The Truth

Story by Vien on SoFurry

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#3 of Setup

Well it's been over a month, my break is up, and I have many new ideas, I can't wait to share them with you. Sorry it took so long, I got Civilization IV Colonization not long ago and played that for 4 days using up all my free time until I realized that I had an uncompleted story to finish. Yeah I get addicted to video games, especially the ones based on strategy, but other than my free time there's school (college), track exercises (throwing and sprinting) so that gets weird when you combined the 2, anyway here you go.

I look at the screen with a shattered and broken expression on my face. I look at all the videos and find nothing else that explains why or how this could happen. "No...there has to be more videos here, this can't be it". I go back to the main menu and look around for anything that could help. ‘The recycling bin, I wonder if it's hiding in there' I open it up and sure enough there is one video in there named ‘The Truth', I click on it and restore it. Then I go back into the video logs and click on it. The screen goes black.

Aron Varus sets the camera down, sits on a chair near the table right next to the camera, and looks into it with a sweaty face. There is banging outside the room. He turns toward it then back again quickly, he takes in a sharp breath. "I am Aron Varus, the Elite Assassin of Earth, if anyone finds this tape, give it to the media, cause the government won't let anyone see this I know it". He looks back at the door and calms down a little. "It won't be much longer now, *sigh* it took them only 6 hours to put me in this room, soon they will break down the dam door, and get in. I did everything I could to stop there advance but they just kept on coming, it didn't matter if they lost more than they killed in a charge, they just kept coming and pretty soon I ran out of men. Dam we had to of killed twice our numbers and they were still swarming our base like army ants." he shakes his head and looks at the screen with a blank expression on his face and says very calmly "seldom do you see this in war...where no matter how good you or your men are, there is no winning, for your enemies numbers are to great". Banging on the door can be heard as Varus tilts his head down into his hands then quickly lifts it back up. "Just before we went into battle I had some men look into the explosion of that soldier that caused all was an Arcadian suicide bomber, an Arcadian that somehow got into this country's most top secret operation." The look on his face turns from nothing to a scowl then he bangs on the table. "Dam those fucking Arcadians, why do they have to fuck up everything we have worked so hard for." The banging at the door increases and he looks over at the door then back again. "The werewolves are getting close now; there have already made numerously huge dents in the door". The camera shacks as the door slams to the ground. Varus looks at where the door use to be with a scowl then gets up from his chair and draws his sword. "I may have lost this battle but I will not die like a coward, I will fight all of you to the death".

1 of the werewolves laughs harshly at him "then what about you run away to here".

His scowl deepens "I had other things take care of before dyeing".

"Ha, I am Commander Shien and do you lead the men".

In a confused tone "Yes".

*Shouts something in a foreign language*.

*The werewolves reply in a foreign language*.

"What did you say"?

"After I capture you I going to send you to my son as gift even if you kill me".

A grin forms on Varus's face "well I can't give you that".

"We will see about that".

Footsteps can be heard as Shien comes in view of the camera charging at Varus with his sword in hand, starting the fight. Shien has his sword in his right hand, below his waist, and swings it upward to the left. Varus moves the right side of his body to the left so Shiens sword completely misses him then he thrusts his sword straight through Commander Shiens Throat.

Everyone gasps. *Someone shouts something in a foreign language*.

The table is pushed over roughly and the screen goes back to the video log.

I look at the screen with shock written all over my face. "He could still be alive".

"No, actually he's dead".

I turn around so fast I almost fell over. I pull out my blaster and aim it right at the werewolves face. He is dressed with titanium Trojan War Helmet, Royal Corinthian Muscle Armor, gauntlets, leg greaves, and an old style rapier longsword at his side. Silky white fur is sticking out in places that aren't covered with armor. The only part that's really exposed is his arms; the biceps on him have that nice curve in the middle and much more defined muscle all over his arms. Overall he is about 7 foot tall and has just as much muscle as Barnes except it's all evenly proportioned and sized in his trimmed fur.

He stared at me like I was some new species that he never saw before. "My scout that saw you when you first arrived said that other than your tan you were no different from him, but I never believed him".

A snarl forms on my face. "How do you know that Varus is dead, did you kill him yourself". The grip on my gun tightens and his body gets very tense.

He looks away from me to his left and says very calmly "no".

"Who did"?

