Giving Health a Chance

Story by Sabi Kitsune on SoFurry

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This was a commission for Smooshie on FA: It was fun to write a story about Chansey and about the PokeCenters. ^_^ Enjoy!

*No sex scene in this story - the commissioner didn't want one, and it just wouldn't really fit anyways.

Chance grabbed his books from the shelves and waved goodbye to Nurse Rain. It had been a long day at the PokeCenter today. There hadn't been a lot of difficult or really hurt patients, but there had been a lot of patients. A group of trainers had come in from the tunnel to Goldboro town and their Pokemon all needed some attention. Chance had spent the entire day running across the PokeCenter and getting supplies for Nurse Rain - cloths, tongue depressors, band-aids, gauze. It had been a lot of work... but they had eventually gotten all of the Pokemon back into tip top shape.

Chance closed the door behind him and started walking home. He lived in the small town of Silver Streams. There wasn't really much to be said for the town. There were no major attractions or industries, and no gym, so it really only existed because it was a convenient stopping place between other towns. The town consisted of only a small PokeMart that sold a few things to travelers, the PokeCenter, and a handful of houses. There wasn't even a police station.

That was part of the reason Chance was here. He was in school to be a Pokemon doctor, but it wasn't going well. He had failed a few classes and was having trouble learning all the different sicknesses and injuries and treatments. It was seeming less and less likely that Chance would graduate - at 27 years old he was older than most of the students, and while he blamed it on the stress of school his hair had also begun to thin and he was worried he was going bald. A professor had noticed the trouble he was having and had suggested he take a break for the summer semester in order to give his mind a rest. The professor had mentioned the intern program as a way of still getting credits, and when Chance looked into that he had discovered the Silver Streams PokeCenter. The small town couldn't afford much and didn't even have a Chansey - Nurse Rain handled the entire center by herself. She had been relieved when Chance had arrived, and Chance had learned more about taking care of Pokemon than he had learned from all of his classes put together. He had really enjoyed himself, too - he had always wanted to help hurt Pokemon, but finally being able to do it had been a huge relief to him. Unfortunately, this was the last week of the summer - soon he would need to be back at school. It was a worrisome thought, especially as the more he had tried to study the more trouble he had seemed to be having.

Chance came to the small house he rented and opened the door, dropping his books on the kitchen counter and collapsing onto the small couch. Nurse Rain still handled the night shift - she lived in the PokeCenter, and if any emergencies came up she would be there to take care of them - so Chance's day was over. He could just take a quick nap to recharge, then get up and do some more studying...

Chance heard a Starly somewhere in the distance and opened his eyes. His back hurt - he must have slept on the couch too long. He sat up, trying to orient himself... and realized bright sunlight was streaming through the window. He was sure it had been starting to get dark when he had fallen asleep.

A glance at the clock confirmed his suspicions. He had slept all night, and now it was the next morning. _Late_the next morning - he only had a little bit of time before he would need to be at the PokeCenter. He hopped off the couch and ran to the bathroom. He grabbed a quick shower and put on a new set of clothes, cleaned his glasses and brushed his teeth, and then scooped up his books and ran out the door. He would have to grab a snack bar at work - even though he hadn't eaten the night before and was starving, there was simply no time for breakfast. With any luck it would be slow and Nurse Rain could spare him for a few minutes.

Chance made it to the PokeCenter just barely on time. He stashed his books in the small locker he had been given and then washed his hands, taking the time to scrub them thoroughly with the disinfectant soap the center had. When that was done he headed to the side office to find Nurse Rain and ask what he could do today.

Nurse Rain was sitting in the office like he had expected, but she wasn't working on the usual paperwork. Instead, there was another person in the room, and Chance had interrupted their conversation. Neither seemed upset, though. "Ah! There he is - good morning, Chance! Meet Nurse Hannah. She's on her way to Goldboro town and stopped here for the day. She's going to help us out today... and after yesterday I think we could both use a chance to relax some."

The other person - Nurse Hannah - stood up and smiled at Chance, and then offered her hand. "Nice to meet you! Nurse Rain has told me a lot about you - studying to be a doctor?"

Chance felt a little nervous that Hannah knew about him when he didn't know anything at all about her, but he smiled and shook her hand. "Yep! It hasn't been going that well so far though."

Rain smiled at Chance. "He's been an invaluable assistant though. I couldn't do this without him. I need to talk with Hannah about a few more things still - why don't you go take over the front counter? Hannah brought her Blissey with her, and the two of you should be able to handle most things, but if you need us we'll be back here."

