A Wild Ride

Story by Riverweasel on SoFurry

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#2 of Darius' Adventures

The bartending weasel has a couple nights off and decides to spend one of them at a local club searching for a good night of fun and relaxation. When he finds a meerkat in a corner, those desires are sure to be met.

It had been a few weeks since my eye and anus opening experience with the cougar back at the bar, and with every passing night, I became more and more restless to get my dick wet again. I can't say there weren't several propositions while I was behind the counter or on the pole at the bar, but I had an urge to turn the tables and be the hunter this time. Tonight was one of my days off and my ermine body was itching to find a club to work my kinks out at. The thrill of such an idea had been rolling through me all week leading up to this night, easily drowning out the hesitance and nerves that were trying to convince me to not go through with it.

Fuck that noise, I was determined. Ensuring I had a great outfit put together for maximum effect, I had spruced up my attire with a fishnet shirt to barely cover my bare chest. Attaching a sparkling turquoise metal chain to both my nipple rings was a huge plus. Tight leather chaps were hidden underneath cargo shorts and I slipped on a thick jacket to cover my bare chest. An hour or so of polishing and my collar was absolutely glowing. Affixing the ring to the front, I took stock of my look, the sleek white fur of my body cascading down my form in stark contrast to the black clothing I wore.

Twitching in agreement, my mostly dormant shaft urged me to get the party started. I would have loved to do with my mongoose pal, but his family had invited him over for some silly dinner he was pretty much obligated to attend. Feeling slightly jealous of the fact that he even had a family, my blue eyes rolled and I shook my spine to help clear the downer. Now was hardly a good time to envy my best friend for being lucky enough to still have contact with his, not to mention that I really had no desire to find mine. They had ditched me to the foster care system before I even knew their faces, so they had no right to be my parents anyways.

I downed a pregame shot of Tequila on my way out, threw on my beanie and began to stroll over to one of my favorite dinner joints. With the first quarter payment of my contract with the bar coming in, this weasel wasn't so broke anymore, allowing me the chance to actually leave my house for food from time to time. No longer were all my meals designed by some nutritionist hired by the bar manager, permitting me some freedom for choice. I was well-known and well liked at the nearby Olive Garden and my stomach rumbled pleasingly at the thought of the establishment. Italian it was then.

With the venue selected, I redirected myself west, following the sunset as I traversed the half mile walk. Being a clear night, there was no need to rush, so I took my time, slipping through the doorway fifteen minutes later. I smiled at the host, giving the coyote a warm look as he welcomed me inside.

"Sheila still working here, I hope?"

"Ah, yes she is. Would you like me to seat you in her section?"

"Most definitely, thank you."

Seconds later, I was situated at my small table, having been offered the menu and ordering a glass of Sprite. It had been several weeks since I'd gotten a chance to speak with the humorous she-rat, an event that tended to leave me with a brimming grin and high spirit afterwards. A few minutes later she appeared around a corner, holding my drink in one paw and the infamous notepad in the other. From what I knew of her, she didn't even need to write anything down as she had an insane auditory memory.

"Hey, bucko! Haven't seen you around here in too long. Life at the bar been keeping ya all holed up?"

"Hello, Sheila," I waved back, the light glinting off my rhinestone studded bracelets.

"Oh damn, you're looking good tonight, ermine. I know you like your shiny stuff, but that's more than I'm used to seeing on you."

I smiled knowingly at her meaning, as she was a regular at my bar and had seen me in almost nothing plenty of times before.

"Well, I decided that it was time to go hunting myself and what better place to do that than at one of the biggest clubs in the city?"

"Honey, with a body like yours, you wouldn't have trouble much of anywhere. I know some straight guys who'd probably consider you as an acceptable adventure outside of their comfort zone. Hell, you've seen how many of them have been trying to get you ever since you got it off with the puma. It's like they think there's some hope for them now."

"There might just be, but I'm still not going to turn myself into a slut like some of my coworkers there." Even saying that brought up the image of Yager, a ram who would have spread his legs and lifted his tail for a fucking empty beer bottle.

"Ahh, don't hate on them, Dar. Just because their lifestyle is different than yours is no reason to degrade them into objects."

"Ehh, I suppose you're right. So, changing the subject, any specials on the menu tonight?"

She jumped right back into her routine and began pouring out the list with ease, mentioning pastas and pizzas as well as a brand new dish of shrimp scampi straight from the Chicago Bay. Licking my lips, I stopped her with a raised paw, already knowing that it was what I wanted.

"You always have been quick to decide. It'll be ready in about ten minutes, stud."

A churring noise lit up in my throat due to the anticipated olfactory and gustatory pleasure. I pulled out my phone and checked my Skype to see if anyone was on; not surprisingly, Sirius, my mongoose bud, had sent me a detailed description of how his family was setting up for their dinner. It sounded pretty dramatic and excessive to me, but the food sure sounded great. It would have been better to have my pal at the club instead. Maybe then, I wouldn't even have had to worry about hunting someone down for the night.

