Lost in the Woods 06: ...Deserves Another

Story by Find12 on SoFurry

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#6 of [2004] Lost in the Woods

This is a story that I wrote long, long, long ago. It was the first furry story I ever wrote. If you think it sucks, that's why. Please don't let it discourage you from reading my newer work. I have improved a lot over the years.

When I wrote this, I was the administrator of the Digiartists' Domain, I had nothing like a "fursona," and I went by the handle "Da WOLFE." All of my work from back then is still there, just chillin'. I had quite the crush on certain Digimon (Flamedramon and Veemon in particular). I apparently had an odd taste for rape stories. Some chapters of this series have that in them. They will be properly marked. Glad I outgrew that one.


The DaD, Digimon, and these stories were my very first foray into the furry fandom. As such, there is a lot of nostalgia for me here. I started two other Digimon series, but this is actually the only series to date that I have completely finished. Even so, I remember running out of steam and having to force myself to write the ending.

In other words, as the author, I know that this isn't anywhere close to being my best work, but it's still pretty special to me. I hope you enjoy it.

I'll post all of my old work to this account, as well as my Weasyl and my FurAffinity, so that there can be a proper archive of all my furry-related writing.

...Deserves Another by 12 as Da WOLFE Originally published March 13, 2004=

Flamedramon spent the next couple of days in that room in the company of his two friends, living off of a diet of honey, fruit and water. His throat was better now, and he could talk clearly, but it hurt so much to move his legs. Wargreymon would give him aloe twice a day, which Flamedramon would apply to his wounds, and Guilmon kept refilling his water jug. Flamedramon would get up only to use the bathroom, and his friends would always insist on helping him to the door. The two of them never left his side unless they had to. During the day, they played games with him, such as "I Spy," and other games similar to that. Flamedramon should have been carefree. But he wasn't.

Flamedramon had realized that it was only a matter of time before Blackwargreymon figured out his whereabouts, as he had seen Flamedramon run to this very cabin. He knew that they all were still in danger. But when he had voiced this to his friends, they had just looked at each other and said not to worry about it. But he still did, though he tried to heed to his friends' advice and forget about it.

Guilmon and Wargreymon were constantly whispering to each other. Every now and then one of them would laugh and say, "Oh, yeah! That'll take care of him!" or something similar, awarding them curious looks from Flamedramon, at which point their hushed conversation would cease.

Things went well over the next few days. Flamedramon improved steadily. He could walk again without feeling as much pain as before, and he slept well during the day, and always enjoyed the company of his friends, until one night.

Flamedramon had awakened one evening and looked towards the two chairs where Guilmon and Wargreymon usually were, only to find them gone. Flamedramon shrugged it off at first, but worry overtook him as an hour passed. Flamedramon, wincing, got up and walked through the house, looking for them, his fears rising again. He remembered that Wargreymon had been absent the second time he had been raped. But a slight relief came as he walked back into his room and found a note and some fresh fruit and water. The note read:

Dear Flamedramon,

Guilmon and I have gone out to take care of a little problem. Don't worry about us, we're okay. You should try to sleep some more, it'll probably be late when you read this. We'll be back as soon as we can. When you're all better, you Guilmon and I will have some fun! I love ya, buddy!

_ _


Flamedramon read the letter several times more. He chuckled and wondered what his friends were doing out there as he climbed back into bed.

Meanwhile, Flamedramon's friends were out in the forest, carrying some supplies and hunting for a certain fiend. Guilmon had digivolved into Growlmon quite a while ago,

"I don't know how he can be so hard to find, Wargreymon, if he's as big as you say he is," said Growlmon.

"Oh, don't worry, Growlmon," replied Wargreymon. "He's around here. We'll find him. In fact, I think I hear him now."

They soon turned a corner and found the old campsite. Right then, they heard rustling in the bushes, and a tall, dark figure came out of the trees.

Wargreymon smirked. "Well, well, well. What have we here?"

Hearing his counterpart, Blackwargreymon turned and yelled, "TERRA DESTROYER!" Wargreymon jumped high and easily dodged the attack as Growlmon yelled, "PYRO BLAST!" His attack just missed. Wargreymon landed gracefully behind Growlmon.

