Harsh Beginings

Story by schlusky on SoFurry

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#1 of A Life of a Slave

the polished version of the draft I uploaded yesterday. not sure if I will keep the first person POV through the whole story, but I will continue to write that way for now.

constructive criticism is appreciated. even if you think its terrible and feel the need to tell me so. just tell me why you think its terrible

HEY! YOU! YOU AT THE COMPUTER! READ THIS! this story does contain blood, violence, murder, and harsh language. if that bothers you please dont read the first chapter of the story

"Do ya reckon he's dead?"

"The hell if I know... I ain't seen em move since burly motherfucker dropped em off"

"Can't help but wonder what he did to end up like that"

"We all know how violent the master can be"

"I know what you mean... I've seen rough before... but this. This is something else entirely"

"Someone get him some water at least. Poor thing has been there for a while. If he still draws breath he must be parched"

"He hast to be alive. He is still bleeding"

"I'll go get him some water"

"Oh shit. Big n burly is comin. Everybody run"

I groan and roll onto my side as I hear heavy footsteps approaching, the gate to my small pen crashing open as the Punisher kicks the door open. Moments later I howl in pain as I am drenched in scalding hot salt water followed shortly by a swift kick to the gut, my soiled and matted fur doing nothing to soften the blow.

"GET UP!" I whimper and stagger to my paws as yet another kick is delivered by the size fifteen steel toed boots I have come to know all too well. "You have quite the day ahead of you little bitch."

"W-what would you have of me today sir?" I struggle not to cough as I speak, my throat dry and breathing painful. I slowly look up from the blood stained straw that lines the floor of my small pen, my gaze falling instead on the bloody club in the Punisher's hand.

"The Master has requested that I drag your sorry ass before him. So get moving or I'll beat you upside the head till your stupid. And then I'll beat some sense back into you, and then I will beat it back out of you. So you're lucky today you little twinkle toed cock sucking piece of shit. Get moving" as he speaks, the burly man known only as the Punisher steps aside to let me out of the pen, gesturing at a door with his club threateningly. Heading his advice, I quickly pad out of my pen and towards the door, leaving a trail of small red droplets on the floor. As I pad down the narrow aisle between the under sized pens in which the slaves are kept, I hear many of the slaves whispering amongst themselves, most of them discussing what they think will happen to me, none of the talk reassuring me in the slightest. "You wait right here. I need to go get something. I will be back in five minutes. If you move so much as an inch I will make you regret it"

"psst... hey, sergal.. you look like you need this" as soon as the door shuts behind the punisher the brown stallion that is in the pen right behind me offers me a small tin cup filled with clear cold water. "You'd best drink it fast. He won't be gone very long" I take the offered cup gratefully and quickly consume the contents, returning the cup as the door opens again, the punisher walking out of it with a rope.

"Alright ya lil bitch. Let me see them worthless paws behind your back." I silently comply, placing my paws together behind my back as the punisher approaches. "Can't have you trying to defend yourself no can we?" The punisher asks as he binds my paws together, pulling the rope so tight that it digs into my skin.

"No sir" I respond sullenly, thoughts racing as I wonder what I might be about to face.

Could I be lucky enough to be going to the gallows? Or perhaps he will just shoot me... No. he is not that merciful. Probably going to rub salt in the wounds again... He is fond of that one...... what was it I heard about a friend of his coming to town. The one that likes to rape slaves before eating them?

"I heard the master has something planed for you little cock sucker... something worse than death. Lets go find out." The punisher gives me a wicked grin as he shoves me through the door, leading me down several long hallways before coming to a heavy oak door. "Ladies first" and with that the punisher plants his boot at the base of my tail and pushes hard, shoving me into the door that opens outward, allowing me to stumble a few feet into a large decorated hall before I finally fall flat on the floor, smashing my nose on the cold hard marble.

"Well well well... if it isn't this little rat bastard... What's your name again? Oh that's right. You don't have one... Would you like to see your mother one last time? She is right over there. Hanging above the fireplace, right next to your best friend. I must say, they look good up there. It would look better if you were there next to them, but I have other plans for you" I wheeze as the air is forced from my lungs by the sheer force with which the punisher drags me up to my knees, the white marble floor stained red where I landed. "Aww. You got my floor dirty. My pretty white marble floor. Its red now. That makes me angry. Oh how I would love to punish you for this. Perhaps I should flay you alive and serve you for dinner tonight. I heard that tail meat is really tender if you cook it right." As the Master speaks, he puts emphasis on the word tender and brings his dress shoe down hard on my tail, causing me to yelp in pain. "Oh I'm sorry. Did I step on your tail? I did? Whoops. I'm sure my friend wouldn't have been so clumsy. But then again, if my friend was here you wouldn't be. Which brings me to why I brought you here. As much as I like to beat you up, and whip you, and basically just do everything I can to make your pathetic life as miserable as I can make it, I need you alive. And, sadly, in decent health. For you see, I have plans tonight. But I need a little extra money tonight. So I am sending you to the market. Yes, the market. I hope you go to another master as cold and cruel as I am. It was so much fun torturing you over the years... Reggie, get him out of here. I want him hosed down and hauled off to auctions asap. Don't take anything less than thirty five for him"

