Distended Reality

Story by Fyreworks on SoFurry

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Just a little squeaky fun, mixed with a mild dose of cyberpunk shenanigans, I guess? If nothing else, some post singularity concepts. ^.=.^ Enjoy it for what it is, puffy smut.

Distended Reality

Creaking and squeaking filled the mid-day air, as the local community of giants partook in one of their many daily activities. The shine of light on over-stretched hides could be seen reflecting for kilometres, as megamacro sized giants filled up ever bigger, pushed on by many puffs of air from powerful lungs. An absolutely massive and nearly spherical Stegosaurus was being blown up via mouth, tail valve, and even his gargantuan squeaky dong by three eager friends, all of whom were quite large and well rounded themselves.

The giant rubber skunk puffing into dinosaur phallus paused to take a deep breath and resume puffing, while stroking the massive pole of over-inflated meat all too happily. A massive and very stretched out golden eagle was puffing like a pro into the dinosaurs tail tip, beak squished up to form a seal around the nozzle located at the end. Finally a very bottom heavy and amazingly purple dragon was busy blowing into the dinosaurs snout, looking deep into his lust riddled eyes. The loud groans and taut hide of the mega dinosaur announced that he was getting quite full, as if looking at him was not indication enough.

Each of the massive giants was a full kilometre tall, but the dinosaur had been blown up several times that, and had easily reached 3 kilometres in diameter. Still, even insanely stretchy rubber hides could only take so much, and it seemed like the big fellow wasn't going to be able to hold much longer. All three of the living compressors kept on puffing all the same, knowing how much their friend loved a good blast. They drummed on his most sensitive skin with rubber claws, hearing the boinging noises echo through their little valley.

With a few final puffs from all three of the big'uns, the massive dinosaurs hide finally gave way with a loud crackling bang, exploding into squeaky confetti that splashed all over the place. There was additional splashing down south as well, as the pent up dinosaur finally had release before vanishing in a cloud of sticky latex fluids, and burst hide fragments. Being under the big fellow at the time, the Skunk was splashed head to shoulders in latex goo, and soon stood up laughing. The Eagle went flying as well as the Dragon, but both deployed their wings and managed to glide back down to the explosion site.

A slight crater had been left in the dirt from the force of the blast, and small rubbery scraps were still raining from the sky, like so much fallout after an ancient nuclear explosion. The grass was gone for hundreds of metres in every direction, and a few nearby trees had been flattened. No matter, they all knew the valley would recover before long, as would their friend. He'd wake up again before long, right as rain, and ready to do it all over again. That or partaking in blowing the rest of the group up to obscene sizes.

The three remaining giants looked at one another with faint blushes on their faces, still randy as can be, which was plainly obvious. The trio stood at attention and randomly rubbed at themselves, before shrugging and advancing on one another for more play time. Before long the big purple Dragon was blowing the Skunk's equipment up to truly cartoonish proportions, while the big Eagle kissed and puffed into the snout of his stripe-equipped friend. The puffing was returned with gusto, and soon the big Skunk released his own pent up load into the ruins of the grass, making a sticky pond to fill up the crater. The Eagle was next as all the blowing and teasing was entirely too much for him, and his own load joined the rest to over-flow the crater-lake, creating a sticky white river flowing down hill.

The duo flopped in the grass to cuddle their massive rubbery bodies together, still draining away and emitting many happy sounds in the bright sunlight. Chuckling at them both, the big purple dragon could only sit near the two, pondering what to do with the rest of his day. A little warbling chime broke his revery and caused him to blink, then grunt and stand up slowly.

"Sorry you two, duty calls. I'm sure I'll see you both later. Remember to clean all that goop off, or you'll get stuck together!"

The duo of cuddling giants smirked and waved at their Dragon companion as he walked off, and resumed fondling one another. No doubt they both had more to give to further round out the afternoon. The Dragon meanwhile wobbled and stomped his way home, across the valley to a truly massive cave sticking out of a mountain. It was a lovely place, and one he happily called home. Squeezing his huge thighs through the cave opening, he ducked into a giant shower of all things and began washing off all the goop, grass, and Stegosaurus confetti that had clung to his frame. A little fondling of his own loins finished the job that had been building up earlier, and he went off with enough force to send little cracks spider-webbing up the glass sides of the megamacro sized shower stall.

The warbling chime drifted through the air once more, causing him to huff out gouts of purple gas as he dried himself off with a massive fluffy towel.

"I'm coming, I'm coming. Jeez, give a guy a break already..."

Squeaking and stomping his way out of the well appointed washroom, he passed through his living room and into the bedroom, sprawling out on a truly massive bed. It could hold three dragons his size, easy, or a very cuddly group of happy inflatables, as it had many times in the past. Getting comfortable with a pillow behind his horned head, the huge purple beast relaxed as he heard the chime one last time, and drifted off to sleep.

There was work to be done, and sometimes things couldn't wait...

* * *

A featureless humanoid robot stepped out of a recharging bay, and paused only to run a brief self diagnostic. The body was functional, and in no need of repairs. A terminal sprang to life before the ovoid dome which passed for a head, firmly seated on rounded and utilitarian neck joints. The bright green light of the terminal cast harsh shadows around a yawning bay filled with other recharging and service bays, equally filled with featureless robot bodies.

The display gave a list of tasks to be done, in order if possible, followed by a helpful estimated time each one would take. There was really no rush, but some people were in more of a hurry than others. This bot logged the list in its own memory banks with calm detachment, and began walking down the bay.

Other terminals were checked, a few system checks were approved, and a row of robotic bodies were inspected for degradation. Two were sent off to repairs, three more were sent off for full overhauls and upgrades. One was deemed beyond repair, and sent for recycling. Soon it would become a new shell, or perhaps some other required machine.

