured them

of course, but aside that, the night was quiet.

Hammer took a deep breath of the cold air, once in a while you had such nights as this and you had

to appreciate them.

In a way he wished it could always be like this, but he knew that wouldn't happen, not in the near

future anyway.

Not with others like him abusing their powers for personal gain over what should be the good for all.

He smirked a bit, chuckled slightly, even his thoughts sounded corny now.

After another few seconds to enjoy what you could call serenity in this city, he slowly turned around,

time to continue his patrol.

Hammer didn't get far though, right in front of him a sight he hadn't expected.

'Not who i was looking for, but my, you're an impressive specimen,' the voice sounded almost soothing,

silky, it still had some strength behind it.

But it wasn't just a voice, the owner of the voice was what threw him off, a naked lion in white fur that

almost seemed to glow in the city lights.

The guy was well defined, trained a lot probably and the, naturally, short fur of his species seemed

to emphasize every little curve as the feline started moving.

"I think you should put some clothing on Mister."

He was impressed with the lions build but not flustered, if anything he was confused as to how the man

had gotten onto the roof of a hundred story building without getting noticed.

The lion just ignored Hammers statement, slowly circled around him, admiring what he saw.

It wasn't like the costume hid anything, sure, he wasn't naked but in a way he could be and

it wouldn't make a difference since the spandex almost clinging to his frame.

'No mask, not that afraid to get found out? I bet you still have a name, from what i heard you people

like giving yourself names.'

Well, subtlety wasn't the felines strength it seemed, what normal person would talk like that?

"Most people call me Hammer."

He could hear the other laugh, smile at him before one hand slowly ran over his chest, leaving a weird,

almost electric tingling.

'Not as poetic as i would have thought but i guess it fits someone like you.'

Something wasn't right here, a small voice in Brians head whispered, and since his instincts were

mostly right he backed up a little, just a step to get ready for whatever the lion had in store.

"And what do you call yourself?"

'I have no name at the moment, none at least that i'd like to share. Oh? Not so shy, someone like you

obviously has nothing to fear from someone like me.'

"I'm not stupid Mister, i know that muscles aren't everything. So what do you want?"

He had to admit that this one was rather intruiging, and he could use some fun while studying the


Obviously it was in this one too, but for some strange reason it didn't seem as strong as it was in the

lemur from last night.

His brow furrowed as he kept his gaze on the rottweiler, Hammer noticed, of course, but for the moment

just noted it as another quirk from a weirdo.

"Nothing do say?"

'Well, i was looking for an acquaintance of mine, but i think he is busy elsewhere. Running into you though,

i'd might just change my plans for the night.'

"Not sure you're my type buddy."

'Oh? Well, we can fix that, can't we?'

There was the smirk again, confident, almost smug, as the lion extended a hand.

The gesture seemed odd from the first second, almost overdramatic even for such a nutjob.

"Now listen, i don't know what you're talking about but i-"

There it was, right in the felines palm, shining, glowing, soft hues of violet light pulsing through a

small, intricate crystal.

For some reason, Brian thought, he had stopped talking, his mind stopped as if someone had hit the

off switch.

The rottweilers eyes had been fixated on the radiating jewel almost in an instant and yet he couldn't

say why that was.

Something about it, about the light and it's delicate facets was alluring, almost hypnotic and the longer

he looked at it, the more of it's intricacy seemed to surface as if the crystal was in a constant flow.

"...wha-... what'sh going on?"

There was no answer, just a warm, strong hand stroking over his cheek in an almost loving manner,

someone purred into his ear, but no answer, just a warm haze spreading in his mind as the glow grew.

The lion smiled a bit, it wasn't that he had expected the brute to fall easily, although the element of

surprise had helped a lot.

In the future, he asumed at least, that wouldn't work out as good as it did now, there wasn't a guarantee

that all of them would forget what happened during a trance.

Slowly he moved one finger along the strong jaw of his canine captive, scratched his chin a little as the

tongue began lolling out, a soft purple glow growing with each passing second in the heroes eyes.

'Good dog,' he purred into his ears, affectionate, a soft, almost inaudible moan hidden in it.

'Just let it wash over you and we can have a lot of fun.'


A bit slow, the surprise maybe wasn't everything that had worked in his favor here, it was possible

that the canine had been so easy to fall into it because his spark had strengthened the body

more than the mind.

He was sure that the rottweiler wasn't stupid by any means, but at the same time it would explain

why Flicker had been able to resist longer.

The lemurs spark simply was made for it. He shook his head a little, a grin on his lips, it didn't matter,

not now at least, there was a big beast in front of him that clearly needed attention.

'Yes doggie, fun, and we could start our fun with you showing me... your hammer.'

He could almost see the thoughts in Hammers head trying to catch up, a dumbstruck smile appearing

on his muzzle as he slowly understood.


Slowly, carefully the feline lowerd the crystal, he had some time now, a bit of fun, some simple commands.

If they'd stick he had another specimen to study with, even if this one maybe probably would satisfy something

else as well.

As slow as the canines thought may have been at the moment, his body was ready as ever, hands already moving,

peeling the costume off, revealing thick muscles covered in short, soft fur.

His eyes were a bit unfocused, glazed and still glowing with that soft, almost pink colour in his iris.

A soft whimper escaped him as the lion got closer, exploring his captives body not only with his hands but his tongue

as well.

It had been long for the feline, and while Flicker certainly had his charms, there was just no comparison to the

big brute in front of him.

Maybe he had to test that... later.

Purring he let his tongue run over the canines pecs, tasting the slightest hint of sweat.

Fingertips began playing with the rottweilrs nipples, squeezing them softly, another whimper escaping the

canines throat as his member was already swelling under the ministration.

As his gaze slowly wandered down, one hand follwing, fingers caressing every inch on their way, he couldn't help

but smile.

Hammer surely was blessed in a lot of ways and his name could easily be taken as a hint to his equipment, although

the lion was sure that wasn't the real intent.

Carefully, teasingly he let one claw dance around the tip, before sliding his fingers down the shaft.

'Such a good dog...'

This night...would be a lot of fun.


Moaning something moved under the blankets, shifting pillows with its movement before the lion

showed his head, getting some of his mane out of his face.

'That... uff...'

Was all he got out as he slowly rolled onto his back, stretching.

Middle of the day, a look towards the windows told him.

It took him another five minutes to get up, moving towards his shower, the place was shaping up

at least.

'Next time i'll have to be careful what i wish for,' he grinned a bit as he washed his fur, moaning,

not sure if what he felt was an echo of lust or pain, reminding him of the night he had spent.

Still, he wasn't too worried, from what he had gathered, not that he had tried hard to gain information,

Hammer had been in need to release some pent up stress for some time now.

As he began his day, he remembered the night fondly but also that he still had a goal.

It may had been delayed a bit, but information weren't running away and maybe it was good that

the lemur had some time.

After all, results wouldn't show up immediately, he still could talk to him today, or tomorrow.

With something to eat he got back to his books, reclined back into one of the bigger pillows as he

picked up where he had left it.

Maybe he should really give the whole name thing a go, after all, he would be staying a while

in this plane.

As he read on a grin spread on his muzzle, perfect, he could just use this, it would fit his powers

and approach like a glove.

'Nietzsche you were a brilliant man indeed,' he whispered almost laughing.

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.

And when you look long into the abyss, the abyss also looks into you."