Red Sun

Story by ShadowFTS2 on SoFurry

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Long ago, a powerful beast attacked Japan. It's form as red as blood and it's eyes as black as night, it destroyed everything in it's path. However, a group of five men and one young boy set out to defeat the mighty beast. The young boy's name was Eiichiro and amongst the others he was the one who first confronted the beast.

The terrible beast was the great dragon known as Kasai the Slaughterer, and for centuries he would fade into obscurity only to return once more. He stood before Eiichiro who showed no fear of him and simply asked, "Do you not fear your imminent destruction, boy?" but Eiichiro did not. Instead, Eiichiro defiantly stood before Kasai and spoke, "Who am I to fear? The murderer of my family or the dragon who flees into the mountains, fearful of his own death."

Kasai, angered and appalled, attacked Eiichiro. It is said that the great dragon was then killed by the five men and Japan was saved from the beast. Unfortunately, Eiichiro was killed. He was praised as a hero amongst those who knew him but with the Kasai gone, posing no imminent threat to the country or the world... the tale turned to legend and then finally myth.

Hundreds of years faded away and peace prospered but in secret a society of men waited and studied the writings left behind by the five dragon slayers. After many centuries, this society went unnoticed as the protectors of Japan and it seemed the day would never come where they would be needed once again. That was, until about a week ago...

"Come one, Kobe!" Shouted a man as he walked along a winding trail up the mountainside. Kobe was a young boy of about thirteen, his black hair messily sat atop his head. The boy was accompanied by five men, each rippled with firm muscle beneath their sleeveless garbs. The thin tan clothing they all wore clung to their skin as sweat dampened their shirts and the boy wore similar clothing to theirs, his lean form also packed a fine amount of muscle despite his youthful appearance.

They scaled the mountainside, the men armed with swords of expert craftsmanship whilst the boy was armed with a knife. Th weapon laid by his side, tied to his waist and hidden within a sheath. "We all know our mission, correct? Before nightfall we need to find his cave." Proclaimed one of the men, a short male about the age of eighteen. His hair laid sloppily over his brow and down the back of his neck, the same fair black as Kobe and his name was Masato. Standing at 5'6", he was easily the youngest of the five and the shortest amongst them as well. He folded his arms as he sighed and looked out beyond the mountainside to the forests all around them.

The whole group traveled barefoot, trekking the mountain for signs of a cave. Dragons were always quite crafty about their dwellings, leaving themselves invisible to the more untrained explorers but this particular crew was nothing if not well trained. Masato walked past Kobe, stepping ahead of the group so that he could look more carefully. "The dragon's scent is strong... I can feel it's presence somewhere nearby. We'll need to send as few of us as possible to check for the cave from here. No need to wake the dragon until we've made our plan."

"Yoshi, where's the book?" Asked Yozu, the leader of the group. His hair was a dark brown shade and much longer than the two younger boys. It flew wildly in the wind as he reached out for the old text. Within were the writings of the dragon slayers of Kasai, the book was in good shape though browned and torn. It detailed everything about Kasai and his fatal encounter with those five men. He thumbed through the pages, staring at the much larger Yoshi who stood above the group at seven feet, packed with thick muscle all around. "If this is the same dragon... If this is Kasai... We can only hope we'll finish what our ancestors started and ensure he lies dead. Following this book won't be enough... but it seems there is a detail we need to stay faithful to."

"Kobe!" shouted Shogo, the fourth dragon slayer. He and Yozu were approximately the same height, however, Shogo kept his hair cut low. He had a steely look upon his face as he sat upon a large stone. "You understand your duty as the sixth dragon slayer, correct?" The boy nodded, looking Shogo in the eyes. "Long ago, before Kasai faded into myth... a boy about your age was courageous enough to defy the beast. We do not wish to repeat history, we look to take what we know and weaponize it. What most do not know, however, was that Eiichiro wasn't simply killed by the dragon... our ancestors thought it best that the world was unaware of these beasts true nature..."