That done, the robotic creature ambled along deeper into the bay, and soon climbed up a ladder into the cockpit of a sleek shuttle. The craft was purpose built for space, all engines and little else. It needed no life support systems, as the electronic body within had no need to breathe. Upon insertion into the craft, the individual became the craft, the robotic body now merely cargo.

Reaction thrusters were fired, guidance lights were switched on, and the ship gently lifted off the floor of the bay, and out into space. Large doors simply opened up into the void, with no pause for the cycle of airlock systems. There were no organics aboard this section, as such there was no need for atmosphere. With building speed, the ship fired off into the blackness of space, to begin another series of tasks.

An orbital pass of the ship was plotted in mere moments, and the little shuttle began to zip around the much larger craft in a lazy spiral. Energy fields did a good job at keeping most unwanted particulates away from the ship, but sometimes larger objects put a few dents in the hull. The little craft landed on the outer hull of the much bigger ship to make a few welds, or replace the odd panel from time to time. Basic work, to be sure. After another pass of the giant barge of a ship, all immediate tasks portions were marked as complete.

With that, the little craft turned its nose away from the mothership, and skirted off into the blackness of space. Some small asteroids had drifted close, and it was always a good idea to see what was available out in space. Scanning the drifting boulders, they were marked for collection and processing. Most were just bare rock, but they all contained precious resources. With the assistance of grapple guns and a few automated tugs that came out to join the party, the shuttle made short work of dragging the asteroids back to the mothership.

The stones were fed into another big bay, full of other similar sized rocks. As needed, they would be broken down in to replacement metal, precious gasses, fluids, and in a pinch, reaction mass for the great engine systems. It took mere moments to offload the cargo of rocks, and return back to the landing bay full of other shuttles. After shutdown sequences, the shuttle disgorged its last bit of cargo, which once more became aware of itself and walked away from the craft. Looking up at the little ship, the mobile robotic frame nodded to itself with some limited satisfaction at a job completed, and went back to the central consoles.

Once more harsh green light lit up the bay, as the computer systems announced that there were no further tasks that needed completion. A recharging bay opened up, and the bot placed itself back within. It snapped rigidly upright as it was connected back to the master systems, and prepared for sleep mode. Its view around the bay faded out and finally snapped off entirely, plunging its consciousness into darkness once again.

* * *

Light. That was always the first sensation that seemed to return. Followed by a cascade of smells, sounds, touch, and even taste. The big purple balloon Dragon once more became aware of himself, and gasped loudly as he sat upright on his ample bed. Pausing to hug himself and briefly shake, he looked up at a colourful display presented on a wall monitor, in the form of a giant shining rainbow. It was always a nice thing to wake back up to, after the cold grey metallic otherness that was common while working.

Grunting, and feeling more like himself again, he wandered back outside to stand in the grass, and bask in the warm glow of the sun. Looking out over the huge mountain-rimmed valley of their home, he felt that it was a small wonder that so many took to this place as a preferred reality than that other one that housed them all... Some had completely forgotten about the world outside, and it was a subject of debate as to what to do with them when the time came to interact with it more.

Scratching his giant puffy purple butt, the monster of a Dragon figured he'd likely leave such debates to other minds, as he usually had his hands full as it was.

There was fun to have, food to eat, stuff to do in the distant city built around the ring-like valley, and smaller creatures to interact with from time to time. Sure this usually meant adjusting his own size, but that was easy enough to accomplish. He had the mental capacities to process the change, and that's all this world of theirs required.

Movement to one side caught his attention, and he smiled as he saw his giant Stegosaurus friend bounding up to say hello, once more healthy and whole. He'd probably woken up in his house again while the big purple Dragon was at work. Waving to his saurian companion, he soon found himself taken off his feet by a megamacro sized pounce, and rolled around in the grass exchanging glee filled gropes and hugs. Various puffing kisses were swapped as well, and the duo expanded larger in girth and height with happy abandon.

It was always nice to engage in such activities, at least in their minds. He'd never asked if his companions had jobs like he did, but it was likely. Those with the heightened awareness of self needed to self manifest as giant monsters usually fared pretty well at making the change between realities and even bodies, thus were useful for various roles. Others could handle being dumped back and forth from time to time, but sometimes required re-adjustment. Going between two entirely different lives could be traumatic, to say the least.

Cuddling with his puffy friend, he wondered to himself once more what would be done with them all when the mothership arrived at its final destination. They were to build a colony for themselves, and populate it with cloned organic bodies grown on site. No doubt they would have some freedom as to what those bodies looked like, and how they functioned, especially after studying the local conditions of whatever planet they arrived at. For all the big Dragon knew, there already were organic forms aboard, helping to guide the ship on the last leg of its journey.

Somehow, he felt, many would prefer living inside this world they'd created for themselves. Many likely had little to no memories left of their time as anything but beings within the system, if they even registered themselves as such anymore. The last time he'd been to the city, many of the folks were walking around as if they were just going to normal jobs, having normal lives, and that nothing at all was out of the ordinary. Never mind the parade balloon having coffee with a building sized dinosaur and chatting about science.

Only time would tell what would happen when they finally arrived, and began landing the basics of their colony. The big fellow knew that he'd likely be spending more of his time at work, and he hoped he'd at least have a new body capable of some feeling and emotion. Being deprived of so much sensation while in a utility shell was stifling, to say the least. At least he'd have his preferred body and reality to come back to, as this system was first designed for recreation.

For now, he focused on cuddling with his giant squeaky playmate. It was likely his turn to get blown up even bigger, possibly even to his utterly massive limits, whatever they were. It might be fun to find out some day!

-Tombfyre 2014