Test - Just a bit of the story to see what ya'll think...

Story by Farellemoon on SoFurry

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#6 of The Brightest Spots of the Moon

The fur on the back of Terri's neck stood on end, a shiver rippled through her entire being, as she slowly peeled away her sweat stained garbs that once concealed the scars and cuts that lined her thighs. The nurses eyes stuck to the wall across from her, a deep sigh let out, which echoed around the room that was nearly completely bare save for one empty hospital bed.

Terri's sunken in eyes floated back towards the woman, but then rested back into nothingness as her brain struggled to wrap around the situation. Her paws covering her dainty breasts as she attempted to pull off her shirt without some how exposing herself. The hospital 'gown' she then put on, a napkin like material with no strings, no elastic, no shape, left little to the imagination in the area around her areolas, whose hardened tiny bumps made an outline against the weak fabric.

Terri's already worn face, red from hours of tears, had a hint of glow from a mild blush as she handed her clothing over. "And the underwear too." the nurse demanded.

She didn't even look for them in the pile.

As Terri slipped out of her panties, deep regret came over her, but not due to her actions, but for letting it come to this. "It's too late now." she whispered to herself, another tear dripping down her cheek as she handed over what remained of her dignity. "The doctor will be right with you." the nurse said barely bothering dart her eyes in Terri's direction. Athena had warned me. Terri sighed Not everyone will understand or care.

She took a deep breath, huddling under the blanket atop the crunchy, stiff fragments of the hospital bed. It was exactly what was described to her about two hours ago, as Athena held her on the bathroom floor waiting for the police to arrive. She dug her face into the corner of the bed, between bar and fabric, as a terrifying question floated to the top of her mind. One she knew was going to come up, one she didn't have an answer for just yet, but would be expected to conjugate soon enough. Perhaps if she was given a bit of time she could summarize it, communicate that she wasn't crazy but just lost.

The room latch went undone with a large clank, and a panther, with a deep blue sheen to his fur, that almost blotted him out completely save for two brilliant blue eyes that warmly gazed down upon her. His coat suggested his profession, and Terries eyes glanced at his badge noting he was indeed the Doctor, Dr. Morris. Through the door a nurse pushed in a small, wheeled stool that he tugged over and placed beneath himself, a foot or so from her nose. Her whiskers twitched from having picked up the small breeze from the door, which now shut tight behind Dr Morris.

He sat perched on the stool, as if ready to eagerly inhale anything said to him. Terri's tail bobbed, drooping over the bed's side opposite the Doctor. For a moment she thought the question might not roll out. That she was blessed to not have to think details, and just stare blankly at the dark fur of the man in front of her. Letting his face fuzz in and out of focus. He smiled," What brings you into the emergency room tonight?"

And there is was.