Inferno High - Chapter 11

Story by gigarandom on SoFurry

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#11 of Inferno High

Horizons are changing, people. All is not what it seems. Enjoy and don't forget to comment and leave feedback. It'd be much appreciated.

It was almost nine o' clock, and we were bolting it to our first classes. Okay, so maybe choosing a class on the third floor of the art building- wait, dafuq?

"Dude, where are you going?" Me and Alex stopped as Ted kept racing by us.

He stopped and simply answered, "I'm going to my first period class. I'm not a fan of art, so I went with something else."

"That's in the art building?" [Alex]

"Shut up, it's a different kind of art, okay?"

"Okay, what evs." We turned around and bolted up to the third floor and made it into class with about ten seconds to spare before the school clock struck nine. We were the first ones into class. I noticed the teacher in the corner, reading a magazine. She looked over at us and smiled, then went back to reading. We just kinda awkwardly sat in the back as slowly a few more students came in late. Around nine thirty, the teacher finally stood up and started talking.

"So, there's what, fifteen of you here?" Ms. Daywaters was a short husky with blue fur and a white chest. She wore ear rings that sparkled when she turned, and her entire body seemed a little over decorated. She also wasn't able to count, I decided, since there weren't even ten of us in here.

"No response? No one's going to correct me?" The seven or eight kids gave her weird looks like she was crazy. She certainly could've passed for a senile seventy five year old with how silvery her hair was. "Well, that's a bit of a shame. Or maybe it's not. Who here is taking this as an art class?" Five of the other kids raised their hands.

"Okay, who's taking it as an unnessaccary elective?" Me and Alex raised our hands. "Interesting. And why do you two see this as an elective instead of a forced art class?"

We hesitated for a moment, then Alex spoke up, "Well, we're already taking another art class."

"And does that one feel like a chore, or a choice."

"Both, I guess." [Alex]

"How so?"

"W-well, I mean, we have to have an art class, but it's not like an art class I'd be offered at my old school."

"Oh, and what about you?" She turned and looked at me.

"Oh, same." [Me]

"Okay, well enough. Could you take off that hat, it's very distracting?"

"Uh... I think what's underneath it might be a bit more distracting."

"How so?"

I lifted the beany off my head, and the pentagrams glowed so bright and irradiant, that even I wondered if they were natural.

"Marvelous... Are those natural?"

"Uhh... Yeah?"

"Fascinating. Please refrain from wearing that hat in this room, I can't stand the sight of someone covering their ears." She paused for a minute to walk over to the white board. "Who hear can name a form of three dimensional art?"

Everyone hesitantly raised their hands.

"Okay, before I begin, I'm going to need you to tell me your name. Let's begin with the boy with pentagrams."

Of course. I heard a few people snicker when she said this. "My name's Seth, and-"

"Last names too, I'm taking role."

"Oh, sorry. Seth Cranilus. Isn't clay a form of 3d art?"

"Yes, it is. His friend at that table." She wrote down clay on the white board, and I noticed a few people lower their hands.

"Uhh, Alex Beta, isn't jewelry a form of 3d art?"

"Yes, it is." She wrote jewelry on the white board. No one else had their hands up.

"You're kidding. This is what you have for me? This class isn't getting any where. What about wood work, sculpting, pottery, glass blowing, wire work, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera! Do those things not exist to you? Do you know not what a light bulb is, or how these tables were made? I'm an art teacher, and it's my job to make you understand that anything can become art!" She pulled out a small basket from behind her desk.

"I'm going to hand each of you three pieces of paper, and you get to choose one of those three things." She went around and handed everyone something, and I noticed mine were very skewed. "Wood", "Water", "Glass". They all seem strange, but I know it's a method of art, so I decide to go with water and see what she can know about it. Alex shows me his, "wood". Of course.

"Okay, now that you all have a mode for constructing art, there are tools in the back, figure it out."

A silver and gold fox spoke up, she was kind of cute, and wore a red sun dress. "Wait, but mine's metal. You don't have welding tools back there."

"And you are?"

"Grace Coker."

"Well, Grace Coker, metal doesn't just mean welding, it means bending and shaping. There's a kind of art that is done through bending and reshaping wires. But, if welding's more your speed, there's some metal plates in the cupboard back there, along with a few higher end tools."

"Wait, what? You're not even going to teach us how to us these tools?"

"I will, if you're clever enough to ask." What the hell is wrong with this teacher?!

"So how do I make art out of water?" Oh fuck, I just said that out loud.

"How couldn't you? Haven't you seen fountains and water falls? They're beautiful in a way that seems naturally unnatural, are they not?"

"Yeah, but, this is water. Am I supposed to like, create sculptures and such themed around water?"

"No, you make them out of water. If you know anything about science, you know that there's three states of matter."

A solid white german shepherd spoke up, his eyes were wide with confusion, "So, since I got ice, I can do what he does?"

"Exactly, unless you don't tell me your name."

"Tanner Jamieson. Hey, kid, is it okay if I come sit back with you?"

"Uhh..." He didn't even wait for a response. He just got up, walked across the room, and sat down at the table. Some of the other kids in the room started to get stuff from the back counters and cupboards, and conversation was strucken up by a few people. This class is weird.

"So, what's your name again?" [Tanner]

"Uh, Seth." Alex got up and started looking through the massive array of crap on the counters.

"Okay. Umm... Why do you have the pentagrams?"

"Oh, they're natural. I didn't have a choice."

"Wait, so-"

Alex basically appeared out of no where and cupped his hands to my fur, "They also glow!"

