Barmaid Geno

Story by Darkfang Magus on SoFurry

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#4 of Short Stories

Written by Darkfang Magus.

Submission for Coyotek's 2nd story contest.

Geno © Coyotek

All other characters are my own creation.

This is the first story I have ever written specifically for someone in the fandom; it turned out to be fairly fun. Hey, and if I win the contest, better yet.

I did not want to go too in-depth describing characters such as Validus or Amura, so if you want to get a better idea of who they are (or understand Amura's darker powers), you will just have to read my other stories. ( :

You must be bored with this intro by now, so go ahead, and enjoy the story.

Barmaid Geno.

Squinting through lidded eyes, Geno pulled back the curtain shrouding her window. The first rays of morning sun illuminated her barren room.

"Augh", Geno covered her face with her forearm, as the sunlight dazzled her.

"Well", she muttered to herself, "This is a bad start for my second day on the job".

Her head was fuzzy while gathering her scattered clothes. Geno was not sure what she had done the night before, but it must have been fun considering the condition of her room, (not to mention the pounding in her head).

Ears drooping, she shuffled down the stairs while hanging a cross pendant around her neck. As part of her deal with the owner, she was given leave to use the room above the tavern. She just hoped she would get a chance to clean it up before he noticed anything amiss. Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, Geno beheld a terrible sight. The bar was an utter disaster; Geno stood with her mouth hanging open as she took it all in. Her mind wandered back to the fragments of memories she had retained from the previous night.

Ten hours earlier.

Geno ran down the dusty street, on her way to work. It isn't going to look good if I am late for my first day of work, she thought, anxiously. Gasping for air, she walked in the door.

"Where have you been!" The owner had a fiery temper, but he promised to pay her well. She just hoped that it would be enough for her to put up with the aggravation.

"Umm", Geno put a finger to her lips as she thought up an alibi.

"I don't really care; just get the floor swept before customers start arriving". After about an hour of cleaning, the bar looked spic and span.

"How do you like that?" Geno asked playfully.

"It'll do. Just remember, it is your job to tend the bar until midnight. When I come back in the morning, I Will find this place clean and in one piece! Understood?"

"Yes sir", Geno replied meekly as her ear drooped again.

A red glow filled the room as the sun steadily sank to the horizon. The owner reiterated what he had told her, and then prepared to head home.

"You shouldn't have TOO much of a problem", he grumbled sarcastically, "It isn't like we do enough business to keep this place running anyway. I don't know why I haven't quit already".

While waiting for customers to show up, Geno wandered around the tavern. Here and there, nails had escaped from the confines of the floor. Their shiny heads peeked at her feet as she passed by. The dingy stained glass that served as windows barely let in a hint of the fading sunlight. Geno was busy lighting candles when the first customer arrived. She eagerly rushed behind the counter.

"What will ya' have", She asked from behind the bar. She was nervously twining a strand of hair around a finger as she spoke.

"It depends how you like it" the wolf replied.

"I am not for sale", Geno answered curtly. Though I might just give him a freebie. She thought better of it though, she had to take care of the bar, not the customers.

"Fine then, I'll just have a beer." The young wolf slung himself onto a barstool.

Geno methodically polished the counter while he downed his drink. The wolf looked barely eighteen; she wondered how he ever got the courage up to walk into a bar in the first place.

"So what is your name?" he asked, his chin resting on the counter as he looked up at her.

"Geno. And yours?" Geno leaned forward when she spoke, provocatively causing her brassier to strain against her breasts.

"Corporal Riete", he replied, "are you sure this place doesn't have anything to offer other than beer." Her suggestive movements were getting to him, (he just wondered if she was acting this way purposefully, or by accident).

"I don't know...The owner could come back, and if that happened, I would be out on the street." Geno chewed at her nails as she considered the consequences.

"So you mean soldiers do not get any special deals?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. She could see something like desperation in his last feeble attempt to win her over. It was then that Geno saw the Imperial insignia etched into his armor. Feeling sorry for him, she decided it would not be right to leave his efforts unrewarded.

"Well, maybe something quick", she said apprehensively, "but if anyone shows up, I am in trouble, and deep.

"That sounds more like it," he said as he pulled himself off the barstool. "So Geno, what do you have in mind". He gave her a toothy grin, (if he had looked even halfway dangerous, the grin would have been unnerving).

