Red Moon: Chapter 13

Story by LiquidHunter on SoFurry

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#19 of Red Moon

Red Moon: Chapter 13

It had happened so fast that not even Dmitri or the Alpha had time to react. People were running away in terror, screaming and shoving as they attempted to flee the scene. Their curiosity sated more than enough for their lifetime at the sight they had just witnessed. A few piles of vomit littered the street where the queasier had lost their lunches. It was utter chaos which the police were trying to contain while the military got to their vehicles to give chase.

A few medics, sporting camo fatigues with a red cross on their shoulders and helmet rushed to the limp body that laid in the snow a few meters in front of the open doors of the warehouse. The body was missing an arm which was nowhere in sight and a crimson pile of blood pooled around the corpse.

All of this had only taken moments to happen after a massive red wolf had erupted from the building shortly after the person who was now dead came stumbling out crying for help. The wolf had charged right through the unsuspecting line of soldiers and cops, crushing the hood of a cruiser in the process and breaking the bones of several who were unable to get out of the way fast enough. Now sirens began to blare as the first vehicles began to give chase to the wolf which had taken off down the main highway. They swerved and honked to force people out of the way, rapidly losing ground on the wolf.

Through all of this, a few remained calm and collected.

Dmitri watched the ensuing chaos with little interest. He was sifting through his head, trying to remember if he had seen that werewolf before, but try as he might, he could not recall. Neither could the Alpha who stood next to him amongst the rapidly shrinking crowd of people. Despite this, they both agreed that it was important that they caught up to the wolf before any of the humans. As far as the government was concerned, it was just a large feral wolf with a taste for people. As bad as that sounded, it was better that was than having them catch a werewolf and learn about it.

Dmitri separated from the Alpha, who went to go get Sergei for additional help since, despite his reluctance to turn into a wolf, had the best nose out of all of them. Dmitri would give chase to make sure that they wouldn't lose him and the plan was that the Alpha and Sergei would eventually catch up before they confronted what they currently assumed was a roaming male. What they planned to do after was yet to be decided.

Dmitri had to go some distance before he could shift into his more agile and quicker four legged form to avoid getting spotted. He needed to move fast since his own sense of smell wasn't that great, luckily the fresh scent of blood was thick on the air and was hard even for him to miss.

Trevor panted lightly as he sped away from all of the pestering humans. He would have liked to have finished his meal, but the man had managed to get outside after losing his arm. He should have just finished him there instead of stopping to snack on the man's arm which he had bitten off. So much wasted meat and Trevor was still hungry.

While he did believe that he could have taken on the large pack of humans waiting for him outside, he doubted that he would have had enough time to properly eat any of them without being pestered. Though, he did enjoy seeing them scatter at the sight of him. It was what prey was supposed to do, flee at the sight of a prime predator such as himself. How he wanted to give chase and shred into them. That natural urge just pressing into the back of his mind, but that would be for another time.

At the moment, he just needed to get away. Enough of the old Trevor remained that he knew that he would be chased, but not enough for his old personality to be present. As far as the rest of the world was knew, this wolf was a feral beast who was smarter than most.

Trevor had left the road almost immediately after barreling through an oncoming car at high speed. It had hurt, he could feel his bone shattering at the impact after overestimating his own strength, but the pain quickly went away as it healed at an incredible rate that should have been impossible. Soon, all signs of civilization were quickly falling behind him as he ran in a seemingly random direction. Trevor didn't know where he was going, but running felt good to him, natural, as if he was born to just run.

He would have kept running if it wasn't for his stomach. His earlier meal just wasn't cutting for him anymore, he needed something else to eat.

Sticking his shiny wet nose into the air that was blowing into his face, Trevor sampled the air for any potential prey. It was a wonderful thing, to be able to see the world through smell. There was a squirrel in a tree right above him, watching curiously and foolishly believing that it was safe because it was in the tree. It was only alive because it was too small to sate the Trevor's hunger that slowly grew. He took another lungful of air, letting his new and more zeroed senses guide him to a new smell.

The air was lightly blowing up a small flurry of snow as a lean deer scratched at the frozen ground. It used its hooves to expose a root that was barely sticking out of the ground which it quickly gnawed at until a small part came off. The deer missed the warmth of spring and all of the fresh, life sustaining growth that it brought. However, it knew that the root was keeping it alive and roots have kept it alive for the previous three winters and so, it nibbled delicately at the brown root which tasted of dirt until it couldn't get anymore. It was just a morsel to the average sized cervine, but there were many more to be had.

Moving from one patch of roots to another, the deer slowly had its fill. Occasionally it would look up to investigate its surroundings for any dangers, but it felt as ease. It had been sometime since the deer had last seen any predator and the rest of the herd was not far away. It could still smell them and that comforted it.

