Multi-Tail Trouble: Part One

Story by GrassandFlame on SoFurry

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Let me break it down for you, my name is Aeron, I guess you could call me a bad person. I'm a thief, I walk around a small town and pickpocket for a few possible gold coins, despite this, I will usually come across a person or two that has it bad with a local guild or if they're in trouble with a few bandits, I usually deal with that kind of stuffs. I may also possibly break into a house and take a few things. Am I proud of it? No, I'm not, I only chose this life because I had no choice. My parents abandoned me when I was only six years, and from what I hear, they died two months later. I'm not quite sure why though, nor do I care!

Anyway I woke up on an ordinary day--

"Gods, my head hurts..." I muttered to myself. I lived in an abandoned house, but despite that, I kept it clean, most of the town knew I was here anyway, so I wouldn't call it abandoned. I got up and walked to a close by window, each step I took made a noise. I notice that the sun has barely rose over the horizon. People were just now exiting their houses and letting out a yawn. They soon went back inside and shortly came back out in business attire, then scurried of to whatever they did for a living. Every now and then a trade caravan would wonder into the village and would set shop somewhere.

As I said, I'm a thief, and a darn good one too. I'd go into their shop at night and loot some supplies and possibly some gold they save up. I walked into my dinning area and grabbed something to quickly eat. I walked out through the back entrance. There was a nearby forest I enjoyed to walk through until noon, when everyone is out and about. Walking up to the forest, I tilted my head upwards. The tree's stretched for what seem for miles. I walked into the brush and continued to walk forward. Looking around I could see various berry bushes. I knew this forest left and right, I can tell which berries are poisonous and liable to kill you, and the others are edible.

I could climb the tree's and see if they have any fruit themselves, but I was never to good of a climber. I must have lost track of time because it was getting dark and I believe I traveled a bit further than a usually do. I came across a lake, the moon was out now. The water itself, sparkled in the moonlight. It was a beautiful site to behold. I know that I can't head back until daytime, it's to dark and I could get lost. I gathered some supplies to create a little camp. I entered a small clearing and started a camp fire.

To my left, I could hear a small noise coming from the bushes. "Who's there?" I called out. I'm not stupid either, I've been in situations like this where a bandit will lure you into a trap and 'attempt' to kill or steal your belongings. I grabbed a sharp stone nearby and threw it straight at the cause of the noise. I heard a critter shout, most likely a rabbit or bird. I yawned and leaned against a tree and closed my eyes.

Before I knew it, the morning sun rose above. I put out whatever was left of the fire and buried the burnt wood. Looking up, I could see that the sun was straight over head. I walked over to the lake and looked into it. I could see my reflection crystal clear. I had green eyes, blond hair, and a scar down the left side of my face. I don't want to talk about how I got it either. I bent down and cupped my hands and lifted some of he water to my face. I should keep this place a secret. Its quite silent here, could be a good place to unwind if needed to.

I began to walk back to the village, but my stomach began to growl. I walked to a nearby berry bush, making sure they aren't poisonous. Alas, they had three leaves and were red, possibly deadly. I just had to fight the hunger until I got home. It soon subsided though, which was good, I guess. At least now I know to pack some food next time I want to head out! I could see the village, but I heard a female scream.

I ran in it's direction to see what was going on. I hid in a nearby bush to stay out of sight. I could see a girl, silver-like hair, red eyes, and looks like she was beaten bad enough to limp, which she was. She was surrounded by your typical bandits. I had a small switch blade I made in my sock, along with a slingshot I hand made. I couldn't leave her to be beaten and possibly killed by the bandits. There were three of them. I grabbed another two sharp stones nearby and loaded one in the slingshot, point first. I let the string go and the stone flew straight into right bandits head. He fell flat on his face as a small pool of blood formed around him.

The remaining two turned around and called out, "Who's there? Come out!" The left hand bandit began to shake, "B-boss, I'm getting scared!" He said with a stuttering voice. I loaded the last stone on the slingshot and let it go to only hit the left bandit in the neck. He held his hand to his neck and began to gasp for air. "H-hey! Cut it out! Show yourself!" The bigger one shouted. The girl was sitting down with her back to a tree. "You need me?" I said as I walked out of the brush.

"You're the one who killed my crew!? But your just a kid!" He said shocked. It's true, I'm only seventeen, but I know my way around a fight. He attempted to run away, but with speed I grabbed my switch blade and threw it straight at the bandit. The blade part hit him in the back of the head killing him almost instantly. I walked over to grab my knife and slid it back into my sock. I walked over to the girl, "Y-your not gonna hurt me, a-are you?" she whimpered. "No," I said calmly, "I just want to help." I had a small satchel on my side and pulled out some medical supplies to treat her wounds, mostly the ones that could be fatal later on, or at high risk of being infected.

"There..." I said, "you should be fine now." I put the remaining supplies into my satchel and walked away. Strange girl, I've never seen someone with hair color like hers. But I shrugged it off. The sun was about to set as I got back to my house. I should go back to the lake sometime, it's quite a site to see. The feeling of hunger rushed back to me and hit me like a dagger in the side. I entered to dinning area to make myself dinner. I was completely worn out. A full two days hike through a forest and a run in on some bandits. I just wanted to sleep.

I entered my room and changed into my sleeping attire and climbed into my bed. I fell asleep almost instantly after that. Although, something didn't feel right...