"Well", she replied, pulling off her shirt, "how would you like a blowjob. It is my specialty".

"Sounds great", he began to unclasp the armor from around his waist. In his eagerness, his hands fumbled with the buckles.

"Let me", Geno said as she kneeled before him. In a matter of seconds, Geno had uncovered what she was looking for. When she let it free, his member was already hard, and pulsing.

"You really are in need of my help", Geno said as she inhaled his scent. She planted a delicate kiss at the tip, and smiled as his wolf-cock sprang to attention.

"Good girl", he said as he began to pet her head.

"It's about to get a whole lot better", she quipped before licking her way from his balls to the tip. Steadily, but surely, she watched the base of his shaft begin swelling. A few licks later, and she had his fully engorged knot cupped in her hand.

"Just a little more, Geno", he growled, his chest heaving. Geno held his wolf cock between her breasts, while she sucked the tip.

"Ahhh, drink it you kitten slut." His elbows were behind him, braced against the counter. Between his shaking legs, the sex kitten eager suckled him, waiting to get her fill.

Geno leaned further down and took his entire cock in her mouth, knot and all. Her tail brushed the floor in anticipation, sending flecks of dust into the air to sparkle in the candlelight. She almost choked when the first burst of how watery semen coated her throat.

Riete thrust his hips forward, forcing his raging hardon down her throat. Geno held his knot with her teeth until he was down to the last weak spurts. When she released him, Riete crumpled onto the barstool, while Geno gasped for air. His canine member twitched weakly as he let a stream of cum splash her face. When the last of his seed was spent, she looked up into his blissful face.

Riete reached into his coin-purse, "This is for the drink", he said placing a silver coin on the counter.

"And this is for the service", he dropped a gold coin into Geno's paw.

Geno licked up the cum dripping from the corner of her mouth, while she watched him head out the door, looking spent.

Half an hour later, Geno had a sneaky suspicion that he might have been bragging to his buddies. Twenty imperial soldiers came into the bar, laughing and pointing at her. None of them said anything to her face, but she could see it in their demeanor. Well at least the boss will be happy, he probably hasn't had this much business in years.

While they sipped their beers, Geno stood behind the counter, her face flushed with embarrassment. Their knowing leers only shamed her more. She had her forehead planted on the counter, and was considering finding a hole to crawl up in and die, when she spotted something. Under the bar, amid countless spider webs, was a glass jar of clear liquid.

curiosity killed the cat, (namely me), she thought cynically, as she reached for the jar. The cork was old and brittle, but with a little help from her claws, she got it opened. Geno put the rim to her nose and sniffed the contents. She fell to her knees and her eyes began to water. whatever it is, it sure is strong, she deduced.

It was then that she did something anyone else would have regretted. She chose to drown her sorrows in the unnamed liquor. She did not know if it was the owner's secret stash, but she didn't much care. It was powerful stuff, and the first gulp took her breath away. Ten minutes later, she felt right as rain.

Geno could not quite remember why, but the next thing she knew was that the moonshine certainly was stronger than she had anticipated, and besides that, she was standing on the bar, wearing nothing but a silver cross.

"You want me, well here I am", Geno exclaimed while she spread her legs and brought a hand to her vagina. Geno took note that everyone seemed very happy with the show. She fondled her clit until she was dripping wet.

"So, who is first?"

She got two volunteers. Geno immediately went to work, on them. One was of an undefined origin (She assumed he might have been part bear, but was not completely sure); the other volunteer was a lion. Geno kneeled in front of the two waiting cocks and began to suck one while stroking the other. Geno realized that she was not giving the lion enough attention when she got a complaint.

"Why don't you move your mouth over here?"

"I'm sorry, but I have only one pair of lips here. If you don't want to wait you can look for another one down below", she smiled as he did just that.

The lion gripped Geno's shoulders and lined up with her vagina. With one quick thrust, he entered her wet pussy. The lion's cock was perfectly shaped to fit into her feline body. With each movement, his barbed cock dug into the walls of her cunt.

Geno gasped as he sank into her, and she screamed when he pulled out. Her orgasm came almost immediately. Feeling slightly lightheaded, and not sure if it was the alcohol, or the sex (not that it mattered to her at that point). Geno arched her back, and exhibited lordosis.

"Girl, I'm about to cum"

"Fill me up, I want every drop," she gasped.

