Being Kintaro's Lover

Story by SynjoDeonecros on SoFurry

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A story that literally came from a dream, I just had to write this down. Please forgive the purple prose in it, but that's just how it was written. Also, warning to anyone who doesn't like that, this contains instances of necrophilia, so please be warned of that.

It had been days since I found myself in this new world, wandering the halls of Shao Kahn's private island sanctuary. I was brought here through unknown means and for unknown purposes; I was neither kombatant nor person of interest, and I surely would've been killed at the first opportunity, had anyone actually taken notice of me. It seemed strange; I watched as kombatants of all shape, size, and nationality duked it out in various parts of the islant, fighting to the death for some unforeseen prize, yet they all left me alone. Even the various guards and servants in the area paid me no mind, leaving me to peruse the corridors of the sanctuary unhindered and unnoticed.

Not that there was much to see; the island was indeed large and grand, its wonders sparking interest in anyone's eye... well, anyone with an interest in the grotesque, that is. Death hung around every turn like the reaper's cloak, from the bodies hanging from pikes in the courtyard to the art and statues painted in blood in the gallery. The air was slightly acrid with the smell of rotting flesh and blood, the wind chimed with the sound of rattling bones, and even the air howled with the souls of the rendered dead. It would've given any normal person the chills, and indeed, it upset me quite a bit, but as it didn't seem like anyone cared of me enough to make me a part of the macabre scene, I also paid it no mind, after a while.

Eventually, I stumbled into what appeared to be an executioner's balcony, open to the elements, as large as the courtyard at the front of the building. It, too, naturally had death adorned on it; various instruments of torture and murder strewn about its walls, blood splattered on its bricks, and bodies locked away, shackled up, or impaled on spikes dotted the area. However, within the dreary sight, there was one beacon of light: a large tigrine Shokan, wearing nothing but a harness and a speedo, buffed to enormous size, surveying his master's latest catch. The sight of him made me drool; he was a perfect specimen of manly and furry prowess, every sinew of his massive muscular body shining through the light cover of fuzz on his skin. His back was turned toward me, giving me a glimpse of his perfect bubble butt encased in the black leather of his speedo, flexing lewdly as he shifted his weight. Enthralled by this beast of a man, I made my way behind a set of spikes lining the center of the balcony, hiding myself among the twisted iron and dead bodies to listen in on his self-conversation.

And did the man-beast speak! His deep baritone voice rumbled throughout my entire being as he sighed at the sight of another offering to the slaughter, grumbling under his breath as if fatigued by the image. "Yet another petty thief for execution, eh? This is a waste; I am Kintaro, Scourge of Outworld, the most powerful Shokan under Shao Kahn's direct command, and what do I get assigned to do? Oversee the execution of mortals. Petty, scrawny mortals not fit for this." The being in the cage before him - a thin male stripped bare and left to starve - yelled something incomprehensible to the monster now identified as Kintaro, causing the man-beast to backhand the cage with his hand with a 'bang!' in an effort to shut the fool up.

Another grumble, and he pulled a lever, causing the cage to drop down out of sight; a shriek and the sounds of razor-sharp metal being shoved into abused flesh made it clear what happened to the man, beyond my vision. Turning, Kintaro revealed more of himself to me, and my breath caught in my throat at the sight of him: his massive chest was delicious, large, thick nipples pierced with rings just begging to be sucked and nibbled on. A perfect 8-pack lined his stomach, the washboard abs bulging against his white fur in a way that would make anyone swoon with lust and envy. And speaking of bulges... I felt entranced as I watched him grope himself with one of the lower of his four muscular arms, gripping a groinal bulge that could easily dwarf an elephant's. A gentle, almost guttural moan escaped his lips as he adjusted himself, walking with an air of almost regret toward the center of the balcony, almost within viewing distance of myself.