Chance nodded and closed the door behind him, making his way back to the front desk. He had worked the front counter a few times before, mostly when Nurse Rain had to handle a particularly injured patient. It was fairly simple - greet a trainer, find out how many Pokemon they had and how hurt they were, pass the important information on to Rain and show the trainer to one of the rooms upstairs while their Pokemon were being taken care of. Chance would have some time to grab a snack bar and then study, especially if there was a Blissey helping out.

His stomach grumbled a bit as he walked back through the hallway, though Chance wasn't sure if it was from hungriness or from the increasingly depressing thought of being back at school and struggling through classes he could barely make it through. He half-wished he could just skip school and stay here instead... but the PokeCenter didn't have money for an assistant, and without the school paying for his food and rent he would end up starving and homeless. And then he wouldn't be much help anymore.

Chance made it back to the lobby and suddenly paused in shock. A beautiful Pokemon was in the center of the room, twirling its egg-like body around like a ballerina on tiny legs. It had a fluffy coat of white and pale pink fur, a pouch with a white egg on its front, and beautiful tufts of fur around its arms and head. As it spun around Chance saw a huge smile on its face, and it came to a stop and let out a joyous "Bliss!" when it saw him.

The Blissey pranced over and hopped. "Blissey! Blissey, bliss bliss blissey!" Chance couldn't help but smile at the happy looking Pokemon, especially when the egg-shaped Pokemon reached for the egg in its pouch and held it out to Chance. "Oh... thank you!" Chance took the egg from the Blissey gratefully.

She hopped again and spun around happily. Chance knew it was a she - he had learned a lot about the Chansey Pokemon, and he knew that they were always female Pokemon. He also knew the eggs they carried were extremely nutritious and could quickly re-energize tired Pokemon, so he was glad for the offer. The egg felt soft, more like a marshmallow than an egg, and it didn't seem to have a shell to remove. He bit into it and was reminded again of marshmallows - it had a very sweet taste, and he couldn't help but feel happier inside with each bite. Any thoughts of worry about school and any doubts about his ability to graduate were banished, and when he finished he realized he was smiling broadly.

"That was delicious! Thank you again; I was starving, and really needed that. My name is Chance - Nurse Rain asked me to cover the front counter today. Is there anything I can get you?" Chance watched the Blissey spin around one more time, but it shook its head at the question. It gave another happy sounding "Bliss!" and pranced off down the hallway. After a few minutes the sound of pots and pans clattering came from the kitchen, and Chance smiled again. The Blissey must have decided to start cooking - which, when he thought about it, was probably a good idea. There were a lot of trainers staying here from the night before, and they would be waking up soon. When they did they would probably want something to eat, and Chance was glad to have someone else cooking for them.

Chance got his books out and settled in behind the desk. The day was soon underway. As Chance had suspected, the trainers began to wander downstairs. A few had questions - were was the PokeMart, was there a pond nearby that they could let their water Pokemon out for a bit, did he know if they had left something in the lobby on accident - but most of them were hungry and had headed straight for the dining room. The Blissey had them taken care of, though, and Chance just answered what questions there were before going back to his books. The various medical terms and names were hard to understand, and he would often rub his head when he felt a headache began.

It was at one of those times that Chance had noticed something odd about his hands. They didn't look right, though Chance couldn't quite understand why he thought that. He looked away from his book to stare at them. The fingers were all there, they weren't scarred or disfigured, nothing was missing... he couldn't quite understand what had made him think something was wrong with them. He looked at them for a few more seconds until it finally clicked. His skin color was a little off. It seemed... pinker, especially when he held his hand in front of the book. He rolled up his sleeve a little to double check that his hand had changed colors, but when he did he saw his arm and hand both were the same color.

Chance bit his lip and thought about it... but then shook his head and dismissed it. He was probably just confused from studying, and his eyes were probably just tired from staring at the pages. It was getting close to lunch time anyways, so Chance stood up and stretched, deciding to take a quick break.

The Blissey was still working in the kitchen and had several plates filled with steaming food lining the counter. Chance looked at a few of them before grabbing a bowl of rice. He started to walk to a seat at a table when a voice from behind the counter stopped him. "Enjoy!" Chance looked up to see who had spoken, but he only saw the Blissey standing by the stove. She hadn't even looked up from the pan she was stirring.

Chance was confused at who had spoken... but without seeing anyone else he finally decided he must have just been hearing things. He headed over to a chair and started eating the rice. It was actually really good. Chance made a mental note to compliment the Blissey on her cooking later.