The lion let loose a roar, and then rammed his feline cock as deep as he could. Thick hot lion semen surged, burning like fire in her abused pussie, but she loved every minute of it. She felt the lion bite down on her neck as was his custom, and Geno let out a yowl. Something hot splashed across her face. Several more jets of semen rained down on her before Geno realized that the bear's penis had slipped from her mouth.

"I need a break after that", the lion exclaimed.

Geno was left mewling on the floor, in a small pool of sexual fluids. When she got her bearings, she walked over to one of the tables, and swept her hand over the top (knocking everything to the floor). Those at the table were mildly shocked with her invasion, but few could be mad at a naked catgirl. She laid her belly on the wood tabletop, and spread her legs in invitation. She did not even see who took her from behind, because she was busy giving the table's occupants blowjobs.

The one pounding her pussie grabbed her thighs and spread her legs as far apart as possible.

Geno felt her supple body contort as she gave three soldier blowjobs while two more penetrated her. Like a cat in the cream, she lapped up the semen she received for her efforts.

Someone hoisted Geno in the air, and then dropped her on the liquor sodden bar. Numb from her constant state of orgasm, Geno laid back and let them fuck her as they pleased. Hands groped her from all sides while her own fingers stroked and played with every penis she could find. Cum dripped from her body and pooled on the bar as it soaked her fur. She felt as if there was more semen inside of her than out. The aroma and taste of Lion, wolf, coyote, and tiger cum tantalized her as it dripped from her lips.

Geno was considering taking another sip of that delicious liquor, but her thoughts were interrupted by a loud crash. She looked to the side and saw that someone had knocked down the front door. She considered asking him if he wanted a turn, but she found that she was too weak to stand, (Geno made a mental note to never drink any unknown liquor again).

"Everybody, out right now unless you want to be eunuchs", the intruder yelled viciously. He was a tiger, standing over nine feet tall he looked quite menacing. His white fur bristled at his neck as he approached the bar-goers. A trail of scars ran down the left side of his face as well as his back and chest. Geno took note of a prominent scar running across his neck as if his throat had been slit.

Well, I sure am happy he isn't mad at me, Geno surmised before passing out.

When Geno faded back into consciousness, she was cradled in his arms as they traversed over a carpet of unconscious (hopefully not dead), bodies.

Geno blinked, trying to clear her vision. She was in a warm bath, in a strange room, and someone was hovering over her. Geno blinked again and saw that it was a tiger woman of sorts. Her fur was white on her belly, hands, and feet. The rest of her coat was Egyptian blue with black tiger stripes. Her eyes were the purest shade of azure that Geno had ever seen.

"Are you awake"?

"I don't know, I guess", Geno sat up in the bath. There were patches of rust where the paint had been chipped from the tub, and the clawed feet left green marks on the floor where corrosion had seeped into the wood.

"My name is Amura", the woman said in a caring, and soothing tone, "My friend Validus said he found you raped in a bar".

"Huh? I was just having some fun."

Amura gave her a discerning look, "Well sometimes Validus overreacts. So, he said the soldiers called you Geno, is that your name?"

"Yea, where am I?"

"We are at the inn. If you feel okay, we should get you dried off."

"Oh yeah sure", She did not feel exactly right, but she supposed that the liquor still had not worn off. Geno stepped out of the tub. Her wet fur immediately felt cold as she drip-dried. She stood there, a wet kitten caught in a cold draft.

"Here let me help", Amura wrapped a towel around Geno. Geno felt terribly exposed while she stood there, stark naked, letting a stranger dry her fur. Ten minutes later, Geno was dry and fluffy. While they waited for Validus to return, Geno and Amura chatted animatedly.

Their conversation eventually turned to Validus.

"So" Geno said conspiratorially, "That friend of yours is huge; does the rest of his anatomy measure up?"

"Geno!" Amura playfully shoved her, "For your information, yes. Just don't tell him I told you that".

"You wouldn't mind if I tried seducing him, would you", Geno said, giving Amura a wink.

"Yeah right", Amura rolled her eyes, "He still thinks you are some sort of victim, but be my guest."

"So you two aren't together?" Geno raised an eyebrow. Amura looked inward, and then with a sigh, she told Geno of her troubles.

"Well, Validus doesn't seem capable of loving anything. He is obsessed with capturing my friend Samantha. That is how we ended up here you know. He is here to find Samantha, and I am here to make sure he doesn't kill her."