Kobe stared at Shogo with a look of fascination and a noticeable amount of fear. "Eiichiro was a boy who followed the dragon slayers of his own consent just like you, Kobe. However, the means of which are different. Eiichiro was never supposed to be there... The boy left his village to follow his brother into the mountains. His name was Yamato... and Yamato had told Eiichiro tales about how he was going to slay the dragon and free their village. Eiichiro, being just as eager to save his people silently followed Yamato up the mountain but when he did, Kasai caught his scent and captured him. The tale goes... the men tried to save Eiichiro but by the time they got there it was too late. Kasai had killed him..."

"You all seem as if it's so difficult to tell Kobe the truth. You think he'll change his mind knowing unlike Eiichiro we know he's here, we have trained our minds and bodies in ways Yamato and the others never could and he is equipped decently to defend himself? We know what they were forced to learn themselves... If he finds himself in the same situation as Eiichiro, all he has to do is target the dragon's weak neck or underbelly... where he is the most vulnerable. If he's scared of a few additional details than why bother having him here to begin with...?" Masato spoke in a matter of fact tone, he stared coldly into Kobe's eyes focusing on the clearly frightened boy. "Kasai took him to his cave and used him for sexual pleasure. However, due to his defiance of the beast, Kasai stated that he showed no restraint and killed him in the process."

Yozu glared at Masato, stepping away from the group. "You know he's right..." Shogo stated, "We know the secrets... Why does the kid have to come along?"

"Yamato stated in his entries that although saddened... Eiichiro's role was crucial in hunting the dragon. He claims Kasai was in a weakened state when they arrived... he was killed easily without putting up much of a fight." Claimed Yozu, his back to all of them as he stared off into the distance. He was internally troubled... having trained for this all his life he didn't actually think the day would ever come in his lifetime. He figured Masato's cynical nature existed due to his youth, even Yamato was reasonably mature before he sought out to kill the dragon. It was all too soon, they were all too arrogant...

"Wouldn't that render Kobe's part in this irrelevant if we're not going to let the dragon kill him?" Yozu fell silent, he turned to look at Masato though his glare had lightened.

"Kobe is a diversion. We have trained long and hard for this... You were just a child when I began to mentor you. Now, we are tasked to kill the dragon and if nothing else, Kobe will steal Kasai's focus. The dragon will be slain and the boy unharmed. That is how this is supposed to work..."

"Then we're depending on chance here. It worked once... it won't work again. We're better off fighting the dragon without distractions. We can take him down but we need to do it without gambling pointlessly..."

"Shogo, Yoshi, Kaoru... Seek out the cave. We're going about this the way we planned it." Yozu stated, "Masato, you stay here. I fear you are incapable of foregoing your own ego."

"My ego? You know I'm right... You're afraid to admit it but you know that this plan is flawed." He said defiantly, "So, who's really got the ego?"

Shogo stood up and stretch with a deep breath, "Whelp, we've got work to do." He walked onward down the path, the others following behind him. They left Yozu, Kobe and Masato where they were as they searched for the mouth of the cave. "You smell that?" Shogo asked, "It would be really good to have Masato's tracking skills right now... That cave is close and he's the only one we know who can lead us in the right way quickly."

"You think he might be right?" Kaoru, the fifth man, had a bit of a beard forming. His hair was long and kept in a ponytail. He stood just a bit taller than Shogo and Yozu, and of the group he was the best toned. His muscles rippled under the thin clothing. Kaoru nearly gagged as a blast of raw air hit him, "We're really close guys. I can smell dead carcasses... Probably wild Sika Deer. I can't tell if they're recently dead or if they were left inside to rot."

The came upon the cave entrance, the gaping hole in the side of the mountain was several feet tall and many more wide. Dwelling within was no doubt the dragon. "Alright... we found the cave. Should we head back?" Kaoru asked but Yoshi stepped past him, walking deeper into the mouth of the mountain.

"The dragon isn't here... It is out hunting for food it seems." Yoshi stated, the tall man walking to a pile of deer carcasses. It was with a bit of searching that he located what he was looking for. "Kasai has graduated to more vile tastes..." He reached out his hand and revealed to them the skull of a human. This was the sign they needed... their reason for killing the wicked beast. "Tonight, we follow the plan and kill the dragon."