"Scourge of Outworld indeed! Bah!" he lamented, reaching up to inspect one of the corpses on the center spikes. The body was placed about hip-high to the Shokan, almost as if positioned specifically for the man-beast to be able to fuck it, and indeed Kintaro seemed to give that idea off as he fondled it, prodding its back passage with a finger, sliding his hand over the body's ass, even reaching between the stumps that were once legs to feel up what was now shown to me to be a large set of male genitals, erect and... throbbing?... as he caressed them. To my surprise, the corpse seemed to react, twitching gently under the touch of the Shokan, and eliciting a nigh-inaudible groan of pained pleasure from it. From my vantage point, I could see Kintaro adjust his groin again, the thick bulge between his own legs growing tauter from his ministrations on the body, causing my own penis to stir slightly in my pants.

He continued his lament, smacking the corpse on the ass and drawing another, more audible groan from it. "All I seem to be good for, nowadays, is to execute prisoners then fuck the corpses while waiting for the next one. Thank the Elder Gods that Shang Tsung's magic makes them more tolerable as fuck toys, lest I get bored even with that!" Another tug at both his own groin and that of the corpse, and he moved on, idly circling the center protrusions without care, forcing me to circle with him to avoid detection... not that I didn't want to be detected; the more I saw of the tigrine Shokan, the more I felt compelled to prostrate myself before him in a faint hope of being subject to his lusty whims. "Bah, I need a real plaything, someone alive and well and willing to worship me for who I am, for what I can give them, instead of fearing me as a death machine. I grow tired of all this death; I need something, some_one_ worth living for..."

He paused and looked straight at me. For a moment, it was unclear to me if he had seen me or not, and for a brief instant in that moment, I both wished he hadn't seen me, so I could continue to live, and had, so I could be put under his thrall. No luck on the former; Kintaro tilted his head in puzzlement, and ducked down, staring at me through the spikes with an intent that transcended even my enraptured focus on him. I swear I could've seen his bulge grow tighter as he studied me; I could've melted under his gaze at that moment, and I wouldn't have cared. I saw him smile, then, mouthing a singsong "I see you" before he got up and walked over to my position. I couldn't move, couldn't breathe as he made his way around to me, my heart in panic mode, my cock at full attention.

Stopping when he came within full view of me - within touching distance, even - and giving a wry smile, he studied me with both interest and amusement; at 5 foot 10 inches tall, I wasn't much more than an ant to him... a fairly fat ant, at that, as my bulging belly could attest. My cock, fully erect at 7 inches long and 1.5 inches wide, was tenting at my pants visibly, though dwarfed horribly by the bulge between Kintaro's legs. It was that bulge that I kept my attention on; I would occasionally glance up to meet his gaze, but my eyes always darted back to his package, thick and bulging, throbbing in need. The Shokan seemed to notice and reached down to give himself another grope, thrilling me to no end as he squeezed around the base of his bulge, causing the leather to strain against the mass of flesh within.

"What is your name, mortal?"

The question threw me off guard; I didn't expect him to address me in such a manner, or even ask of my name. I stuttered as I tried to pry my eyes off of his groin and give him the answer he wanted. "Um... J...Jeremy, s-sir!"

He chuckled at my nervousness, his smile widening into a grin. "You look to be neither slave nor prisoner, nor do you look fit enough to be a kombatant. Perhaps you are one of the few infiltrators allowed to travel through the halls of our 'esteemed' Emperor's establishment?" His grin widened still as I nodded silently, my jaw open in silent agreement as my gaze was once again drawn to his crotch. Again, he groped himself, bulging his groin out to the point of nearly ripping through his speedo, chuckling at my reaction as I squirmed in fearful lust. "You like what you see of me, mortal?"