"If he is so determined to kill her, how do you think you can stop him? Like I said before, he is huge. And you my friend could not knock him down with a battering ram." Geno slammed her fist into her palm to emphasize her point.

Amura looked up from her gloom, "There are things more powerful than muscle", she said, summoning a ball of flame in one hand and a ball of frost in another.

Geno stared, mesmerized, "How did you do that".

"Oh that's nothing", Amura replied casually whiffing out the fire and ice. "My true strengths involve physical contact".

"Really! Show me, I want to see", Geno was literally bursting with excitement.

"Maybe just a little demonstration", Amura leaned forward, and then kissed the catgirl. When the kiss broke, Geno sat frozen for a moment, that was the most incredible thing I have ever felt in my life, she thought to herself.

Amura leaned back, and Geno saw a magical blue smoke waft from her lips. Geno's fur stood on end and her tail swayed.

"Wow, do it again".

Amura shrugged her shoulders, and leaned forward a second time. The kiss felt like fire on this attempt. Geno held the kiss, and reveled in the sensations coursing through her body. Her body was burning for more by the time that Amura broke the kiss.

She found her paw had settled on Amura's breast. Only a thin layer of fabric separated them.If she can do that with a kiss, I wonder what she could do with something more sensitive.

Geno's hand moved slowly, her fingertips tracing out the shape of the tigress' nipple. Geno felt a warm hand slide under her towel. Amura's hand came dangerously close to her slit before traveling upward along her abs. Geno shuddered under Amura's almost electric touch.

Their tongues played, daring the other to take it farther. Geno bit her lower lip when Amura's wandering hand found her breasts. Geno's legs parted instinctively, pulling the towel open slightly, and exposing her sex to Amura's eyes. Geno almost considered closing the towel, but was stopped by Amura's words.

"It is alright kitten; let me see you as you really are. Only then can I truly revel in your beauty". Amura's fingertips brushed Geno's slit. She brought her hand to her lips and licked at the wetness that Geno's sex had left. Amura was breathing slightly heavily, as her animalistic urges took over.

Geno dropped her towel, and looked up apprehensively while untying Amura's robe.

"Go ahead", Amura begged her.

When Amura's robe opened, Geno slid her way up the tigress' well-toned body. Their fur moved like silk, making nary a sound. Being slightly shorter than Amura, Geno had to look up to meet her in the eye. She took a long look into those deep azure orbs as their lips met again. This time, Geno felt pure passionate energy flow into her while their lips remained locked. She raked her paws down Amura's back, and thrust her hips to the feline's pelvis.

"Mmmp", Geno came up for air, "That is better than catnip".

Amura's hands went to Geno's waist. She gripped her buttocks tightly and pulled their bodies close.

Geno stood for a second, staring into Amura eyes. Their lips barely touched, Geno could feel Amura's wet female sex against her leg. If I don't stop right now, I will become so lost in lesbian lust, that I won't be able to stop myself., Geno brought her lips to Amura's again, who am I kidding, I lost that fight a long time ago.

Amura felt Geno's rough feline tongue exploring her mouth; she playfully nipped it, and then did some exploration of her own. Running her fingers through Geno's straw colored hair, made Amura purr as her own jet-black hair became entwined within it.

"Geno... I think we are getting a bit carried away."

"Yeah I know, isn't it great?"

"Take my hand", Amura grasped the girl's hand, and brought it down to her sex. Geno did not need any more coaxing, her finger knew exactly what to do. Amura had to grit her teeth when she felt her clit get pinched by Geno's talented hands.

"Yes, just like that!" Amura cried out, as she gently lowered them down to lay on the side of the bath. They sank over the edge and into the warm water, oblivious to the world around them.

Geno's breasts bobbed at the surface of the water. She felt the weight of Amura's female form pressing down on her. With small catlike licks, Geno explored the hollow of Amura's neck. Her tongue found its way to the tigress' breast. Her lips slid back exposing her teeth. Geno kneaded Amura's warm globes with her fangs.

Tracing the outline of Geno's neck, Amura's hand came to rest on the pendant that lay there. She leaned forward and playfully held the pendant with her teeth while her sensuous hands moved in small circles along Geno's breasts. Amura's finger trailed down her lover's belly, getting temptingly close to Geno's warm sliver of female flesh. She writhed as Amura's gentle touch barely grazed her labia.