"yes sir. Alright little bitch you heard the man. Get up." I whimper as I am hauled to my paws, the thin grey swirls in the white marble floor seeming to move as the whole room spins for me. I stagger around for a moment before slowly regaining my bearings and looking back down at the floor to avoid making eye contact with the master.

"Oh and Reggie, make sure you clean up this mess before it stains the marble"

"Yes sir. Come on you, out you go." The Punisher shoves me back out the door I was kicked through. I walk, not really paying attention as I am lead back through the maze of halls and through the slave quarters outside. "Hold still. I might try not to get soap in yer cuts." As I hear this I howl in pain as a bucket of frigid soapy water is thrown at me, my whole body burning as the soap seeps into every open wound left from being whipped earlier in the week. "Or I might not. Oops." With that comment Reggie walks away, shortly followed by some yelling and approaching footsteps.

"Sorry mate. I wonder why they hate you so much" The only dragon on the property slowly approaches me, cutting the rope from my paws. "Big fat and ugly told me I need to clean you up and haul you off to the market. Hope ya go to a better place than this one mate." As he speaks, the tall red anthro pads over to a sink and starts the water, waiting till it runs hot before attaching a hose to the faucet and padding back over to me with a brush in one paw and the hose in the other. "Sorry about this, I know it won't feel too good with all them cuts. I'll try to be gentle."

"I appreciate your caring. I wish I knew myself why they hate me so much. I haven't done anything to either of them."

"They don't treat anyone else the way they do you. Don't take this the wrong way but I am happy to see you go off to the market. I hope you go to someone that will treat you better. I heard rumor about some people that actually care about their slaves. Treat em like people. Actually have rooms for them with beds and what not. Not just cramped pens like what we all have" as he talks, the red dragon slowly and methodically scrubs my fur clean, brushing out the knots in my fur in the process.

"That would be nice" I sigh in contempt as I let my mind wonder, imagining what life would be like under a master like that."Thanks for helping me with this. It feels so good to be clean for once"

"You're telling me! I can't describe how good it felt to finally scrub the dirt out from under my scales last week. I don't know why we all do what were told. There are so many more of us than them. And I guarantee every single one of us is stronger. We could easily beat them into submission and live better lives"

"You know just as well as I that we could feasibly do that, but then we would all have very short lived lives because once someone notices the master is missing the police will come poking around and its all over after that. And further on that, everyone knows the master has a fancy for that short blue bird. And she isn't exactly quiet about getting special treatment for spreading her legs willingly. I assure you she would sneak away and get help first chance she got" I purr softly as I speak, pressing back against the red dragons paws, thoroughly enjoying the feeling of being clean.

"Yeah, I guess your right man. But hey, a dragon can dream can't he?"

"A nameless sergal can share the dream"

"Hey man, your leaving this god awful place. You can use your name again. You aren't just another nameless slave or a number" as he speaks the dragon punches me in the arm playfully.

"I... Actually, I really don't have a name. I was born here. My mother is hanging on the wall above the fireplace, and nobody knows where my dad went, or came from" I look at the ground sullenly as I speak. "I've been a punching bag my whole life"

"Well that's a pretty shitty existence. You're moving on to bigger and better things my friend. You should choose a name for yourself"

"I could choose a name for myself couldn't I?"

"There will be no naming of anyone you worthless cunt. I told you to hose him down not bathe him! Give me that and get back to work you stupid dragon." The Punisher comes walking back outside, yelling angrily at the dragon and ripping the hose from his paws, turning up the pressure and quickly hosing my lower half down. "What did you do with his bindings?"

"I removed them. Deal with it" the dragon replies defiantly, crossing his arms across his chest as he speaks.

"You insolent little bitch. I oughta skin you live for something like that" the punisher yells as he finds the rope and binds my paws again before tossing me into the back of a pickup truck.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea. I think I should try that" the red comments threateningly.

"That's it. When I come back with cash in hand, your dead" the Punisher screams as he climbs into the truck, slamming the door shut and starting the engine, the dragon quickly climbing into the back of the truck as the Punisher peels out, the truck hurtling down the bumpy dirt road at alarming speed.

