Ryan's Story Part XXVII

Story by Khendarian on SoFurry

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#30 of Ryan

Ok, I lied, it's another short update. Figured the time between was just a bit too great so I opted to split the last update into two, perhaps three parts.


"Jeran!" Kheros said happily as he walked across one of the many cafeterias in the council chambers.

There were several dragons present, talking amongst themselves in their bipedal forms, in the huge room. Tables lined the floors and a huge kitchen and serving line sat at one end of the room. The walls were painted with large murals depicting mountain scenes with dragons perching on mountains or lounging under trees.

Jeran looked up and grinned at Kheros. "Kheros! What in the world are you doing here?"

The two clasped hands with a leathery thump and then hugged each other. Jeran's breed was originally from Turkey, but his family had long been settled in the USA. His breed was of medium build, tending towards a very slender conformation. Nor ridges of any sort, body or tail, graced their body, nor horns. They were very smooth skinned as well as being noted for smooth talking and being very dexterous.

Jeran was fairly typical of the breed, mostly a muddy red color throughout with certain lighter highlights. His breed were not fire breathers, but were able to exhale a smoke like cloud that would irritate the eyes and skin if they were threatened. It made up for they other lacks as far as strength and a combative nature went. The breed was very peaceful and at one point had been involved in a war that had quite nearly driven them extinct.

"Oh, pilot duty and all. They called me to station here for whatever reason and I figured why not? The pay is good, the food is good, and even I enjoy the odd bit of company now and again," Kheros said.

"Have a seat! Have you eaten?" Jeran said, then shook his head, grinning. "Never mind, you can always eat."

"How well you remember!"

The two had met while taking rotary wing lessons. They recognized each other as dragons almost instantly, but had both been hesitant about revealing themselves, uncertain that the other knew. Kheros finally gave up and forced the issue by walking into Jeran's dorm, shutting the door, and shifting forms.

They had been fast friends ever since. The friendship only strengthened when Kheros stepped in to stop an old feud between Jeran's family and another, refusing to allow Jeran do get into a fight that he would have most assuredly lost. Kheros threw the other dragon around like a rag doll for awhile and the elders of both families decided it would be a good time to settle up one and for all peacefully before Kheros decided to turn his attention the other members of the family. There had been no incidents since.

"I have been stationed here for the last two years," Jeran said. "As you say, good food, good pay, and my room is free."

"Hrm. And let me guess, Nelia is pretty close by?"

Jeran's ears grew even more red, drooping. "She is here."

"Oh ho! So when is the wedding?"

Jeran ducked his head further. "Soon, I hope!" He looked around and then smiled sheepishly at Kheros. "She is gravid."

Kheros laughed. "Oh dear dear dear! How very naughty!"

"I will have you know she came into season!"

"And you just happened to forget the inhibitor?"

Jeran blushed horribly, ears turning bright red. "Ah, no. She is much faster than I am and was quite determined."

Kheros slapped him on the back, nearly knocking him over. "It is of no matter; you two had been courting for many years now. When is she to lay?"

"Next month, then they figure about four months after that," Jeran said with pride.

"I'm sure the hatching will be quite healthy!"

"Oh I do hope so," Jeran said a little wistfully.

Kheros burst out laughing, then ordered a chicken fried steak. "So, what news around this place?"

Jeran snorted. "A conclave has been called."

"Figured. And about what I should wonder?"

"Nobody knows."

Kheros laughed. "Alright, that is the party line, so what is actually going on?"

Jeran sighed. "I actually do not know much more. They are being really secretive this time, Kheros."

"Even from the pilots and support staff?" Kheros said in amazement.

"Even so! They will not even talk over the radios when were are flying without codes and encryption."

"Interesting!" Kheros said, cursing his luck. "What information have you gleaned?"

"It is just rumor..."

"Better than nothing!"

Jeran laughed. "Well the rumor is that the council is going to declare the royal breed null and void, extinct if you will, and that they will try to move to a chancellor system."

"They do not have that kind of power."

"Not traditionally, no, but you know how things have been."

"I have not really been in the loop lately. Enlighten me."

"Hmm, let me think," Jeran said, trailing off, looking down at the table for a moment. He looked up at Kheros. "About two years ago, Skerios started to advance the notion that the royal breed was at least incapacitated and that we needed to move on. The family was only ceremonial, he argued.

"As you well now, dragons are big on ceremony and tradition! The idea met resistance, save for those who support Skerios and his group. Well, he continued to look for support and started offering rewards for information on the lost prince or his parents. No one is really certain how successful he was, after all most dragons have sense to stay well away from Skerios and anyone dealing with him.