I nodded again, giving a slight moan as my erection also strained for release from its confines at the sight of this Adonis of a Shokan. Again, Kintaro chuckled, before releasing his grip on his groin, the hand that was holding it being held out in friendship toward me. After a few seconds of confusion at the act, I relented, offering my hand into the massive three-fingered one of the Shokan to hold. With a firm but gentle squeeze, he pulled me up to my feet, my head barely reaching underneath his pecs as I stood before him. He didn't release his grip on my hand, though; instead, he guided it to his bulge, flattening the palm of it against the hot leather as he helped me feel him up. It was heaven; the taut, leathery hide of his speedo merely accentuated ever vein and fiber of his crotch, teasing of a massive monster of a penis and testicles contained within. As he continued to guide me in rubbing his bulge thoroughly, he murred a little under his breath, staring down at me with half-lidded eyes and spoke the five words that sent me over the edge:

"Do you want a taste?"

He needn't have told me twice; as soon as he released his hand from mine on his groin, I reached up and hooked my fingers underneath the waistband of his speedo, nearly ripping it off with unprecedented strength for myself as I pulled the offending cloth down and off of his loins. His reaction was immediate; a massive log of meat, roughly 15 inches long and the width of a 2-liter soda bottle, flopped out of its confines in a half-hard state, its uncut length resting on my left shoulder and against my face as I continued to pull the shorts off. It was followed by a pair of enormous balls, roughly the size of small watermelons, veins pulsing over them as if to tease of the massive load churning within them. Kintaro groaned and leaned back, grabbing a few staked bodies for support as I started worshiping his cock and balls eagerly, rubbing my mouth, my face, my hands all over his monolith of meat and the twin orbs below. He and I groaned in unison as I started slathering my tongue against his penis, urging it to grow to its full erection with every lick; the taste was heavenly, very earthy with a hint of spice to it that wasn't at all unpleasant. It wasn't until I leaned back, moving my hands and face toward the tip of his cock, that I got my first taste of his precum; a giant bubble of the clear liquid was already forming on it, and with one lick, I was in paradise, eagerly shoving as much of the monstrous head as I could into my mouth, forcing my tongue deep within his piss slit to milk him more of his blissful ambrosia.

I was not the only one in bliss, or in the process of teasing someone; Kintaro, lost in the rapture of my ministrations, gripped the asses of the bodies he was holding on to for support roughly, slipping a thick Shokan finger into their holes to bugger them idly. Despite them being clearly dead and impaled on the spikes, the bodies - obviously male and obviously hung - twitched and moaned at the invasion, their erections bobbing underneath them, spilling some of their own necronic pre onto the ground and the poles they were shoved onto. As I watched, still enthralled with pleasing the tigrine Shokan, one finger in their asses became two, then half a hand as their asses were stretched wide to accommodate the intruding fists. Clearly, he has been fucking these bodies, as well, and they were well used for such a stretching. One last look up at his face showed a look of utter euphoria from him, head arched back, mouth open, tongue lolling out in pure pleasure at my ministrations...but that could change with what I had planned.

Taking my mouth off of his cockhead, I closed the gap between my face and his crotch again, nibbling along his shaft to lap and fondle at his balls once more. However, I had another goal in mind; slowly and without much warning, I slipped one of my hands behind his legs and against the cleft of his buttocks, tracing a finger over his puckered hole against the fabric of his speedo. With one last glance up, to confirm he was still preoccupied with my worship, I slid a hand underneath his speedo and into the crack of his ass, using my fingertips to prod and tease at his anus gently. Kintaro's reaction was immediate; he groaned loudly, bucking his hips up at the touch of my hand at his back passage, almost spewing his load behind me as a large glob of pre mixed with semen formed on his cockhead. To my surprise, despite now being fully erect and hard, I found his cock to be remarkably flexible, and I gently bent it into a u-shape to suck the glob off of his head while still remaining close enough to continue fingering his ass.

The taste of his semen was just as exquisite as the taste of his precum, having a hearty, earthy flavor spiked with a spicy saltiness that just thrilled my taste buds. The angle of his penis caused Kintaro to grunt a little in discomfort, but he quickly adjusted as the first two of my fingers slid easily into his puckered bud, feeling up his inner walls with abandon. Any normal person would've probably died from the insult of daring to probe such a private and intimate part of the Shokan's body, but it seemed the years of solitude and horniness that plagued Kintaro made him not care about such an invasion... nay, I would say he welcomed it, the respect I showed to him as I slutted him up and worshiped his body in such a manner confirming in his mind that I was worthy of his lust.

