NMH- Peace in place

Story by Heartless Dragon on SoFurry

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#1 of NMH_

I am back and i am here to do what i do best....... guess? Write more stories!!!!!!!! Or type 'em! Whatever!!!!!! So here it is, the story that has been haunting me in my dreams and my mind keeps bugging me to write it. Stupid head!! ):( NMH-Peace in place. It has been a year since the humans have been wiped out. Pokemon everywhere had finally reached relive knowing that their greatest threat has been detroyed. However, pokemon have decieded to use the human technology as their own which has been serving them well. Pokemon that can use the technology live in homes that were once humans in them and are now runned by pokemon. When it comes to food, enough of it is made by pokemon that are elgiable to use the machineier. When it comes to meat eaters, they have lived off on cloned meat from only a few pokemon that have resently died off. Surprising enough, the pokemon were quick to learn how to use the technology and are now on their way to living like humans once did, but it is never mentioned. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yet there are still pokemon that live in the wild still. Nearly seventy-five persent of all the pokemon still live in nature. There ideas for living in the city was too far away to deal with and it wasn;t nature for them to do so. Laws state that if any pokemon is to live out in the wild, they are to survive on their own and if its in need for food, they will allowed to hunt or be hunted so long as if in survival. Any pokemon living in the cities will have no rights to be hunted or hunt as long as in city limits. A paticular pack of pokemon live as a family in a large cave. A cave that has thousands of caves within it that were build by pokemon who have made them in the moutains. These pack of pokemon are fire types. Radom types that all like to live alone or seprate, but these fire types mostly consist on certain types. Charizards, Typhlosions, Blazikens, Rapidashs, and ninetails. Not only them but their first and secound evolutions as well. They preaty much loved the cave or mountain since it was low under ground, it was heated by a small under volcaneo, two rivers which one of them comes out with out, steamy water and the other comes from outside that is nice, cool and rich. Three families lived together in one large cave. These family had shared a common histroy together. Each one of them was captures, beaten and raped by their trainers a few years ago. The Charizards, Typhlosions, and Blazikens all have been through tha with their trainers when they were in their first and second evolutions of their lives. They were three couples of the family. Two mate of each three species; all of them were once part of a trainer's wrath, which is now why they live together in a cave. Thou they never met when they were raped or any of that stuff, they met after they saw their trainers killed by others and themselves. Which is how they all came to be. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All of them were happy one day when the three females had just laid their eggs. The males were happy to know that they will become father in less then a week. A week has past(damn that was fast!!)and the eggs have hatched. The two Charizard parents had a male charmander. The Typhlosion parents had a female cyndaquil. And the Blaziken parents had a female torchic. Each parent were proud and happy knowing full well that now, they have no fear of humans ever capturing them. Instead their futures hold on their own. They can chose to make it of their own and make hoepfully their mates happier. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over time the three children grew up in the giant cave. Their parents happily played with them as they grew. It was the final day when the mothers would stop giving their children milk to them and letting them change to water and their foods for drinks. Thou it took awhile for the parents to stop feeding their children milk. The mothers will evntually miss it but they knew that one day their children will grow up and preaty soon they will have children. The children, grew up playing with each other like friends and eventually they played around with others children in the mountain. But they mostly stayed together with their families or each other. They would either play by the steam river, outside,provided by their parents supervision or they would just stay and relax. The parents would eventually get tim on their own, which is alright since the caves are separated apart so when they want to have sex, they would send their children off with a child care taker and they would be alone. The children that grew up eventually got their names. The reason they had never got their names before was because they only lived with them. But now that they were out to be on their own they got their names. For the Charmander, his name was Nzyro which meant "Hell fire. For the Torchic, her name was Mvka which meant "night flame" and the cyndaquil got her name because of her attack. Her attack got her the name Seafire. She mangaed to do a ember but it spreaded out like a seawave and it traveled soomthly. THou it was an uncommon name, it suited her well. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before the summer was over, the three children managed to evolve to their secound stage in evolution and their parents grew more happy knowing that their children cane be safe on their own. It was during the winter that Mvka as a Cumbusken, Nzyro the charmeleon, and Seafire the Quilava separated from their families not permanatly but only till they came back with mates. All three of them happily hugged each other good bye before they went their seprate ways and hoping that one day they will grow up and see each other again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, i honestly thought i was going to do more on this one but i just blanked right now. So i will right more on this one another time. Oh and ny the way, my other stories are out. "In need of a mate" serious is under way and i will hopefully try to do these ones both. This is Heartless dragon saying goodnight and GBA!!!!!!!!!!!