Shrugging the nagging feeling off, I focused on reading some news articles, chewing off some more minutes while doing my best to ignore my growling stomach. After scrolling through a bunch of monotonous headlines, I heard the clatter of a plate as the upbeat rodent brought my pasta over to the table. My eyes locked with the plate, drool slipping from my maw as she slid it in front of my face. Bringing my head near to it, I breathed in the wondrous scent of fresh seafood covered in some of the best sauce in the history of all food.

I savored each and every bite, letting the flavor of each piece roll around in my maw before I swallowed. Each piece of shrimp had been grilled to near perfection and had the perfect texture. Sheila came by a few more times to refill my glass with water as well as the obligatory questions about how good the food was. I was happy to talk, but soon enough, as all things do, my plate's contents ran out and my stomach rumbled pleasantly. Leaving a substantial tip for my rat friend, I left the restaurant and continued on my way to the club.

It was surprisingly quiet when I arrived, but I could tell that it was just a testament to how thick the walls were. The muffled bass rumbled through my ear drums as I made my way to the door. A large coyote stood in front of the entrance and I recognized him as someone I had seen at the bar a couple times before. Struggling to remember his name before he would inevitably confront me, it struck with just a few strides to spare.

"Well, well, Micah. I didn't know you worked as a bouncer."

His eyes squinted dangerously for a second before I saw the flash of recognition.

"Sleet, isn't it? You're that bartender guy, right?

"Indeed I am. I remember talking to you a couple times in the last month or so."

"And I remember just as well. You here for the party?

"Just here to enjoy myself, in whatever way that it presents itself. Any hot guys in there tonight?"

"Plenty. You won't have any trouble finding them. Good hunting, weasel."

Giving him a smile full of teeth as I slipped past, I stopped, surprised how the hallway turned pitch black once the door closed again. Feeling with my paws, I used the surface to help guide me down the corridor. The music gained the sound of heavy guitar and the sounds of screaming voices echoed almost hauntingly in the darkness. Peeling around a slight corner, I saw the sliver of low light that marked a doorway. Sighing in relief, I grabbed for the knob, twisted it and stepped inside.

The change in volume was nearly deafening as the sound of some random ass group screeching while they played some sort of psychedelic rock was drowned out by the even louder volume of the audience. The haze of smoke wafted through the short ceiling, the roof only standing a few feet from my now outstretched arm. Coughing in reaction, I peeled to the back, looking to see if there was a place to grab a drink. To my fortune, there was a small bar with fluorescent lighting with some barstools and a few silhouettes in them. Hopping up onto one, I ordered some liquor and scanned around the area.

I wasn't here for the music, I wasn't here for the party, no, I had one goal in mind and as my eyes began adjusting to the lighting, I could see more of the figures. Chilling on the chair, my ermine tail swayed side to side, my eyes rolling over the crowd, searching for someone who would prove to be worth adventuring towards. There were a few guys who looked good from my vantage point but nothing special.

More than willing to take my time with the scouting phase, I sorted through the many options laid before me, much like a predator looks for an injured animal. There were the usual suspects passing a joint around in the far left, but I had no desire to get in with a bunch of druggies. Mingled randomly throughout, I could see the flashes of jewelry on bodies, both adornments and plenty of piercings scattered about. They caught my eye, but I searched more. After a few minutes more, I finished my drink and departed from the bar.

That's when I saw someone who undeniably piqued my interest levels. Caught in what looked like a forced conversation, a meerkat and fox talked. By the look and act, the fox was a total slut, and his counterpart was not interested in the vulpine's pitiful attempts at attention. The second was dressed in tight clothing, a black tank top over his chest and matching black leather pants. Pink chains hung loosely around them while a hot pink, steel studded belt wrapped around the loops. He looked genuinely contempt, a brooding look in soft gold eyes surrounded by dark brown eye patches.

"Come on, you know you want it."

"Slut, I'd rather get herpes twice over."

"Oh, why are you so mean to me?"

"You want mean? Go shove a dick up your ass and then find another one to stuff your mouth with. That way I won't have to hear you keep blabbing to me anymore."

"What the...fine, fuck you. I'll find someone else."

"Good fucking riddance, bitch." With that, he lifted one of his arms and shooed the other away, barely even giving him a second look before sputtering air through his lips in a genuinely bored fashion. I gave him a few seconds so as to not seem like I was waiting to go after him next, and then moved forward into his field of vision.

"Well, what did you expect? He's a fox." I opened up with that, wanting to distinguish myself immediately from being yet another attention whore. He responded by snapping his gaze in my direction, scowling back for several seconds while his eyes moved about me.

