No Shift- Intro

Story by alverick on SoFurry

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#1 of Book of Lies

Tell me. Does one plus one equal two? And just so there isn't any tricks, misconceptions, or riddles, does 1+1=2?

The correct answer is "Yes". But the incorrect answer, is the same.

Rather, 1+1=2 is correct, in all respects, but only from a human's perspective.

Let me ask yet another question. Does 1=1? The answer, yet again, is "Yes". While the incorrect answer is the same.

We as humans have only yet to delve into the world and all of it's amazingness, so therefore, we've had to simplify the world into terms we can understand, like how one may turn the word "flabbergasted" into "shocked" or "Impetus" into "a start".

There's nothing wrong with it. But at the same time, there's everything wrong with it.

We change the word, and therefore alter it's meaning, ever so slightly. And we then lose the greatness of words like "flabbergasted" and "Impetus". We lose the world in the simplicity of 1+1=2.

So then let me ask you this question. When you read a story, is it a story?

The average joe may have said "Yes, what are you talking about, you crazy ambiguous voice." But you most likely waited for a moment, and kept reading on. Was it because you're no average joe? Very much likely, as perfect normality is just as rare as abnormality.

But then this brings up the question of "What is the story I read, if it is not a story?". And that's where the amazingness, the whimsy, and the joy of it lies. The story is not a story, but another "World".

Sewn together with the thread of fate, painted upon by the brush of imagination, weaved in the never ending stream of time. It cannot be limited to human-based words, because there can be no words that can even come close to the majesty of what we believe to be a "world". No, we may only try to comprehend it in our own limited senses, in our own limited time, in our own limited realities.

So move beyond them.

Instead of "reading words", "feel emotions". Not the emotions of the author who wrote the story and characters based on himself, but the emotions of the "people who live in the world".

Instead of "imagining the scene", "recall their lives". The lives and events of every character who must fight to survive.

Because every writer knows, at their very core, that a character is not something created. No, we cannot simplify it down to such terms. They are their own being that we found inside our very souls. They are a part of us, until they simply take a hold of their own lives and drag you with them.

So join me. Not as "readers of a story" but as "observers of a world", and watch the reality I found unflourish. If you've read anything else I've done, you know very well of this story.

"Vernola" is my second home. And I invite you to watch how it was created. "Dennis" is my first discovery, so watch and see how he lives his life. Because all of my "stories" are interconnected. Because it is the same in "my world".

So join me. Dream with me. Love with me. Hate with me.

Live life in a world that has lived it's life, yet has only just been born.

This is

Book of Lies