A pause as something stirred behind me, and I looked up to see what had disturbed our playtime. Kintaro, barely able to see through the haze of his own pleasure, followed my glance as we saw another pair of strangers - both decked out in leather and latex, though one more thoroughly than the other, almost gimp-like compared to his companion's master outfit - approached. Both seemed entranced by what they had seen, sporting obvious erections as they walked next to me, staring intently on the chunk of meat I was administering to and the hunk of a Shokan it was attached to.

Kintaro, still in the throes of his euphoria, panted before looking at the two before him. "More strangers in our wake? And it seems more who wants a piece of my body. What be you two?"

The gimp knelt down before the Shokan in complete submissiveness, while his friend - holding a leash attached to the gimp's hood and collar - bowed in respectful submission, as well. "Our names are not important to you, at this time, my lord. We have come as your sex slaves. Do with us as you will..."

The Shokan snorted in mild disgust. "I am already being ministered by someone - someone who holds more interest to me than you two, at this moment. I have little more use for sex slaves than I do the corpses I fuck in this forsaken place." That seemed to disappoint the two who came, and while I pitied them their dismissal by Kintaro, my heart did swoon a little at his acknowledgement of how well I was ministering to his pleasures. With a dull sigh, he removed his hand from the anus of one of the corpses and waved on the two leather-clad slaves. "I shall keep you on, for now, but at this time you may play with yourselves or with any of the bodies lying around here. They are all well used, and able to react and produce as much as they would if they were alive. You will get plenty of spunk tending to their needs, I assure you."

The two gimps nodded in silence, eyes betraying the disappointment they felt in their dismissal, but did as they were told, still thankful for the little they were given by their new master. As for me, I smiled weakly up at Kintaro, who smiled back and placed his hand on my head. "I tell the truth, mortal; you are far more interesting to me than any slave could ever be. I could see in your eyes your need to pleasure me, and to pleasure yourself with me, and indeed, if it wasn't for that need, I would've ripped you limb from limb for ever touching my ass. Tell me your full name, and why you are here, and I shall try to reach an agreement with you that would benefit both of us."

That through me off guard; a Shokan, a great and powerful beast of a man loyal to Shao Kahn, treating a lowly mortal such as I as an equal? At any other time, the idea would've seemed laughable, and to entertain it would've mean certain death, but as I felt the gentle touch of his hand on my head, I knew he was serious. So, taking a chance, I released him from my ministrations and stood up, steeling myself for any repercussions he could do to me. "My name is Jeremy Adkins. I do not know how I came here or why. As you said, I am not here as a slave, it seems, nor as a warrior, and my presence here seems to have gone unnoticed, until you discovered me. I have always heard stories of you and your prowess, seen your image on several forms of media, and have fallen in love with you. I lust after your body and your heart, and I wish to be with you as much as you allow."

Surprisingly, that seemed to satisfy the Shokan, who stood up and seemed to relax from his blissful state of arousal. He reached down, and for a moment I froze, not knowing what he was going to do to me. Instead of the obvious, though, he took me up into his arms and carried me to a nearby throne, sitting down as he placed me in his lap, his cock still hard and throbbing between my legs as I straddled it. He chuckled as he studied me, taking in all of my features in humorous interest. "You, a mere mortal, neither warrior nor slave, wish to be with me as... what, I wonder? As a lover? A companion?"

Shrugging in uncertainty, I nodded. "I was brought here for a purpose. What that purpose is, I still don't know, but I do know that, the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew I had to be with you, to love and be loved by you for as much as you'd allow. It is true I am weak and frail, not much of a lover for someone as powerful and mighty as you, but if you let me, I would be honored to train as much as possible to become the lover you truly desire."

