Chapter 28 Spread Your Thighs

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#29 of Fox Hunt

Spread Your Thighs

Chapter 28

My Darling Evelyn,

_ _

Once you've read this letter, you will undoubtedly hate me, and then leaving for the beyond will have less of a bitter sting. But I shall always love and miss my darling little sister. I shall miss your beautiful blue eyes crinkling up with laughter. I shall miss walking with you arm-in-arm through the garden or awaking to find you in my bed. You did so quite often when we were children, do you remember? And you would always steal the sheets.

_ _

Evelyn, the truth of the matter is, it was Giselle who sent your fox like a package to your bitter rival the queen. In fact, she orchestrated the whole thing. And I, spineless coward that I am, sat back and allowed her to do it. I believed it was best that you forget the creature and move on. So I was content to allow it to happen. Giselle sent your fox away, complete with a letter detailing her suspicions: that you were infatuated with the vixen and that Richard and I kept you away from it for fear of further attachment. She confessed as much to me as I sat at her bedside, for I never knew about the letter, only that she sent your fox away.

_ _

I am sorry I did not stand up to her. But then . . . your brother never did have much backbone. I let her take full control of everything because it felt right. Giselle is of royal blood, and by all rights, this manor is hers. Whereas I am a mongrel born of a duke who married into a bloodline of higher regard and hated it. It doesn't feel right, taking the reins. And so I have always shied away from it.

_ _

I would have let Richard handle how your fox was properly . . . sent away. But he and I were having our own problems. And in truth? I do not believe he actually wanted your Lily to leave. He loved making love to her. Once I spied upon him kissing her passionately, and I . . . I just couldn't take it anymore. I was happy to let Aunt Giselle send her off. I was jealous. And it cost you something that was more precious than I ever could have realized. I hope you can forgive your brother. For what it's worth, I would have protected you from all this mess, but my mongrel blood could not allow me even that. Who would truly listen to me if I protested against Aunt Giselle? Who am I but the bastard son of a minor prince who became second fiddle to a duchess?

_ _

Ah, but I shall not bore you with demonstrations of self-pity. I only lament that I could not protect you. And the thought of never seeing you again pulls at my heart each day. Sometimes I go to your room and imagine you will be inside, sitting at the window, taking your tea. I imagine that you will look up and with bright blue eyes will shout as you always did, "Charlie!"

_ _

I miss your voice.

_ _

Richard was not doing well when I received your letter, but he is doing better now. You must know that Aunty Giselle has grown very ill of late. I have never seen Richard so confused and helpless. I confess I do not quite know what to do myself. He spent the first few days drinking and staring out the window, refusing to talk. No one could snap him out of it. Sarah cried continuously, and poor Haskell stood ever over Richard's shoulder in the dismal hope that he would wake.

_ _

I finally convinced him to face his mother, and now he sits at her side night and day, waiting for the moment when she shed her deliria. I do not believe Aunt Giselle ever meant him true harm. She only wanted what was best for him, as I wanted what was best for you. Remember when we were children? Aunt Giselle and Uncle Louis doted on Richard as if he were the last little pup on earth. Which, I suppose, would account for his enormous head. He was always Aunt Giselle's "clever, clever boy." How he could think she does not love him is beyond me.

_ _

Love comes in many shapes and sizes. It comes in the shape of fear. The shape of despair. The shape of desperation. Sometimes it manifests as hope. Duty. Devotion. And even regret. I believe Aunt Giselle's love for Richard has taken all these forms. She wants what she believes is best for him, and in ruthlessness, will cut the hearts of those around him to place him where he needs to stand. With her cunning and callousness combined, I do believe she could have put him on the throne.

_ _

Indeed, Aunt Giselle would have been a remarkable bitch if life had not left her entangled in bitterness and rage. Sometimes I look at her as she is sleeping, and I remind myself that you could have very easily become her: trapped in an unwanted marriage with unwanted pups and a husband who dallies constantly with male lovers. What bitch should ever face such a sentence as a husband who can not want her?

_ _

But I know for a fact that our Turnip wanted you. Make no mistake about that, Evelyn. Unlike Duke Louis, Richard has a penchant for both sexes and would have loved you tenderly and with devotion. I know there were times - usually when he was drinking - that he offended you, but I know for a fact that he would never harm you. He has always loved you, though it caused him great pain.