"After that, even other dragons started to question the whole system, even those we thought that had more sense that than. It has been a mess from then on. The council is going in different directions, no one is in firm control, and Malthus has even had to break up several fights, something unheard of in modern times! Everyone seems to be acting crazy!"

Kheros rumbled. "And my breed?"

"Firmly behind the finding the prince and his family, as you would expect."

"I am so very glad that we, at least, have stayed loyal."

"Most dragons are, or they wish to be, it is just--" Jeran broke off, shaking his head.


Jeran looked at him with a guilty expression. "There has been...influence. Companies bought out, human things shifted around, if you know what I mean. Certain lost information being brought to light that may incriminate certain draconic families. Back biting," Jeran said and shrugged. "The power they have amassed is formidable, Kheros. You do not know who to trust or who will fold over next."

"Cowardly way to do things!"

Jeran nodded. "My breed has turned, Kheros."

Kheros looked stunned. "What?"

"I am afraid so. We are at least neutral now, not on one side nor the other. We are not warriors and there have been major threats from some of the other breeds. Oh, nothing traceable by any means, but it is clear what is expected. My families aeronautics supply was bought out three months ago." He shook his head. "I am here, so it does not effect me so very much but many of my family is out of work and you know how much status matters these days."

"Damn it!" Kheros said. "There is no proving anything?"

"No, they are to clever."


Jeran shook his head again. "Kheros, please do not get involved. Just stay within your breed and fight from there."

"I am not going to do that and you well know it."

"Please! People could be hurt!"

"Do not act the coward!" Jeran whimpered and Kheros looked at him, startled. "I am sorry, my friend; that was uncalled for."

"It is not so very cowardly, Kheros. There have been threats against my breed, against my family! Against my mate, or soon to be mate."

Kheros growled, ears going flat in anger, spines flaring and Jeran put a hand on his arm. "No! Do not raise a fuss!"

"Just give me at least one name. I will be cautious," Kheros said, a threatening rumble rising in his chest.

Jeran swallowed nervously. "Alexis."

"I thought as much!"

Jeran blinked, drawing back. "How?"

"There have been other signs of her involvement. There are things that can be done about this, Jeran, I assure you."

"Kheros, my family, my breed," Jeran said worriedly.

Kheros put a comforting hand on his friends shoulder. "My friend, things are going to get better. I can absolutely promise you this."

Jeran looked into Kheros eyes for a long moment. "I trust you, my friend. Just please, should anything happen to me, please make sure Nelia and my egg are safe."

"You have my word, Jeran. My very word."

Pax walked along the halls of the campus in his stately manner, nodding to those dragons he knew and even those he did not. He maintained his decorum until he walked down a long hall to another building and into a room that was seemingly filled to the rafters with multicolored little dragons. Some of the places they perched seemed to shift colors nearly constantly as the speakers assumed different shades and hues, reflecting their moods or simply their current preference. It was loud, races, and a veritable riot of color.

Pax looked around, a smile lighting up his face, as he shifted to his full form, keeping his colors their natural azure blue color. He walked further in and heard several happy roars. "Pax!"

He nodded and several dragons flitted down to stand in front o him, grinning. "Pax! I had no idea you were here! You managed to escape the clutches of Cladden, then?"

Pax snorted. "Hardly, Aurim. He is here, along with Irian who he came with."

"Ah!" one of the tiny dragons said, his colors brightening. "They are here for the convocation then?"


Aurim grinned hugely. "Wonderful! I am so very glad you are here, Pax. Allow me to introduce my friends!"

Pax nodded. "I would be honored."

He gestured to the male dragon on his right. "This is Noblis" The dragon nodded to Pax, his colors currently a golden shade. He gestured to the female on his right. "This is Veritas, a beautiful dragon I am sure you will agree, and not attached!"

Veritas glared at him. "If I wished to find a match, Aurim, I surely would have said so."

Aurim snorted. "She is bashful!"

Pax laughed. "Oh, yes, I can tell!"

Aurim grinned. "Pax is unattached as well. A bit old perhaps but--"

Pax roared and leapt on the other dragon and the two fell to wrestling about, biting at each other, laughing hard the whole time. They finally broke up to the sound of catcalls and hoots from the others. "It is so very good to see you, cousin."

"Agreed!" Aurim said. "So, what are you about?"

"Seeking information."

"And knowing that we would have it quicker than the others! Small does not mean unobservant!"