The trio returned to the others and over the following hours they meticulously plotted the demise of the dragon. All of them, save Masato and Kobe, were in agreement. The young boy remained fearful that tonight he would meet a most gruesome fate.

"Kobe... You haven't talked at all since this all started. What's on your mind?" Masato asked, the duo a short distance away from the others. He sighed, watching them prepare to kill the dragon and with uncertainty he would begrudgingly follow them.

"Eiichiro... was... a hero. Unlike me... he wasn't afraid of Kasai..." Kobe spoke, breaking his extended silence.

"You think? No, I think it was because he was afraid of Kasai that he realized the dragon needed to be killed." Masato assured, "I don't think of Eiichiro as a hero... He was the product of circumstance and the prime example of what could go wrong if the dragon isn't defeated. You, Kobe, are a hero... You were trained for this. You willingly joined us knowing you would face the dragon... That is heroic... Not some product of circumstances beyond your control. You could have said you didn't want to long ago and have been done with it... Now tell me... Do you want to?"

"I... I do." Kobe proclaimed, though, Masato didn't seem very impressed.

"That doesn't sound like it, Kobe. I didn't ask if we wanted you to do it. I asked if you wanted to..." The duo fell silent for a moment as Kobe balled up his fists and sighed.

"It's more than that, Masato. I don't just want to do it... I know I have to. I agreed, I came all this way... To go back now would be cowardly. I /need/ to do this. I /need/ to help you slay the dragon. Nothing will change my mind."

"That's more like it... Well, now's the time." He said, pointing into the sky. Nightfall had come and the moon was full. However, up above a large red beast was flapping it's mighty wings as it descended from above toward the mountain. "Kasai is here..."

The repugnant stench of death escaped the mouth of the cave as Kobe stood, fearful and unmoving. It was time... Slowly, he proceeded into the cave. Deepening inside until the stench left him dazed and disgusted. Before long he was staring at the large reptilian form of the mighty dragon. The beast laying upon the pile of corpses. Kobe knew what he was doing as he neared the dragon... staring in fascination of it's mighty form.

The dragon was huge, it's form spanning 20 feet from head to tail. No doubt it stood on all fours and at a height of nearly 10 feet. The dragon, was deep in slumber when Kobe touched it's scaled form. The scales as beautiful as rubies were soft to the touch but yet the dragon still did not stir. "Kasai the Slaughterer! I am Kobe Hisakawa and I have come of my own free will."

"For what purpose young Hisakawa...? To annoy me and waste my precious time?" Kasai responded, his form remaining still. Not even his eyes had moved, nor was there any semblance of desire to do so. "Or perhaps you desire to be a meal? A could use more bedding, young one."

Kobe stared at the pile of carcasses that the mighty Kasai had used as his bed and shivered at the thought of joining them. "No, I have come as a means of sacrifice to avoid the destruction of my home!"

Yozu was just outside when he heard the boy shout those words, "What? I told him exactly what to say! He's not supposed to be saying anything like that." An angered glare fixed itself upon Masato who caught the gaze and returned it. "You put him up to this, didn't you?! You didn't agree with the plan so you went ahead and sabotaged it!"

"Are you always this paranoid, Yozu? I merely told Kobe that he shouldn't be here if he doesn't want to be." That's when the truth dawned upon him, "He wants to be a hero..."

"A what? All he had to do was follow the plan and he would be one... You infected his mind and ruined my plans. Yoshi, Kaoru, Shogo... we have to do something now! We can stop the dragon and we can do it without that black sheep of ours!" Yozu rushed off ahead of the others and after a moment of hesitation and brief glances toward Masato, the trio decided to follow the leader.

"Don't do it! He's acting off of impulse and ego! He's going to get you all killed!" He shouted but they made no attempt to heed his warning.

