Chapter One

Story by IanTheFolfy on SoFurry

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Hey guys this is my first work on here and I have not done creative writing in two years (I've been doing argumentative and analysis essays for my AP classes) so I would really enjoy it if you guys would criticize me and don't be nice I need someone like Simon Cowell. Enjoy :)

Ian p.o.v

Damn it's cold. It is a chilly afternoon on the third of December, twelve days from my birthday, eighteen days from the winter solstice, and twenty-two days from Christmas. The trees are stripped bare as November's warm embrace leaves, and December's cold fingers grasp the climate. It sends chills throughout the trees evident by the dead and decaying leaves on the ground. The silence is nerve racking as the all the birds have flown south for the winter and their chirping is not here to comfort me as I walk through the forest. I notice a few squirrels running rampant amongst the barren landscape as they gather acorns in preparation for winter.

The terrible thing about living Georgia is that it never snows down here in the Piedmont region, and around this time of year we are drenched in rain leaving the barren landscape even more desolate looking. I look up to the sky and see cirrus clouds to the east and cumulonimbus clouds to the west. Great, it's going to rain. I turn the light strolling into a fast jog as I try to get home before the rain clouds make me wet, no pun intended. From what I can understand, I'm within a mile from my house. If I go at the pace I am going now I should get there in twelve minutes and just might make it before God decides to start sweating heavily on me. With that all set I decide to put in my ear buds and listen to Bat Country to get my mind focused.

As I am rushing home I hear thunder roar down from the heavens, and I notice lightning streak down in the west as ghastly wind blows toward me, directing the storm clouds closer to me at a fleeting tempo. I decide to crank up the volume and run in a full sprint as the storm clouds are rolling like Soviet tanks rolling through Hungary in 1956, and like the Magyars, I intend to escape them. Trying to evade Soviet influence, I decide to stray off the trail and go through the woods to reach my not-so-humble abode quicker. With adrenaline pumping through my veins, my senses are heightened, and I successfully evade fallen logs and trees.

The clouds are directly above me just waiting to unleash a downpour, and I am nearly home when suddenly a person walks out in front of me. I crash into them like a feral deer in headlights, and then fall on top of them looking confused. As I get up I notice that I ran into a tall wolf that has a medium build with gold eyes that could stare straight into your soul. He has predominately jet black fur with white fur from under his chin to what assume to go to his privates. The bottom of his legs and arms are white and his hand and foot paws are gold; the demilitarized zone separating the black and white from going at it with each other is a thin strip of yellow fur. He has a yellow patch of fur in the shape of a paw print on his right shoulder which is probably a birthmark and the tips of both his ears are a yellow. He's wearing some camo shorts and black high-tops with a stereotypical surfer shark tooth necklace. What's up with him in shorts in this freezing cold weather I swear northerners are crazy.

I felt like I ran into a brick wall as I get up and dust myself off. I extend my hand to help him up and he springs upward, towering over me. We both stare into each other's eyes for a few moments before he is the one to break the silence. "Jesus Christ you were going somewhere in a hurry. Where were you going and why so fast?" he asked, grinning and revealing his pearly whites.

"Do you not see the sky? There are storm clouds coming in from ten o'clock, and I am going home. Should you not be doing the same?" I replied hotly. There was something about him that... oh I don't know! Why am I acting so cold? Am I trying to impress him? I do not even know who he is! Weird.

"Why are you speaking like that are you planning to join the military?" he responds chuckling, "and I don't care about the rain it's just water for Pete's sake. What, are you scared of getting wet?" The look on his face was that of pure amusement. And the tone of voice sounds like he's taunting me, but why would he taunt me I barely know the guy! Whatever I just need to keep my cool and get home asap.

"No I just do not wish to become sick you baka! This cold weather and rain will surely do so, and you ought to get home yourself if you wish to stay in good health, but that is none of my business shall you want to become under the weather," I reply coldly. I smirk on the inside for telling that idiot off. That ought to tell him not to underestimate me. Wait what? Underestimate? I swear the words that I decide to use in my head. Is it normal to talk to myself like this or am I some weirdo? Maybe he does have a reasonable reason for teasing me.