"What are you doing? He is going to destroy you when you guys get back to the farm" I say as I bounce around the back of the truck, the red braced against the sides of the bed right beneath the window so the Punisher doesn't see him.

"He and I are not coming back to the farm. Once you go to market and he has the cash I'm gonna end him. Were all dead anyway, minas well take the punk out with me and have some fun on my way out man" the red replies with a wicked grin and an evil chuckle.

"Hey, maybe if you're lucky I will see you again someday" I respond nervously as I attempt to brace myself the same way the red is, trying desperately not to be thrown from the bed of the truck during the long cold ride into town.

"Lucky isn't the word I would use, but hey, maybe someday we will meet again. Hopefully under better circumstances" the red chuckles as he responds. "I'm Terrav. So what do you think you will call yourself?"

"I" I start to speak but stop to think about it "I haven't really thought about it before man. I'll have to think about it for a bit"

"Hey no worries man. We have at least two hours before we get there, even with him driving like a maniac like this. Just take your time and tell me if you come up with something before we part ways."

"Will do." I spend the rest of the trip into town thinking about what to call myself, several times my train of thought being shattered by a large bump in the road or a sudden high speed corner. As the truck slows down rolling into town I decide what my name will be. "Serephin. I will call myself Serephin"

"Well good luck to you Sere. You're going on to bigger and better things, but our ways must part now. Watch your head, as soon as the truck stops I'm jumping out that side so he doesn't see me."

"Good luck to you Terrav. Hopefully some day we can meet" I stop mid sentence as the engine of the truck dies, Terrav hoping from the bed of the truck as the Punisher jumps out, leaving the keys in the ignition.

"Come on twinkle toed cunt. It's time to send you down the road to your next master. Hopefully he treats you like the bitch you are." The punisher climbs out of the cab and walks around to the back of the truck, dropping the tailgate and dragging me out of the back, letting me fall heavily to the ground as he slams the tailgate back up, the whole truck rocking with the force with which the tailgate was closed. "Come on shit face. Get to your paws" The punisher grumbles angrily, giving me a swift kick in the side as he walks off to talk to a man with a clip board, several people glaring angrily at him as he goes.

"Come on, to your paws man" Terrav says quietly as he quickly pulls me to my paws and gives me a gentle push towards the Punisher. I slowly pad over to him in a daze as the man with the clipboard hands a wad of cash over to the Punisher and looks at me, waiting for the Punisher to leave.

"So long cock sucker" Reggie comments as he turns and walks back to the truck, chuckling the whole way. Moments later there is a scream that is cut short. As I turn to figure out what the sound is I am greeted by the sight of Terrav tearing the Punishers throat out before climbing into the truck and driving off, nobody in the area really doing much of anything about it.

"Y-you aren't going to call the cops about that?" I ask the man with the clipboard, the confusion plainly visible on my face.

"Son, you must have come from a real shit hole of a place. Only the rich treat slaves that poorly. I don't know if you could see much on your way into town from the back of that truck, but around here the only real money maker is slave trade. And there is not very much money to be made there this far out. So we don't really like rich people round here. Eventually the sheriff will come to collect the corpse and a statement, but with a truck and four grand that dragon will be so far out by the time the report is filed that he is as good as a free man. It's too bad you didn't run to join him. Now if you will follow me I will take you to the auctioneer. If we hurry you might sell today." The man with the clipboard scribbles something down real quick before leading me off to a stage where I am pushed to stand to the right of a man in fancy clothes.

"Oh look, a last minute addition! Sergal, male, and unusual fur color to boot! Looks healthy enough. Bids start at Five hundred, if any of you even have money left"


"It's not that easy kid. Nobody has even bid yet"

"Nobody else has any money left. Anyone? Anyone at all? Do I hear a better bid? No? So then he is sold" The man replies curtly, taking several pauses to wait for anyone to offer a higher bid.

"Fair enough. You, sergal with no name. See that guy in the back corner there? He is your master now. Go to him" as he speaks, the auctioneer points to a younger looking man in the back corner. Silently, I step off of the stage and pad over to the indicated man.

"Come with me. Your new life is about to start, and by the looks of it you will enjoy life much more under my care." The man leads me from the auction house and across town to the only sizeable parking lot.

"I would enjoy life better starving on the streets than where I was" I comment dryly, the thought of my past leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.

"Oh come on now, there's no need to be harsh. I am going to treat you right" The man says as he approaches a brand new looking truck and opens the passenger door for me, walking over and removing my bindings. "Come on you, let's go home"