"My father's best friend, he was really bitter about Varus killing my father".

"Wait so you're Shiens son".

He smiles "somebody was paying attention to the video, yes that is me, and by the way my name is Shain".

Vien nods his head slowly "I see, so what did you do to your fathers' best friend after your "SLAVE" died".

"He wasn't a slave he was my mate, and I killed my fathers' friend".

My mouth dropped ‘did he say mate, as in sex partner or life mate'. I try to form words but they just won't come out.

He chuckles "yes interracial matting on this level is unheard of for both our races, but I liked him and he had no choice and eventually came around to my constant coaxing, but I didn't force him to do anything he didn't want to".

"I...I see, so then can you let me leave so I can take the tapes and his body back to Earth so he can have an honorable burial ceremony".

He narrowed his eyes and cocked his head to the right in a curious way "I was told you agreed to come here and that no matter what you weren't going to leave, they said something like this being a permanent vacation and if anyone else comes with you we are just to knock them out and send them back to the landing zone".

"WHAT wh...who told you this?"

"Ummm... General Mike B...something...why didn't he tell you?"

I clench my fists and my face starts to turn red "General Mike Bernard, oh you just wait Mike cause I'll kill you when I get my hands on you...what were they getting in return for me".

Shain looked at me with concern "Our medicine, apparently it works miracles for you humans, wow they really didn't tell you."

"Those fuckers set me up; when I get my hands on them they will pay".

"Wow wow buddy settle down your not killing anyone without my permission alright".

I look him straight in the eyes "I tell ya what, I like males the way you do and even though your different I think I can get used to you and your life style if you don't treat me like a slave and just let me move freely; if you help me bring down the man that was responsible for this, I will let you be my mate starting right now because the government won't allow such activities to go unpunished if they are told".

He looks at me doubtfully "I..."

I roll my eyes "Look it's either you help me or I'm going to be a real bitch to deal with". I give him an evil grin "And yes I do have the integrity to pull that off".

"How do you plan on doing something like this?"

"Well since you said you have a scout then you have to have some power".

*Sigh* "Look I control enough to keep warlords away that's it".

I look at him with curiosity "how much land, like how many square miles is your country".

"Umm I don't understand your units of distance".

"Then what's the population of your civilization and soldiers".

"My countries population is about 134 million and my soldiers are about at 67 million".


He rolls his eyes "unlike your democracy where everyone gets to choose if they want to go into the military, I have an Empire and every male is required by law unless I say otherwise to join the military as soon as they can walk".

"Dam you don't fuck around with wanting a large military".

"Well everyone does that here".

I smile at what a great system that can really be "nice, well I was thinking", I scratch my neck "you could ask him to come down here for a new type of medicine that's better than the last that you just recently discovered and in exchange for that you want the hottest soldier you can find to be my little play mate".

He scratches his neck and thinks about it for a moment "that just might work, but do I get to keep him"?

I chuckle and shack my head at him "no...cause I'm the jealous type".

A happy expression forms on his face "you care about me that much and we haven't had sex yet".

*Sigh* "do I have to explain why I like you".

"No don't because if you get to horny then I will have knock you out so you don't try and make things difficult".

I raise my brow "difficult huh, well whatever".

He shacks his finger at me "now what about if we fail and he figures out our plan, then what will he do?"

I smirk at him "he is afraid of your people and would never even consider a ground assault and a bombardment of any kind would focus the government's attention on him because bombardments coast big money so there isn't really anyway for him to get at us".

Shain looks at the floor in deep thought "how do I know you're not gonna try and escape from me at some point".

"You don't, but I'm very curious to see what's under that armor of yours anyway".

He grins evilly "oh you do, do you, well as much as I would love to fuck you I have to tack you back and everyone has to see and know you are mine. The only way to do that is to fuck you in the capitals city square for all to see."

I get wide eyed at what he just said "fuck you, I'm not letting you fuck me in front of your people that's degrading".

He laughs at me "I was just kidding, settle down, all I have to do is put my arm around you, hold you tightly to my side, then make an announcement telling the people that you are mine and mine alone. Besides if I don't you can get raped or worse because not everyone likes your kind like I do, in fact there are a lot of my people that would like to see your kind dead".

*Sigh* "What happened 50 years ago is the Arcadian's fault not ours, our men reacted out of instinct not hatred and as a military commander I would hope that you know that".