Geno's tail whipped out of the water, sending droplets raining down on them. They giggled melodiously.

"Shall we take this to the bed?" Amura purred.

Geno jumped onto the mattress and almost bounced clear off the whole thing. Amura was quick to follow. As they rolled within the sheets, sounds of purring filled the room. Geno lay on her back, her legs spread wide.

Amura was busily licking Geno's muff while the catgirl squirmed underneath her.

Geno's back arched, her breast rising up with her every breath. A bead of sweat rolled off her nipple and left a wet trail down her creamy white belly to soak into the moisture left from her bath. Amura's tongue seemed to be everywhere, Geno received pulses of sensation that her own ministrations had never divulged. Amura's tail waved like the pendulum of a clock in time to the beat of her catlike licks.

"Amura", Geno let out a gasp, "faster", Amura's fingers teased her clit "I-I think I am going to cum!"

Her maw buried in Geno's pussie, Amura simply murred in reply. She could not see it, but Geno knew there was a smile on Amura's face. Geno's whole body coursed with tremors. Her fur was wet but this time she felt no cold, Amura was using her magic to warm them.

Wisps of magical blue fire wafted from Amura's body. The Tigress' magic had enveloped Geno. Time seemed to slow as her eyes dilated. She did not even realize that she was screaming with pleasure. Geno rode the river of passion that this woman had unleashed for her. She came harder that night than all her days of back alley sex had made her think possible. It was some time later that Geno realized she had forgotten to breathe. She inhaled sharply. The cool air felt like the first breath of a new life.

"Amura", Geno lustfully ran her finger down Amura's back, " that was great!"

Amura did not move. She was lying across Geno's body, gasping.

"Hey Amura are you alright?" Geno asked with concern.

"I hope you are ready for round two, because once the change happens, I will be unable to restrain myself."

"Change, what change?"

"When I get excited, something comes over me. You do not need too be overly concerned. Now if we were in the middle of a battle at the moment, then it would be a different story."

Geno noticed that Amura fur was steadily getting darker. Amura winced as her muscles tightened. In seconds, her fur was pure black. Geno almost screamed when Amura eyes opened; they were blood red, and in the back she saw a flicker of fire.

Don't be overly concerned she says, Geno thought sarcastically. Geno made a half-thought-over escape attempt, but the black cat pounced on her.

"Do not worry, my sweet", Amura whispered in her ear (the sound was half that of a purr, and a growl).

"How about I go find your friend Validus", Geno said hopefully.

The black cat shook her head slowly, her ears tilting from side to side as she spoke.

"Tsk Tsk, he will come in time, but for the moment, our pleasure is all that matters." her hands ran across Geno's body, longingly.

"But", Geno could feel the fiery heat emanating from Amura's black fur.

"Shh", Amura placed a fingertip to Geno's lips. "Do not fight this, revel in it". Amura held a covetous look on her face as she leaned in to kiss Geno.

Magic and fire enveloped the room as the black tigress played with her new toy.


The next morning, Geno awoke in her room above the bar. She could not remember how she had gotten back, but years of this kind of thing had taught her to be grateful that she had not found herself outside. Her body ached in reminiscence of illicit nighttime adventures, but the memory of pleasure made her wish that the evening had never ended.

Things downstairs were not quite so pleasant. The tavern was a mess, tables had been smashed, and blood stained the floor in various places. Worst of all were the incriminating streaks of cum on the bar. Is there is any way I could get this cleaned up before the owner gets back, she wondered.

Geno took another look at the catastrophe, it was even worse with a close examination. Nah, not worth the effort.

Geno tossed the night's profit into her satchel and then stepped out the door. She took a deep breath of fresh air; even the dusty street could not dampen her mood.

Now what to do? Geno rubbed her furry chin with her thumb and forefinger, as she considered her options. Maybe the next town over is in need of a barmaid? , she surmised. If I am lucky, I might even catch up with Validus and Amura.

With a bounce in her step (and her tail), Geno skipped down the road, her cat eared figure eventually disappearing into the glow of the rising sun.


Grumbling, the tavern owner prepared to unlock the front door to his tavern. His mind was filled with thoughts of another mediocre day of work, another step closer to his grave, (he did not even question why the door was already partway open). One look inside the building was enough to make him do a double take.


It took him a moment to realize that what he saw was indeed a reality.
