Journal of Hanuinya part 1

Story by Airav on SoFurry

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#1 of Life of Hanuinya

Consider this more of a prologue, this is a story I decided to spontaneously write, it will eventually be more complex as the story progresses, I literally started this with no prior planning shortly after I drew a froakie upon learning how to do so in Pokemon art academy for the Nintendo 3ds.

Idk, I just felt like writing.


I was aware of my existence.

'Muffled sounds...they grow louder.'

I felt for the first time, that I had limbs I could move.

'Why do I feel so compressed?'

I wanted relief.

'Huh?! what is this? There's something there something beyond? Those noises must be from outside! I...I have to get outside'

I pushed against the boundaries of my dark world and in poured the first light I ever saw, I was in awe.


Two days later


Looking up I see many things. So many colors, shapes, and objects! Everything is so strange and new. I found the source of the sounds shortly after I emerged from the capsule I was in, a smooth white ovoid thing with purple spots that two other beings had been near, making their sounds to each other, and looking at me with a pleasant expression.

The two creatures looked strange, like everything else I encountered. One was blackish and tall. The other looked similar but was variations of blue. Both had really long and pink things wrapped around their faces, intense eyes, thin arms ending in three webbed digits per hand, and stood on two legs ending in two toed webbed feet. They both seemed very attached to me as they touched me all over and made their noises, much to my delight of the pleasant sensations.

I quickly realized that the noises they made had more meaning then pure emotion, they conveyed meaning, description. The pink one kept saying "Hanuninya" while looking at me followed by variations of gre, nin, jya. I figured that in time, I would figure out what they are saying with these noises...


Its been two years now, After a few months I learned that the two creatures were responsible for me coming into being here, in this place full of trees and greenery. They showed me more of the forest, so many new and exciting things, the most beautiful of which was the lake at night, with the many lights and colors against the blackness above, all having their twins appear in the water as it slowly ripples to the gentle wind. One light, the biggest one, a light blue thing with darker spots on it, seemed to illuminate things below. I asked what it was by pointing at it and making a small croak to get my parents attention one night and they replied with "Nin" Nin, the moon of this world I found out much later. I wondered how it got up there, I wanted to get closer to it and try to find out but it was so high up, even the local flying things couldn't reach it...

In time I came to learn more and more about the world I hatched into, and the beings that inhabit it. I learned and grew, till one day I found out something incredible.

"Nin, greh. Hanuinya, Ja gren nen dugra"

My father has just told me that I am different than the others of my kind, but not in a bad way. I have to admit that I wasn't surprised, looking at my twin in the lake during the day, reveals that I look different than my parents and others of their kind, my skin was purple, and instead of white like my fellow froakie, my paws were pitch black and always damp. My eyes also looked different, the pupils and irises were + shaped but otherwise the same as my kin in size and color. I also knew already that my tongue was shorter than the others but not to my dismay, it was inconsequential to me but it seemed to baffle my parents.

'So I'm different, does that mean something is wrong with me?'

I looked up with a sad frown and my father hugged me, a sensation I also liked.

"Greh greh. Ninj, ni greh ja, Hanuinya" He said as he stroked my head.

His eyes seemed to radiate the positivity his words carried.

'Nothing wrong? Just different? Well that's interesting, I wonder what made me different..'