_ _

Whatever drunken foolishness he did the night you captured the fox, know that for him it was not unlike forcing kisses on you when you were small. The kisses were always to spite you because he wanted them and you did not, but at the end of the day, they never hurt. Though I'm certain you thought those kisses were meant to hurt you, just as you thought his drunken groping that night would lead to a forced sexual encounter. But, my sister, I doubt his groping and mocking would have truly led to that.

_ _

I know. I defend him too strongly and too willingly. And I let him get away with things I should be punching him for. It is because I love him, and I know that when he is driving us both mad, it is because he loves us too. So I will continue to make excuses for him behind his back, even while I yell at him to his face. And hopefully one day, the yelling will sink in.

_ _

I am glad to hear that you are happy. It is all I ever wanted for you. It still comes as quite a shock that this Lily of yours is the one to have given you this feeling. I always imagined it would be . . . well, one of our kind. But Lily came into our lives and changed us all. She made me believe that perhaps foxes are not savages but our equals. Richard laughs at me and tells me I have caught your fever, but I believe it is true.

_ _

I plan to visit with the king when Aunt Giselle has finally . . . slipped away. Having caught wind of her condition, he extended an invitation, asking us to stay at the castle some time in the near future. I intend to beg your pardon on your behalf, and also to discuss the current situation of the foxes in Crinnington. Richard will come with me. Or I'll drag him along, rather. I don't think he wants to leave the estate ever again if it suits him. I understand that he is distraught, which is why it would be ideal for him to meet with an old friend. He and his majesty King Bastian were always very close. Perhaps Bastian will listen to us if Richard appeals strongly, and then you can come home.

_ _

I keep telling myself that. But the truth is . . . what would you do even if you could come home? All the court knows you prefer the company of bitches now. You have been marked as "flawed" among the purebred. They won't invite you to their fancy parties, nor acknowledge that you exist in anyway. They'll put a line through your name in the family records, and everything you own now belongs to Richard. You might as well be a scullery maid now. And yet . . . I want you to return still. Even knowing that it would be a miserable existence for you, I wish to see your face again.

_ _

My sister, you are the best friend I ever had. The only friend I ever had. How shall I master Richard without you? He is like a wild beast thrashing against his own misery, and you were the only one who ever knew his tune. And yet . . .

_ _

Back before this catastrophe hit its peak, he told me the sweetest thing. He said that I quiet something in him. That I make the world stand still. When he said those words, something broke in me never to be whole again, and I knew I was his then, and that I could never leave him. In truth, when I discovered he had slept with your Lily, I was prepared to leave him. But he's like a helpless pup now. I never realized before how much he needed me. Or how desperately.

_ _

It is odd to be needed. You and Richard are both so strong and certain, I never before guessed how much you both needed or depended on me. The realization is frightening and yet touching all at once. Baby Sister, I thought it was always I who needed you. Perhaps you needed me once, but know that you don't need me anymore. Life hit you with everything it had, and you rose to the challenge. And you did it without my help.

_ _

Father would be proud.

_ _

Love always,

_ _


_ _

P.S. Did you say you were pregnant?! Shall I tell the king? Perhaps he'll allow you to return! I shall await a response. If no letter arrives, then I shant tell the king. Though it would strengthen my argument tremendously.

_ _

"Come to bed," Aina complained as Evelyn sat at the desk, reading the letter Charles had sent by candlelight. She had already read it twice but could not help herself. She told Aina that reading the letter was almost like hearing his voice again. Almost.

"Alright," Evelyn said with a sigh. "I'm coming."

Aina was already curled up under the sheets, in a white nightgown Evelyn had purchased for her during their travels. She glanced around the room and hated it. There were heads of elk and deer mounted on the wall, solemn and staring with glass eyes reflecting the fire. It was a savage display and reminded her too well of the fox pelts on the walls at Howlester.

They were in their room in the local tavern in Loxney. Aina thought the countryside was beautiful but that the dogs themselves were abhorrent. The barkeep in the tavern wagged his tongue suggestively at her, and a few of the village boys tried to jump her when she went out alone for a walk.

