Target XY

Story by exander on SoFurry

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This story is placed I a world where superpowers exist. This is my first story, but if people like it I might expand it a bit. This revision was done by Felldewan;

Some days, I wondered how I ever survived during gym class. Heck, as far as I knew, none of my powers were useful in the practice of "Deathball". All I had was speed and intelligence which was, put bluntly, not exactly the most useful of traits to have when 30+ kids were trying to annihilate me from all angles. Angles including from above. Indeed, some of them could even fly.

"Hey!" bellowed coach M. He was always a pain. He saw this entire event as a means of giving students backbone. Really, if no one but me could see already, this situation was anything but a lesson. It was torture. "Come on, get in the game Xy. That or do I have to make you the target for the next minute or so?"

"No sir. You don't." I replied darkly, moving forward a bit so he would leave me alone. Out of nowhere, the next instant, my jersey started to flash yellow. In turn, everyone on the field - targets or no - turned towards me.

Ok, with everyone's attention fixed on me now I could, "this is going to be fun". Stupid telepathy. It didn't do me any good when I couldn't control it very well. Regardless, doing my best to retain what concentration I had, I immediately pulled out the only things I could use to defend myself form the coming storm; my two hand scythes.

"Hey, whoa, how is that fair?" One of the kids on my team complained, "Coach, is that not supposed to be penalized?"

"Shit up. I don't have any defensive powers that I can use at this time." I replied with a growl, swiftly dodging one of the balls thrown from behind me meanwhile.

During all of the chaos of Deathball, I had to use all my skill to avoid, evade, duck, roll, notice and deflect each of the dozens of balls flying at me. Each projectile, mind, was thrown with such gusto that they literally "whizzed" through the air, making the sound of an angry wasp or... whatever kind of insect! Sheesh. Out of the corner of my eye, I actually noticed my friend in class, Raix, running up to me. As he did so, with a bit of style on my own part, I managed to use one of my two scythes to intercept one of the balls to prevent him from being hit as well as knocked out of this ridiculous game. Oh, yes, he was welcome for the save, by the way. Heh, although he didn't voice his thanks right after I'd spared him from having to make an early exit off of the gym floor.

One way or the other, when he made it to me, Raix grabbed me. His meaning in doing so was made clear next moment when, with a surge of strength, he flew us up into the air. I have no clear idea as to why he did this. It only made us - or me, more like - the perfect targets. The only way I can describe what happened next was that I turned in the air but also somehow shifted - teleported, if you will - suddenly on the floor. Back onto solid ground, I figured I was once again safe from the explosions.

Yet, up above, clueless Raix didn't know I was underneath him. And during the next instant, my clod of a friend actually landed directly on my arms with a mighty force. This action shattered my upper bones. The resulting pain would have been quite the terrible experience for anyone, even myself, to handle in the process. Luckily for me, though, the said pain faded in numbness... which quickly knocked me out.

For a few untold hours afterwards, my senses were consumed by the veil of darkness where I could not say or do or think anything. When I at long last woke up with a pained grumble, when my eyes blinked to adjust to the light of my surroundings, my arms were perfectly fine. No longer were they shattered. They were as strong and as good as I needed them to be.

Hey, at the moment, it appeared that I was in better shape than predicted. How fortunate. If it were not evident until this point, someone had obviously healed me while I'd been unconscious. Then, with another blinking of my eyes, I came to discover that I happened to be in the principal's office.

"Ah, I see you're awake." The principal actually addressed me next, his face grimly set and his eyes shining not with worry over me but impatience, "Good, now we can talk."

"Now we can talk? Is this about what happened in the gym, cause that wasn't Raix's fault." I asked, feeling my arms to make sure they were as good as they looked. Truly, I was healed. My bones were mended. Still, where that problem was settled, with they way the principal was looking at me, I could tell there was another one heading my way. "No, wait, I know where this is going. This isn't about gym. It's about the attitude problem I've been having lately."

At hearing my tone, the principal replied firmly, "It's not me with the attitude, it's you." He became more firm next, narrowing his eyes along with gesturing sharply towards me, "Your teachers have told me that you've been ignoring what they are teaching. Rather, instead of taking your teachings seriously, you've been messing around, drawing or sleeping. Not good things to be doing in MY school. This place is not a playground nor a babysitter club. It is a place of learning, of teaching, of promise!"

"Okaaaaaay." I yawned rebelliously, trying not to snicker at the nerve of impatience showing in my supposed superior's neck at my lack of caring. What did he think this lecture would do for me? What, just because he was the principal, did he honestly think his words would matter more than any other teacher's? "So, teach, what does this mean exactly?" Even though I knew exactly what my roguishness meant, I still asked. Better to do that than have to sit through this lecture for another half hour.

"What does this mean, eh? This only means that I have to put you in the A-program so you aren't a distraction for other students" The principle stated bluntly, saying what I predicted he would from the start. With that revealed, he then turned back to the papers on his desk. Taking his seat in his bold looking chair, he looked straight me as well as muttered, "And with that, our business is concluded here. You can go now. Try not to get into anymore... trouble."