"And shifting colors does not mean we are skulking!" Pax added.

"Right you are! Come, let us find a quieter place where we can talk." He smiled at the other two. "Company calls. I will find you both later and we can finish our conversation." The two nodded and flitted off elsewhere.

Pax followed Aurim to his private rooms where they both sat back in chairs made for their size and shape and relaxed, Aurim taking his natural silver color. "So how is your mother?"

"Stubborn as ever," Pax said shrugging. "Doubtless you hear about her incident. It was blown out of proportion."

"I figured. Just glad to know she is doing well."

"As well as an ancient old dragoness of our breed can be."

"So what brings you here? Other than tagging along with Cladden. I know you are not so very enamored of our company that you would go out of your way for it."

Pax snorted. "More than you know, actually. I do miss the gatherings of our breed. It is nice to relax now and again."

'Too true!"

"As you said, I am here for the convocation."

"As I assumed!"

"So, what is going on?" Pax asked, ears perking.

"Oh, not much, just a change in draconic politics as we know it!"

"So bold!"

"So true!" Aurim said with a laugh. "Rumor has it that the royal family has been found."

"We knew this."

"Really?" Aurim said, colors flickering in surprise. "Cladden is better connected than we thought."

"Actually, it is more Norian and Mikail that have the connections."

Aurim turned red in surprise before flickering back to silver. "Norian and Mikail? They are here?"

"They will be, yes."

Aurim shook his head. "Amazing. What interest Mikail have? Normally he avoids the council and politics like plague. Norian I can understand having an interest, being a high member of the conclave in England and all."

Pax hesitated. "I cannot say all that I know."

Aurim whistled, shifting to a bluish silver color. "That bad?"

"Worse, probably. Sufficed to say that battle lines are going to be drawn and the whole thing is going to come to a head far sooner than anyone expected."

Aurim jumped down from his perch and started to pace. "Alright, Pax, alright," he said, every bit of humor gone from his tone. "You have my full attention. What do you need to know? I am trusting you as one of our elders that you are not going to put our breed or dragonkind in danger."

"Your confidence in me is amazing," Pax said laconically. "I need to know what you or any of our breed know about the rumor that the prince's parents have been found."

"They have not," Aurim said instantly. "It is a hoax and everyone knows it."

"Then why are they trying?"

"Good question. If they really have located them then things would shift violently. If it is a hoax as we all are certain, it will simply annoy the council to no end and further damage their credibility." He suddenly stopped pacing. "You said the prince's parents," he said, looking at Pax.

"I did."

His gaze narrowed and his ears flipped back. He cocked his head. "You know where the prince is."

"You, cousin, are entirely too clever."

"I was taught by the best," Aurim said, with a nod at Pax. "Pax, I trust you fully; you know that. Others, perhaps not so very much. Tell me true, do you know where the prince is?"

"Yes, I do. I have spoken with him and helped to educate him."

"He was being hidden with humans as we expected?"


Aurim resumed pacing. "How long has he been found?"

"I do not wish to say, exactly, but long enough to have some feel for the situation."

"Fine, I understand. Why did he come out of hiding?"

"He was discovered by another dragon on our side, fortunately, Sulvius if you know him. Sulvius discovered that the evil ones were getting close to him and so he threw them off and took Ryan to safety."

"Ryan...his name?"

Pax nodded. "If he has a draconic name he does not know it."

Aurim continued to pace, his colors flickering in though, tail twitching. "This is going to push things over the top, way over. They are obviously pulling this to try to draw the prince out into the open so they can challenge him." He stopped and looked at Pax, ears drooping slightly. "Politically I hope."

Pax sighed. "He has been attacked already, I am afraid, and a human friend of his was nearly kidnapped until Ryan intervened."

"Attacked by whom," Aurim said with an angry hiss.


Aurim froze. "We may have a problem."

"As if we do not already?"

"Xerxes is here."

Pax started. "They let him in?"

"He is under the protection of one of the families and none will say which."

Pax growled, colors darkening in anger, wings flaring. "His whole family was banned from he council and from the chambers for good reason. What kind of fool would do this?"

"A desperate one," Aurim said quietly, "And I need not tell you just how dangerous a desperate dragon can be."

"So, what have we learned?" Irian asked as they all gathered back a the rooms.

"Very little above and beyond what we already did from my end," Kheros said. "The only thing that I really found is that there is a lot of pressure being leveraged giant certain breeds and dragons. Several have turned or at least have been silenced."

"To be expected," Irian said. "Cowardly way of doing things, but that is the way they work."