He was about halfway through the bowl of rice when Nurse Rain walked into the cafeteria. She smiled at Chance and sat down in the seat next to him. "Hey! How's it going?"

"It's going okay. Most of the trainers have headed on to the next town so it's gotten quiet. The Blissey has taken care of most of the work, so I've gotten a lot of studying in."

Rain squinted a little at Chance, frowning slightly. "That's good... are you sure you're okay, though? You sound a little off."

"Yeah, I feel fine." Chance didn't think his voice sounded any different, and his throat didn't feel sore or anything.

Nurse Rain didn't seem too convinced though, still frowning. "Well... if you're sure. But listen, I just wanted to talk with you about the rest of the week. I know school starts back up for you next week, and you've been a really good help this past few months. But I also know you've been having a lot of trouble with your studying, and I know it's hard to go from work straight back to school. Why don't you take the rest of the week off? You can use the time to pack and get in some extra studying, and get ready for the next semester?"

Chance thought over the offer. He was sorely tempted... school had been hard, and extra time would be really nice... but... "Are you sure? I know you need the help..."

Rain smiled but shook her head. "I'll be fine! I did manage before you came along, after all, and you've helped me catch up on a lot of the backlog of work I had. A few extra days won't be a problem, and I know they'll be a huge help to you."

Chance still wasn't sure. "But..."

Rain interrupted him. "Chance, you've earned it. I've already written a letter to the school so that you're covered for your credits. And I know you said you feel fine but you really look like you need some rest. Go on. I'll be fine."

Chance hesitated another second or two before giving in. The extra time would be invaluable. He rose from his chair, abandoning the rest of his rice, and held out his hand. "Thanks. And thanks for all you've taught me; I've really enjoyed helping out these past few months."

Rain stood as well and took his hand, shaking it. "You're welcome. And I've enjoyed working with you, too; you've been a great help and have taken care of a lot of Pokemon. Now go home and get back to becoming a doctor. Maybe I'll see you again next summer, if you want to intern again."

Chance smiled at the compliment, then turned to go. He walked back to the lobby and grabbed his books, took one more look around the room... and then left the PokeCenter. He would try and stop by again before he went back to school, but there was a strange sense of finality this time, as if this would be the last time he would come there as the nurse's assistant.

He shook off the feeling and walked home. The books slid onto his counter, but instead of lying down on the couch he went to his bedroom and turned on his laptop. He got another glimpse of his hand when he did, and was sure it looked even pinker, but he ignored it. While his laptop loaded he stretched out on his bed, sinking into the comfortable blankets, and then pulled his laptop onto his chest. He went to his school's website and checked the calendar to see when he would be able to move back into his room. It hadn't been as big a deal when he thought he would be heading back on the weekend, but there would be no sense in leaving the house here if there wasn't anywhere for him to stay at up there.

The website said it would be Thursday at the soonest. That would probably be the best day to travel up there. It would let him avoid the weekend crowd and give him time to get everything settled in. It would also give him some time to wander around the campus and get used to where his classes would be. Chance did some more planning in his head as far as for when he should leave and drive times... then he got distracted by browsing online comics. He wasn't sure how long he spent wasting time, but eventually he began to grow tired. His body felt lighter, but he felt like his stomach had grown larger. The laptop seemed like it was higher up in the air, and it felt like he had to stretch his arms farther in order to reach the keys.

He shook his head and ignored that feeling. He must be coming down with something... there was no way he was turning pink, or that his arms were shrinking. It was possible that he was getting fatter, but he doubted it could happen so quickly while he was just lying on his bed. He probably had a bad head cold that was throwing off his balance or something.

It sounded far-fetched even to him, but he was learning to be a Pokemon doctor, not a human doctor. He didn't know what strange sicknesses might be out there or how they could mess with him. A nap would probably do him good, and if he was still feeling weird after then he could try looking up symptoms online.

He yawned and closed his laptop, then slid it to the side and drifted off to sleep.

While Chance slept, his body slowly changed. The pink tint to his skin became more pronounced, the color shifting until he was a bright pink. Tiny hairs of varying shades of pink sprouted from his skin to form a soft coat of fur. His hips and chest expanded to engulf his shoulders and legs. His arms shrunk to the elbow and moved forwards towards the center of his chest, becoming a stubby but flexible appendage as they absorbed his fingers into the triangular tip. His legs followed a similar pattern, absorbing his feet and disappearing into his growing body, becoming a smaller but significantly more flexible and supportive foot-like appendage. His shoulders merged into his neck, causing it to spread outward and form a seamless transition to his now-rounded head, and several frond-like flaps sprouted outwards, growing soft pink fur that became darker at the tips. His body looked more like an egg than a human, and his bones had shifted in his sleep to better support the new form. A tail began to sprout from his back, followed by...

