The Dreams, The Dragons

Story by Alciero on SoFurry

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#2 of =-Dragon's Dreams-=

Authors Warning:

This story is based off some of my true experiances in life. If you do not wish to read it, then dont I do not mind. You may not find hot enduring passion in this story like the others I have written for I did not write it in that state of mind. This story contains light passion if at all and is M/F based. Thank you for reading if you do, if not that is alright.

In the secluded parts deep withing the Nebraska'n Panhandle, just outside a non-stoplight town lived a young boy who's dreams were first filled with uncertainy, unable to understand them until he grew old. So he did, memories he shared with friends, times at the movies until atlast graduation came and gone. Left at home he was for a long time, nearly a year passing before his time came to start his own future in the United States Navy. Though secretly he wished for something else. At the start of his Fifth Grade year he was introduced to DragonHeart a movie about a great western dragon and the quest with a knight he had befriended. The movie touched and moved him to a point where he shared a deep passion and belief in these mystical creatures but soon forgot about it as his young mind became busied with other things. Later on a friend asked him to go to see the premier showing of Reign of Fire and so he went. Mystified by the film but yet angered, insulted for the film portayed dragons to be evil but in his heart he know it was not so. Tough moments came to him in his sophomore year in highschool, during these times he meditated in the silent still of the night, yearning and wishing to grow wings and scales, to finally take to the final frontiers of the sky above in absolute freedom. Yet no dreams came, no prayers answered and he was left in a very sad state of being. It wasnt until his eleventh grade year where he was sleeping in after his mom yelled at him through the upstairs vent to the basement for him to get up that he snoozed on, a dream came to him atlast. He saw himself running down the gravel drive of his home and leaping to the air, soaring over the polesheds and onwards to the southern horizon. The yells of his mom somehow got mangled into his dream and he awoke once more.

Still he yearned for more, day dreamed of dragons everyday in class, being called to answer a question he didnt know due to not paying attention several times. Sneers followed by his classmates as he saddend him so for he knew that they would never understand his beliefs, his passions or feelings. They were cold, just like all the rest of the people he knew. Even those he knew really well he could not share the secrets of dragons with. Soon his senior year came and he met a freshmen on the school cross country team and made fast friends with him. What interested him was this kid shared same respects in aspects of religon and beliefs even though there religons were different. They talked about the Bible alot and of Christ, the Lord and Savior. Then once a trust was gained with him and told him of his dragon beliefs. Still even with a friend to share the telling of his dreams to no calm nor ease came to the pain. Dreams of seeing himself transform tormented him because it was afterall just a dream, had it been real well...that would have been a different story. One night as he kept the picture of a red dragoness close to him, one that he always printed off and kept close to him since his tenth grade year he fell into a dream. This though was unlike all the others, in this one he felt the weight of an actual dragon against him, and indeed it was a dragoness. This one was very unique compared to the insulting pictures he had found on the this one was completely untouched by the sickening minds of men in twisted drawings. He felt himself softly stroking the light green scales of her neck, amazed at how cool they were and how they felt across his skin. Then it happened, a moment of passion as he felt the dragoness press her muzzle against his lips, feeling there tongues touch and entwine in a moment of sincere love but then his mind became distracted and he awoken in the night stunned and then heartbroken. Why did he have these dreams, dreams of flight and this rare dream of passion. A moment of silence came to him in the nights, falling away in the beliefs and love he held for dragons but never truely breaking away from them.

Another dream came to him and then weeks later another, each one seeing himself taking flight in his dragon form and always having to fly past powerlines....powerlines, he concluded that these are objects, barriers in his dreams and perhaps beliefs. He sees himself flying past there gridlock prison, flying far away from them and the buildings of men, but still he would awake everday, go to work and go home and play a few games of Counter Strike Source before going to bed. His time was drawing close, about two months now before he would leave for the military as he called out a few days after Thankgiving had past. Praying and wishing with all his heart for the dreams to come true, to reveal in the night his dragon form and to fly ever onwards past the horizons where the sun sets at the end of the day. His friend spoke to him once before that there was a chance that he would be a dragon when death cometh him in this world. True this maybe for he dreamed it once, going to heaven and becoming what he longed for. Still, he desired to fly the skies of this earth, this home, this world that God had made. The rush of the wind across his body, in his wings, he longed to be free and to seek out other dragons and eventually settle down with a dragoness that he saw in his dreams and have a family with them, to live his life out with his family, to see them grow up and fly on to start families of there own, only in the end returning to the form he was born in to pay full respects to God for atleast allowing him that life.

Through the dreams, the visions, the desires, the wishes, the wants.....he has reached a state of mind that what God's will is his will and that God does have a plan for him, wether it be the serve his country or to live a normal human life...but what if? If one night when he came home from work, one morning when he awoken that he was no longer what he was the day before, but finally what he always wished to be.....a dragon.

Authors Note:

This story is based off some of my true experiances in life. If you do not wish to read it, then dont I do not mind. If you say is blesphemy then that is your belief and not of my own and no one has rights to infringe upon that for it is the greatest gift that God can give us...Free Will. If prayers go unanswered, wishes go uncompleted, goals shattered. Just remember that it is not over yet, that theres always the option to continue trying. Through determination, patience and a good thought of mind can one seek wonders beyond others they know.

Alciero El Dragon