From the Diary of Jun – Finale: Eprologue

Story by Douredd on SoFurry

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#14 of Diary of Jun

It all starts here at the end

This is set some years after "Flying Too Close to the Sun". In addition, you'll want to give this bit of research a read as well.

Special thanks to Kaizer Ryu. I appreciate you letting me play in your sandbox for a while.

From the Diary of Jun - Finale: Eprologue

I don't know what happens now. I don't know what to do.

I was doing some work on the site, our oldest sitting on my lap, when I got the message.

[2:13 PM] UnevenOdds (Admin): Fuck!

[2:13 PM] TheLongShot (Admin): Bet! Kid.

[2:14 PM] UnevenOdds (Admin): Not that kind, babes. This is serious.

It was always assumed that, once Janie stepped down, I'd be the one to take over the stewardship of the community. Dad was a bit too... let's be honest, too lazy, for all of the work beyond being the site's IT guy and I was Janie's granddaughter. But when the time came I knew I couldn't handle it by myself. Nana was a machine with her ability to find more of us and welcome them into the fold. I didn't have the eye for that. But I _was_just as good as dad at keeping the site running and secure, if not better. And, as much as it surprised me, I did like taking a leadership role in the community. People looked up to me, for some reason. They valued my opinions and my guidance. Twenty-seven years old and I was one of the major voice of my people. It was kind of surreal.

So I handled our channels of communication and protected our secrecy, but we needed someone who could organize. Both papers and people. Nana made a suggestion that should have been obvious. We'd been friends almost half our lives. We knew we could work together. And she'd majored in library science. Bethany was the community's other voice.

"Izzy, go see what mommy and your brothers and sisters are doing. Mama has to work."

I set my three year old son down and watched him toddle off to find Lily and the rest of our brood.

I turned back to the computer.

[2:15 PM] UnevenOdds (Admin): They know.

[2:17 PM] TheLongShot (Admin): Who knows what?

She sent me a file.

"A Taxonomy of Hypers and Those Around Them"

[2:20 PM] UnevenOdds (Admin): Scroll to section C

I did. Section C: Anti-Hypers.

[2:21 PM] TheLongShot (Admin): Shit...

This category is a more fitting one for the term 'failed hyper,'

Well fuck them.

All so far studied have outwardly appeared to be merely extraordinary examples of a normal, their demeanor subdued and nonthreatening through some instinctual drive.

Studied? Who did they study? How?

[2:24 PM] TheLongShot (Admin): We're compromised, Bet.

[2:25 PM] UnevenOdds (Admin): Don't think so, keep reading.

There are no documented cases of an antihyper successfully breeding with a normal, but the sample size is so small we cannot discount it yet.

That was wrong. Everyone knew that. Everyone knew me. Everyone in the community, at least. So we hadn't been compromised. Not fully. Not yet. But we were in trouble.

Study funded through a generous grant from Busty Bunny, Co.

So much trouble...

The site's shut down. I have a copy of everything that was once there and I've scrubbed the rest from the web as best as possible. Bet has a phone tree organized so that we can all keep in contact when we need to. And so that we'll all know once the crisis has passed. If it ever passes.

I have to do something. I'm responsible for this community. For these people. And if we've been compromised, I've put them all in danger. I need information. More than that, however, I need a weapon. Something to hang over their heads the way this is hanging over ours.

And there's only one place to get it.

This is my final entry. I don't know how this is all going to shake out. But for better or worse, people need to know. They need to see that we're just people. That we live our lives and love our loves the same as them. That we're not a threat to those who don't threaten others. And that we don't need to be managed, or fixed, or cured, or wiped out. That we're not a problem.

So I'm sending this to someone I trust to hold on to it. Someone who can stay out of trouble until this blows over. So that they can make sure other people see it. This diary of a chunk of my life. Because I don't know if I'll be around to publish it myself.

There's only one place I can go to start fixing things. I don't know how I'm going to manage it, but I know where I'm starting.

Busty Bunny, Co.

Thank you for reading,

Jun, 27.