Working Days at Fazbear's Pizzeria CH-1 P-2

Story by RedKnight95 on SoFurry

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This was originally meant to be Chapter Two but I felt it seemed more of a continuation of Chapter One as it continues with previous themes without any drastic changes. Anyways, let me know what you think.

Michael, Bonnie, and Chica proceeded to walk through the pizzeria and followed up on their conversation elsewhere, the kitchen to be exact, leaving Foxy to her drinks and Freda to her calls. Sadly, Chica was unable to stay focused on the conversation as she had to keep working on putting together pizzas before baking them and then delivering them to the waiting costumers. Bonnie picked up her friend's slack by talking to Michael about her time spent working at the restaurant which covered her discovering an interest in music leading to her becoming the guitarist for an band she played with before working at the pizzeria. Hearing this, Michael asked about her about the time she spent in the band along with if she kept in contact with her old band mates. This caused the rabbit to giggle before she explained that she still worked with the band despite being the only musician left. Michael became confused until Bonnie explained that her, and presently his as well, coworkers were the old band. This left Michael in a state of disbelief until Chica, who had recently returned from delivering another pizza pie, confirmed what her rabbit fried had previously stated.

"It's true, Michael." She smiled while preparing another tray of food. "We all used to be part of a band before working here. It's sort of the reason why we still get this many customers all year round. Some of the parents were fans of our music and wanted to keep in touch with us. We weren't too famous, at least compared to other musicians, but we did get the townspeople's attention and they enjoyed hearing us play ever since." As she continued her expression became more somber before emitting an audible sigh. "But as Bonnie said, we eventually had to give it up. Freda heard about her father's accident and desperately wanted to make it up to him. He initially refused her offer to help but Freda was firm in her decision by showing was willing to drop everything in the hope to make her father's business shine again. Despite the rest of us wanting to keep going on as a band we all agreed to help her, at least Bonnie and I did."

Michael listened to Chica's tale with undivided attention. After doing so he asked the hen, "Is that why she and Foxy are on bad terms? Because she broke up the band?"

Chica lowered her head before answering him. "Well that's not the sole reason but it is one of them. Ever since Freda's decision to help her father they've never been on good terms. Although, despite their arguing, Foxy does enjoy working here when she entertains the kids. She gets a kick out of seeing their little faces light up with excitement when she tells them her stories, so at the very least she's able to put aside her grudge for the sake of the children."

Bonnie interrupted her friend with an audible chuckle. "Yeah, it kind of makes you wonder if there are two different Foxy's working here. The delightful pirate actress and the depressed drinker."

Chica exclaimed. "Bonnie! Bite your tongue. You know it's rude to talk behind someone's back like that." This only made Bonnie scoff. "C'mon, Chica. You know how she gets when she's on the scotch. Why do you think I carry earplugs around?" Despite her personal feelings of manners and curtesy Chica had to agree with the rabbit on her friend's opinion towards Foxy's attitude when intoxicated, but she still didn't like the idea of talking behind someone's back. Anyways, the three continued to talk about themselves, the pizzeria, and occasionally the subject of their days spent as a band. Eventually Bonnie had to return to her stage and left Michael and Chica to themselves, but not without teasing Michael about using Chica's "oven" _during work hours._ Seeing both her friends' face blush in bright crimson made the hare laugh aloud as she left. After Bonnie left, Michael and Chica remained silent, too embarrassed to continue their conversation. Michael decided to leave Chica to herself in the kitchen, thinking it best to leave her alone until both felt comfortable around each other again. The hen sighed with relief after the security guard left, having a shared sentiment of not wanting make the situation anymore awkward between them after Bonnie's comment. She proceeded to ready another pizza, humming a tune from the old days and tapping her foot to an imaginary beat.

