Lycans of the World 2: Discovery

Story by Heartless Dragon on SoFurry

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#2 of Lycans of the World

Wow! You guys acutally loved the other one so i guess i thought i should do it as soon as possible. And it might get to a oint were it will just plain be sucky so if i.... you now what i don't want to jink myself so i will make a good one but i won't do any yiff on this one so you'll have to wait:)

  • * * Lycans of the World 2 Discovery Through out the whole night, Keyno, the black lycan, had traveled miles to search his kind. He left the little home he once had in order to find a new one among his kind. Thou he can't remeber his clan thou. His memories of his kind was fuzzy. His mother and father were part of it that much he knew. His sister was younger then him and for some strange reason he really didn't know if "Keyno" was his real name. It was to queer to sund like Death Hunter so it must be something else and as for his sister, mother and father went the same. He probaly forgot them all over time. It was the following morning when he decided to take a break. Having to walk the whole night made him exsosted, even thou his kind were night creatures. He paticularly loved both. The day he can easly lay back and enjoy the warmth of the sun or at night were he can run free full of energy and the two blue moons that were in the night sky. He rested by a near river were the water came from a water stream up north. He laid on his belly were he lowered his head and drank the water. It was a clean but he could still taste a little bit of dirtyness. He contuined to fill his belly in till it was completly full. After his full belly, he rested by a near by rock were he laid his back on the rock and sighed happily knowing that his journey may turn out to be great. He woke up late in the afternoon with his stomach growling for food. He lifted up his nose in the air in search of any meals near by. He smelled a heard of animals nearly half a mile west from here. He slowly walked on his fours and followed his nose. He arrived over a small hill were over, was a vast heard of wild boars and pigs. He never seen these creatures before yet he could already know that they might taste delcious so he quickly walked slowly towards the heard. At the bottom of the hill he crawled to the edge of a small grass hedge were just a few inches away, laid a small crowd of them. From what he saw, the family had three large boars that he guessed were the males, judgeing by the height and dark fleash color. The medium sized ones he guess were the females that had a tanner color then the males and the little ones were probaly the children and had almost a lighter color then the parents. For a lycan, he was preaty smart and it didn't take a genious to know that never attack the males since the always fight back. Instead go for the weak ones and start from there. As soon as the males moved a bit away from the smaller ones, he went in for the kill. None of them saw it coming since he moved so quick, and just before the males could react, two females were brought down with a single swipe at their heads and four children squeld before Keyno attacked their heads, killing them instatntly. He brought all the ones he could on top of the hill. He sat on his four and pulled a small one in and was about to sink his teeth in when a shadow came over him. "Hey!" said he voice. Both feminine and angered. "You stilling my food?" Keyno turned his head around and quickly jumped on his fours were he came face to face with a lycan. He stared at it or her in shock. She was the most beautiful thing he ever laid his eyes on. Light sky blue eyes that had a diamond for pupils. A beautiful blue mane that covered her neck and began from on top of her lightly curved snout. The rest of her body was pure snow white that a entoxicating gleam. Small legs that were filled curved in every detail that could mean she was a fast runner. A black covering over her breast that were hiden beahind them and as well as in between her legs. And last but not least her face showed anger and he was sure in for it. "what the hell do you think you are doing?" All of his focus was lost and he stared baffled at her. She glared at him. "Listen hear, this fieild of animals belong to me and no one else. I am the one who watches over it. I am the one who makes the kills. No one else but me!" Keyno sooon lost it and he angered at the female. "And where does it say taht you own this field of animals. I don't see your name or do i smell no markings what so ever." The female growled at him. "I found this place on my own. I found it first, so that makes me rightfuly the owner here!" Keyno frowled luder then her. "Hey i didn't know then alright. You just came out of nowhere and asumed to much and started to act up on me like a crazy bitch!" She roared at him. "Don't you dare call be a bitch you shit head! I anin't no bitch so fuck off before i tear your ass up!" Keyno smirked. "Oh yeah like a little bitch like you will actually tear me up! That is funny." He laughed. The female roared louder then ever. "I anint no bitch!!" She