Chance woke up with a start, jerking up into a sitting position. The last remnants of the nightmare faded from his mind, and he looked around the room. He wasn't sure why but his breathing was fast and he felt a little hot and light headed. He slid off the bed, feeling like the bed was higher than it should have been, then headed to the bathroom. He felt a little dizzy but dismissed it as part of whatever sickness he had come down with. A shower would make him feel better. He stepped towards the shower... then blinked as he caught sight of something strange out of the corner of his eye. He stopped and took a closer look at the mirror to see what had caught his attention.

It took him a second or two before he realized that it wasn't him staring back from the mirror.

He screamed in shock at the almost-Pokemon looking back at him. It looked like a Chansey, but it was too tall and had a thin tussle of black hair covering parts of its head. It also had the clothes he had fallen asleep in hanging off its body. He looked down at his body in horror and saw the same clothes. He tried to pull off the clothes but his arms were stubbier than he was used to. It took him a few tries, and he ended up falling over before he succeeded. He lay on the floor and kicked his legs helplessly, but his body began to roll, and the clothes fell from him before he bumped into the wall of the bathroom. After a little more trial and error he got back to his feet and stared at the mirror.

He was turning into a Chansey. He had hair sprouting from the pink fur and was lacking the pouch that they had, and between his short stumpy legs he could see a small penis and a pair of testicles, far smaller than he was used to, but otherwise he looked exactly like a Chansey. While he watched the hair on his head and crotch shriveled and disappeared into the sea of pink fur. His penis seemed to shrink even more, and before he could react it vanished completely into the fur between his legs. He reached down in shock, trying to grab... something, but his arms were too short to reach, and he watched in disbelief as the testicles vanished into him in much the same way his penis had. A slit began to form in his hips, growing wider and deeper until it formed a pouch. It seemed somehow wrong that there wasn't an egg in it, but Chance didn't know what he could do about that.

Chance grimaced at that thought. If he had turned into a Chansey, then he wasn't a he anymore... Chansey were always female. That meant he - she - was one too. At least for now.

She had to figure some way out of this. She wobbled unsteadily back to her bedroom, hopping up on the bed and prying open her laptop. It was hard to use with her new hands, but after some hunting and pecking she managed to do a simple internet search. Unfortunately, "I turned into a Chansey" didn't give Chance any useful results. She tried a few more things before trying "legends of humans turning into Pokemon". That brought back a site with some useful information and Chance spent some time scrolling through it.

There were some strange stories - a Ninetales having her tail yanked could curse a human into turning into a Pokemon, Dialga and Celebi could create pathways through time and sometimes people would fall through and emerge in the new time as a Pokemon, some ghost and psychic Pokemon could cause nightmares of a person turning into a Pokemon that sometimes became real, even an ancient legend describing a king who became a Gyarados and destroyed a conquering empire. Chance couldn't remember meeting any of those Pokemon or falling into a new time, but near the bottom of the list she found something interesting.

An old legend mentioned a particularly well cared for and happy Blissey who gave her trainer a Lucky Egg as a present. Lucky Eggs were considered extremely valuable by trainers because they could be used to train Pokemon faster than usual, but for whatever reason this trainer decided to eat the egg. The next day she woke up as a Chansey, and the two Pokemon then worked together to build the very first PokeCenter. The legend was supposed to explain how Chansey became the 'mascots' of the PokeCenter as well as how they got started, since PokeCenters had been around for as long as anyone could remember.

The newly transformed Chansey thought about what she had just read. She did eat the egg that Blissey had given her; that must have been a Lucky Egg. It was the only thing that explained what had happened. None of the legends mentioned any way to turn back into a human, and a search for "legends of Pokemon turning into humans" didn't bring up any results either. There must be some way, though... the only lead Chance had was the Blissey.

Chance thought about going to the PokeCenter and trying to find the Blissey, but she didn't want anyone to see him like this. Her. That would be embarrassing, and she would never hear the end of it if somebody saw...

Chance stopped at that line of thought. Anybody who saw her like this would just see a Chansey. They wouldn't know it was Chance or even imagine that was possible. It was only in obscure legends that people turned into Pokemon. Anybody she ran into would just think she was a regular Chansey. It would be safe to find the Blissey.