I took the chance to do the same, looking beyond just his clothing to notice the dark brown fur on his forearms and lower legs, the stark contrast making it look as though he were wearing stockings. The rest of his exposed fur was a light golden tan, except where his likely chest fur rose above the nape of his neck and ended just below the crest of his muzzle. Around his neck was a tight leather collar with small silver studs around the middle of it. A solid silver buckle sat centered on the front of his neck where a tag with the letter A was engraved on it.

In between his legs, a long, thick tail hung down, the tip brushing along the floor. The base was the same tan as the rest while the second half sported the same dark brown as his forearms. Looking back at him, his face had softened a bit and we finally made some actual eye contact. Lifting his arm, he motioned me over to him, signaling a piece of the wall to his side.

"You'll do."

"I'll do?" I raised an eyebrow as I strolled over and plunked myself next to him. He offered me a cigarette and I took it. I wasn't normally a smoker, but I'd had enough that I could pose as one without the awkward coughing.

"You know what the first thing out of that whore's mouth was?"

I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head.

"Who buys the lube?' I give him a look and he elaborates further with 'what? You like to take it dry or do you prefer a tongue?' Like, who even speaks like that to someone they've never met?"

I couldn't help but laugh at the face he gave, his arm up in the air, moving about as he talked before going back to his maw to take another puff of his smoke.

"Well, you are wearing pink. That might make anyone ask questions." I winked to make sure he knew I was just messing around. I would have been ticked off too had someone I didn't even know just verbally tried to spread my rump. He gave me a middle finger in response, but also snorted out a soft chuff. Taking in a long puff myself, I waited to see if he would respond.

"Pink is a tough fur's color, buddy. Just because you want to play it safe and go with blue doesn't mean anything."

"It doesn't mean that you're any tougher than I am. I deal with drunken idiots an almost nightly basis. However, I had tonight off."

"Oh really? And so you leave the bar and come to a club so you can sit at a bar."

I gave him a quizzical look, wondering if he had just guessed that or if he had actually been paying attention.

"Oh yeah. I saw you come in, weasel. I'm quick to catch the sight of anything shiny and your collar was like a lighthouse to me. So, was there a specific reason you came in looking like this on your night off, or did you just saunter up to me and wait for the fox to leave just to chat?"

He gave me a look before bringing a paw down to brush over my mohawk, lightly coiling his fingers through my hair before slipping a finger inside my collar and pulling me into his frame.

"Well, chatting is always a nice way to test the waters, but no, I had a more desirable intent behind my approach." I didn't lean into him, or let myself be completely drug by his fingers, but I didn't put up much resistance. Enjoying the feeling of his claws tickling my skull, I pressed my head against his paw, chittering softly in appreciation.

"So you came to find a nice cock to enjoy?"

"No. I came to find someone interesting and intriguing enough for it to be worth my while to then engage in further, more devious activities. Such as enjoying a nice cock."

"So, you're not a slut then. Good, I'm not in the mood for one tonight. However, I would like a good looking guy who's willing to hand over the reins of control to me for the night."

"How much control are we talking about here?" I asked, a bit of suspicion in my voice.

"As much as you're comfortable giving me, boy." He brushed his paw back over my head, spreading his fingers to rub the backs of my ears while his body turned to face me, pressing in close. More than happy to let him run this show, I let my eyes slip close, bringing up an arm of my own to wrap around his back, scratching at the spine hiding underneath his tight shirt.

"That fox is looking right at you."

"Oh? Is he pissed?"

"Pissed as a fucking bitch in heat with no dick in sight."

"Sucks to be him then."


"Let's give him a bit of a show then."

His paw gripped the back of my neck while he pressed his maw forward, our lips meeting a second later. I brought my other arm around his upper back and pulled forward while his free paw unzipped my jacket. When his paw brushed over the exposed fish net shirt, his eyes glinted and he rolled his fingers over my exposed and bare fur. I grunted back into his lips as our tongues played with each other's teeth. Gaining just enough space, I pulled back far enough to speak.

"If you like shiny things, you're going to love my nipples."

When he ducked his head, his grin spread wider and I watched as his tongue licked over his lips.

"Screw that fox slut. There's far better places to spend the evening at than this shitty club. Plus, that band playing now is only locally known for good reason."

Slipping through the crowd, I made sure to snap up one more drink at the bar, the two of us toasting for a good night before slamming it down. When we made it back to the hallway, the meerkat grabbed me and pushed me against its cold surface hard enough to ensure that anyone else trying to leave would have a hard time. It was a great feeling to have his paws running inside my jacket to stroke up my back, the light fabric of the net rippling from his movements. What made it even more erotic and sensual was the fact that I could only see the soft golden glow of his eyes. With most of my sight gone from me, his touches felt even more intense and arousing.