The morning of the incident, she'd left Evelyn sleeping in their bed, and the boys who would later attack her were downstairs in the tavern taking breakfast. They nodded to her as she slipped outside, and she hadn't the slightest idea that they had waited five minutes before getting up and following her. She walked happily in the sunlight that morning, humming to herself as she cut through a field of tall grass and flowers. The village boys cornered her there. There were seven of them. She used magic to stop the first two: blasted them six feet away. They tumbled in the grass and didn't move. It wasn't enough, however, to stop the others. They twisted her arms behind her back, and after forcing her to kneel, a hard penis pried its head into the knot under tail, and after a pause, burst thick inside her anus. She cried out, and as a second hard penis was slipping against her tongue, the escort arrived . . . and silently killed them all.

The males the king had sent with them were four of his elite. They were Danish Mastiffs, towering amber-coated beasts, with serious eyes and powerful shoulders. They rarely if ever spoke, though Aina gathered from what few times they did that their names were Eldon, Lenard, Sampson, and Chauncey. They wore armor bearing the king's heraldry with colors that detailed their elite rank, and all who saw that armor trembled before them.

Aina remembered how her attackers had practically scrambled to get away when the grim mastiffs made themselves known. Eldon was an expert with a crossbow and took the first boy out with a bolt between the eyes. Lenard was a swordsman and Chauncey wielded a mace, and so the two of them engaged the boys head-on while huge Sampson - who never used weapons - broke necks with his bare paws. It was a bloodbath. And when it was over, the mastiffs sheathed their weapons and guided her home as nonchalantly as if nothing had occurred.

Evelyn rose from the desk and came to the bed. Lying there waiting for her, Aina thought she looked wondrously soft and pretty and wanted her in her arms. Evelyn was also wearing a white nightgown, but her big breasts pressed through it, riding heavily with the sway of her round hips. Her curly mane was down and cascaded around her slanted eyes as she smiled at Aina and climbed in. Aina scooted closed at once and inhaled the hot scent of her. She snuggled her cheek into those big breasts and closed her eyes as Evelyn's arms closed around her.

"I wish I had a flower to give my love," Evelyn whispered, curling her slender fingers in Aina's red mane.

"You give me one everyday," Aina whispered sadly. She quickly realized she had betrayed something in her voice when Evelyn stopped stroking her mane. "Not that I mind," she said apologetically.

"But you'd still prefer I didn't?" Evelyn confirmed.

Aina sighed. "It's not you. It's just . . . Ukudlala."

Evelyn's voice was hoarse when she spoke again. "What about him?"

Aina hesitated. She had been careful not to mention Nhlahla, Ukudlala, or anything about that horrible night. Evelyn easily came to tears anytime she was forced to think of it. There were times when Aina awoke at night to find her crying - not just for that dismal night, but for the family and the life she was leaving behind. She had given up so much. And for Aina. It made her feel guilty every time she thought of it. Evelyn deserved better than what was happening to her. Aina wanted to make things better, but she didn't know how.

Aina closed her eyes and let her paw slip up the back of Evelyn nightgown, caressing her bare back in a soothing massage that relaxed her. It always relaxed her. "Uku would give me one flower a day. Said it was his way of slowly wearing me down."

Evelyn laughed sadly.

"He would preserve each one with magic," Aina went on, "so that it never died. I kept them for a while. Only to please my father."

"To please your father?"

"He wanted Uku and I to fall in love. He wanted that desperately. Saw Uku as a son. But I never wanted him. And what was worse? I was cruel."

"What did you do?" Evelyn whispered.

"I . . . laughed."

"Oh. . . ." Evelyn smoothed her fingers through Aina's mane. "But you didn't mean to hurt him."

"No. I didn't _care_if I hurt him. That was the problem," Aina said unhappily. "One time we had a great celebration. Our cousin clan Ti'aka had come to the forest. Clan gatherings are . . . how you say . . . significant. They're significant for introducing new blood. Some youth leave old clans to find love in new. Uku wanted to dance with me, and I was determined to make him stop asking, so I danced with someone else. I even kissed him. He cornered me later. Slammed me to the wall. Groped me and kissed me. . . . I slapped him and ran away. I never told anyone."