Chance managed to open the door to his house after some effort and creative stretching. She tried to close it behind her, but she just couldn't figure out how to swing it back, and eventually gave up on it. She looked up at the sky and saw that night had fallen - she must have been asleep for longer than she had thought. She waddled across down the familiar street, quickly running out of breath from the unfamiliar way Chanseys had of walking. It took longer than Chance wanted, but after several rest breaks she finally arrived at the PokeCenter.

Chance was surprised to see the lights on in the lobby. Usually Nurse Rain turned them off after normal hours, only leaving a single lamp on in case an emergency came up. For the lights to be on...

Chance waddled up to the door and peeked inside. She couldn't see anything out of the ordinary, but she was sure she heard the sound of somebody sobbing inside. She concentrated harder and heard Nurse Rain's voice, asking for help with something.

Chance feared the worst - a trainer must have come by with an injured Pokemon in need of help. If Rain had turned all the lights on then it must be bad. Chance pulled at the door of the PokeCenter, finally getting it open, and ran in.

The inside of the PokeCenter looked like a disaster. The couches had been shoved aside and had blankets draped over them, with injured Pokemon resting on top. There was a Furret, a Spinarak, a Flaaffy... Chance looked in the other direction when she suddenly heard Nurse Rain shouting. "No, no, don't move her! She needs to lay flat!"

Nurse Rain was sitting over a Glaceon, blood covering the gloves on her hands. Two trainers were hovering nearby with a third sitting on the floor and crying. Other wounded Pokemon were nearby, and another person was lying on a couch with a crude splint on his arm. The room was filled with the sounds of hurt Pokemon, and Nurse Rain was shouting for the trainers to back up if they weren't going to help.

There was no sign of Hannah or the Blissey. In fact, it looked like Rain was trying to handle all the injuries by herself. Chance wasn't sure what could have caused all the injuries he was seeing, but he was sure it wasn't a Pokemon battle. Even a glance told him the Pokemon on the couches were seriously injured... and the Glaceon was critically injured. Chance forgot about his own predicament entirely - there were hurt Pokemon that needed help.

Chance ran as fast as she could to stand beside Nurse Rain. "What can I do to help?"

Nurse Rain looked up at Chance. "A Chansey... that's really lucky. Can you help me?"

Chance was confused at first, but finally realized that Rain couldn't understand her. Nurse Rain must have only heard a string of the word "Chansey". She nodded instead, a determined gesture that she was sure the nurse would understand.

"Oh, good, good, good; Hannah just left and I _really_need the help. There was a cave in at the tunnel and these Pokemon were all caught in it. The other Pokemon are stable, but this Glaceon was crushed under a heavy rock and is having trouble breathing. I think one of her ribs broke and punctured her lung. I'm doing the best I can but I need more bandages and a chest tube, plus some stitches. Can you get them for me? Down that hall, second door, it's a closet with supplies."

Chance already knew where the supplies were. She nodded and ran as fast as she could while Rain turned her attention back to the shivering Glaceon. Chance opened the closet, finding the door easy to open compared to the other doors she had struggled with recently, and pulled the supplies out. A bag of bandages, a carrying case with sterile packs of stitches, and a box with the chest tube. She also grabbed a bag of towels - there had been a lot of blood, and they would probably need it soon.

Chance carried the supplies back and put them down besides Rain. "What else can I do?"

Rain didn't look up this time, too focused on the injured Glaceon. "Thanks. Can you hold the Glaceon's head up a little? It might help her breathing."

The Glaceon seemed very weak and scared, so Chance took the paper towels and made a soft pillow for her to rest her head on. The Pokemon's breathing seemed to get a little better, but it was still labored, and every inhale had a disturbing rattling sound. Chance reached forward and placed her 'hand' on the shivering Glaceon's head. "It's okay, it's okay. Nurse Rain is going to take good care of you; you're going to be fine."

The Glaceon's eyes shifted to meet Chance's eyes, straining to focus. "Is Peter alright?"

"Peter?" Chance glanced around, but she wasn't sure if any of the trainers was Peter or not.

"Peter... my trainer. The rock... it was..." The Glaceon broke off, struggling for more breath. "Was going to hit him... pushed him out of the way..."

Chance looked over at the trainer that was crying. He was worried and seriously upset, but physically he didn't seem hurt. "It's okay, you saved him. He's worried about you though; try and stay calm. Don't speak, just save your strength and let Rain work. We're going to take care of you."

