Inferno High - Chapter 12

Story by gigarandom on SoFurry

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#12 of Inferno High

So, just a little note, I may or may not have skipped around two months worth of dialogue. Why? Because quite frankly, reading dialogue about non-plot oriented conversations like video game opinions and such is boring. It's also boring to write. Sorry if you'd want forty chapters of that, but still. Anyways, I hope you can forgive my crappy time jump and still enjoy! Any feedback is greatly appreciated and encouraged! Thank you for being tolerant of my horrendous story writing abilities.

Boarding school has been pretty good for me. Or, at least I think it has, because people haven't been bothering me too badly about my pentagram condition. Yes, "condition". I have completely given up hiding them altogether since they're already too damn obvious. The classes have been going pretty good, too. I have 'A's in everything except world history. and I'm not comfortable talking about how fucked up that grade is.

What's interesting about life, or at least i my opinion, is how it slowly stops changing. I've noticed that I haven't learned anything new about my friends since early in the year, and somehow our relationships are getting stronger. I feel a genuine routine in my classes, but so step by step I'm positive that I can predict the future.

There are some things to be made note of, in the near two months being skipped here. Ted's artistic capabilities are clearly amazing. Not that I or anyone other than Ms. Daywaters would know, and supposedly he's really good at writing, but that's coming from our english teacher. Why is he still trying to hide this? Only an omnipotent being with percieved forsight would and could know. Seriously, Ted's kinda weird.

Some time ago Rick and X, who didn't take meds any more, finally kicked their relationship up a notch, which annoyed everyone else. Well, it would if they hadn't completely vanished into Rick's room on a daily basis, never to be seen or heard from again. Until tonight; Halloween.

Our dorm was very festive compared to everyone else's, mostly because no one else wantedd to set up decorations in their dorms. The only plus side to hanging out with gays and nerds, is we all appreciate the decorations. Not as to start stereotypes or anything, but it's pretty true. We all helped set up the room, and we all cared, were interested, and god forbid showed emotions.

Alex of course was lost on this. Who knew how powerful religions actually were? There are actually people who don't know anything about modern culture if it even somewhat relates to magic and science fiction. It's actually sad trying to talk to him some times, but we're going to break this. How? Horror films.

See now, while all these stupid jocks are going to the official Halloween party, we'll be having our own Halloween party back in our dorm. Five scary movies, all themed around strangeness and darkness to expose Alex to the beautiful horrors of magic. To add to it, his fear of the dark and tons of candy. I swear, we're perfectly good friends.

To introduce him we had to start with a classic. Ted found it on Netflix, and it had to be done. Some how, the original, black and white, silent version of Nosferatu freaked out Alex. Not in a bad way, or even very much, but at times I'd glance over and see him clinging to his pillow.

Then, to show him that scary movies don't have to have jump scares, Signs. By the end of the movie he was curled up in a ball on the couch, clutching a pillow in his hands for dear life. We offered to stop, but he denied that he was terrified, and we moved on to the next horror movie.

Finally, Oculus. We were all a little freaked out by it, but Alex was terrified beyond our entire comprehention. Curled up in a ball, clinging to a pillow, and glancing anxiously around the room, Alex was officially freaked out.

I calmly got up and turned on the lights, and he jumped nearly a foot at the bright flash of light. Everyone kinda chuckled about it, but Alex wasn't laughing, or blushing, or showing any signs of anything beyond shear terror. It slowly clicked in our heads that we'd fucked up and seriously freaked him out.

"Hey, Alex, it's okay." [Ted]

Alex just sat there, starring at the blank TV screen. I sat down next to him, wrapping my arm around him and pulling him closer to me, and he replaced the pillow with me, clinging on to me for dear life. His tail was all puffed out, and completely stiff, while his ears moved to every single sound in the room. He laid his head on my chest, and slowly began to calm down.

We were all pretty tired, and had already agreed to have the others sleep here tonight, so it was just a matter of where everyone slept. Alex was still freaked, and wouldn't let go of me, so I was stuck with him. Ted got Isaac, who wasn't freaked out at all, while the twins and Rick and X argued over who got Alex's room. It ended when we agreed that the four of them could get the room, and Zane could stretch out on the couch.

Now, stuffing four gays in a room may not have been the smartest idea, but we were all too tired to consider this, and Alex was gay anyways, so it'd be pretty okay. Right? Who knows. I just remember waking up with Alex in my arms, still clutching my torso in distress. I rolled over onto my back and he rolled over with me, laying his head on my chest. He would've crushed me but I pushed most of his body off of me, so I was able to breath.

It felt nice to hold him, and make him feel safe. The idea that I could do that was nice and comforting. I could help him, at least mentally and emotionally. It was horrible watching him freaked out the night before, but now he wasn't. Now he could calm down and not worry about things like demonic mirrors and aliens and vampires. He was safe, and I'd keep it that way.

I think I just laid there for an hour, holding him in my arms, realizing I liked him in a way that... I don't think I liked others. Then again, I'd do the same for anyone else if they felt this way. I just want people to be happy and feel safe. If this is what you'd call love, I love everyone.

The door suddenly opened as Zane came into the room, "Sup, bros... Umm..." Alex started to stir into awakedness.

"Dude, get out of here." [Me]

"Huh? What's going on?" Alex groggilly spoke, and sounded incredibly tired.

"You guys are totally an item." [Zane]

"No we aren't! He fell asleep clinging to me." [Me]

"Wait, what time is it?" Alex sat up and looked around the room confused.

"It's nine in the morning, and everyone's still asleep." [Zane]

"Which makes sense." [Me]

"No it doesn't. I've been up for an hour."

"So have I."

"Wait, what were you doing, then?" [Alex]


"That... Sounds eerily sincere. I'm gonna go wake up the others, you two love birds should come out here." [Zane]

"We aren't a couple."

"Yeah." Alex and I got up and went out to the main room, and waited while Zane went and woke up Ted and Isaac. When he went into Alex's room to wake up the couples, things got weird. We couldn't really hear what they were saying since Zane closed the door, but we definitely didn't want to know. Half a minute later, Zane came out with X, who was finishing putting on his shirt.

"Dear god, what happened?" [Ted]

"Nothing." [X]

"A lot more than you want to know. Alex, don't shine a black light in there." [Zane]

"Wait, what? You guys actually did it?" [Alex]

"What? No! Rick likes to feel my fur on his chest, so we sleep with our shirts off. It's the twins who're fucking perverts. They sleep naked." [X]

"Well, there's an image I didn't need." [Isaac]

"Yeah, no kidding." [Me]

"Seriously, it was weird as hell." [X]

"Wait, did they sleep in my bed?!" [Alex]

"No, me and Rick did."

"Okay..." [Alex]

"Then why's Rick taking so long?" [Ted]

"The twins said they wanted proof he was gay. He told them the same and they all agreed." [Zane]

"Umm..." [Me]

"Could we like, kick them out of my room?" [Alex]

"Don't worry, it's nothing." Rick came out of the room, wiping his face off. I noticed he was wearing a shirt.

"You're a whore." [Isaac]

"Dude, Daniel just shoved his sheath in my face and sniffed it, that's all."

"Then what's on your face?" [Zane]

"David poured water on me."

"Sure he did..." [Alex]

"Guys, stop. I still love you, even if they think you're a whore." X went over and hugged Rick.

We sat and waited for about thirty seconds, then the twins came out, fully dressed. They were blushing really bad, probably because everyone was giving them looks like, we know what you did. They hastily went over to the door and we all went down to the cafeteria for breakfast.