I tried to ask what his plans were but he silenced me with a deep kiss, my voice dying as the hot contact made me moan into his soft lips. Honestly, I stopped caring at that point, my own arms wrapped tightly around his muscular back. The kiss drug on for a few minutes, wet and messy, our chins both damp by the time he drew back and allowed me some air to breathe. His arms slid to my sides and then I felt him lifting me up. Gasping in shock, I felt his tongue run over my neck and then down to my chest as he held me about a foot up off the floor.

His tongue slid to the left and then flicked over my nipple. I hissed in pleasure as he lifted the pierced ring and slid a bit of his tongue in between the opening. Tugging back, he then brought his lips forward to close around my nub. Groaning hotly, I felt my shaft twitch violently as he sucked hard on the trapped flesh, his tongue caressing it for a few seconds before tugging hard enough to make me tense up. My trapped dick throbbed against my pants which were now pressed against his waist. He paid it no attention and continued to assault my nipple, making me shudder and wrap my dangling legs around his thighs as I rode out the storm of sensations.

Saliva dribbled down my chest from his messy mouth, but I could tell his arms were starting to give out from the amount of shaking. Trying my best to help him out, I grabbed his shoulders and pressed upwards against them while locking my hind paws his back. I received a grunt of approval back in response as his arms steadied a lot more, allowing him to fully focus on his assault. My ermine body tensed and shivered as his gratuitous attention to my nipple had me on edge.

"Ca-careful, meerkat, or else you're going to make me c-cum just from this." His lips peeled back and I took a ragged breath, my lungs shaking with the rest of my body as he held me.

"That must be a really sensitive place for you then."

"Very. It's one of the reasons why I like the rings so much."

My toes curled when he lowered me back to the floor, glad to regain sure contact with the ground. I looked at him and smiled as my arms slid down to his waist, fingering his belt buckle. He didn't move to stop me and soon I slid his pants down to his knees. Before I could drop down, he turned us around so his back was to the door.

"I don't want someone to come out and smash you in the skull. Now, get back to it, kit."

Happy to oblige, I knelt down and slowly brought my paws to his exposed thighs. The muscles there were toned like mine, but belied the idea that he might be more into fighting or scrapping with his free time. Slowly and ever so softly, I drug them up to his pelvis, his boxers the only thing between him and his member. Moving my nose forward, I used the position of my paws to estimate where his cock would be hanging. When I did nuzzle it, it was thick with arousal, though not so much as to strain against his briefs. Taking a deep breath, I let his muffled musk pour into my nose.

I chuckled when he pressed his bulge against my face, rubbing it over my lips. Drawing one paw back, I took hold of his trapped shaft's glans and then drew my tongue over the top from head to base, estimating the inches as I went along. God, was he ever hung. I wasn't sure how many inches long he'd end up being, but it would be more than enough to make me moan and feel very stretched afterwards. Running my tongue over it a few more times to the sound of his groans of appreciation, I grabbed the waistband of his boxers and pulled them down.

As soon as his boner was freed, I kissed its head, my tongue sliding out from below to tickle the first couple inches of his length. He was uncut and his foreskin was deliciously sweaty. Spreading my lips a little wider, I slid the head into my muzzle, pulling back his foreskin to just let his glans inside. Moving my paws to him, I grasped the base of his meerkat member with one and cupped his balls in the other, rolling them ever so gently while I suckled on his cock head and slowly pumped my fist down his length to my mouth, earning a tasty drop of pre in return.

My tongue washed just under his dick's trapped head, teasing the extra sensitive crevice as I worked his cock's length slowly, urging more small drops of precum into my awaiting muzzle.

"Damn, you're a good boy. You do this often?"

I let go of my grip on his spire and gently caressed two fingers over the sides of his bulging urethra, squeezing firmly until I reached my lips. Giving him one last suckle, I let it go and stood up, letting the scent of his own musk breathe back into his nose.

"Not often, and only with those I know the names of."

His arms came around my back and he pulled me close, his tongue flicking out to lick just under my chin. I groaned heavily when my crotch pressed against his thick erection.

"I can't have that. I'm Atimos. You?"

"Sleet..." I stopped for a second to rethink that. I felt okay with him knowing my real name.

"Actually, it's Darius, though most everyone only knows me by the first name."

"You some kind of escort that you need a fake name?"

"I work as a bartender and moonlight as a dancer in the late evening. I don't entirely like the job, but it pays well and I need money to get out of this city. Gotta leave before someone kills me."

One of his paws slid up to cup the back of my head, again rubbing my ears while he moved in to kiss me once more. This time it was soft and meaningful. I closed my eyes and just let the glory of it all wash over me. The night with the puma had been so much different, my nerves and hesitance running so highly that it had been hard to ever really feel comfortable until that rabid, feral minute or two at the end where I lost all thought and just fucked for the crazed need to find release. This time, I felt so much more at ease, and my weasel mind was happy to let the meerkat take control.