With a shrug, not giving a real damn about what'd I'd just been told, I went out the back with a purposeful stride. Once out of the building, I headed for the forest standing directly behind the school. It was just as I was entering the edge of the woodland that I sensed something. As my hairs stood on end, as I embraced my sixth sense, I barely heard the faint whisper of a voice from above me.

"No one will notice me up here."

In turn to hearing the voice, I carefully looked around. In due time, I saw Raix seated up in a tree where he casually was keeping to himself. Then again, was that really the case? This seemed too much of a coincidence for him to appear right after what he'd done to me back in gym. No, he was following me. That or he was spying on me. Either way, I wasn't going to let this slide.

"Hey, why are you spying on me, I know you're up there so you can come down." I said aloud, not in the mood for spies.

At hearing my words, with an easy enough effort, Raix jumped down from his perch. He easily landed on his feet, straightened up and had landed onto the earth rather well. He'd almost performed an acrobatic feat like a cat. It'd been impressive enough. Other than the fact that I - with a deft movement - hooked him with my scythe on his leg. Then, a yelp on his part, a growl on mine, I yanked my said scythe out of under him, causing him to fall on his face in the process what with his feet thrown out from under him.

"What was that for?" He barked afterwards, pushing himself off of the ground where he brushed himself off. He was trying to retain what dignity he had. Sadly, after what he'd done to me back in gym, he didn't have much to hold on to. Not in my personal opinion, anyhow.

"Did you really just ask me that? What was that for?" I exclaimed, feeling annoyed while getting up in his face, "You idiot! That was for what you did to me in freaking Deathball today!" Next, with a growl, I then threw him back into the air! Fluidly, I grabbed his foot as well as pulled him back down to the ground with a "crash" in turn. "And don't you dare ask me what THAT was about. Cuz' I'm gonna tell you; that was for breaking my arms!"

In the blink of an eye, letting his anger get the best of him, Raix pulled out his own weapons to count my own; swords. Running at me, swinging blindly, I managed to deflect, evade along with combat the goof as he shouted at me, "Dude, next time, rather than throw me around, how about you take a chill pill and go sit in a corner? You think you were in pain back in gym? Hah! I didn't even hurt you half as bad as you hurt me. You have no reason to be mad."

Well, one way or the other, I was mad about what had happened back in gym. And at being told not to be angry by the one that'd broken my shoulders so badly, my anger only grew bigger if not fiercer. Soon enough, with our weapons flashing through the air, our eyes alight with ferocity and our strengths at full, myself and Raix locked into a standoff where - with our blades crossed and groaning against one another - we looked straight at one another.

"Back off." I stated bitterly.

"You first." Raix hissed back.

Suddenly, the decision was made for the both of us by another. A large fireball flew past, making the two of us duck away from each other to keep from being singed.

"Both of you, stop!" Some random girl yelled from a distance. Rapidly walking up to us, her claws ablaze as were her narrowed eyes. Caught up in the moment, myself and Raix halted our fighting to stare at the newcomer who made it to us, put her claws on her hips along with sighed patiently. "Good. You stopped. Now, which one of you dorks is Raix?"

"Uh, who are you and why do you want to know?" Raix questioned back, not sure as to how to proceed with this event. His dumbstruck look was laughable.

"Hmf, well, my name is Nura, Raix." The newcomer, Nura, replied with a confident huff. Her eyes were still ablaze with light, much like her claws at the ready. "And I heard that you hurt a kid really bad in gym today."

"Oh, I would be the one he hurt." I told her, earning this new girls, Nura's, attention in turn. I nodded confidently to her as well as jabbed my scythe at Raix, "And before you came over shooting fire, I was in the middle of letting dear Raix here know it. I was in fact putting the hurt on him before you interrupted."

"Oh, were you?" Nura mumbled, suddenly going from confident to awkward. Evidently, although I didn't at all know her, she had been looking to punish Raix on my behalf. Nevertheless, I had beaten her to it and now, rubbing the back of her neck nervously, she chuckled uncertainly. "Er, well then, um, ha ha, I'll let you get back to what you were doing. sorry to interrupt. Don't mind me." She then, with a snap of her fingers, vanished. This action of hers revealed she was a teleporter.

Still, using my lack of attention at the moment, seeing I was distracted by Nura or whomever, Raix took the opportunity to quickly fly away. This, in turn, left me alone. Not that I minded, of course. I'd taught my supposed friend his lesson for the day, he could be such a jerk sometimes.

At finding myself alone, with no one else to do battle with, I made my way through the forestland. My travels didn't last too long. Not while I quickly followed the familiar woodland path to get home where I swung up my chain to get to the door of my house overhead. It was when I stepped inside that I was in fact tackled by my pet fox who invaded my personal space with a vengeance. Ha ha, I could barely greet him what with all of his excited snuggling, licking along with yowling.

"Ha ha, hiya boy. Aw, yes I know you missed me. Hey, why don't you go down below so I can practice a new ability?"

