The Fire of Courage 03: Dreams and Discoveries

Story by Find12 on SoFurry

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#3 of [2006] The Fire of Courage

This is the last story I wrote and published to the Digiartists' Domain. It's also the one I love the most. I have no idea where I was going with it (my little notes at the beginning over on DaD suggested some sort of tragedy would ensue) but I love the way the story starts and the direction it begins to take.

I remember that it was inspired by a song, DJ Encore's I See Right Through to You, which I had heard from some fan-made Digimon video on YouTube. I find that when music inspires me, I tend to write really well. I just need to plan better so I don't leave the series hanging, like I did here. If I were to restart any of my old Digimon series, this would be the one I would do.

I don't know what it was with me and rape stories back then, but this series has it. Of course the chapters that have it will be marked accordingly.


This is the best of my old stories, but it still does not compare to what I do now. Please don't let it discourage you from checking out my current stuff, and also my art commissions!

Dreams and Discoveries... by 12 as Da WOLFE Originally published July 15, 2006

Gabumon walked through a large area. There was no sign of civilization anywhere near him, and the clean air complimented the lush, green grass and hills that dotted the landscape. It was the most beautiful place Gabumon had ever been to.

As he walked, he could hear someone calling his name. The sound drew him to the west. A cool breeze ruffled his fur as he ran that way, desperate to find whoever was calling him, though he didn't know why.

At the top of a hill stood a Digimon that was looking the other way. It was Flamedramon. He seemed calm and cool, and looked perfect without the injured leg and wounds and bruises. He turned his head toward Gabumon, grinning slightly. Gabumon grinned back and ran up to join him.

"You know, Gabumon," said Flamedramon. "This is the most beautiful place I've ever been to."

"Yeah, me too," replied Gabumon happily. They could see for miles just from the top of that short hill.

"And you know what else, Gabumon?"

Gabumon looked curiously up at him. "What?"

"I'm glad I get to be here with you."

Gabumon could only blush as Flamedramon suddenly picked him up, hugging him close and stroking his soft fur. This was how he'd pictured Flamedramon, strong and cool--not the wrangled, whimpering mess that he had been a while ago. Now, he was perfect. Flamedramon gave his signature Veemon-type grin and leaned in slowly. Gabumon knew what was going to happen. Flamedramon was going to kiss him!

B-but... Gabumon thought, panic rising. I'm not ready! U-um... it's my first kiss? I can only kiss those I love? S-someone... help!

Gabumon sat bolt upright in bed. "Not again," he said mournfully. He looked down, noticing his hard cock poking out. This was how it always was. He'd have a dream about Flamedramon in some form or another, and he'd feel so happy until the kiss. That was always where his feelings became confused, and he'd wake up with a very hard cock. He sighed and leaned back against the wall, spreading his legs wide and grasping his round, yellow balls tightly. Letting out a low moan, he began massaging them, thoughts of Veemon's forms running through his head. Cute Veemon, rough and cool Raidramon, smooth and hot Flamedramon, muscular champion ExVeemon--all sent a pleasurable feeling through him as his cock throbbed. Gabumon began to stroke it, using slow, steady strokes while firmly squeezing his hard shaft. His left hand moved over his smooth chest, making his nipples stiff before moving down and rubbing over the sign on his belly. Afterward, it slowly moved its way down past Gabumon's monhood, rubbing at the base of his tail and circling around his entrance as his other hand moved faster over his rod.

"Ohh... Flamedramon," moaned Gabumon. He wished Flamedramon were there to hold him as the pleasure became more intense. Slowly, he pushed one of his fingers into his tail hole, bucking his lower body against his own hands as clear precum began to leak from the tip of his cock.

Meanwhile, Flamedramon was having a dream. It was a strange one. It didn't make sense; it wasn't complete. Many parts were missing, as if it were film that had been cut in places.

In the dream, he could see himself laying on Greymon's bed--the very bed he was on at the present time. The next thing he knew, he was falling from a high place. He landed hard, and his leg throbbed dully. After that, he saw Greymon's kind smile as the dinosaur Digimon raised a hand.

Flamedramon's eyes opened quickly. He wasn't panting or in a cold sweat, but his breathing had become heavier. Greymon dozed serenely next to him, apparently unaware even of the fact that Flamedramon was awake. Flamedramon smiled. Greymon was so nice, and so great. Flamedramon was just captivated by him.