"You won't be dying tonight for any reason other than ecstasy induced heart failure. I know of a good place where we can go where I can lick your nipples all I want without worry of you coming prematurely."

He let me go and then I heard him pulling up his pants and buckling his belt. His arm was then right back around my shoulders and I was more than willing to follow him back outside to whatever erotic heaven awaited us. The coyote said something on our way out, but his words bounced off my ears like a dribbled basketball. Feeling Atimos pull me even closer as a sharp and biting gust of cold air hit us, I let him lead me along a few alleyways before we arrived at his car. With a quick twist of his keys and flick of a door handle, we were inside, away from the nipping cold wind.

I would have mentioned that the seats were very comfortable, but the very moment the meerkat turned the ignition on, he rolled over onto me and swiftly disengaged the seat lock, causing my seat to fall backwards. Trapped by my seat belt and his body, there was nothing I could do to stop his paws from unsnapping my jacket. Seconds later, I was shaking and moaning as his now decently stiff package ground against mine through our pants. He grabbed my wrists and brought them over my head, joining them together so he could restrain my arms with just one of his own, leaving the first free to roam wherever he chose. And roam did it ever!

Working my jacket off, he tossed it to the back seat, leaving me in just my netting where my nipples stood firm, the two blue rings resting just below the areolas. His smile turned slightly devious as he hooked two fingers underneath my affixed chain and gave it a wicked tug upwards. Pain lanced through me at his deliberate action, making me gasp and then clench my teeth as he didn't relent for a couple agonizingly sweet seconds. When he did, his paw moved on to lightly stroke over my chest fur, delving further south until it was resting just above the crest of my shorts.

"Let's see what you're packing down there, ermine."

I didn't feel like speaking, so I just nodded and murred as his deft paw slipped inside my shorts. His pads quickly found my throbbing bulge, trapped under my tight pair of boxers. Grunting in pleasure, I thrust against his paw, his fingers closing around my imprisoned package to give it a firm squeeze. Dooking in glee, I huffed as he stroked downward, pinching my base with his thumb and forefinger while maneuvering his other digits to pet my balls.

"You're not too small, kit. Good to see you're so excited about this."

To my delight, the meerkat slid down into the pocket of my seat, dragging the shorts with him to expose my boxers and legs. My ermine shaft strained against the fabric, tenting it in its fullness, each throb visible underneath the cage that held it. A few drops of precum had tainted its light gray color, the very sight of it making me pulse out another drip. I tensed my toned legs as his paws moved up each one, massaging the muscles and stroking my fur as he slinked towards my raging hard on.

It became harder to breathe as his handsome face moved towards my crotch, his fingers spreading over my inner thighs as I lay there, shivering in his grasp. Less than a foot away from my balls, Atimos let out a long puff of air, the cool breeze leaving me to whimper just a second before they were encased in his maw. My eyes slammed shut and all I could do was shake as he brought a paw up to trail his fingers over the underside of my still trapped cock. His tongue rolled over the fabric, tickling my testicles while soaking the underwear in his salivary goodness.

There were many more drops of precum wetting my briefs when he finally let my balls go and then pulled my last line of defense down past my knees. My penis pulsed gleefully, letting a few more drops of precum to wet my already damp pubic fur. Taking a few deep breaths, I tried to steady myself and relax just enough to feel in control of my urges. A few breaths was as far as I got before cold metal suddenly wrapped itself around the base of my dick. There was a click and then I cried out in lustful pain as the cock ring viciously embraced me.

His fingers toyed with my perineum and I responded with a violent throb, a spurt of translucent fluid erupting from my spire hard enough to splatter onto my neck. Suddenly, his tongue was there, assaulting every inch of my maleness, coating it all in his spit as his lips, teeth, tongue and fingers stimulated me from every angle. My balls were churning as he worked me like a professional, teasing me ever so devilishly towards climax before slowing down and then letting go altogether. Pulling back, he climbed over me to get back to the driver's seat.

"That will do a great job ensuring you don't come until I want you to, boy. Now, sit yourself back up, but leave that hot shaft on full display. No touching allowed."

Doing as he told, I reset the seat, moaning as his paw took hold of my engorged dick to give it a few affectionate strokes before his focus turned towards the road as he pulled into the streets. Looking down at the bracketed gold ring encircling my cock, I couldn't help but drool as hundreds of thoughts over what the sexy meerkat had in store for me raced through my mind. Only able to watch as the drips of precum streamed down my erect weaselhood, I gripped the back of my seat, doing my best to not touch myself.

Several long minutes passed as the meerkat dom took his time traveling to wherever his final destination was. He was constantly keeping me in my lusting haze, playing with my crimson red dick every time he stopped at a light or sign. I lost myself in his touch, finding it easier with each passing breath to just give into his control. My paws no longer wanted to stimulate myself in fear that it would cause him to stop his own ministrations.

