Lost in the Woods 03: Complications

Story by Find12 on SoFurry

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#3 of [2004] Lost in the Woods

This is a story that I wrote long, long, long ago. It was the first furry story I ever wrote. If you think it sucks, that's why. Please don't let it discourage you from reading my newer work. I have improved a lot over the years.

When I wrote this, I was the administrator of the Digiartists' Domain, I had nothing like a "fursona," and I went by the handle "Da WOLFE." All of my work from back then is still there, just chillin'. I had quite the crush on certain Digimon (Flamedramon and Veemon in particular). I apparently had an odd taste for rape stories. Some chapters of this series have that in them. They will be properly marked. Glad I outgrew that one.


The DaD, Digimon, and these stories were my very first foray into the furry fandom. As such, there is a lot of nostalgia for me here. I started two other Digimon series, but this is actually the only series to date that I have completely finished. Even so, I remember running out of steam and having to force myself to write the ending.

In other words, as the author, I know that this isn't anywhere close to being my best work, but it's still pretty special to me. I hope you enjoy it.

I'll post all of my old work to this account, as well as my Weasyl and my FurAffinity, so that there can be a proper archive of all my furry-related writing.

Complications by 12 as Da WOLFE Originally published March 13, 2004

Agumon and Veemon trudged through the forest, with Veemon still fuming about missing the pathway that they were on. Agumon sighed and simply ignored Veemon after a while.

About ten minutes later, Veemon fell silent, thought on his face. Agumon looked at him. "What's up?" he asked.

Veemon looked back at Agumon. "I wish I could digivolve without Davis' D3. I'd feel safer as Flamedramon or Exveemon then as I am now."

Agumon grinned. "I'll protect you. I can still digivolve, remember?"

Veemon smiled and kissed Agumon on the cheek. "Thanks, but I'd still like it better if I could defend myself better."

The two of them walked on in silence, turning corner after corner, rounding bend after bend, until they turned once more to find signs of a camp that had long since been abandoned.

Veemon stopped and stared at the campsite. "Do you think--?"

"Definitely," replied Agumon. "Davis and Tai were definitely here. Hey, can we take a break? I'm tired."

"I was wondering when you would ask!" said Veemon. They both sat down under a shady tree, feeling the breeze that was currently flowing throughout the forest. Agumon sighed happily, put his head in Veemon's lap, and quickly fell sound asleep. Veemon chuckled.

"I guess our little visit to Guilmon's cabin wore him out," he said to himself, stroking Agumon's head gently, and feeling himself drift off as well. Within moments, Veemon and Agumon were both fast asleep.

After what seemed like seconds, the two lovers were awakened suddenly by a loud roar. They jumped up, and Agumon immediately began to digivolve. His cry echoed through the forest.

"AGUMON WARP-DIGIVOLVE TO..." the change occurred pretty quickly, and the new Digimon stood in Agumon's place. _"WARGREYMON!" _Wargreymon gave a low growl, eyes darting furtively from place to place.

The two heard another earsplitting roar, and a Blackwargreymon stepped out of the trees, ready to attack them. Veemon was shaking with terror, wishing that Davis were there to help him digivolve.

What happened next must have been pure luck. As Veemon was looking around for a way for them to escape, a dull glint caught his eye. His eyes lingered on the shining thing for a moment before Veemon realized what it was. Veemon gasped and then breathed a sigh of relief.

It was Davis' D3. Veemon began to wonder how it got there, but he decided that it wasn't important at the moment. There was no time--Blackwargreymon was just about ready to attack.

"Wargreymon," said Veemon quietly. When Wargreymon looked at Veemon, the rookie Digimon pointed out the D3. Wargreymon was so astonished that Blackwargreymon's attack nearly caught him off guard. The two of them scattered, and Veemon ran as fast as he could to the D3. He grabbed it and threw it to Wargreymon.

"What are you doing?" Wargreymon protested. "I don't know how to use this!"

"Just fiddle with it!" yelled Veemon. "VEE HEADBUTT!"

Veemon's attack did nothing but graze Blackwargreymon's skin. Veemon could only dodge Blackwargreymon's powerful attacks.

Suddenly, Wargreymon shouted, "Got it!"

Veemon immediately went into action. "VEEMON ARMOR-DIGIVOLVE TO... FLAMEDRAMON, THE FIRE OF COURAGE!"

Flamedramon sighed. He had been hoping to become Exveemon, who was a Champion Digimon, and more powerful than Flamedramon. Well, he had no time to complain now.

"Wargreymon, let's attack together!" yelled Flamedramon.

"Okay! On three! One... two...three! TERRA-FORCE!"


Wargreymon's Terra-Force attack and several fireballs from Flamedramon's Fire Rocket attack hit Blackwargreymon full-force. There was a blinding light. Flamedramon was confident that they'd won, when suddenly a fist came out of nowhere and hit Wargreymon, knocking him out cold and throwing him headlong into a tree. Blood trickled from his head.

"Wargreymon!" yelled Flamedramon. Suddenly, the fist hit Flamedramon as well. Flamedramon only had time to give a tiny "Oh!" before he hit the ground and was unconscious as well.

It was dark when Flamedramon came to, head spinning. There was a campfire about thirty feet away from him. He found himself unable to move. He quickly discovered that his arms and legs were bound by strong vines that cut into his wrists and ankles, and that all of his armor was in a pile several feet away from him. As he struggled, a large figure came out of the shadows. Blackwargreymon chuckled, a smirk on his face.

