The reason I live.

Story by Vlad Drago on SoFurry

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Just something I had to write for a course, but I wanted an opinion on it so I figured I would post it here. I used to write a lot of poetry but have fallen out of it due to a tight schedule. Just a short Shakespearean sonnet. Please give me some pointers I love feedback. Sorry if you find this to be utter garbage, I personally do a bit, but like I said wanted a second opinion.

Another day, just put on a smile.

Make a joke to keep up appearances.

Just have to be strong for a little while.

Drown myself in music; long distances.

Put on a show, false wit on the forefront.

Giggle, laugh; enough to dispel questions.

Look internally; problems to confront.

Wipe away a tear and accusations.

Sigh as I stand here; thoughts lost in a haze.

Looking for some sign of purpose in life.

Thoughts drift to you and my heart set ablaze.

Remember why I fight through pain and strife.

A real smile forms. First in a long time.

Throw off the rags of grief. The real me shines.