Shattered Glass: Chapter 5

Story by Yoshifan1 on SoFurry

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Sorry, couldn't contain my excitment to write this chapter, so I brought it to you early, please enjoy.

Shattered Glass: Chapter 510/21/14JohnI stand on the dark wooden stage that creaks beneath my sneakers. I see the crowd before me, all silent. They anticipated my next move. I look to Kyle. He gives a smile of assurance. 'How the hell do I get myself into these situations?' I wonder. I'm in a talent show even though most people hatd my guts.  The vice principal stands on stage with a gray tuxeedo, which honestly makes him look him older. He looked comically happy with his smile about as big as his hair.    "Now, here's John-Hammond?-"    I laugh and correct him, speaking into the mike. "John Cleveland"    "Ah, Yes, John Ham-I mean Cleveland is going to perform a song by.."   He looks to me since he can't pronounce the name. I grabb the mike and say, "Alright, I'm John Cleveland and I'll be performing 'Lament of the Falling Stars' by Shota Kageyama.("   I then nervously step towards the wooden piano, which looked like Godzilla compared to the one at home. I start to sweat nervously. I look over to Kyle and he mouths 'You've got this!' I then crack my fingers, and start to play. The room is odly silent, but I don't look back. I focus on the reason I loved this song. I soon struck the last notes and, fearfully, looked at the crowd. They stood silent for a moment. Then came the uproar. I couldn't hear anything. I thougjt they were all hating me. Kyle then comes out on stage and sits beside me. He puts his hand on my shoulder, prompting me to look up into his eyes. He was grinning more than I had ever seen. "They loved it babe!" He then turned me around. The deafness faded, and now I was starting to hear the thunderous clapping and the smiles from the people below. I soon smiled. They liked it! For once in my life, they actually liked something I did.    The vice principal gets onstage while the curtains close. I hear him say from in front of the red silk curtains that the judges needed a few minutes to decide who was going to win. Then, as also a judge, he sat down in the fith seat. My breath slows. "Kyle, I did it!" I smile and throw my arms around his neck and pull him into a kiss. "I knew you would do good out there, my little pianist" he then hugged me tight. He felt so warm, like hot choclate on a cold day. From the coldness and fear of being on stage to his loving, caring arms made me feel love for him even stronger. He lifts his head.  "All talent show participants, please come on the stage." An announcment called.  "I love you," I called, aligning myself in a line with the fellow participants.    The principal came onto the stage. She had blond hair, with red lipstic which complimented her rather dull, graw suitdress. She opened the envelope. "With careful consideration, the commitee has decided which of you stars have shined your brightest in this contest. But, before we get to the name,

give a round of applause to these students, for overcoming the fear to stand out, and showing us their terrific talents!" The crowd began clapping up a storm. The room became silent, as the last person in the line bowed. "Now, without further ado, or winner of our Fall 2015 Talent Show is..... John Cleveland!"    I almost fell, but some students grabbed me. I thanked them, and slowly walked to the center stage. The crowd roared. The principal smiled and gave me a trophy. We walked back behind stage. Soon all of the participants were gone besides me and Kyle. "I wanted to get you something..." He said while looking down at the floor. "It symbolises your strength, and how much I love you."   He then pulled out a ring. It wasn't a wedding ring,(we were still highschoolers) but it was a rather fat golden ring, but with a blue stone in the center. I then pulled his chin up, and kissed him. I put on the ring and admired its beauty. "I love it, Kyle!" I hug him while tearing up. We stand there for awhile, just standsnuggling(yeah, just totally made up a term! Lol). We soon walk out of the rather cramped building. Instruments of all kinds lined the walls. We get out into the cool darkness of night.     A group of people oddly over dressed came over to us. A guy, about 30, came over to us.    "Hey, if you don't mind, why did you choose that song?"    "Eh- Umm-"  "You know what, both of you come over to my office tomorrow morning for an interview."    "I'm not really inter-"    "We'll excuse you from class" He smiled while extending his hand. I shook it, "Parker, James Parker"        "Cleveland, Johns Cleveland" I ended up failing the imitation of him. We soon walked over to my house, still a bit confused on what happened. "Hey, my parents won't be home if you want sleep here."    Kyle quickly pulled out his phone and texted his family. "Yep, all set!" We got in my bed, and soon snuggled and fell asleep.    10/22/14We walked to school as normaly, the breeze especially chilly this morning, but I leaned against Kyle. We made our way to school and went inside of Jame's office. We sat on the red sofa and began anwsering questions. James sat in front of us and asked, "Why did you choose that song?"     "It's very special to me"    "Why?"      "It gives me hope that bullying will stop. It gives me hope that one day people will soon describe people not by their skin, sex, and orientation, but by how we treat people. Instead of 'He's Gay', he's a really nice person who has helped me more than once. He's also very funny."   James nodds solemnly.      "People think that they are better than others, but in reality, one area you excel them in, is an area they excel you in. Let's say for instance, we have a athletic person and a smart one. While the athletic person will trump him in areas

sportlike, he's also likely to be trumped in educational practices. I just want people to work together. Because we all cover another's weakness. As one we are unstoppable in what we can acomplish. Only you can stop bullying and make the seemingly impossible happen."     James finished up recordings. We walked down the halway. I hugged Kyle, feeling as if I had done something for the greater good.       "I was thinking of you when I played this song. Your struggles, and my hope that they will end."       "You have made my troubles no more than a pesky fly, John"    He then looks thoughtfully into my honey eyes. And he held me close. By doing this interview, we are standing up for people. Our bulliers will be twice as strong. But we might find allies hiding in the shadows.