"I spoke with several of my breed," Pax said. "Aurim said that them finding the prince's parents is most certainly a hoax. He is guessing that they are trying to draw Ryan out."

Ryan shook his head. "This is o very low of them, so very evil, trying to fool me like that."

"It is, but it is the way they think, my prince," Irian said.

"Unfortunately, I may have worse news," Pax said. "Xerxes is here."

"Impossible. Him and his family were banned," Irian said firmly.

"Someone is sponsoring him."

"What kind of idiot would do that?"

"As my cousin said, a desperate one," Pax said. "I am not fully certain what they hope to gain. Xerxes and his family are not well regarded, to say nothing of being banned."

"Why were they banned?" Ryan asked.

"Things like what happened to you," Irian said. "They are impulsive, violent, and have no problem denouncing any who disagreeing with them, claiming them to be less than dragons. They have been involved with shady activities as well. Selling pheromones, human slavery, things like that. All in all, they are evil and most dragons avoid them."

"What do you expect them to do?" Beth asked, looking at her son worriedly.

"Xerxes is likely to get up and denounce Ryan, claim that he was attacked by the prince and forced into attacking by the trill or perhaps claiming Ryan to be a fake and just trying to stir things up, old blood claims and things like that." Irian shrugged. "It is a little hard to say. He is certainly not stable."

Sulvius and Irian exchanged a brief look. "If Ebony was sent by him or those controlling him, he will most likely bring up Ebony as well." Beth noticed the look and frowned.

"Calling me a fake is so very stupid. I can trill and no other breed can. That alone should prove my case," Ryan said.

"Indeed. It is hard to say if it is just Xerxes arrogance, believing himself to be so superior to everyone else that there is no way his schemes could fail, or if he actually has a plan along those lines. His pride, believing that no one else could outthink him, could well play into our favor. My larger concern is that someone with more sense is controlling Xerxes, which seems likely."

"Skerios," Kheros said. "Alexis is about, trying to stir up trouble."

"Possibly," Irian said. "Though that would be a bit odd even for him. He has a sense of honor, warped though it is." Irian cocked his head. "Alexis is trying to stir things?"

"Jeran said that she tried to convince him and others to turn against the council and work with them, saying she was trying to better dragon kind. She has been buying votes, buying companies and so on."

Irian show his head. "Her family is utterly poverty stricken. She is being used by Skerios, but we knew that from the start."

"I do not like her," Ryan growled.

"Understandable, but hold your temper if she should address you."

Sulvius was frowning, ears down, shaking his head. Irian looked at him questioningly. He glanced up at the counselor. "Something does not add up."

Irian snorted. "That would be most of this."

"No, I mean something is really off," Sulvius said, still frowning. An ear twitched. "Alexis..."

"What about her?"

"She was never like this when she was younger. Her family may have been against us, but never to the point of what she is doing now."

"She is angry and wants revenge," Kheros said dismissively.

"You may be right, but something just feels wrong," Sulvius said.

"It's just your counselors instincts kicking in," Pax teased.

"Perhaps," Sulvius said with a shrug. "I will have to mull it over."

"In the mean time, we need to figure out what their strategy is," Irian said.

"Good idea," Beth said, looking at Ryan again, worry etched in her features. "I don't want him getting hurt."

"I am safe, mother!"

Allen grunted. "Like you were at the so called safe house?"

"Stop it!" Pax said with a growl. "This is not the time or the place to start fighting amongst ourselves. If we fall to squabbling we will loose."

"As you say," Sulvius agreed. "Let us keep our focus."

Allen grunted again and sat down, arms folded, looking sour. Ryan tried to catch his eyes but Allen avoided his gaze and Ryan sighed and leaned against his mother.

"I feel it best that we hold Ryan in reserve, so to speak," Irian said. "I do not think we should tip our hand too early."

"They know about the prince already," Pax reminded him.

"Given, but the rest of the council does not. Ryan's sudden appearance will jar them to say the least."

"Wait a moment," Kheros said. "They know we have Ryan and they would also know how the council will most likely react. Why are they doing this?"

Irian snorted. "Short sightedness."

"I would not be so very sure," Pax said. "Even still, we cannot try to cover everything. If we sit here and try to outguess them we will never get anything done."

"I think we should know," Kheros objected.

"We have two days to find out, just keep your ears up," Pax said.

"Ears up?" Beth asked curiously.

"Same as keeping your ears open, just the draconic version," Sulvius said.

Beth laughed. "Makes sense with those mobile ears."