A sudden change in the wind drove that comfort from it. An alarm was sounded, a series of quick snorts by one of the other deer of the pack alerted them all to the new scent. It was a predator that they all feared, a wolf. Coyotes only ever went after the weak and the strange two legged creatures only came periodically, wolves were a constant threat that would track them down.

The herd began to move slowly and the deer made its way towards them. It was better to stick together since the wolves wouldn't attack a large group. The deer grew a little fidgety at the scent, it was strong now and getting stronger still as the wind picked up speed. It looked around, but couldn't see anything moving other than more of its kind.

The herd slowly walked away. They were wary, bit not spooked enough to run, they would continue to move slowly and eventually the threat would pass. Sometimes there would be less of them, but the deer were just simple animals and did not miss those that disappeared. This was how it always was and would always be... If it was a normal wolf coming after them.

Trevor didn't care to stalk them at all. His ran straight at their tightly packed group, not caring that they had smelled him coming from half a kilometer away. They could have had a full day's head start and still they wouldn't have escaped him.

With no particular one in mind, Trevor leapt at them before they had a chance to scatter. His claws dug into bone and flesh easily, bringing down the deer in bloody nearly cut in two. It was a smaller one which disappointed the blood thirsty beast. Licking its lips, he focused on his next target, a larger one that was now running away, galloping with each step. The sight of it fleeing kicked up Trevor's fight or flight instinct as he ran after it with his tongue lolling out. He was having a ball of a time doing this.

Not one minute later, half a deer was gone, consumed in the goriest fashion possible. Entrails were scattered along with anything that didn't make it into the wolf's mouth. Trevor no longer knew the meaning of etiquette and even if he did, he would not have cared for it. He tore into the deer, snarling and ripping, eating everything from that he could fit in his mouth. When that deer was done and gone minus a hoof with half a leg attached to it which had been flung some distance away, Trevor turned to the first deer he had killed to see another wolf standing there.

Dmitri had kept a decent distance behind the unknown wolf for some time until it had suddenly changed direction. It had veered away from its straight path that it had been taking through the woods towards the middle of nowhere towards a new path that went to the middle of nowhere to the north.

He was beginning to get the feeling that the werewolf wasn't really right in its mind. Slaughtering people at the warehouse. Attacking the military. Running off in no sensible direction and now it was massacring the wildlife. It was a wonder how it was still alive if it was acting in such a risky behavior. The Inquisition would have a heyday with this. He bet that there would be more activity from the real soon in response to this.

Upon arriving at the scene, Dmitri could only watch as the beast savagely finished off a deer. A claw hooked into its back leg mid jump and forcibly pulled it back into it jaws that broke its spine in a quick snap. Then without even waiting for the animal to completely die, it began to eat it. While Dmitri wasn't the neatest when eating, but this was just beyond anything he had ever seen. The wolf completely absorbed in the task of eating that it didn't even notice when he got close. He didn't know why he got so close, maybe it was because he couldn't help but watch, maybe it was something faint in the air.

When the wolf finished, and turned around and saw him, he was suddenly afraid. Its whole body was covered in blood and bits of meat that hung off of its matted red fur that was wet and darkened. It had one yellow eye and one, human looking blue eye. It regarded him and then the second dead deer. A tongued lolled out of its mouth and licked its nose, cleaning it. It took a tentative step forward and Dmitri took one step back, unsure of what to do. It wasn't attacking him which was good, maybe it wasn't crazy.

Trevor took another step, sniffing the air again. The smell of deer was still there. Some had left behind some droppings, but now that wasn't the dominant smell, it was this new wolf that watched him and took a step back whenever he moved forwards. Good, as long as it didn't try to steal his kill. He wasn't hungry anymore, stuffed actually, but it was still his kill and he had no intention of letting some scavenger come and take it.

He licked his nose one more time, making it the cleanest part of his body and to let him get a better smell of the air. He didn't want any more strangers to sneak up on him. With the smell of blood no longer tainting every breath, he recognized the smell of the wolf. He couldn't recall where from, but it was one that he knew. It made him feel different about it, as if it was friendly, maybe a pack mate? He couldn't quite place it. Whenever he tried to remember where it was from, he only got blackness, as if there should have been a memory there, but there wasn't. With the deer no longer on his mind, Trevor decided that a closer inspection of this familiar wolf was in order.

Dmitri froze as the werewolf's eyes focused entirely on him and it approached him. The red wolf was larger than Dmitri was, it's nose brushing past his ears as it sniffed him. Its scent was overpowering, but underneath it all was one that he would never forget. It was Trevor.

Trevor's nose roamed over the other wolf which didn't move, but seemed to relax slightly. It walked around to it's backside where he found a scent he really liked.