"You rest there," said Flamedramon gently. "I need to find something out."

Carefully, trying not to disturb Greymon, Flamedramon stood up gingerly and began walking. His leg still hurt, but not as much. With the splint on, he could almost walk normally, but that wasn't his focus. He just began walking. He didn't know if he was following a scent or a trail, going somewhere special, or just walking aimlessly. His mind was on that dream. What did it mean? Why had he fallen? Where from, and where to? Greymon had such a great smile. But why was he smiling, and why had he raised his hand?

Suddenly, Flamedramon stopped. His head was swimming in so many thoughts he thought it would drown. He sat down at the base of a pine tree, leaning against its sturdy trunk as he tried to piece together the puzzle which was incomplete in his mind.

A strange scent reached his nostrils as he sat there. It took him a minute to realize that he was smelling his own scent, and a strong scent of Greymon. This pulled his mind out of the trance it was in, and he finally noticed the crimson stains on the grass.

"He said I was raped," said Flamedramon. "It must've been here, but I only smell Greymon and myself. That's strange--I wonder what kind of Digimon doesn't have a scent."

Footsteps interrupted his thoughts. At first, he was afraid that it was the big, unknown Digimon that had hurt him, but as he looked around he could see that an ExVeemon had just landed and was walking his way. Flamedramon stayed still. He wasn't exactly sure who this Digimon was, but he felt strange as he watched the larger dragon walk.

The ExVeemon gave Flamedramon a polite grin and was about to walk on, but suddenly noticed the blood stains on the ground and the splint that Flamedramon was wearing. Flamedramon suddenly realized that since his scent was still around and so was Greymon's, ExVeemon would realize what had happened. A shameful blush tinted his face.

"Um... are you okay?" asked ExVeemon. "I... can sort of tell that... something bad happened to you here."

"Yeah," replied Flamedramon. "I'll be fine."

"You sure? I mean... I could fix your leg very quickly."

"Really?" Flamedramon's curiosity was aroused. "But it's not broken."

"Well, I still can! You probably pulled something."

"Well... okay," said Flamedramon, sticking out his leg. "Go for it."

ExVeemon knelt down in front of Flamedramon. Gently, he removed the splint and lifted the injured leg up just a few inches. Mystified, Flamedramon watched as ExVeemon gently wrapped his hands around it and a light blue glow appeared. A warm, tingly sensation flowed through Flamedramon's leg and then spread around his body. A few minutes of that and Flamedramon nearly fell asleep. He was just dozing off when ExVeemon stopped.

"Done!" he announced, seeming quite proud of himself.

Slowly, Flamedramon flexed his leg, moving it around. There was no pain.

"How'd you do that?" Flamedramon asked. ExVeemon sat next to him.

"Well, since nothing was broken, it was probably a misplaced joint. Digimon heal fast, but the energy I sent into your leg helped you heal much, much faster."

Flamedramon grinned. "You're a genius." He wasn't sure why he did it, but Flamedramon leaned against ExVeemon's side. Maybe he was just tired. ExVeemon didn't seem to mind, however. In fact, he actually seemed pleased.

"Hah, I wish," he said.

"Flamedramon!" a faraway voice called. Flamedramon recognized it as Greymon's voice. ExVeemon's ear turned in the direction of the sound. "A Greymon?"

"Y-yeah!" Flamedramon said. "He's... well... he's my boyfriend...."

"Oh, really? Hmm.... Can I meet him?"


"I... have my reasons!" ExVeemon's mind raced. A Greymon hurt this guy.... There's no way it could be the same one....

Flamedramon stood up. Now that his leg was better, he felt happy. His strange dream was completely blown from his mind. "Let's go then!"

Excited, Flamedramon ran ahead as ExVeemon ran to keep up. When he got close enough, he took a flying leap onto Greymon's back, wrapping his arms around him.

Greymon laughed. "Flamedramon, where'd you come from?"

Flamedramon grinned. "A walk. Look! This guy healed my leg."

Greymon looked ExVeemon over. "Oh, well that was nice of you! Thanks!"

"You're welcome," ExVeemon said. He wasn't too happy. The scent of this Greymon was the same scent that was where Flamedramon had been hurt. Why was Flamedramon calling him his boyfriend? Did he realize who this guy was?