"They would not have believed me. Uku such a sweet boy . . . and everyone knew I didn't want him. They would think I was making it up."

"Ah," Evelyn said sympathetically. She bit her lip, and Aina could tell she wanted to say something, but she was holding back.

Aina lovingly pushed Evelyn's curls back from her face. "What is it, mi sihle?" she whispered.

Evelyn's slanted eyes fluttered and she smiled. "I love when you call me that."

"Tell me," Aina pressed. She smiled. "Maybe Aina make it better."

"I wish you could."

Hearing the misery in Evelyn's voice, Aina looked at her quickly. "What is it?"

"The king . . . he did to me what Uku did to you. Except . . . he made it past groping."

Aina scowled. "He slept with you!"

". . . yes," Evelyn said apologetically.

Aina stared at her. "You're guilty. Guilty because you liked it!"

Evelyn blushed. "It doesn't matter how I felt. It matters that I love you and I'm here with you."

"But are you alone?" Aina said darkly. Frowning, she pushed Evelyn's nightgown up her thighs and carefully smoothed her paw over the pink lips of her sex. She saw Evelyn blushing from her touch, but she remained still, lying on her side as Aina examined her. Aina's paw stopped over Evelyn's womb. She closed her eyes and blue light seeped between her fingers.

Evelyn sighed as the warmth of the light tingled over her. "What are you doing?"

"Seeing if you're . . . oh," Aina stopped. She looked at Evelyn, who was waiting with bated breath.

"Well? Am I . . . ?"

"It's too early to tell," Aina said. "I'm sorry."

"I guess we'll have to wait and see," Evelyn said unhappily. "I should be the one who's sorry. You could be pregnant too. That night in the f-forest --"

"Hush. Don't speak of it."

"If I had stopped him h-hurting you . . ." Evelyn's lip trembled.

Aina kissed her lips tenderly and smoothed her curls. "Hush," she repeated.

Evelyn closed her eyes and held Aina in trembling arms. "I'm so sorry. I hate being helpless, not being able to protect you . . ."

"I let him rape me. I didn't try to fight it."

Evelyn looked at her in amazement. "Why!"

Aina swallowed hard. "If I didn't, they would have hurt you. Surely you can see that? I love you. I couldn't let --"

"Wait." Evelyn smiled slowly, and Aina realized she had never said those words before. "Say that again?" Evelyn whispered breathlessly.

Aina looked her in the eye. "I . . . love you."

"Oh, Lily. . . ."

"I know I never say it . . ."

"I wish you'd say it all the time," Evelyn said and tears sprang to her eyes.

"Don't cry!"

"No, it's just . . . you look inexpressibly beautiful when you say it. It makes me want to . . . Oh, Lily . . ." She cupped Aina's face and kissed her softly, slowly. "Oh, darling," she whispered, pushing her paws up her gown, "I love you too." She stopped to look at Aina, and her eyes were so incredibly blue when she whispered the words, Aina felt something in her melt.

"What does it make you want to do? When I say it."

Evelyn blushed. "It makes me want to . . ."

"Go on."

"Taste your . . . pussy."

Aina felt her clitoris throb. Hazel eyes sharp with desire, she slowly pushed Evelyn's nightgown up the curves of her body, until the big breasts pressed free. Evelyn watched, growing more flustered and red, as Aina sank her fingers in her milky white breasts and sucked. Her tongue slowly pushed around the nipple and pulled away in a string of saliva. Then she closed her lips on it tight and suckled, the smacking was only as loud as Evelyn's soft cries of pleasure.

"Oh, Lily . . ." Evelyn sighed, cupping her breasts, rubbing them as she offered them. She twisted on her back, twisting her thighs together, as if to stop the sudden arousal that was happening between them.

"Mi sihle . . ."

Evelyn smiled to hear those huskily whispered words: my love.

Aina dragged her curled tongue down Evelyn's trembling belly in a line of fire. She glanced at her suffering face and pried her shapely thighs apart. Evelyn looked at the ceiling and her blue eyes flew open wide as Aina devoured her moist sex with a slow and careful skill. She cupped her big breasts and hugged them, curvy body twisting against the sheets as the pleasure mounted. She could feel her clitoris heaving, and when Aina sucked it gently, she arched her back and cried out.