Meanwhile, Michael was wandering throughout the restaurant with the intent of seeing the place in action, although he wasn't suppose to start working until tomorrow. Michael thought he should get a feel for what would become his new workspace so he could better prepare himself. As he patrolled through the restaurant he saw Bonnie back on stage and already performing another music number for the children. He watched and listened and saw the rabbit's skills at work. The audience cheered her on, making her play even louder than a moment ago. Some of the nearby parents had started to cover their ears from the sheer volume of her guitar making Michael chuckle to himself. Unfortunately he noticed Bonnie looking back at him and giving a not-so-subtle wink forcing Michael to turn his attention elsewhere, and quickly. As he turned his focus away from Bonnie and was expecting to see Foxy back on stage but to his surprise she was absent. Almost immediately he assumed that the vixen was still in the employee lounge drinking. He was tempted to check and variety his suspicions when the memory of Foxy's attitude crept back into his mind. From what he recalled during his earlier conversation with Bonnie and Chica Foxy generally enjoyed entertaining kids, so if she was not at her cove then she was either still in the employee lounge or elsewhere. Still, Michael felt it best to locate the vixen regardless of what he thought about her. He started his search in the employee lounge but was surprised to find Foxy was in fact absent there as well. This made him curious as he pondered where exactly she could've gone. While he pondered this an idea formed in his head, since Foxy was not longer in the lounge Michael decided to look around and see what he could find regarding his missing coworker and he possible whereabouts. Whilst browsing through the room he found several magazines of various topics, mostly Bonnie's since they subjected around music. There was also a series of framed photographs and newspaper clippings that were written about the restaurant. One the images that caught Michael's attention was of a group of animals that were also a brown bear, a yellow chicken, two foxes colored red and white, and a violet rabbit, however all of them except the hen and one of the foxes were male. Michael read the frame's plaque which spelled out "The Fazbear Family of 1962" leading him to think those in the picture were former Fazbear Pizzeria employees. He could not help but find it strange how they all shared resemblance to Freda and the others but chose not dwell on the subject as he had other matters to focus on. Turning his attention elsewhere, Michael continued to rummage through the lounge and made a discovery once he peered into the room's refrigerator. Inside were a series of beer bottles that had yet to be opened. Michael immediately assumed they belonged to Foxy but recalled Freda's outburst when she saw the vixen drinking earlier. If she had such a strong stance against her coworker's drinking then why would she allow more drinks to be put into the fridge in the first place? Why not toss them out as an example? Despite his curiosity, Michael closed the refrigerator door and walked out of the lounge thinking he had done enough investigating for one day.

As he resumed patrolling through the restaurant he passed by Freda's office and heard his boss talking to someone. He waited to hear another voice but did not, so he assumed she was talking over the phone. "While I have you on, I'd like to tell you some good news. Someone recently applied here for the job of security guard and I-" Freda stopped, presumably being cut off by the person on the phone, before continuing. Her voice slightly raised. "I understand that you don't approve of my decision but I've checked his résumé and inquired why he wanted the job. He seemed very honest and-" Once again Freda paused, however when she responded this time her voice was loud with anger. "You can't keep using that as an excuse as to why we can't have a security guard. You've seen the local reports of kidnappings. We can't afford to take the risk of losing more customers." Finally, she snapped. "You haven't even met him whilst I have so don't compare him to that disgrace of an employee. If you want to inspect him yourself - Fine!"

A moment later Freda bursted out of her office, her face visibly trying to reel back from her recent explosion of anger. She breathed slowly, calming her nerves when she turned to see Michael. The recently hired security guard flinched when she turned to him, expecting her to fire him on the spot. But she didn't. Instead, she apologized. "I'm sorry you had to hear that, Mr. Schmit. I hope you understand my frustration when I was talking on the phone."

Michael was completely surprised by this turn of events but forgave Freda anyway. "It's no problem, Freda. I just hope you can forgive me for eavesdropping on your private conversation. I didn't mean to-"

Michael was interrupted as he felt his boss press her index finger against his lips in a gesture of silence before she spoke. "I'll forgive you this time, Mr. Schmit, as it is yet to be your first day on the job. However, I want you to refrain from invading my or anyone else's personal lives in the future. Is that clear?"