"Flamedramon," he said. "Can I talk to you for a second?" Flamedramon nodded and kissed Greymon's neck once, then jumped off and walked with ExVeemon until they were a good distance from Greymon.

"Flamedramon," said ExVeemon. "Look at me, please."

Confused, Flamedramon did as he was asked. ExVeemon looked at him, but not at his face. He was staring straight into Flamedramon's eyes. They looked perfectly happy to him on the outside, but something wasn't right. Deep beyond the happiness in those bright auburn eyes was emptiness. Something was missing in Flamedramon, and it was something important. It was like looking through the window of a big building and seeing nothing inside. This Greymon had something of Flamedramon's. It was something that would have completed him, and filled the empty space. ExVeemon had to find it.

"Flamedramon," ExVeemon said, adding a slight grin to take away the seriousness and obvious discomfort that Flamedramon was feeling from having him stare. "Are you sure you're happy with him?"

"Of course!" said Flamedramon. "He's so wonderful...."

"How long have you been... together?"

"I'd say about six hours.... Why?"

"Do you know what he did to you?"

Flamedramon grinned and nodded. "He saved my life. A big Digimon raped me and he got rid of it."

This was not the answer ExVeemon was looking for. "Are you sure that's what happened?"

"Of course I am. What's with these questions, ExVeemon? Is something wrong?"

It's best not to tell him right now, thought ExVeemon. I'll stay near him and see how things go for awhile. He gave Flamedramon a friendly thump on the back. "Nah, I just wanted to make sure you were happy."

Flamedramon nodded, beginning the walk back to Greymon. "I'm very happy."

"That's good. Look, if anything ever happens again, or if you need me for something or just want to talk, just shout 'Ex.' That's what... my boyfriend used to call me... before he left."

"Oh... I'm sorry, Ex," Flamedramon said.

"Yeah... don't worry about it though. Listen, I want you to holler for now because I'm staying in this area but I'm not sure where. So just yell my name and I'll come!"

"Got it! Thanks!"

With that, ExVeemon flew off to find a place nearby to stay. There was no way he was leaving Flamedramon alone until he was sure that the fire-type wouldn't get hurt again. Greymon had already gone inside, so Flamedramon went in as well and found him in his bedroom. Greymon smiled at him, this time with a hint of danger somewhere in the smile. Flamedramon grinned at him. "What's that dangerous smile for?"

"Come here and I'll show you," said Greymon. Flamedramon smiled and sat next to him. That wasn't enough for Greymon. He grabbed Flamedramon by the waist and held him close, his hot breath running over the dragon's neck, sending pleasurable shivers down Flamedramon's spine. Gently, he trailed a tooth along Flamedramon's shoulder blade before allowing his tongue to trace the muscle in Flamedramon's neck. Flamedramon moaned softly and changed positions, now sitting in Greymon's lap, tail draped over his shoulder. Greymon wrapped his arms around Flamedramon, nibbling gently on the tip of his ear.

"Flamedramon," he said, his voice smooth and low, "how much do you love me?" Flamedramon wanted to melt right there.

"Ohh... so much.... More than anything...."

"Really?" Greymon continued by leaving a trail of kisses along Flamedramon's neck. "Because you seemed to like that ExVeemon."

"Huh? He was nice to me, and helped my leg. He's a good friend, that's all."

Greymon grinned. "Good, because you could never do this with him...." Gently, Greymon pushed his finger into Flamedramon's hidden pouch, making him gasp. His cock began to swell and rise to meet Greymon's finger.

"Mmm," moaned Flamedramon. "You're right." The dexterous hand rubbed gently over the exposed tip of Flamedramon's quickly-hardening cock, welcoming its warmth and the drop of precum that oozed from it as it reached full hardness. A low, pleased growl rose from his chest as Greymon toyed with him, licking his upper body while fondling his lower. Greymon suddenly moved and pushed Flamedramon onto the bed, leaning over him. He kissed Flamedramon briefly before allowing his tongue to explore its new territory. It traveled slowly down Flamedramon's neck, over his chest, down to his belly and back up again. Flamedramon could have lay there all day, enjoying the sensations that came with Greymon's actions. Greymon's hands roamed over his groin, stimulating his throbbing cock any way possible. Flamedramon felt so good....