"You've got a lot of nerve returning to this place, Blackwargreymon," said Growlmon, with a sinister smile on his face.

"Who are you?" Blackwargreymon asked Growlmon. Wargreymon suddenly remembered something that Flamedramon had told him had been said by Blackwargreymon the first time he had raped Flamedramon.

"It's pretty simple," said Wargreymon. "You'll know soon enough." Blackwargreymon's eyes widened as he recognized the words, and he began hurling his Terra Destroyer attacks in every direction. Wargreymon and Growlmon deflected them with attacks of their own, much to Blackwargreymon's dismay. The large, black Digimon began to flee, only to be brought down again by another one of Growlmon's Pyro Blast attacks.

"It is useless," stated Growlmon simply, stripping Blackwargreymon's armor and loincloth off. Growlmon's prick poked out of its sheath, as did Wargreymon's. Wargreymon was amazed at Growlmon's cock. As Guilmon, it had only been a healthy eight inches. But now, as Growlmon, it stood a foot long at full hardness. Wargreymon was incredibly turned on by the sight, and Growlmon caught him staring. He gave Wargreymon a stern look.

"Not now, Wargreymon," he said. "Right now, we have business to take care of."

"Right." Wargreymon advanced upon the trembling Blackwargreymon, and bound his arms and legs with strong vines just as he had done to Flamedramon nights ago. Wargreymon tied them as tight as he possibly could, to the point where they were cutting Blackwargreymon's wrists and ankles, and then stepped in front of Blackwargreymon's face, cock fully hard. Wargreymon shoved his ten-inch prick deep into Blackwargreymon's throat.

"Suck now, and if you bite, you will pay."

Blackwargreymon began to suck Wargreymon's dick as tears streamed down his face.

"Crying, are we?" said Growlmon threateningly. "Well, I'll give you something to really cry about." Growlmon grabbed a horsewhip from his supply pack, and whipped Blackwargreymon's hindquarters with all of his strength, causing Blackwargreymon to scream around Wargreymon's cock.

"Was that a scream I heard coming from Mr. Tough-Guy here?" Wargreymon joked, pretending to look shocked.

"Didn't go to such extremes with our pal, Flamedramon, huh?" mocked Growlmon. "Well, okay. We'll put the whip away. I guess it's time to fight fire with fire!" Growlmon immediately shoved his prick into Blackwargreymon's hole, which immediately began leaking blood. Blackwargreymon screamed louder than before as Growlmon began ramming him as hard as he could. Growlmon looked down at the blood running down Blackwargreymon's legs, and he noticed some other blood stains on the grass. He looked at Wargreymon, pointing to another patch of blood by his feet.

"Is that Flamedramon's?" he asked. Wargreymon nodded, and Growlmon chuckled.

"Well! It seems that Blackie here is now in Flamedramon's shoes! Doesn't feel so hot, does it, Blackhead?"

"P-please..." Blackwargreymon gasped around Wargreymon's dick. "Have... m-mercy on me... please...."

"Give me one reason why we should!" shouted Wargreymon. "Were you at all merciful on Flamedramon? Do you even know what you did to him? It's been a whole week since you last raped him, and he is still barely able to walk, you stupid terrorist!"

Blackwargreymon pulled Wargreymon's member out of his mouth and looked straight into his counterpart's eyes.

"I-I'm sorry," he said timidly. Wargreymon burst into laughter.

"Too late for that, Blackwargreymon! Remember, you did this to our friend twice!" They continued to rape him, more viciously than before, until both blew their loads into a quaking Blackwargreymon. Then they happily walked back to the log cabin, leaving Blackwargreymon just as Blackwargreymon had left Flamedramon: sobbing, covered in blood and tears and semen and barely able to move.

They arrived at the cabin half an hour later. They dropped their supplies, cleaned themselves off, and went directly to check on Flamedramon. They found him stretched out on the bed, clutching the note that Wargreymon had written, sound asleep.

"Should we wake him up?" asked Growlmon.

"Nah, let's wait until the morning," Wargreymon replied. And with that, they both plopped into their chairs and fell asleep.

To Be Continued...