Sulvius flicked at ear at her and everyone laughed, albeit a bit tensely. "Alright," Sulvius said. "In general we just need to relax and see what happens next.All we can really do is respond to what they are doing and turn Ryan loose when the time is right."

"That seems foolish," Ryan objected, "why just react?"

"It is complicated," Pax said. "Dragons tend to assume that everyone is going to be an active player, trying to outsmart each other. We are going for a deal and respond tactic which will drive them up the wall. They re going to expect us to jump up and start screaming and we will not."

"And that will make them so very nervous!" Ryan said with a grin. "We wait and they keep expecting something to happen and fretting all the while. That is so very wonderful!"

"Glad you liked it," Pax said.

Irian grinned. "We are lucky to have Pax. Cladden and I were all set to charge in and start swinging which likely would have played right into their hands. Pax is more savvy than we are and came up with the idea of just waiting peacefully."

"See? Even little dragons have good ideas once in awhile," Kheros said.

Pax changed his colors to a very sickening green color, causing them to waver, and Kheros looked away groaning, along with everyone else. "Stop that!"

Pax went back to his normal blue. "Glad we understand each other," he said with an air of dignity.

Ryan burst out laughing. "That was wonderful!"

"Tis a gift. I do not talk about it much," Pax said regally and everyone laughed.

"Okay," Irian said, "I think we are good with what we should do."

"I still am not so very certain of what to say," Ryan said, fretting.

"I told you, my prince, just tell what happened, what you know of the situation, and what you wish to do. Rehearsed words will sound like it. Speak from your heart," Pax said.

"I hope you're right about that," Irian said.

"I think he is, though I wish I had more of a script to follow," Ryan said.

"You will do just fine, my prince," Pax said soothingly.

Ryan sighed, rustling his wings. "Where are Tanner and the others?"

"They should be here shortly," Kheros said. "Cladden went down to meet them."

"I hope so," Ryan said, tail a twitch.

"Patience, my prince."

"I am," Ryan said and paused. "Are they here yet?"

Tanner hung his head. "Sir, I know what you are trying to say but--"

"Then do not argue with me," Norian said firmly.

"You're acting like this is so bloody easy!" Tanner snapped.

"I never said that and watch your mouth, boy!"

Tanner crossed his arms and glared at Norian. "Let me ask you this: who is going to tell Ryan that I'm here but that I'm not going to be seeing him?"

"I will explain it to him."

Tanner shook his head. "Good luck sir; you'll need it."

Mikail sighed. "We are not doing this to punish you or him, Tanner."

"No matter the reason that's exactly what's happening."

"It could effect how the council sees him."

"Having him go to pieces most certainly will!"

"He will not 'go to pieces' as you say."

"Oh, no not a bit!" Tanner said sarcastically. "I've only been with him for the last several months, what would I know about him and how he will react?"

Norian sighed. "Stop it, you two. Tanner..." He sighed again. "I cannot tell you what to do, I can only tell you what I think and what I feel the council will think. I can only tell you that you're making yourself a target." He leaned forward and looked at Tanner with an earnest expression. "You're putting yourself in danger, Tanner. You could be hurt or even killed and I do not wish to have been a party to that. I am not so very certain you understand."

"I knew this was dangerous from the moment I found out, Sir. Don't belittle me by pretending that I don't."

"You are correct, and I am sorry."

"We are not getting anywhere with this," Mikail said with a grunt. "Tanner, you will do as I say as a ranking member of the council."

Tanner stiffened and looked at Norian who shook his head. "I cannot overrule him, Tanner."

"Fine, just fine," Tanner said flatly. "Do whatever the hell you think is right! I certainly can't stop you." He turned and stormed out of the private cabin, throwing himself down in one of the other seats, fuming.

Stay away from Ryan, they said. Keep to yourself, stay in your room, don't be visible. You could hurt him, hurt his chances. The bond could cause damage, he's far too young! What if you die? What if the council finds out? What if it gets you killed? What if, what if, what if!

Never mind what was: Ryan scared, uncertain, and needed the support of his friend no matter what the species, no matter if the little dragon was becoming bound to him or not. Why couldn't they simply see it?

He sighed. He knew the answer. Dragons could be blind to certain things, their pride and culture wouldn't allow them to see another dragon, especially the royal breed, as being weak in their eyes and needing of human companionship. The idea that Ryan could need the support of a human, no matter how respected a dragon friend he was, was completely unthinkable. Even in Norian, who knew him better than perhaps anyone living, it was telling.