"A-Ahhh! Oh, Lily . . ." Evelyn closed her eyes. "So good . . ."

"Yev on ta mi, mi sihle. . . . Mm. . . ."

_ _

Evelyn blushed: give it to me, my love. Aina wanted her to squirt.

"Yev on ta mi . . ."

Aina's careful fingers slipped in Evelyn's anus and gently caressed. Evelyn moaned. No one had ever touched her there before, but Aina was doing it now with a gentle insistence that made her arousal ooze thick between the lips of her sex. Her sensitive pink anus squeezed up on reflex, and Aina dipped her caressing fingers inside, even as her hungry mouth continued its slow assault.

"Oh! Oh, Lily . . . make love to me . . . please . . . please . . ."

Evelyn didn't see Aina's smile. She lay on her back with her mane in her face, waiting for the first fingers to glide in her sex. Aina crawled up near her breasts, and looking her deeply in the eyes, her sucked her nipple into her lips . . . and slowly slid three fingers between the swollen arousal of her lips.

Evelyn sighed. "Yes . . ."

Aina suckled gently as her fingers continued their slow intrusion. She carefully balled them into a fist, and as the mound of Evelyn big breast crushed her sucking lips, she punched her fist inside. Evelyn cried out, twisting on the sheets as her lover's little fist thrust so deeply, her hips snapped with each punch. Before long, her breasts were flapping, and Aina watched them flushing with arousal, watched the hard nipples wobbling sharp. She licked with a hungry tongue each time the closest nipple swung near her face. Evelyn's breasts were slapping, her hips snapping in rhythm.

"Ah . . . ah . . . ah . . . yes . . . oh, god . . ."

Aina sighed. She could feel her own moisture seeping down her legs as Evelyn's hot sex closed on her fist in a vise grip. Evelyn's sex was very strong, and it clenched so tightly that it sucked when Aina pulled her fist back. Watching Evelyn with soft eyes, she paused, then slowly sank her fist as deep as she could. Evelyn thrust her big breasts to the ceiling and squirted. Aina watched with narrowed eyes as her heaving clitoris flinched. She pulled her fist free and licked her fingers.

Evelyn immediately rolled over and slid her tongue in Aina's mouth. They kissed breathlessly, their heads twisting as Evelyn fought to pull Aina's nightgown up. She brushed her thick red tail aside and grabbed her backside in fistfuls. Aina's lashes fluttered when she spread them and touched her anus. Her fingers carefully sank inside. Aina sighed.

"Mi sihle . . . I never knew you wanted . . ."

"Take off your gown . . . spread your legs . . ."

Aina obeyed, heart pounding in her ears as Evelyn's slanted blue eyes looked at her hungrily. Her breasts were smaller than Evelyn's, and sharper. She felt dwarfed beside the foxhound, who was so much taller and curvier.

Evelyn looked at Aina with soft eyes as she smoothed her slender paw from her cheek to one of her small, ripe breasts. Her fingers carefully squeezed and she licked her top lip. "So beautiful . . ." she whispered breathlessly. Her white curls were a mess around her, and Aina thought she looked like a hungry beast when she looked at her with bright eyes and whispered, "Spread your thighs."

Trembling slightly, Aina obeyed. Evelyn smoothed her paw up the back of Aina's thigh, and lifting her leg in the air, she leaned in and licked her swollen clitoris with the tip of her tongue. Aina sighed and whispered encouragement in her language. Evelyn kissed, licked, and tasted the swollen lips of her sex, and before long, was licking her from anus to clit in long, hard, hot strokes. Aina melted. Her moist sex heaved against Evelyn's face and she knew she was going to squirt.


Evelyn smiled between licks. "Yes, darling?"

"Put your pussy on my face."

Evelyn glanced at her, startled. But she sat up and pulled her nightgown off over her head. With smiling eyes, she waited for Aina to lay on her back, then straddled her shoulders . . . and lowered the pink, pulsing hunger of her moist sex on her face. Aina slowly devoured her, as Evelyn in turn held her thighs apart and ravished everything in-between. Before long, the sensuous sounds of moaning and licking had filled the room.