I must have passed out for a little bit, for when I opened my eyes, soft music played in the car and the glowing lights of Detroit were left far back in the landscape. Turning my eyes to Atimos, I asked.

"Where are we going?"

His only answer was the caress of his paw over my nearest nipple, his fingers pinching and twisting the flesh there before gently rubbing over my nub. Shivering again, I leaned back as he kept on with his teasing.

"Somewhere private, stud. A place only a few friends of mine and I know about. There, you'll be free to express yourself and your feelings in whatever volume you find appropriate. Your screams, whether they be for help or in sheer bliss, will fall on my ears only. I alone will choose what to do with them."

"I'm nervous," I admitted. Worries did spread through me as I questioned what the true intent of my partner for the night's was.

"Of course you are, kit. That's only natural. The question is in which direction will those nerves guide you. We're almost there and then it'll be up to you. We can either finish up inside the car, or you can take a risk and follow me into the woods."

I was left to consider my two options, weighing them out in my head. Granted, the mongoose had yet to give me any reason to fear him, beyond his dominant predisposition. Even that, though, was more of a turn on than anything to be scared by. My ears flickered as I heard the sound of rubber on gravel and then felt the car come to a stop.

"Either way, the time for clothes is done. Finish taking off your jacket and pants and then follow with the netted shirt. You will keep that chain attached though, as I have some great ideas of how to use it. Understood?"

Nodding, I slipped out of my clothes, shivering a little as cool air rolled over me. Atimos had rolled down both our windows and was just finishing taking off his pants, his chest already bare. Without looking at me, he offered his paw.

"You either refuse long enough for me to turn around and pounce you, or else take my paw and I'll lead you to a world of ecstasy."

Adventure was in my nature and when he put it that way...I had already taken his presented offer, grasping his paw before I felt myself tugged from the car. I shuddered as the night air bit right into my exposed body, my nipples going rock solid in mere seconds. Moaning, I felt his body wrap around mine and push me against the side of his trunk. Our lips met as he bent me over its body, his cock quickly finding mine and grinding against it. Minutes later, we were grunting in pure pleasure, lip-locked and groping each other's forms.

In the moonlight, Atimos' body glowed. His meerkat back stripes were smoking hot and I couldn't stop myself from tracing over each one as we made out. His back quivered in response to my strong touch, a soft moan vibrating against my lips. Soon, his tongue was pressing against my teeth in a very demanding way and I caught the hint. Opening my maw wider, I let his appendage inside, dooking as it explored every crevice and corner of my mouth. He rubbed it against my cheeks and teeth, exploring every square inch of the flesh inside my muzzle.

His golden globes stared right at me the whole time, never once breaking eye contact. For a few more glorious, heavenly minutes, his warmth enveloped me as our cocks dripped our fluids together. When he finally peeled back, he gripped my wrists possessively.

"Last and final chance to reconsider, weasel. You say yes to me now and the only way it ends is when I finally let you cum."

"I'm not reconsidering anything, Atimos. I want you and I want you to have me in the most exotic of ways."

"I like your attitude, kit. Now, turn around...paws behind your back. Open your maw. Yeah, just like that, boy."

When he was done, my arms were tied behind my back and my muzzle was filled with a velvet ball gag. I watched as he walked to his trunk and opened it. When he came back, he had a chain link leash in his paws. Clasping it to my collar's latch, he gave it a tug, making me stumble into his chest.

"Follow me."

Left with no choice but to comply with his order, I was led off the road and into the deep forest. We traveled in silence for minutes, the meerkat's guiding paw pulling the leash to keep me close and compliant. My shaft was still throbbing and dribbling precum as that segmented ring at the base gave it no rest. The blistering cold was no help either as the contrast in temperature kept the blood flow moving at a heightened pace. I felt like we had walked for hours by the time my master for the night stopped. Kneeling down, he began brushing leaves and sticks to the side, working diligently for a couple minutes before stepping back to reveal a hole large enough to crawl through. Giving my leash a tug, he brought me forward and then pushed me to my knees before settling in behind me.

"Normally, I'd make my bitch for the night inch forward like a worm, but you've got some tender hardware down there and I'd hate to ruin it. I'm going to unlatch your paws and you will crawl down into the darkness. Should you try to run away, I won't waste my time being nice again."

His paws then undid the tight knot and helped gently move my arms back underneath me, ensuring I didn't go so fast as to pull a taut muscle. Once I had steadied myself, I felt him give me a swat on my rump. I took it as a sign to move forward and began to crawl into the pitch blackness. Every brain cell was firing warnings and alerts, but I was too far gone now to change course. Something about the meerkat's voice told me that he was speaking the truth. If so, running would be pointless and only serve to make this a potentially far less fun experience.