Kintaro blinked at my confession, mulling over it for a few minutes before chuckling wryly and hugging me close in a gentle embrace. "I'm afraid no amount of training short of Shang Tsung's magic would make you even close to being worthy enough in body to be my lover, and I sense that you will eventually miss your home realm and wish to return to it, eventually. However, I admire your courage and honesty, and to be honest myself, I do wish to have more than just violence and death in my life. Very well." He reached underneath the throne and grabbed an intricately-carved box, bringing it up for me to see as he opened it. Within was a collar, made of fur-lined brown leather, almost the same color as Kintaro's loins, and glistening with jeweled studs and silver clasps and o-rings. Taking the collar out of the box, he unclasped it and placed it around my neck, cinching it tight around it, though not enough to restrict my breathing. With a click, I felt a lock placed on the clasp, keeping it held tight and unable to be released with out a key... a key which the Shokan held in his hand. "This collar was made by Shang Tsung's magic from the very skin of my loins. It is meant to symbolize the bond between myself and whoever wears it. Thus, you are my lover for eternity; you will continue to live and age as I do, and you will feel the pleasure I do when we make love, and suffer together when I feel pain. This does not make you my slave, however; you will be given free reign of Outworld, the collar warning those who wish you harm that you are mine, and will face my wrath if they should ever hurt you. Also, you may leave Outworld to go back to your own home, but whenever I call for you, or whenever you wish to be with me, you merely need to touch the collar, say the words, and a portal to my side will appear for you to step through. You will still need to be given to Shang Tsung to be enchanted with the power to become a true lover for me, but that will come in time. For now, I wish you to continue to service me as you had been."

I gasped as I felt the collar around my neck, tight enough that it couldn't be released without the key, but loose enough that I was still able to draw breath, and hugged the Shokan back, kissing him warmly on the lips for this tremendous gift he had given me. Once again, my loins stirred in my pants, my erection growing as I rubbed my ass against his engorged girth, and he chuckled. "Remember, my dear Jeremy Adkins, you are my lover, not my slave, so I shall pleasure you as much as you pleasure me. You dared to touch my ass, to slip your fingers into my anus, and gave me pleasure from it. You will be the only one to do that, from now on; If you wish to pleasure my ass for any reason, you may do so, with my blessing. It has been years since I have been the recipient of a good fuck, myself, and after we get through with you, I am sure you will give me plenty of fucks to satisfy my cravings."

I giggled and kissed him again on the lips, my cock straining against the fabric of my pants as I imagined my small frame and equally small dick try to hump the shit out of this comparably larger man-beast's ass. A grunt behind me broke me from my train of thought and I looked back, to see the two gimps going at it with a particularly well-hung male corpse; the corpse, roughly the size and shape of a minotaur, its legs and arms cut off at the mid-thigh and bicep, its head impaled on a spike next to it as it hung from its stumps on the far wall, was being pleasured by the two leather-and-latex-clad men, the more dominant of the two thrusting his 10-inch long, 2-inch thick cock into the mouth of the impaled head - which was surprisingly active and willfully sucking and nibbling on the long pole of flesh - while the more submissive impaled himself on the thick bullish meat between the corpse's thighs, blood and precum dripping form the slave's abused ass as he milked the necromanced cock for all it was worth.

I grinned lopsidedly at my new lover, butt still rubbing against his erection as we watched the two gimps have their way with the body. "This is magically enchanted to allow you to pleasure yourselves with these corpses as if they were still alive, isn't it?" I asked, a bit of need and curiosity seeping through my words.