Chance wasn't sure how comforting that would be or of anything else to say, but it seemed to mean a lot to the Glaceon. Chance saw some of the fear vanish from the Glaceon's eyes, and some happiness seemed to filter through the pain.

Chance stayed with the Glaceon while Rain worked. She held things and handed tools to Rain as the nurse asked, but for the most part she stayed by the Glaceon's head and tried to comfort her. After what felt like hours the Glaceon's breathing became easier and lost the rattling sound, and Rain asked for the stitches. She removed the chest tube and expertly closed the wounds before sighing in relief. "She'll pull through. She's going to need sleep, and I want to keep an eye on her for a while, but she'll live."

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. I was so worried... she saved my life, but then she wasn't moving, and... I thought..." The trainer rambled his thanks between sniffles as tears continued falling from his eyes, then suddenly got up and grabbed Rain in a hug. "Thank you!"

Rain held her blood soaked hands out and away from the trainer, but Chance could see that she was smiling. "Just glad I was here to help. I'm going to take her into the back now, so she can get some sleep. You should try and get some too; there are plenty of rooms upstairs."

The trainer nodded and broke the hug, standing wearily. Rain looked down at her hands before turning back to Chance. "I need to wash up. Can you get one of the hospital beds from the back room and bring it here? I'll be back in a minute to help you move her."

Chance nodded and ran towards the back room. She was starting to get the hang of moving like this and managed to get there pretty quickly. The back room held more Pokemon, all of them injured, though none of them looked as bad as the Glaceon. They must have gotten here first and been attended to by Rain, until the critically wounded Pokemon had arrived and demanded all of Rain's focus. Chance grabbed the bar at the end of one of the free beds - they were designed to be able to moved, and were designed with Chansey in mind - and wheeled it out towards the lobby. The trainer was still there, gently petting the Glaceon, who had her eyes closed and was breathing softly. She must have been exhausted, and in a lot of pain.

Chance lowered the bed to make it easier to move the Glaceon, then waited for Rain to come back. It was only a minute or so before Rain returned with a new pair of gloves over her clean hands. The nurse gently scooped the Glaceon up and set her down on the bed. "Thanks Chansey. Can you put her in the back room, then meet me back here? We've got a lot of hurt Pokemon still."

Chance nodded and pushed the bar to gently return the bed back to its normal height. She wheeled the bed back into the recovery room, taking care not to jostle or bump the injured Glaceon, then slid her into the open space beside a Tediursa. She looked down at the sleeping Glaceon and tried to think of something comforting to say. She couldn't think of much but said the words anyways. "You did great. Get some rest; we'll take care of you now."

The Glaceon smiled a little as Chance turned to go back to the lobby.

Chance and Rain helped with the injured Pokemon until sunlight began to stream through the windows, and then kept working even longer. They didn't stop until the last Pokemon had been tended to and made comfortable on a couch - they had long since run out of beds for all the patients and had no other choice but to put them on the couches. But after a long night of work they had finally seen to every Pokemon, and they had a moment to rest.

Rain sat on the floor of the lobby, leaning heavily against the wall as she peeled off the gloves for what seemed like the thousandth time. Chance sat next to her and tried to catch his own breath. Rain tossed the gloves into a bin labeled 'hazardous materials', let out an intense sigh of relief, then looked over at Chance. "I'm really lucky you came along tonight. Thank you so much for your help. I think we're through the worst of it, but I could still really use your help around here, if you don't mind. What do you say - do you mind sticking around, Lucky?"

Chance was surprised by the name... but as she thought about it, she felt like it fit. It had been really lucky that she had been there... and it had been a lucky egg that had made her like this. She didn't really have anywhere else to go, either, not until she ran into the Blissey again, and it wasn't likely she would find it by setting out on her own. And... she could be a lot of use this way. She had already helped more Pokemon in one night than she had the entire summer - not just helping them physically, but also comforting them and answering their questions. She wouldn't need to struggle with school anymore, and she wasn't too sure she would be able to graduate anyways. This could very well be her best chance at helping Pokemon, and as a Chansey she would be able to help hurt and tired Pokemon in ways she never could as a human. And even though the Pokemon were out of immediate danger it would still be a lot of work to watch over them all while they recovered. Rain could really use her help. She could just try it out, for a little bit maybe, at least until the Blissey came back...

Lucky looked up at Nurse Rain and smiled. "I'd love to help out. What can I do first?"

Rain didn't seem to understand the words specifically, but she understood the agreement. She smiled and leaned her head back to rest it against the wall. "Thank you so much. Now... now we get some rest."