Once I was a few yards inside, the tunnel leveled off. The sound of Atimos replacing the foliage ended and then he was right behind me, his breath tickling my stinging cheek. I could hear him snarl and then his paws clamped around my legs, his claws digging in hard enough to make me whimper. I stopped and seconds later, I felt my tail raised a few inches and then his tongue was on the cleft of my rear, smearing his saliva against my perineum and ballsac. Shuddering, I knelt down and moaned through my ball gag, loving every pass of his member.

After about a minute of his tongue's massage, it left and then I heard the sound of him spitting just as a wad of thick fluid splattered against my asshole. Groaning, I pressed back, huffing as I felt one of his fingers press against my tight ring. I instinctively tightened, but then tried to relax as best I could, my muffled moans traveling further down the tunnel as I felt my anus give way just enough for his finger to slip inside an inch. His other paw gently caressed my hard spire, gliding up and down its glazed length as he wiggled his embedded joint around.

Soon it was pressing further inward, diving further with each thrust and twist until he was able to fully finger fuck my pucker. With his sliding stroke continuing, he curled his digit and found my nub with ease, petting it for several delirious seconds. A long of pulse of precum spewed forth from my rigid erection. Giving me a second to catch my breath, he pulled back to the tip, giving it one final twist before slipping out and letting go of my tail. I began moving again once I felt him press his palm against my ass.

I crawled for another ten yards or so before my senses told me that I had enough room to stand up. Testing that theory, I lifted an arm upwards and felt nothing but damp air. That's when I heard Atimos shuffle past me and then, seconds later, a dim light filled the small room. In it were two beds, one large and the other a simple twin size. In the center, though, there was a wooden table that I had no doubt I would be hooked up to soon. There were chains and leather cuffs and a table not far from it with drawers that I only imagined held various sorts of toys and equipment.

"Up you go, boy." He said as he pointed to that very table. As soon as I leaned forward to climb up, he stopped me with the leash. "That's far enough for now. Place your paws out in front of you."

I did as he said and then watched in mixed delight and terror as he grabbed the middle pair of cuffs and attached them to my wrists, locking me to the contraption. Walking back around to stand behind me, I tensed as his paws slid up against my chest, his fingers quickly closing in on my nipples. My thoughts were confirmed as he pinched down on them, giving them both a vigorous twist as he brought his dick against my rump. It was the first time all night that I had felt his shaft at my backdoor entrance and it was not small.

Each girthy, pre-soaked inch traversed my cleft, his grip loosening on my nipples as he sunk into my rump, his piss slit dribbling fluid all over my cheeks. The python drove further down into me, first tickling, then brushing, then stroking against my taint. My own shaft bobbed up and down in excitement and desire, begging him to sink his maleness into my pucker and claim me. It was strange how similar and alien this was compared to the feral romp with the cougar a few weeks ago. The allure of being claimed was intoxicating, though I had little doubt I'd be just as turned on if I was the one entering the meerkat. He was just so damn arousing. When I finally felt him directly prod my anus, I stiffened and whimpered right into my gag, my legs shaking just a bit in anticipation.

He paused for a few seconds to let the gravity of the situation overwhelm me, and then just when I thought I was going to impale myself on him, he began pushing into me. Though he had loosened me up a bit beforehand, his finger was nothing compared to the large anaconda seeking entrance. His tip spat precum inside me, lubricating me for when he got inside. Boy, was he trying. For multiple seconds, the fight was even, but his hips began winning out against my pucker. Ever so slowly, it was spread out to allow his tip to embed itself inside me. I clenched my eyes as my anal muscles tried to force the big head back out, biting into the gag as I did all I could to hold back tears.

"You sure won't joking about doing this irregularly. You're no looser than a virgin."

Giving me several seconds to try and adjust, his paws gripped my rump and he rocked forward, not driving forward as much to help him spew some more precum into my passage. Groaning, I dug my claws into the table as he began to make progress, soon seesawing an inch of his uncut member into me. As he began to gain a rhythm inside the increasingly lubricated walls, his progress grew faster and faster. My breath caught in my throat as four inches of his dick drove into me, spreading me out more than the puma had and he was just shy of halfway inside.

I moaned in a breath as he drug himself back to just his head, his slow movement tickling my prostate. Then I screamed and whimpered into the velvet as he rocked forward ferociously, hard enough that it ended with an emphatic slap of his sac against mine. Fully hilted inside my squirming body, his paws slid up my sides as I heard him give out a gruff laugh and groan as I clenched my buttocks down even harder, squeezing the life out of and then back into his intruding dick.

My whimpers turned into a sultry moan as one paw slid back down to lightly stroke down my ermine cock, teasing it just at the head before gliding upwards again to massage my tight balls. Another few drops of precum hit the floor next to my hind paws as he started dragging his member back out. Again, his paws tickled to my hips, gripping strongly before he drove forward, bouncing back as soon as his balls hit mine for the second time. Scratching at the wood underneath me, I did all I could to just survive his growing pace.