Greymon stopped licking Flamedramon and moved over to his ear, his hands still continuing their activities, causing Flamedramon to slowly gyrate his hips into them. He began to speak into Flamedramon's ear, using the same low, soothing voice.

"You like that more than that ExVeemon, right?"

Flamedramon almost went into meltdown mode. A light blush painted his face as he nodded slowly. "Y-yeah... ungh...." His hips moved faster, as did Greymon's hands.

"Good, because you're gonna get lots of it as long as we're together."

The combination of Greymon's hands and sultry voice was pushing Flamedramon awfully close to "the edge." Already, Greymon's hands had a good layer of clear precum coating them.

Greymon knew that Flamedramon was close, and figured it was time for the big finish of part one. He grabbed Flamedramon's cock with one hand and his balls with the other and squeezed. His voice almost became smoother as he half-whispered in Flamedramon's ear:

"Of course, I'm gonna have to punish you for thinking of him like that in the first place."

Flamedramon whimpered and shut his eyes tightly. His hips moved more slowly as quiet, breathy moans came from his mouth. It was awhile before he was able to lie still, panting.

"Long, hard, punishment." Greymon grinned slyly at him and held up his hands. They were literally covered in pure, white dragon cum that stretched in strands between his fingers. He moved them in front of Flamedramon's face.

"Lick," instructed Greymon. The young dragon stuck out his tongue and began lapping up his own cum, licking it from Greymon's hands until they were both clean.

Greymon didn't even give Flamedramon a chance to breathe. He grabbed Flamedramon's shoulders and turned him roughly onto his stomach. Flamedramon let out a gasp.

"N-no, Greymon, that still hurts! I forgot to tell ExVeemon about that!"

Greymon's dangerous smile returned and, just barely listening to Flamedramon's words, began kneading the cheeks of Flamedramon's rump, trying to arouse and relax him just a bit before he was punished. It worked well. Flamedramon's cock began to harden once again, and he began to think that Greymon was just playing.

However, after just a few minutes, Greymon held himself over Flamedramon and positioned his cock at his tail hole.

"Hold your breath," he said.

"Hmm? For what?" Flamedramon asked. He got a terrible answer as he suddenly felt a huge pain ramming its way full-force into his already sore and used rear tunnel. He started to cry out, but Greymon's hand covered his mouth and part of his nose.

"Greymon, what're you doing to me?!" he tried to yell. Greymon could neither understand nor hear what he was saying. As far as he was concerned, Flamedramon was still just as tight as he had been last night. He smirked as he realized that Flamedramon wouldn't remember that anyway. He rammed ruthlessly into Flamedramon's passage despite the dragon's muffled cries, his cock swelling and twitching within him.

Flamedramon couldn't recall ever feeling so much pain! It was like a knife was sawing him in half! There wasn't even some kind of lubricant to ease the pain! However, having his mouth and part of his nose covered, and having Greymon's thick rod inside him was strangely arousing to him....

I must be crazy! Flamedramon thought desperately. Please, Greymon, stop! He struggled and willed to make Greymon hear him, but there was no such luck. Now Greymon had Flamedramon's hard prick in his hand and was jerking it hard to match the rhythm. Precum squirted into Flamedramon, causing him to jump and squirm, but also easing the worst of the pain. He stopped struggling and just shut his eyes tightly, and even though he was hurting, he could feel a big orgasm building up. All it took was the feeling of Greymon's final hard thrust, his hand pulling Flamedramon's head back, and a wave of creamy warmth flooding his insides for Flamedramon to give a shuddering moan and release his own load onto the bed beneath them. It had hurt, but right then, at that moment, nothing could have felt better. Greymon moved his hand away from Flamedramon's face and gently pulled out of him. The blue Digimon dare not move, knowing that as soon as he did he would feel pain under his tail again. He gasped at the feeling of cold ointment and Greymon's finger inside his hole, and slowly rolled onto his back.

"Th-thanks," he murmured. "After awhile... th-that felt good...."

Greymon smiled a kinder smile this time, and pressed another finger into Flamedramon's tail hole.

"Remember, I know what's best for you! You're mine now!"

"And you're mine.... I love you, Greymon."

Greymon pulled his fingers out and hugged Flamedramon close. "I love you too."

I don't know what, thought Flamedramon, but something tells me that I should talk to Ex about this.

To Be Continued...