Kintaro nodded, patting my rump with one of his hands before gripping the fabric encasing it and yanking them off with an audible 'rip!', leaving me naked from the waist down. As if to return the teasing I did to his anus not moments ago, he returned his hand to my ass and slipped one of his clawed fingers between my cheeks, rubbing at my puckered anus before shoving the tip in, eliciting a grunt of pained pleasure from me. "It was my request; I have been stuck here for quite a number of years, since the war between the realms ended, and I was growing lonely; my chambers are located next to here, so I am forever trapped in this den of death. Hardly anyone would see me again after I was placed here, and I grew what I believe you mortals call an extreme case of the 'blue balls', so I started fucking the corpses. However, when they wouldn't react or produce for me, I pleaded to Shang Tsung to do something about it. While skilled with necromancy, he didn't have the spells to do what I wished him to do with these bodies, so he called a favor from Quan Chi to get the job done. Now, when I am not executing prisoners, I am relieving myself of my tensions by pleasing myself on these bodies, emptying my balls within them several times a day without remorse, pity, or guilt. My only regret was that none of them would ever be a lover to me, being already dead and unable to fully please me like a lover could... until you came along."

I smiled and nodded, kissing him again as I clenched my anus around his intruding finger, still getting used to its girth. "I am honored to be your lover, Kintaro, and I would be pleased to help you fuck these corpses for your pleasure, when we are not pleasing each other. And, while I cannot promise they would join us in doing this, I do have a lover of my own back on Earth, and a few friends who I share an intimate connection with, who I'm sure would be pleased to worship you sexually as I have."

To my surprise, my last kiss was met with one of his own, his tongue slipping into my mouth to entangle itself around mine as we hugged each other close, the finger he was shoving into my back passage now up to the second knuckle, claw lightly scratching at my insides as I moaned into his mouth with pleasure. My cock throbbed as he stretched me out, precum spilling out like a fountain onto his stomach and groin as I pushed back against his finger, trying desperately to get the full thing into me. He broke the kiss and swooned at the feeling of my eagerness, grinning widely down at me. "That would be a delight, my love. If your friends can pleasure me as much as you already have, I would be more than happy to add them to my harem of lovers. For now, though..." He grunted as his cock bobbed again in need between my legs. "I'm in need to cum, and badly. If you would, please..."

Again, his pleading didn't need to be repeated for me to respond. Smiling up at him, I gave him one more kiss before gently lying him back against the back of the throne, rubbing his perked nipples gently as he did so. As soon as he was in the proper position, I got up and, freeing myself from the finger that had so delightfully stretched me out, turned around and laid on his belly, cupping my hands gently at his balls and cock as I started ministering to him yet again. I was grateful that his cock was as flexible as it was, in this state, although the hardening of it seemed to make bending it back for me to suck on the head again a bit more difficult. As I sucked and stroked and rubbed him off, trying to coax his orgasm out of him, Kintaro glanced down at my spread legs and the ass and groin between them, and decided to return the favor; gripping my asscheeks with two hands, he spread them apart before bending his head down and delving his tongue into my stretched depths, tasting my inner walls as I was tasting the inner walls of his cocktip. I gasped as his tongue - slightly rasped like that of a feline - pushed its way farther into my anus, scraping against my rectum as he ate me out. Moaning my approval, I tried to relax myself as much as possible to give him as much ease into my back passage as I could, legs spreading father and cock dribbling like a torrent into his chest and chin as he tongued my ass.

The taste must've made him even hornier, as another dollop of semen-mixed pre bubbled from within his balls and into my awaiting mouth, allowing me another taste of ambrosia from his loins. Releasing my grip on his cock, I allowed the head to slip more into my mouth, straining my jaws just a little as it wedged firmly in between them, allowing me to work both of my hands on his nutsack... or, at least, one of my hands; as I reached down with the hand that once held his cock to join my other in rubbing his balls, that hand moved even lower, back between his legs and ass cheeks to feel for his own anus. Once found, my hand went to work on it, teasing the puckered ring of flesh deftly before diving into it, this time my whole hand wedging itself into his rectum rather than a few mere fingers. This elicited another groan from Kintaro, and for a second I feared I had gone to far, but a gentle lapping at my inner walls and a squeeze from his inner walls told me to continue.