The meerkat above me drove back and forth with complete control, clearly in no mood to spill his seed anytime soon. I, on the other paw, was both grateful and spiteful towards that tight gold ring still so tightly gripping the base of my throbbing penis. I wanted to cum already, but I also didn't want the abuse to end. This kind of rough treatment was really turning my crank, and to know that it was at the paws of such a handsome and confident critter made me even hotter.

As his pace began to increase into something more like a slow moving engine piston, I felt drool spilling from the sides and edges of my jaw as I found it hard to breathe fast enough to make up for the air he kept driving out of my lungs. Thankfully, the copious mess of precum was beginning to take its toll, his dick sliding in and out of me with growing ease, and with it, a subsiding amount of pain for me. With soft snarls of what I guessed was pleasure, he worked into my frame, leaning forward and down until I felt his chest press down on my back, his gyrating hips the only thing keeping him going.

"How do you like getting rutted, weasel?"

With the ballgag secure in my muzzle, I couldn't form any worded response, so I simply grunted and pushed my rump back into his crotch. My spire throbbed and dangled off the edge of the bench, but with my front paws secured with the cuffs, I couldn't do anything about it. Arching my neck as his tongue lashed over it, I heard myself beginning to let out a rumbling dook, growing more infatuated by the dominant meerkat by the second. As his paws began to roll over my sides and over my trapped arms, I just kept dooking and drooling both my saliva and pre. My nerves were tingling all over, especially in my dick, my prostate singing from the stimulation his now gliding dick was giving me. With one final thrust, he embedded his cock inside me, stilling for a few seconds to grab a few breaths while I struggled to do the same.

"If I remember it correctly, your nipples proved to be very sensitive. Time to find out if they really are sensitive enough to bring you to orgasm."

Standing up, the meerkat pulled back out of my ass, a stream of precum flowing down my taint and over my balls as he walked to the table. With controlled ease, he unlatched my two cuffs and then had me roll over onto my back. Seconds later, they were locked again and I was looking up into his eyes. He grinned at me in genuine affection, bringing a paw down to scratch at my ears for several beautiful seconds as he penetrated my rear again, hilting my stretched and slick ass without much resistance. Letting out a guttural and feral groan, I did what I could to clench around his mongoose like dick.

Pressing into me to sandwich my ermine form between the table and his hot body, he rotated his first arm around my head so that his fingers were kneading the back of my skull. His second paw gave my left nipple a tight pinch and then I watched in absolute, sheer, ecstatic anticipation as his head dove down towards my exposed right nub. Savoring the last two seconds of air I was going to get, I held it in just long enough to power a long, passionate moan when his tongue tipped lapped over my nub head, rolling around the areola before his lips once again wrapped around it.

I was instantly in heaven, the rapture of both his thrusts into my passage mixed with the glorious tongue on my nipple. My cock throbbed in desperation as he continued to milk my prostate and nub with every passing second. Simply too tense and built up for the ring to stop me, I felt a familiar, but far more intense, tingling in my balls, my groan building up in volume as scorching heat lanced through the base of my spire, being held down by the ring for a few merciless seconds before blasting through. I flung my legs over his waist and let loose a delirious, muffled scream as a fiery shot of ermine spunk soared in between our bodies to coat our abdomens.

The next spurt was just as wonderful and then the next, my penile muscles working harder than ever to ensure I spewed out every drop, my cock pulsing and twitching as it released round after round of semen between us. Atimos never relented on my nipples or my ass, thrusting into me while he groaned into my chest. As my climax settled down, he gave my nipple one last kiss before lurching up and using the paw behind my head to unfix the ballgag. As soon as he pulled it out of my jaws, his lips were there to press against mine.

My reward for it all was to see his eyelids shudder as he snarled right into my muzzle. With a tense shiver, his warm seed began to fill my rump, long, thick throbs of his meerkat essence spilling deep into my rectum and colon. He painted my anus with long strands of his cum, filling up the tight, untouched depths more than enough to cause a large portion to leak around his generous penis. I felt his breathing rate relax and seconds later, his eyes regained their full luster and alertness. Kissing me just a little bit longer, he and I swapped spit as both his paws rubbed my cheeks and ears, running over my sides before gently gripping my hips as he pulled himself back out of me.

Minutes later, he was lying on one of the beds with me resting on top of him, both his paws draped around my midsection, our tails entangled with one another as we reveled in the afterglow of such an explosive outing. His tongue was running over my cheek as he nipped at my neck. I would have spoken, but my eyes were just one part of an ermine so close to sleep. Fluttering as if struggling against a weight they could hardly lift any longer, I let them close and passed out to the soft hum and touch of the meerkat who had just fucked my ass raw.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Darius is copyrighted to me

Atimos is copyrighted to Gothwolf: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/gothwolf/ and used under his permission

Story is copyrighted to me