Her voice became increasingly stern the further she went on to which her asking sounded more of demanding and/or threatening - Or else. Michael quickly nodded in response as his boss retract her arm from his shoulder and became more relaxed. After making herself clear on the subject she turned and walked towards the employee lounge. Michael stopped her for a moment and asked if she knew where Foxy was. Freda indeed knew about her coworker's absence and explained she had gone home early claiming she had a pre-scheduled meeting to attend to. After expositing this information she resumed her path to the lounge with Michael choosing not to follow her, thinking it was best to stay clear of Freda for the rest of the day. So instead he returned to the kitchen where he decided to chat with Chica once more. When he entered the kitchen he saw the chicken still hard a work but now at a musical rhythm. Chica turned to see Michael and greeted him in an upbeat tone. After Michael's departure from the kitchen, she had gradually relaxed since Bonnie's teasing and was now comfortable with talking to him once more. Michael sat down on a nearby folding chair and said to her he'd like to pick up on where they had left off. Chica smiled and obliged him as she continued telling stories about the old days the group spent as a band. They performed mostly to advertise for the restaurant but would take on jobs performing their own songs at private birthdays, school dances, and just about anywhere that earned them a paycheck. It seemed everyone enjoyed hearing something from each of the band members wether it was Freda or Foxy's vocals, Bonnie's guitar solos, or Chica's drumming. Michael asked if she could demonstrate her drumming skills and Chica obliged him with gusto and began using the various kitchenware as her instruments as she played a wicked tune. Her skill was unquestionable as Michael was left speechless while applauding the chicken. Chica thanked him for the praise, blushing as did so, saying that she would occasionally play to pass the time as the food was being prepared. It kept her skills from getting stale. Michael had to admit the hen was very humble for someone so talented, it wasn't enough she was a cook but a drummer as well. After seeing Chica's musical demonstration, he looked at a nearby clock for a moment and discovered it was four o'clock. Recalling Freda's description of his working hours during the tour Michael decided to head home to get an early rest for his first official work day. He stood from his seat and collected his things as he set off to depart. Chica gave him one final farewell hug before seeing him off.

The bus ride home gave Michael plenty of time and silence to think about his new occupation and coworkers. While he was ecstatic about his new job a part of of him was more focused on how his fellow employees behaved. Freda and Foxy's arguing. The call circling about him being the security guard in comparison to a previous one. The framed picture in the lounge. This 'accident' that kept reappearing when discussing Freda's father and the restaurant's past. Michael kept wondering about all of this the entire time he rode the bus back to his apartment. Arriving at his stop he departed from the bus and walked down the street to the apartment complex, bumping into an all too familiar red character along the way. As he recoiled from the unexpected run in Michael turned to face the person in question his jaw dropped in disbelief. There, standing before him with a mean gaze aimed at him, was Foxy. She no longer had her pirate attire and did not look pleased to see him.

"What are you doing here? Did Freda send you to look for me?" She asked, sounding upset at the sight of her new guard. Michael answered her question explaining that Freda had not sent him to locate the vixen but instead was returning to his apartment. He asked Foxy the same question about why she was in this district of town. He was not prepared for her answer as the red fox scowled at him. "I live here too, klutz. I've been here for the past six months." Michael was speechless. He began attempts at forming sentences in order to question Foxy further but she grabbed his jaw and affectively silencing him. She spoke with a threatening voice. "Listen here Mikey I don't care whether you are the new security guard or live next door to me, my personal life is none of your concern and if you want get a peaceful sleep from now on you'll stay out of my business. Got it?" Michael could only nod vigorously in fear before the foxy released her grip on him. She turned her back towards him and proceeded onwards to her apartment, which was only a few rooms across from Michael's, as he simply stood in silence. Trying to understand what just happened. He knew Foxy's threat was not to be taken lightly, that was obvious, but her distain for him was perplexing. The others welcomed him with open arms and respect, all except the pirate actress. Michael shook his head and sighed. As much as he'd love to continue decrypting the reason behind all these mysterious events he had to rest up for his first official day on the job. He returned to his apartment, readied his uniform next to his bed for the morning, and proceeded to climb into his bed and fall asleep with the memories of today lingering in his mind.