jumped at him and he was forced on to his back. She bit down on his neck were she began to draw out blood. He roared as her teeth sank in but he quickly brought in his feet and launched her away from him. She crashed on her back but quickly got up were he charged at her and slammed into her and sending her sliding. He smirked at she struggled to get back up. Then she angrily glared at him. "You will pay for that." She was about to charge but soon he was at her face and slashed her down; making her squel as he slammed her head down on to the floor. She struggled to get him off her but he was to heavy. He saw her arm moving and he quickly soacked her elbow making her cry out and ended her struggiling. He glared at her before he lowered his head to her. "it didn't have to be like this but you left me no choice." She struggled a bit more in till she gave up and swallowed hard. "Fine you win just hurry up and kill me." He was taken back by her remark and losened his anger. "I am not going to kill you. There would be no point in doing so. It would be just another waste to the lands and you are far to good of a fighter to just give up and die." Her eyes went up to him and saw a goodness in their that she never saw. He got off her and slowly lifted her up. She growled as he used the arm he damaged but he carefully pulled her up so that they were both standing on their hind legs. The female was massagin her damaged arm and looked at him. "Thank you i guess for not killing me." He smiled a bit. "No problem besides you are too beautiful to kill." She blushed and he lowered his head and looked away. "Sorry... that was a ..." "Its alright." she said shyly They both looked away befor keyno turned to her. "So can i keep my kills and leave your field?" She smiled a bit shook her head. "No its not my field. I just said that so no one else could steal my food source." His smiled widen. "So i guess i could see you around?" She nodded. "Yeah and by the way what is your name?" He smiled. "My name is Keyno but i am not sure." She stared at him baffled and giggled. "How do you not know for sure?" He giggled and scratched his head. "Well i kinda got separated from my family before i could remeber my name and it is all a blur." The female smiled. "Well when you find your name hopefully it suits you well. My name is Lyyfa." He chuckled. "What kind of name is that?" She looked at him with a smile but a bit of questioning. "You think my name is weird what about yours um? What kind of name is Keyno?" He laughed. "I guess your right but what i do remeber about my name is that it is short for Death Hunter." "Death Hunter." she said quietly. "That name sounds so familar to me. I remeber that name with my parents before my brother dissapeared." "wait you had a brother that dissapeared?" "No no not like vanish dissapear but more like he was taken from my mother and father and me and we never saw him again." "Oh gods!" His face went wide and his expressin change. "What? what is it?" He stared at her before tears fell down his cheek. "I am your brother. The one taht got taken away from you. I am him." The female stared at him like he is crazy. "What are you talking about? How can you be my brother? You can't even remember your own name?" He stared down a sec before he looked up at her. "The only thing i can remeber about my sister was that she never could handle me when it came to play fighting and she even looks like you. You even have her scent." The female was starting to get an odd feeling from the back of her head. "And do you belive that?" His tears stopped and he looked down. "If i were to remeber correctly my sister's name was Fayly but over time i had forgoten. And look how your name is spelled. Mix my sister's name and jumble the letters and what do you get?" She looked down and pondered. A minute passed and she looked up. "Alright i guess your right but if you truely are my brother then answer me this. What would me and my brother do every night before we would go to sleep?" He laughed and closed his eyes. "My sister and i would go outside and watch the stars for any falling ones and if we did find one we would make a wish. Once we would go to sleep, we would hold each other in our arms." He slowly opened his eyes and saw Lyyfa with teary eyes and her ears back. She broke a tear before she jumped at him and cried. "It is you! O my gods it is you!" He held hugged her tightly and grew tears. "Yes sister. I am your brother." They both held each other into a tight embrace, despite their pains and wounds. At last over half an hour of hugging each other, they seprated and stood up. Both had tears and held on to each others hands. "Oh my loving sister Lyyfa." "Oh my loving brother Nkeyo." He smiled at the name as they went for another embrace. It was intill Nkeyo started to fall limb and was held back by his sister. "Nkeyo. What's wrong?" Then she felt something wet from him. She looked at her palms and saw that they were covered in blood. She looked at his back and saw that is was completly covered in his ed blood. "Nkeyo!" He fell limb and blacked out and left his sister, the only one he had, to cry.