At hearing that I wished to practice my powers with him, my vulpine immediately jumped out of one the windows, easily traversed his way through some tree branches and ended up on the ground below where he wagged his tail happily. Now that things were all set, it was time to try out my new power. I then concentrated on repeating what I did before. I slipped through the fold, finding myself on the ground. Ah, nice, my skill for teleporting and moving through dimensional windows was growing. Excited by this realization, I spent the rest of the day practicing my new if not growing powers: as it turns out, I had the ability to create small pocket dimensions, travel between them as well as store things within them.


The next day, having been told to do so by the principal, I went into the A-wing of the school to find my new classes. When I walked into my Integrated Science class, the first thing I in fact noticed was the girl from yesterday. What was her name? What had she said it'd been before she'd interrupted my private session of kicking Raix's ass on the outskirts of the school?

Ah, yes, I think her name was Nura. Yeah, that was it. Either way, at the moment that I noticed her, she was throwing small fireballs at plants. Curious plants that would immediately grow back after burning.

Curiously, I walked up and asked her about her actions. "What are you doing?" My actions surprised her which, in turn, caused her to yelp, flail her hands along with spin towards me. In the process, unintentionally, one of her iconic fireballs flew from her fingertips towards another student. At this, rather coolly on my part, I caught the fiery orb in one of my pocket dimensions; vanishing it for all time.

"What..." Nura breathed, looked shocked at the disappearance of her fireball, "What was that?"

"That was nothing." I explained, shrugging, "Why? What did you see? Rather, what are you doing here with these plants?"

"What am I doing? Oh, well, I was practicing my aim and regrowth abilities." Nura explained simply with a smile on her face, burning a plant as well as helping it regrow a moment later, "Seeing as we met yesterday, you know I control fire. I also can control nature energy, as you see now."

"Cool, I only have speed, telekinesis, and intelligence." I commented, watching the plants reach up out of the soil thanks to Nura's magical potential, "I think you left a power of yours out, though. Yeah, I noticed that you teleported yesterday when you left."

"Oh, that? That's my self-teleportation ability." Nura clarified, nodding her head, "I use it when I need some alone time." And with that said, she then went back to her aiming practice.

A bit impressed by my newest acquaintance, I myself started practicing my new ability. How I did so was that I grabbed random things from around the class and, easily as a shadow, moved them around form place to place. It worked out well, with Nura laughing at my antics. In the meantime, without my knowing off in another part of school, during my messing around with my powers, Nura's fireball I had imprisoned earlier ended up blasting the principal in the face. Nothing would come of it, mind. He had no evidence and I had no way of knowing I'd done such a rather comedic thing, ha ha.

After school, instead of running home, I traveled through a rift straight into my house.

[POV change: Nura] I knew that Raix was up to no good, but I had to stop him. I warped near where he was and pulled out my claws before stepping out and asking, "What are you doing, waiting on someone?"

"None of your business Nura." He replied, "I think it is my business since, as you know, Xyan is my brother and you are trying to kill him, and just so you know, I saw you when you got the order to kill him and saw the message." At this, he flew away angrily, directly towards Xyan's house. I immediately warped into his house to try and save his life.

(POV Change: Xyan) Curiously, soon after I got home, I heard someone knock on my door. Which was a strange thing, of course, seeing as I had never told anyone where I live.

As I walked toward the door, Nura teleported directly in front of me. As I leaned back just in time to keep us from smahing head on into each other, she exclaimed quickly, "Stop! Don't answer the door!"

"Why?" Was my innocent response, feeling perplexed.

In the background, my fox cocked his head to one side as if to back me up. "Yeah, why?" The vulpine's expression spoke.

"Oh, I don't know." Nura admitted, pretending to look ignorant, "Oh no, wait, I do know. Do you really want to let someone in who is going to try to kill you?"

At this news, I was shocked by what she'd said and checked to see if she was telling the truth. "I can't let him die, he's my brother!" Now that surprised me, as far as I knew, I had no family, but I knew she wasn't lying. Just then I heard my door break!

Instinctively I surrounded us with a rift and moved us to a mountain a few miles away. Somehow, Raix was caught in the rift and got pulled in with us. He immediately fell to the ground surprised. I ran up and punched him up into the air then pulled him back down to do it again. When he landed I rushed forward and roundhouse kicked him in the chest, sending him stumbling toward the edge. I knew he could fly, so I wasn't worried when he fell off, until he didn't fly back up. When I looked over I saw him hanging from a small handhold, barely managing to stay on. I immediately jumped down and grabbed hold of him and warped us back up, but knocked him out before we landed.

It was during that moment that I found out I was in his thoughts. There, I confirmed that he was my cousin; a silent fact that I had known since we'd met. I hadn't let him know since it was a very well hidden memory.

When I brought us home, I asked him patiently, "Why would you try to kill me? We're cousins."

"Wait, we're cousins?" Was his bewildered reply, picking himself up off of the floor.

"Yes, we are, my aunt was your mom." I admitted. After letting him adjust I stated, "I'm going to find the person who hired you to kill me, do either of you want to come and help me bring them down?"

They both agreed, and Raix told me everything he knew about the people who hired him. Now that the three of us are together we are going to find the people that want to hurt us and hunt them down until they leave us alone.