"Young Hisakawa... You are not the one I seek." Kasai stated, "Long ago, there was a young boy I snatched off of this very mountain and brought into the mouth of this cave. He would have drawn out the one I had chosen but his defiance and acts of foolishness provoked me. No, Eiichiro was not the one I anticipated to breed. He was a victim of circumstance... My eyes were on his brother, Yamato."

"They took Eiichiro! We have to save him!" I heard him call to his fellow hunters as he reached out to the sky, to me. I took the boy with me... None of them knew what I was planning. I am not sure what stories of heroism the boy was fed but his frail, weak body was incapable ever stopping me. However, the boy was persistent... He had a blade just like yours. With it he decided he would stab me in the heart, slay the beast on his own, but that only angered me.

In my rage, I lost sense of patience and since I could no longer wait for the stronger male, I settled for his younger brother. I admit, I was so angry I miscalculated. Although Yamato, a hardened male with years of training, could have taken me albeit forcefully and paid the debt for his village, his young brother could not. Eiichiro was killed after only a few measly moments of taking not even half of my massive spire. I finished anyway just before Yamato arrived. I was weak and weary... and the hunters attacked me relentlessly. My old form was killed...

However, Dragons like me are eternal beings. The clock kept ticking and years passed until finally I began to reawaken. I made no attempt to hide, I knew you would seek me out. Humans always seem to repeat the same things over and over and over again, especially if they work. However, you would all come to me this time.

"I accepted the fact that you would invade my dwellings while I was away. That you would find the bones of a man I found dying in the forests. I planned all of this just so that I could try again. Lo and behold, I smelled the scent of a human that does very much interest me." With a loud yell, Yozu rushed toward the dragon with his blade, a katana, held high over his head. Only now, he was met by the dragon's paw... and held up into the air. With deep inhale, Kasai smelled Yozu and growled deeply. "It isn't you..." He said, tightening his grip. Yozu let out a terrible scream as Kasai crushed the man with little effort. He dropped the fresh corpse onto the ground just as the others arrived.

"You killed him! You damn monster!" Shogo shouted, simply to be swatted away as if he were nothing. The impact shattered his skull, killing him instantly. Though still, Yoshi and Kaoru attacked. Yoshi was the first and with a swipe of his claws the tall swordsman was quickly decapitated... only Kaoru remained. The final swordsman dropped his blade and stared with shock up at the beast.

"Aren't you going to attack like the others?" Asked the dragon and Kaoru responded by swiftly grabbing his sword. He was slow to make his move, hesitating to attack when finally he went for it, holding the blade over his head. Kasai merely flicked it out of his hands and then grabbed him lifting him up to his nose as he sniffed the human. His large paws wrapped around his arms, spreading him before him. "No... it isn't you either." He groaned, ripping the arms off of him like a child ripping the wings off of a fly.

Kaoru simply screamed until the blood loss rendered him unconscious beside Kobe. "That knife... I do not kill unless provoked. Toss it to the ground and leave... You will be unharmed. There are four here... if patterns suffice, and I remember their pattern quite well, there should be a fifth. He is the one I want."

"Then don't waste your time..." Announced Masato who coldly glanced down at Yozu. He stepped on his head rather lightly before he drew his foot back and kicked it. "I warned you, didn't I..." He stared up at the mighty dragon as the beast looked down upon him. "Go home, Kobe..."

"But..." The boy protested.

"Do it!" He shouted, the first time he had ever snapped like that as far as Kobe could remember. "If I had it my way, you wouldn't have had to see that. Now, do as I say. Kasai and myself have something to discuss..."

Reluctantly, Kobe withdrew from the scene. Leaving the cave alone in the night. "So you're the one whose aroma I find so arousing. You're very strong spirited... to stand here unafraid of me."

"I know what you want, Kasai..." He interrupted, "I read the book much more thoroughly than any of them. Even so, it was clear Yamato was unaware that you found him appealing. You acted out to breed him... The book details you as a powerful and intelligent beast. So a blunder like that was too obvious... You made a blatant mistake and ended up incapable of defending yourself..."

"You're a critical thinker, I like that. You're correct... My tastes do not find limp bodies appealing in the least. I am very picky with whom I breed. Had my rage not clouded my judgement, Yamato would have taken his brother's place."