Deep down he really did understand what they were saying. He understood the logic of it, the reasoning, all of it. Part of him agreed and wanted to follow their advice, doing it because it may well be the best thing for Ryan, even if it cause him some short term pain. He was a young dragon; he would recover. Besides, he had Pax, Sulvius, Kheros, and others there, other dragons to support him, even his human parents for that matter. What need for a human interloper?

Yes, Tanner though bitterly, he certainly understood all of that. Logic should win out over emotion. Reason should triumph over reaction. Being unselfish and letting Ryan be a dragon should win out over his own desires.

But since when had love ever responded to logic?

Tanner watched the landscape roll by out the window, a tear chasing it's way down his cheek.

"Norian, Mikail, Tanner," Cladden greeted them as they stepped off the plane.

"Greetings, Cladden," Norian said as he groaned, stretching and walking about.

Mikail just grunted. "Situation?"

"Tense. Irian will brief you."

"Why not you?"

"Because Irian is senior to me and he knows what is going on better than I. I have been busy arranging things," Cladden said.

"Waste of time. Let others do the arranging. We need your sense of things," Mikail said, looking displeased.

Cladden shrugged. "Be that as it may, it is what I was told to do and have been doing. Come, I will escort you to your rooms."

"You came in discreetly?" Norian asked.

"Of course, though we are known to be here now I am sure."

"I suppose our entrance is not going to go unmarked."

"Doubtless. An ancient one and one of the most powerful members of the Conclave? No, they will certainly take notice." Cladden looked at Tanner who had an impassive expression on his face. "Tanner, you've said nothing."

"Nothing to say, Cladden," Tanner said in clipped tones.

Cladden frowned. "What is wrong?"

"Ask them!"

Cladden blinked and drew his head back. He looked over to Norian and Mikail in confusion. Norian sighed. "We have asked him to say away from Ryan."

Cladden looked doubtful. "Ryan has been asking about him."

Mikail hissed. "Who told him that Tanner was coming? Better to not have said."

Tanner started to open his mouth but Norian flicked him with his tail. "We thought it well know and besides he refused to leave the safe house until it was promised to him. He forced Sulvius to swear to him and quite nearly bit his father, he was so very angry."

Tanner arched an eyebrow at Norian who sighed again. "We will have to consider."

"Like hell," Mikail grumbled.

"Do so quickly," Cladden said. "He knows I am here escorting you back."

They walked into the entrance, Tanner feeling rather justified by all that Cladden had said. Ryan needed him! That both made him feel good and worried all at the same time. He promised himself again that he would do whatever it took to be worthy of the young dragons affections.

They had only gone a few steps when a female voice shouted. "Norian!"

Norian muttered under his breath and turned. "What do you want, Alexis?" he said bluntly.

"So stern!" she said, wide eyed.

"I have no time for your games, Alexis."

"No games, Norian. I want to you know that I know what you are up to and that it will not work is all."

"If you were so very sure you would have said nothing."

Alexis snorted. "Just trying to be friendly."

"Then keep your tail down and stay away from me!"

Alexis hissed. "Is that what you think of me?"

"What is it the humans say? If the shoe fits?"

Alexis' eyes narrowed. "I am nobodies whore!"

Mikail grumbled. "Very well you mate indiscriminately. Norian, we need to go."

Alexis growled once more and spun to talk off. Before they walked through the doorway, Tanner saw her looking back over at them and swore he saw a tear in her eye.

"Greetings, Malthus," Irian said, nodding to the Keeper as he walked into the suite.

"Irian," Malthus said in return, nodding. A young dragon followed him in, looking to be of the same breed. Ryan looked at him curiously but the young dragon did not acknowledge him.

Irian sat across from Malthus. "How are things with you?"

"My affairs are profitable," Malthus responded. "And yours?"

"My affairs are also profitable," Irian passed. "Even Isabelle is doing well."

Malthus snorted. "As you wish!"

"Formality is overrated and there are those present who are not so very familiar with all the protocol. Besides, it is so very tiresome."

"Agreed, though sometimes it is all that keeps dragons from reach others throats," Malthus said. "So, other than the convocation what brings you here? Or I should say what brings you here in all this secrecy, if you choose to tell me."

"Well let me ask you this: what is your take on the current situation?"


"Of course. Professionally you are completely neutral."

He snorted. "Even there I am having certain leanings lately." He cocked his head. "The evil ones are trying to bluff their way past our traditions and the like. I seriously doubt they know where the royal family is, doubtless you have heard the rumors, and even if they did I could scarcely see them cooperating on the side of the evil ones. Everyone knows this so the real question is what are they after."