As we worshiped each others body in this manner, both Kintaro and I stole glances at the two gimps before us as they continued pleasuring the necromanced corpses; the more submissive of the two was riding the tortured bullman's cock like a bronco, shoving more and more of the thick intruder into his back passage, spewing string after string of silvery goo from his cock with each thrust. He must've been on his fourth or fifth orgasm, as the puddle in front of him seemed to indicate... and the bull, despite being dead, had indeed produced as much as it would have if it were alive, spurting its own load of semen deep within the bowels of the gimp for the second or third time, as the puddle beneath them showed. The more dominant of the two was also getting off multiple times with the bull's severed head, unleashing load after load of cream into the bull's mouth, nostrils, ears... any orifice in the disembodied head he could. At a few points, the man even turned around to be rimmed out by the bull's severed head, its cum-slickened tongue forcing its way deep into the gimp's well-stretched hole to lick out anything within as he spewed a few loads onto the ground. A bit of mumbling between the two made it clear that they considered this heaven, and would appreciate being stranded here for all eternity, if they could; the submissive gimp himself voiced his desire to be used like the corpses they were pleasuring themselves, even after their demise, to which his partner concurred. Despite myself, I felt a thrill at the thought; to be used and abused, fucked continuously by this hunky Shokan even after death, seemed appealing at the time, and the image - combined with the tongue in my ass and the sight in front of me, caused me to blow my own load into the chest of my new lover.

Feeling my body tense in orgasm, Kintaro slipped his tongue out of me and lifted my hips up, smirking happily as he saw my dick shooting its thick cream all over him. Stooping down, he slipped my still-spurting cock into his mouth, sucking on it and my balls in one fell swoop to drain the last dregs from them. His skill was excellent, and I had a feeling he had practiced several times before on the corpses of the criminals he pleasured in this arena. His ass, as loose and as eager as it was to accept my fist into it, also seemed like it was well-used by the bodies here; later I would learn this was the case, and Kintaro would often show me how he loved taking it up the ass as well as giving it. For now, though, I gripped his balls in a vice-like grope, unwittingly biting down on his cockhead as I pumped my semen into his throat.

That, it seemed, pushed him over the edge; with a yowl in minor pain and extreme pleasure, he came, flooding my face and throat with easily a liter of cum per shot. The first load I managed to down as best as I could, but the others came too fast and in too much volume for me to contain; releasing his penis from my mouth, I content myself to just lay there and stroke him off, lapping at whatever amount of cum I could get in my mouth as he spewed like a geyser into the air, coating both himself, me, and a few of the bodies around us with his sticky cream. His balls retracted and spasmed, pumping shot after shot of cum all over us, and his anus clenched hard on my wrist, slowly but surely pulling my arm into itself until my elbow was flush against his puckered hole.

We all held there for what seemed like eternity, Kintaro and I blissfully awash in each other's semen as we allowed our orgasm to drain away, the gimps watching in utter shock and delight as they masturbated themselves into a dozen more orgasms on the dead minotaur. The balcony was coated with as much white as red by the time our orgasms finally died down, a good 10 minutes later. It was another five before I gained enough strength to pull my hand out of Kintaro's ass with a 'schlurping pop' and looked back at him. He, in turn, looked at me with a sense of pride, almost as if he was honored to have gotten off to such a mere mortal as myself. Smiling at each other in our afterglow, we righted ourselves and I curled up in his lap in a snuggling position, his arms wrapped around me comfortingly as he also breathed a sigh of relief and exhaustion. He patted my butt warmly before speaking: "That was truly an orgasm to behold from someone I am honored to call my lover, Jeremy Adkins. I hope I pleased you as much as you have me, as well..." Smiling, I nodded and nuzzled into his chest in response, bringing a warm smile of content to the Shokan's lips.

As the gimps removed themselves from the corpse they were fucking to switch to another one - this one a reptilian male impaled through the belly on a spike - for their ministrations, Kintaro and I drifted off to sleep in each other's arms, still half-sitting, half-lying in the throne, naked bodies open to whoever desired to come and see. Neither of us cared; we had found the love we were so desperate for, the love and lust that no other could satisfy, and we knew it was forever.