"Then I understand what I must do. You chose me... so naturally it would be wise for me to make a deal with you."


"You may use me to fulfill your desire but you must leave the people of Japan in peace. You will be forbidden to destroy, murder and pillage our lands. I know a dragon's word is binding... so with that agreement, I will not resist you." He said in such a matter of fact way that Kasai was left astounded.

"As you wish. I will not flee this land but I will avoid the humans therein. I swear not to kill, pillage or destroy. This is my solemn oath." He said, though the dragon's eyes began to glow in the end. "However, if for any reason I am left unable fill your body with my seed whether it be betrayal or denial... I will destroy this land and kill all those you hold dear!"

"Meaning you'll kill no one... Nice try, I don't care about anyone but myself." He stated, "Now, are we going to do this or are you going to attempt to threaten me again?"

"I like you. It is refreshing to find a human with such a commanding presence. Though, I would say that is enough foreplay. You are a reasonably short human, I can assure you it will be a snug fit for us both." The dragon's tale swiped Masato off of his feet and knocked him onto the floor. There the dragon crawled over the human, bringing his dribbling cock into the view of the young male for the first time. It was huge, about two and a half feet long and one foot and one third wide. He slammed it onto Masato's chest where it sat lazily, measuring him up to the size of it.

In the clothes the boy was currently wearing, the chest was somewhat exposed and so Masato could feel the warmth against his skin. The unknown secretion was distributed across his skin and shirt, as the dragon played with his new breeding toy. He pulled off, bringing his clawes to the shirt and tearing it off the boy's torso. His claws were so sharp that three very fine scratches were actually cut into the boy's exposed flesh. Slowly, blood began to seep out of the scratches upon Masato's toned body.

A layer of sweat had formed upon his skin, the head of the dragon all around him. The dragon returned his glistening shaft onto the boy's torso but this time his did so in a humping motion, slickening up the boy with the strange sticky substance that was upon his massive girth. The head was the size of a softball and the cock itself was of an amazing girth and size, incomparable to anything Masato had ever seen. Though, the dragon wasn't yet satisfied.

He yanked the human's pants and undergarments from his body, no longer willing to wait. His large paws came down on Masato's arms and spread his torso while he shifted his weight, forcing Masato's knees to go back besides his ears. A glimmer of uncertainty crossed the young man's mind as the dragon lined himself up against the boy's virgin entrance.

"It'll be warm and cozy for you... All the way down to the knot." Kasai spoke, alluding to a part of his anatomy Masato had no idea he even had. He hadn't much time to think about it either as Kasai began to apply his weight against his slowly stretching hole, unprepared for what it would be forced to take. Rendered immobile, Masato laid his head back and grunted hard, veins lining the sides of his neck.

The dragon exerted an extra amount of effort and, with the help of the lubricant upon his tapered head, the tip forced inside. Masato bit his lip as the dragon forced more inches past his abused hole, shoving the first five inches in with little problem. However, it was by the sixth that he was met with an obstruction. "Breathe..." The dragon instructed.

Masato had trouble focusing on that act, breathing erratically at first. It was only when the dragon pressed his palms against Masato's shoulders and pinned him to the ground that the boy was capable of relaxing his breaths. Kasai jabbed his cock in a quick thrust that forced Masato to shout. The dragon seemed to enjoy the boy's distress, managing to press onward. It wasn't long before a noticeable bump appeared just beneath the boy's navel as the dragon eased himself deeper still, traveling past the navel and up his stomach growing more prominent in shape and form as a bulge beneath his tightened abominals.

Masato refused to be broken, despite his mind anxiously considering ways out. He hadn't admitted it earlier on but like the dragon, he too was a man of his word if nothing else. Suddenly, Masato's hole was met with a flaccid object and he felt various runes and ridges forming inside of his gut. It appeared the dragon wasn't yet fully erect and various barbs were being formed to secure the large girth in place.