"Like what I did to your friend?" He gave Flamedramon an evil smile and pointed to Wargreymon, who was still unconscious at the same tree.

Anger coursed through him as he saw his friend lying limply under the tree, blood dried on his fur.

"Oh, he's not dead. He's probably still unconscious because of that tree, which was what I was aiming for." Blackwargreymon laughed at this.

"Why are you--?"

"Doing this?" Blackwargreymon finished. "It's pretty simple. You'll know soon enough."

Flamedramon's anger turned into fear as Blackwargreymon approached him. He expected to be dead in a second, but was very surprised as he felt Blackwargreymon turn him onto his back gently. He gasped as Blackwargreymon's large hand rubbed his sheath. He shuddered.

"What are you doing?" he asked, surprised even more. But this fell on deaf ears as Blackwargreymon continued to rub Flamedramon's sheath gently, causing his prick to poke out. Blackwargreymon smiled evilly as he began to fondle Flamedramon's dick, causing it to harden more.

Flamedramon began to protest. "Hey, stop! What're you-- no, stop it!"

Blackwargreymon only laughed as Flamedramon approached full hardness. His cock was standing eleven inches proud. Flamedramon tried to roll away from Blackwargreymon, but only to be fiercely put back into place with a firm grip. Blackwargreymon wasted no time, and began sucking Flamedramon with such force that Flamedramon was afraid that it would come off!

"NO, STOOOOOOOP! Why are you dooooooooiing this to meeeeeeeeee!?" he yelled, waves of pleasure causing him to draw out his words. It felt so good... but he did not want it!

Poor Flamedramon couldn't help it. He eventually gave a long moan and released a fairly large load into Blackwargreymon's warm mouth. Blackwargreymon swallowed it all hungrily. Flamedramon's orgasm soon ceased, along with his moans.

Blackwargreymon immediately flipped Flamedramon onto his stomach. The young dragon knew what was coming.

"NOOO!" he screamed. "No, DON'T!" He again attempted to roll away from Blackwargreymon, and he again was put roughly back where he was, on his stomach. Blackwargreymon pulled off his loincloth, revealing his thirteen-inch long, four-inch thick rod, which he immediately shoved into Flamedramon's tail hole.

Flamedramon's scream pierced the night air as Blackwargreymon pushed into him with force that nearly sent him sliding across the grass. Blackwargreymon kept bucking against Flamedramon, who continued to yell in intense pain as Blackwargreymon's huge cock moved quickly in and out of Flamedramon. Blackwargreymon moaned loudly. Flamedramon was not as tight as he'd thought, due to his intercourse with Agumon, but the dragon's hole was tight enough for him. Blood ran in torrents down Flamedramon's legs, and pain continued to shoot through him as tears flowed steadily from his eyes.

But Blackwargreymon was merciless. "I'm gonna cum in you," he moaned.

"NO!" Flamedramon screamed._ "No, _PLEASE, no, DON'T DO THIS TO ME! NOOO!"

But, once again, his pleas fell on deaf ears. Flamedramon screamed with intensity that could have awakened the dead, as Blackwargreymon's cream filled him. He felt pain as he'd never felt before, and only slight pleasure, though Blackwargreymon's semen helped to ease the pain a bit.

Blackwargreymon continued to buck. His climax soon ended, but he continued humping Flamedramon's hole, just to cause the dragon more pain. Flamedramon continued to yell until Blackwargreymon pulled out and let more cum flow onto Flamedramon's back. Flamedramon's screams of torture subsided slowly as Blackwargreymon cut Flamedramon's bonds, and his figure faded into the shadows of the night, leaving poor Flamedramon sobbing, covered in blood and tears and semen. Flamedramon continued to cry. The pain soon left him, and the blue Digimon sobbed himself to sleep.

Wargreymon awaked the next morning with blood on his fur, and a terrible bump on his head. He gasped in pain as the memories of the previous day came flooding back to him. He looked around desperately for Flamedramon. He gasped again in surprise. What he saw wasn't pretty.

His partner was lying limply on the forest floor. He had deep cuts around his wrists and ankles, and appeared to have been badly hurt. His legs were covered in dried blood, and the rest of him was very sticky. He didn't appear to be breathing. But as Wargreymon watched more closely, he could see Flamedramon's chest moving up and down. Slowly, yes, but he was alive.

"Flamedramon!" shouted Wargreymon in desperation. "Flamedramon, please! Wake up! Say something!" Flamedramon stirred, and opened his eyes slowly, as if afraid of the light of the morning.

Wargreymon breathed a sigh of relief. "Good, you're alive. What happened? Did Blackwargreymon do this to you?"

It seemed as if it were taking every ounce of strength that he could muster, but Flamedramon managed a tiny nod.

"How? What did he do? Why are you so sticky?" Wargreymon noticed that his friend's amber eyes were red and puffy from crying. "Flamedramon, tell me!"

Flamedramon summoned as much strength as he could, but it was not enough. He tried to speak the best that he could.

"Blackwar... greymon... he...." But Wargreymon did not find out what Blackwargreymon did, for his friend suddenly passed out, instantaneously de-digivolving back to Veemon.

To Be Continued...