He looks blankly at the computer screen next to me "yes I know, after all who do you think it was that put those last 2 videos on here".

I narrow my eyes in confusion "they why did you delete the last video".

He looks back at me more seriously "I needed to hide it from any wolves that might get in here; I figured humans could easily find it but I didn't want any of my people to find it".

"Why would your people be on our computers"?

"To gain new ideas or technology that we could use against our enemies".

"That was smart but do you really call yourselves wolves?"

He chuckles "oh no, what we call ourselves is to...well you just can't pronounce it let's just say that".

" so what about my plan".

He rubs his neck "I'll think about it but you have to come with me back to my palace".

I looked at him a little surprised "wow you have a palace, I think I can get used to that".

He laughs at me "come on lets go and I promise I will give your idea some thought."

I smile and put my weapon that was resting beside me completely away "alright but you're not taking my weapons away and where is the palace".

Shain shrugs "that's fine, you're gonna need them anyway since we're going back to the capital and the palace is not too far from here."

A confused look forms on my face "then how did you attack the base being so...oh yeah that's right it took a week for everyone to get to the base to form that great meeting that ended horribly".

"Yeah, we were one of the last nations to get there too, anyway let's go".

I follow him out of the compound and into the darkness. The door closes shortly after we exit the compound. We walk across the little clearing and walk into the woods on a trail that I didn't see before.

"So, tell me about the palace?"

He looks back at me and smirks. "Well...the palace is made up of 5 stories. The first 2 are the basement, the first being the dungeon, and the second being the Armory...

"Wait why would you put the armory so close to the prison, wouldn't that just make it easier for the prisoners if they escape the dungeon"?

"No actually because the armory itself is very small and the rest of the space is where the Royal Guard barracks was placed".

"Royal guards huh...impressive".

He shacks his head "don't tell me you thought we weren't advanced enough to have something like that".

"No something like that was only common in older, more well established civilizations".

"My empire is over 6,000 years old; does that not count as old"?

" that is old".

"Anyway as I was saying the second is the armory. Then there's the third floor, the main floor, or the throne room which I use to sit down and listen to all the most pressing matters my people have and try to fix them as best as I can".

"That's the same for use but what you're talking about pertains more to our ancient times".

He nods "I see, well our fourth floor is where all on my servants quarters are and finally there is the fifth floor which is full of very nice royal quarters for me, you, and any of my guests".

"Wow that's incredible so I'm guessing we will be sleeping in the best room you have".

He smirks "you bet and think of all the fun were gonna have". He stops, slowly turns to look deeply into my eyes, then moves closer to me.

I stop and slowly turn to be mesmerized by how stunning he looks as he move closer until both our faces are only an inch away; he starts to put his arm around me but suddenly retracts it.

He turns away "before I can touch you I have to address my people that you will be my mate. It's a stupid law that was started long ago and can't be removed, I'm sorry" he slowly turns around and starts walking away.

I jump forward and grab his hand "wait you don't have anything to be sorry for, so don't start saying you're sorry for shit that isn't your fault, okay"?

He smiles softly "then don't start ordering your emperor around".

I let go of his hand and fake salute him.

He laughs "so you do have a sense of humor, I was starting to think it only had to do with sex".

I shack my head and smile "oh no, I have a normal sense of humor, it's just that when I'm serious it's hard for me just switch to a humor like mood or any mood for that matter".

Shain nods "I see...stop here". He stops in the middle of a circular clearing and looks around.

I reach over behind my head and grip my gun. "What's going on Shain, who's out there"?

"My men that I told to wait here while I went after you now relax before something bad happens".

I relax and release my grip on my gun "Okay".

After my hand rests to my side 4 men come out of the woods and approach us and salute Shain once they get about 5 feet from us.

The wolf that's in front of Shain is wearing a steel muscle breastplate, leg greaves, a Corinth style helmet, and a basic angus trim longsword has a displeased expression on his face. "My lord I'm afraid we have some bad news".

Wow that was awesome, and I couldn't have ended that chapter at a better spot. Anyway I noticed that I all of sudden got a 5 star rating on both of my dogman chapters, well thanks to whoever you are (got a good idea of who it was). I was blown away; I never thought one of my stories would be thought of by some people as that GOOD.