Kasai was far from done, considering this moment merely the beginning. He was ready to breed... The mighty dragon pulled himself out to the tip and without any regard he slammed right back in. His knot meeting Masato's hole with a smack, the dragon sneered deviously as he did so again and again, picking up the pace with each thrust.

Masato lay there, nearly in tears from enduring the pain as the several ridges hardened and rubbed against his innards. The feeling of pain and pleasure mingling as one while the dragon prepared himself for a long and strenuous mating. He quickened and as he did, he would draw less of the inhuman girth from the boy until he was only taking it out at about half way.

The boy was very vocal, grunting and moaning with each powerful thrust. His own erection slapping his distended stomach pathetically as it dribbled precum. However, Masato had to admit... Albeit considered an impossibility before, the dragon's member was a snug fit and that meant in the context of a large penis wearing a condom that was about two sizes too small.

Spurts of precum sprayed into his stomach, filling Masato was a nearly scolding warmth each time. He curled his toes up as the ridges continued to grown more firm. Rooting themselves deeply inside him, he barely noticed the light shining in from the mouth of the cave when he realized that they had been mating for several hours. This dragon was insanely virile, not slowing down at any capacity while Masato's desire to simply pass out was thwarted by another swift thrust against him.

The dragon pulled out of Masato unexpectedly, the exhausted boy laying their in a puddle of sweat and draconic juices. The dragon brought grabbed the boy's head lifting it gently up against his cock. "Lick it..." The dragon said, pressing him against it. He realized he was at the mercy of the beast by the shackles of his own word and extended his tongue. The dragon's impatience kicked in and he rubbed the boy's head against the side of his girth while his tongue was lolling out helplessly. "That's what you taste like, boy." He taunted.

Precum sprayed from the tip of the dragon's cock and splashed onto the boy's face and hair as he pulled away from him. Masato's body remained folded in half, his hole exposed to the air. However, this time the dragon sat firmly on the ground and turned the boy around, lifting his limp body off the ground and holding it up against his chest. The dragons arms wrapped around the boy as he aimed his cock for the boy's hole and then he slammed him down it to the base. Forcing movement to return to the boy as he laid his head back against the dragon his arms pressed firmly against his body as the dragon tightened his grip around him.

The feeling of something so thick jammed in his stomach he reflexively tightened his abdominals, trying to force it out. The dragon instead began to force the human up and down the spire, using all his upper body strength to fuck his toy. The dragon kept it up, refusing to slow down at any point. Masato was more than ready for the dragon to just cum and get it over e with but then without thinking that was what the defenseless human did. He shot his load with such force it force his throbbing cock to twitch hard enough to hit his own stomach.

The twitching innards of his toy spasming like it did filled the dragon with a sense of accomplishment, though, he knew he could do much better. He forced himself forward and pinned Masato's chest to the cold floor. His paws pushing down on his shoulders once again as he continued to eagerly breed his human. The dragon craned a claw into Masato's mouth being delicate not to injure him. The large girth in Masato's stomach already separating the cuts on his abdomen.

The light fading from the cave as the dragon wore down his toy to the brink of pure exhaustion. Masato could no longer fight it and he gave in to unconsciousness.

He awoke to a pressure beneath his rib cage as the dragon thrust his cock in again. HARD. He shouted, the knot having buried itself inside him. The dragon held him against his chest as he finally erupted into a powerful jism that poured into his belly. He spit up a hefty amount of cum as his stomach was crammed far too full of seed to contain it. The dragon pulling him one way while the cock tried to do so in the opposite direction. He had cum quite a few times in his unconscious state that now as he did so again, it was merely a fruitless spasm.

The dragon licked along the boy's neck in long, salivated strokes while his claws slowly stroked the boy's torso. Following the cuts that were made there. The form of the dragon's cock making a distinct bulge inside his toy while it milked the last of his cum out. The tongue found it's way to Masato's nipple and played with it gently, the vigorous mating having hardened it anyway. "What is your name...?" The dragon asked, tonguing the blood off of the boy's torso.

"Masato... Masato Kawahara..." He said weakly.

"I want you..." The dragon stated, "Stay here with me..."