The clouds are directly above us and release the flood upon us as lightning is streaking blue and white everywhere. Seems like someone made Zeus angry. This wind is not making it better it's making it colder, and by the time I arrive on my doorstep my sister will open up to see an icicle. The wolf is just over there looking up at the sky as if he is glad to see the rain fall upon the earth. What is wrong with this guy? He looks down and turns his gaze towards me. "I think it's too late for you to go home without getting wet now!" he shouts but I am literally three feet away from him.Why is he shouting? He is such a captain obvious, and I want to be a smartass, but he interrupts me before I criticize him.

"I know a place we could hide out for the duration of this storm," he tells me. So he's not that big of a dumbass after all. Omg I'm such a bitch! Bow down before me peasant and recognize me as your superior. Kiss my royal pink furry ass biatch! He walks up to me and picks me up like I am his bride. Our eyes lock for a few moments before I start blushing demanding that he puts me down. Not what I had in mind but I like it, but I gotta play it off like I don't like it.

"Put me down you big, scruffy... nerfherder! I do not even know your name and I certainly have not given you mine! Are you planning to court me sir? The way you are carrying me is certainly unnecessary! I am too young to lose my virginity!" I shout while squirming in his strong arms, pounding his ripped chest as his arms are holding me back from me successfully getting away from his evil clutches.

"Well my name is Avi and the proper term is 'you have to take me to dinner first' when you want to have sex with someone," he replies laughing. "And who knows maybe I do want to lay with you." His face turned into a sly grin, but from what I can tell from his personality he is kidding, yet I do not know him so well, so I must be on guard at all times. Oh wait, he has me locked in his arms so that's completely useless_. I don't want to get raped!_ As I continue to try get out of his arms he asks, "By the way I never got your name. May I know what it is?"

"Put me down this instant and I will consider revealing my name to you, baka!" I snarl at Avi. My goodness I can be mean sometimes, although the way he used may instead of can I ought to let him know my name maybe there is hope for this kid, a_nd_ I kinda like being carried by him it just feels... natural. I stop squirming and allow him to carry me to wherever it is we are going.

"Nah I enjoy carrying you, and it seems you're enjoying it as well," he says. I start blushing then I chomp his arm and he immediately drops me. I won't let him be satisfied with himself! I get off the ground and begin walking behind him like Peanuts does with Snoopy. Why am I doing this?! I am free from his clutches yet my body refuses to obey me and instead walks with him. I don't blame myself, it's freezing out here and my fur is soaking wet. I just want to find asylum immediately.

"My name is Ian," I tell him. He glances at me with his beautiful golden eyes then continues walking forward. Wondering how far we are from wherever he's gonna take me I ask, "How much farther are we from your shelter?"

"Not very far about 300 feet."

"Then how come I cannot see it?"

"Don't trust your eyes they deceive you," he responded then started going into a full sprint. "Race ya!" I swear he is so childish but I submit to his little game and began sprinting. I could've been home by now if I hadn't met this blockhead. Where we're going is so dark I can't see anything in this rain. What if he's planning to kill me in the middle of the woods? Why am I so paranoid that is not likely to happen, but what was he doing out here in the woods this time of day? What am I doing out here I could under the nice and warm roof of my house, yet I'm stuck in this rain.

We get there and it's a cave alright. I never knew this even existed, and I've been around these woods for about two years now. The cave is small but it seems like it will do for the two of us. He gestures me in, and I walk in then he strides inside. He gathers a bundle of dry sticks and set them down then he encircles them with rocks. Oh great he's starting a fire. Now all he needs a butcher's knife, and he'll be having roasted wolf for lunch.

While he's starting the fire I decide to wander around in this small place and see what else is in here. There's nothing much in here except for a few cans of food and some snacks here. I guess he prepared himself just in case he was stuck out here, and I applaud him for his preparation skills or whatever you call it. I feel like I'm forgetting something extremely important, but I can't put my finger on it. Oh well if it's that important then I'll remember it.

Suddenly my phone goes off and I fish it out of my pocket. It's now 5:37 and I just received a message from my girlfriend Merissa, a lovely Labrador retriever with shoulder length blonde hair that's a few shades lighter than her beautiful fur. And her auburn eyes are to die for; I melt every time I gaze into them.

Merissa: Hey where are you don't you know what today is?

Sweet Jesus I forgot it's our anniversary today! Damn apparently our anniversary is not important enough for me to remember. Alarms go off in my head as I realized how I had failed her. Hashtag worst boyfriend ever!