"As we thought."

"My thoughts is that they are simply trying to show that we are bound by our traditions and that we need new leadership and methods for doing things that do not reflect the old ways. If nothing else, they can try to have them declared dead."

"That has been tired; everyone resists."

Malthus sighed. "They do, but we are going to have to accept the fact that they very well may be. I cannot see either one of them staying out of things for fifteen or so years."

"You think they are gone?"

"I do not wish to believe it, but I am slowly being forced to think so," Malthus said. "We are going to have to move on, Irian; there is little choice. It is ore of a matter of what way we are going to go. The evil ones are taking this chance to get back into power and get revenge."

"Yes, but no one really listens."

"More than you would think, my friend," Malthus said. "There is serious unrest lately and the evil ones have been moving strongly to influence and disrupt. There have been threats, rumored abductions, buy outs, leverage in the human world, many things. It is a dirty game and most of us have had to take steps we would rather not take."

"Sometimes you have to play the game," Irian said glumly.

"Too true. Just beware that when you are fighting the monster you do not become the monster."

"Didn't that quote originally say dragons?" Beth asked.

Malthus glanced at her and then at Irian who nodded. "Yes, but that is hardly politic in this case is it?"


"So," Irian said. "What are you proposing that we do? Unofficially that is."

"That all depends on why you have come in secret. I assume you have good reason and have information that will change the tide.'

"Aside from that."

Malthus scratched at his neck thoughtfully. "I hate to say it but we are going to have to move to have the royal family declared dead or at least non functional and try to get someone with sense elected as leader or chancellor."

"No!" Ryan said suddenly, rearing back. "I do not believe it!"

"Ryan!" Beth said, startled.

"No mother! My parents are not dead! I do not believe it! They have to be alive," Ryan said, tail lashing angrily.

Malthus stood up, looking at Ryan in shock, as if seeing him for the first time. "What?"

"I am the prince and my parents cannot be dead! I will not hear such things!" Ryan said, growling.

Irian sighed and walked over to Ryan, placing a hand on the agitated little dragons head. "That is why we came in secret."

Malthus looked at Irian, then back at Ryan, the bowed low. "My prince!"

Ryan sighed and looked up at Irian with a frustrated expression. "I did not really wish for this!"

"Then you probably should have kept quiet."

"The story of my life," Ryan said glumly.

Malthus nodded as Irian finished explaining how Ryan was found. "Very interesting. This will certainly flip everything on edge and cause mass havoc."

"I am afraid so," Irian said.

"Indeed. It is so very hard to tell where the pieces will fall."

"And the evil ones know that and are probably betting on a bunch of confusion."

"Unfortunately," Malthus said. He cocked his head and thrummed quietly to himself. "You wish to keep the prince hidden?"

"For now. There may be a few other counselors I wish for him to meet, but otherwise let us keep him out of sight."

"I am guessing the tiny ones already know."

Irian laughed. "Pax is here and he said yes, his cousin guessed it instantly."

Malthus laughed. "Good on him. The evil ones pay them no mind. That alone may give us an edge that wins this."

"I like Pax," Ryan said out of the need to say something.

"As do I, my prince," Malthus assured him.

The two fell to discussing particular council members and possible allies. Ryan half listened and half looked around the room, wondering what was going to become of him. He crawled off the couch he was laying on and went to his mother, pawing at her leg with his talons sheathed. She smiled down at him and scratched his ears and he held his arms up to her. She pulled him into her lap and he nuzzled her, then pushed his head under her chin, thrumming. She laughed and pet him, settling him down on her lap while the other two dragons talked.

Malthus paused and watched the whole thing curiously, head cocked, and then looked at Irian who also watched, a smile on his face. "She does indeed love him and him her," Malthus observed.

"They do. Very much they do."

"His foster father?"

Irian sighed. "He is very protective of his son, as you can imagine. They were told to keep him from other dragons but not why and it has not been an easy transition for him I fear. He loves Ryan, never fear, but it has indeed be hard on him."

Ryan looked over at them both nervously, then smiled his shy smile, and both of the adults smiled in return. Ryan trilled softly and Malthus closed his eyes and thrummed at the sound. After a moment he opened his eyes and shook his head. "So amazing. It has been so very long since I have heard it," he said a little wistfully.

"Isn't it though?" Irian added.

Ryan swallowed around a lump that suddenly formed in his throat. "You heard my parents trill?" he managed.

