Episode 17: Get Well Soon

Story by ThatOneNetwork on SoFurry

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#7 of Stay for the Party (Season 2)

*Read all of Stay for the Party: Season 1 before continuing! Major spoilers ahead!

Written by. ThatOneFurry770 ~ https://thatonefurry770.sofurry.com/

Also readable at the Sofurry group ~ https://www.sofurry.com/groups/view?id=4218



[Chapter 7: Win Some, Lose Some] (Part 2/3)

Episode 17: Get Well Soon

"George visits the hospital to check up on Nick, whom is currently in a hospital bed, as we know. He tells the sheperd of the progress they've made on their investigation, and what happened to Lisa..."

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Chapter 7: Win Some, Lose Some (2/3) ~ Episode 17: Get Well Soon

"...George?" the German Shepherd looked over at the room entrance. He was currently laying in bed, shirtless, with a patch on his chest.

The red panda giggled at his mate's excited face, it was like receiving a gift on Christmas, he walked over and set a chair beside him, sitting, "Hi, Nick...!" he was already getting teary.

"Where have you been? How are you?" he asked, smiling brightly like a puppy.

"I've been...busy..." George sighed, "We've been investigating on the shooting and who shot you...any why."

Nick nodded his head, "What have you found?"

"...Well..." he sighed deeper this time, "...we don't know who shot you...but someone we know has to do with it."

"Who?" Nick asked.

George took a deep breathe before proceeding, "From the evidence we found..." he showed his mate one of the pictures from the briefcase.

"...No way." Nick shook his head, "No. No way!"

"Yes way." George nodded his head, "We think Connor has to do with it. From what we know, it was impossible for him to have shot you. It was shot from a distance, a sniper of some sort was hiding in a patch of bushes."

"How does Connor have to do with this?" he started to panic, "What did he do to have a piece in this?!"

"Calm down!" George placed a paw on Nick's, "We haven't found anything of that, I'm still looking through the files. They had questioning with him, they'll update me on his answers as soon as they can."

Nick groaned, "Who's they?"

"...the police..." George answered.

"Damn!" the shepherd cursed, "What about everyone else? How about the rest of the gang?"

"...Fred is okay, I suppose." he shrugged, "Connor is keeping quiet, for some reason...and...and..." he simply didn't know how to put this piece into words. He just didn't. He couldn't make it anymore lighter, "Lisa...shot herself..."

"...the fuck she did!" Nick blurted aloud.

George shushed him, "Quiet down!..." he had no right to shush him, but he did.

"What?! What, why, what, who...what happened to Lisa?!" Nick panicked more.

"She shot herself, I'm sorry!" he sniffed.

"What the fuck!!" he cried out, "You can't be serious!"

He started to cry, "She did it...right before my eyes...in my own apartment..." he was sobbing right now, it was hard to bare.

Nick sniffed, "No...it can't be...it can't...

...what is HAPPENING to us...?!" Nick started to cry alongside his mate.