Dimensional mischief pt1

Story by Exotic cat on SoFurry

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First attempt please give feedback and looking out for a possible editor

As i was lead through the alien barracks i struggled to hold my self together. Their eyes were on me observing my every action. I felt like prey that had just walked into the mother of all traps. I had only been here two mins and i was wishing i hadn't came now.The alien that was leading me was a coyote and smaller than the ones observing. Where He was leading me to i did not know but i assumed it was the alien in charge of this place .He stopped at a door on the left side of the corridor.So i stopped As well. The door was big and looked like it was made of some type of metal. The coyote paused and as he did So all that could be heard was the drops of water dripping from my soaked clothes.Then came the thuds. Low metallic bangs could be heard as the coyotes paw made contact with the door. I could feel a lump in my stomach and i started to bite my lip. I was terrified. Then the door was pushed open.

The door creaked open. I wanted to close my eyes i wanted to turn and run but i couldn't i had to stay i had to sort this out. The coyote stepped in the room and stepped aside to the left giving me a full view of the room.by look of the room i could tell that i was going to meet someone important. It wasn't a room that a average soldier would have. It looked very comfortable. There was a king size bed in the right corner of the room and and a fire place built into the centre of the left wall with a blazing fire that was heating the entire room and And directly in front was a big wooden desk that was made really fire with well carved artwork into it frame.then i lifted my head up to see who was behind the desk. It had black fur and wings.then our eyes met. And the stare became fixed and continued for a few seconds. It started to feel awkward and then he spoke. "Carl you can leave now" the bat said. "yes sir" i heard the coyote say and then a slam of a door.

I had completely forgotten about the coyote and jumped when the door shut. The bat noticed that and chuckled quietly to him self. But i heard it. He knew that i was scared. He moved his right arm forward moving his wing with it and gestured to the chair in front of the desk. I hesitated but then proceed towards the chair.He smiled as i walked to the chair where i sat down. "your cute" he said nicely Cute!!! He thinks i cute? I couldn't help but blush causing my cheeks to go bright red. My feelings of fright were now gone and had been replaced with embarrassment. "oh i am sorry wheres my manners i am Avery Lt avery" he stated and held out his paw. I shook it and admired how soft it was and after five seconds of shaking the bats paw i started to feel comfortable and loosened up a bit. "and you are? " he encouraged "oh uh sorry i am..i am Cadet Clark sir". I said firmly trying to regain posture and yes i blushed. "Cadet heh" he mumbled. "yes sir" i stated. "well at least they sent a cute Cadet" I smiled nervously. "th..thanks" i said with problem i couldn't believe that he was saying that. "So i am guessing your a messenger boy?" he said calmly. "well actually sir my superiors do not know i am here" " wait..So you do not have any ground to bargain on?" "no sir" i mumbled in a little voice. " well arnt you a brave boy?" he said with encouragement. "you must be terrified" he stated. "hey kid come over here" he said with as much confidence as he could. "sorry sir?" i said in a little voice. Did he really just say that? "you must be and tired and freezing cold from being out in the rain. "come and sit on my lap and we can get to know each other better" he said calmly. i hesitated but told myself that its ok and he has been really nice So far. I stood up and i did So he held his arms out showing the size of his impressive wings. I walked around his desk and he smiled at me just before grabbing my hand and pulling me in and onto his lap. I yelped slightly not expecting that sudden movement. I made contact with his body it was warm and really soft. He wrapped his wings around me and pushed my head against his chest. "better" he said and he started to caress my hair. To be honest It felt amazing i could stay here forever. The embrace made me feel safe,secure and made me relax making a audible moan escape my lips . "I take that as a yes" he said before laughing. "So lets he get started" he said happily and nuzzled my head. "So why are you here?" he whispered down to me while he began stroking me. "I want to talk about the hostages".