Malthus smiled. "Yes, my prince. They were both so very skilled, your mother more so than your father really. She could keep the angriest dragon calmed and cheer up even the most morose. We do so miss them."

Ryan looked down. "I hope they are alive," he whispered.

"I am certain they are, my prince, just waiting for the right time to return."

Ryan smiled up at him again, in his shy way, and the two went back to talking about other counselors that could be beneficial for Ryan to meet, possible aids and obstacles, and other planning. Ryan quickly got bored with it and climbed down from the couch and walked over to the young dragon who was sitting on his haunches, watching the two intently. He spared the prince a glance, and then went back to watching.

Malthus looked down. "Embren, go play," he said.

"But I need to learn how to run the council chambers!" the young dragon protested.

"You can do that later. Go play with Ryan."

"But he is the prince," Embren objected.

"So? He is a dragon just like any other. Go on and play!"

"Yes sir," Embren said and looked at Ryan with a look of resignation. Ryan looked back with some misgiving. If he didn't want to play with him why force the issue? It could only lead to resentment and bad feelings.

Embren walked a few paces away and then turned and sat back on his haunches. He looked over at his father and Irian for a moment, before sighing and looking back at Ryan. "My prince," he said uncertainly.

"Please, call me Ryan."

Embren blinked, drawing back, looking confused. "But you are the prince!"

"And? I was Ryan before I was the prince," Ryan said. "Please, there is not need for any sort of formality."

"As you wish, my prince."

Ryan sighed. "What do you do for fun?"

Embren cocked his head. "I study the laws and learn how to run the council chambers."

"Ah," Ryan said. Lovely, he thought, a real stick I the mud.

Embren ducked his head. "I also like to play buffet ball."

Ryan's ears perked. He had learned how to play hill at the safe house and enjoyed it, mostly, save for when Jerius was trying to flatten everybody or bully his way around them. "I like buffet ball. Do you wish to play?"

"Sure!" Embren said. "But where?"

"I know not. Is there a field nearby?"

Beth looked up from her reading . "There is the gym down the hall. Why not play there?"

"Can we?" Ryan asked hopefully.

"I don't mind if the others don't."

Malthus looked at the boys and smiled. "Certainly. Go play, my son."

"Thank you!" Embren said, ears coming up to fully. He followed Ryan to the gym, head up, ears perked the whole way and Ryan wondered if Embren was allowed to play very often.

They pulled out the ball and played back and forth, roaring and squealing, having a grand time. Ryan was much faster and agile then Embren, but Embren was a very good player and so they were pretty evenly matched. Embren made excellent use of his tail which threw Ryan off more than once.

"My father taught me!" Embren said with a grin, panting during a break.

"He plays?"

"Sure! He is so very good. He won several leagues when he was younger."

"That is so very wonderful!"

"Does your father play?"

Ryan's ears folded before he could stop them. "I know not. My father is human and I have never met my dragon father."

"Oh!" Embren said, looking a little confused. "Well, does your foster father play?"

Ryan snorted. "No, he is human, as I said. I doubt that he would be able to play without hurting himself."

"Oh? Lets find out!" Allen said from where he was watching in the doorway.

"Father?" Ryan said, starting in surprise.

"Last I checked. Who's goal?"

Ryan shook himself, still looking puzzled. "Mine I think?"

"Great! GO!" Allen roared and went after the ball.

A human as at a serious disadvantage playing buffet ball, having only two arms, two legs, and a head if one were of a mind to use it though that would probably result in a serious concussion. Even still, he managed to quit himself well, possibly because neither dragon wanted to use their wings or tail to stop him for fear of hurting him.

"Foul!" Allen yelled.

"Was not!" Ryan said, indignant.

"Fine! Spar for it!" Allen yelled and jumped on his son, folding him up easily, having long experience in wrestling around with him. Ryan squealed and kicked but Allen had long learned how to keep him pinned, not to mention knowing many dirty tricks.

"Hey! No tickling!" Ryan yelled, "Embren! Help!"

Embren hesitated for a moment and then dove in, Allen wrestling about with both of the young dragons until he was finally so exhausted all he could do was lay back, breathing heavily as the two younglings stood on him with their forelegs, heads up, signing their victory.

"Alright! You win!" Allen gasped.

"Of course! The dragon always wins!" Ryan roared.

Beth watched from the entry way, tears rolling down her cheeks. Sulvius put a hand on her shoulder. "I told you he would work it out," he said quietly.

"Thank you," Beth said quietly.

"You are so very welcome, great lady."