"What the hell is with you and advertising that they glow?" [Me]

"It's cute." Alex wandered back over to the counters.

"Cute?" [Tanner]

"Yeah, I don't know. He's just weird from time to time, and I'm roomed with him." [Me]

"Eh, I have a hipster for a room mate, so you're lucky."

"Oh god, I feel bad for you."

"Yeah, he's not too annoying. Arguably. So, you aren't satanist?"

"Nope, just atheist."

"Huh. Actually, that's a really complicated pattern, there..."

"What? The pentagrams? I wouldn't say that."

"Then you aren't paying much attention. Look." He took a picture of me with his cell phone and showed me. This freaked me out. Not the fact that he now had a picture of me on his phone, more the fact that my face had managed to change. I now had two pentagrams on either side of my snout, and a massive one was writing itself on my forehead.

"What? That's not-"

"Woah, what's going on with your face?!" Alex sat down at the table with an exact-o knife and a block of wood.

"I don't know!" [Me]

"What, that doesn't happen every morning?" [Tanner]

"What- how could it?!"

"I don't know. My friend wakes up plain and simple like me, and falls asleep with blue circles tracing around him. People just get weird coats, so I thought maybe yours changed too."

"No, but that's weird as hell." [Alex]

"Well, maybe it's tied to growth, were you born with those?" [Tanner]

"Yeah, he was." [Alex]

"No, not exactly... My dad told me I started getting these when I was two, so..." [Me]

"You're having growth spurt?" [Alex]

"Probably puberty, actually." [Tanner]

"Okay, we can stop talking about this, now." [Me]

"Wait, the one on your head isn't a pentagram." [Alex]

"The new one?"

"Oh, yeah, it's more like a... A dodecagram?" [Tanner]

"Wait, do-dec is twelve."

"Yeah. That's right. You have a massive twelve pointed star on top of your head now." [Alex]

"God..." I laid my head on the table.

"Your tail's acting up too." [Tanner]

"Just kill me now..."

"Dude, it doesn't look bad, it's just more noticeable now." [Alex]

"I know... Everyone's gonna hate me..."

"Why would anyone hate you? The pentagrams are weird, sure, but any sensible person is gonna get to know you before jumping to conclusions." [Tanner]

"Not true."

"He had the shit beaten out of him by a zebra four days ago, because of the pentagrams." [Alex]

"Wait, Daniel Parker?" [Tanner]

I lifted my head and gave him a questioning look, "Yeah, why?"

"Because that kid's a psychopath. Literally, last year he put a kid in the hospital for no apparent reason."

"Wait, what? No way." [Alex]

"I can believe that." [Me]

"Seriously, if you got beat up by him, it's a wonder you survived. The only reason the other kid didn't actually die was because someone heard his screams of pain and managed to pull Daniel off of him." [Tanner]

"Okay, I'm officially terrified."

"As you should be. It took three seniors to keep Daniel from the kid, and I'm honestly surprised he's not still in juvie."

"Okay- you're just trying to scare us." [Alex]

"I'm trying to warn you. Don't mess with that kid, he'd kill you if he got the chance."

"Liar." [Alex]

"How badly did he beat you up?" [Tanner]

"Pretty bad. I couldn't breath properly, and I still feel pretty sore from it." [Me]

"God, you lucked out. That other kid... He was in the hospital for nearly two weeks, and they pulled him out of school when he got better."


"Oh, yeah, his parents would've sued had it not been for the school claiming to have known nothing about the levels of bullying that were going on. When they asked the students, no one understood what happened because that stupid zebra never spoke."

"Well he sure spoke when he kneed me in the stomach. It was definitely about the pentagrams."

"Oh yeah, he kept calling him things like nazi and Nero's slave." [Alex]

"Huh... interesting." [Tanner]

There was a short pause in the conversation as we went to go get trays of water and tried to figure out what to do. We had to start putting things back around nine fifty, and were out the door a few minutes later. Irony was, me and Alex realized we had the same art teacher twice. Ted came in carrying a leather bound case with a lot of weight. It had a weird shape and me and Alex knew exactly what it was in a heartbeat.

"You're a band geek?" [Alex]

"Shut up." [Ted]

Ms. Daywaters came over here, "So I have you two in the same class, huh?"

"Yup." [Me]

"Pretty much." [Alex]

"Well, you're going to find that this class has a very different feel than the other one."

"Okay." [Alex]

"So, are any of you pretty good at art?"

"No." [Ted]

"I'd say so." [Alex]

"Yeah, I'm not bad." [Me]

"Then, why are you in here if you think you're so bad... Ted Arborson?" She was holding a clipboard, so I guess she was being a little more sensible about role this time. Less kids showed up for this class, only five of us were here.

"Oh, I'm just bad at it. I never had the ability to draw very well. I can't even color very well." [Ted]

"Well there's other forms of art, aren't there?"

"Yeah, but I mean, I'm just not good in general. Trust me, I'm not good."

"Well, if I trusted you, I'd kick you out of this class, but instead I'm giving you a chance."

"Wait, what?" [Alex]

She turned around and went to the front of the class, erasing the forms of art she wrote down on the white board. She turned to face the class.

"Garrick Watterson... and Tracy Vangartner... Okay, this is such small class. I feel ashamed to do this, but the point of this class is to enhance what's already refined. So, today, we are going to make something. Anything, as long as it's appropriate. Afterwards, if it seems it's at a level of work that I feel is right for this class, then you can stay. Otherwise, you're gonna be taking another class.

"So, to begin, everyone go to the counters and obtain your materials for your project, if need be, we'll use the entire week for this project, so don't even consider trying to do the entire thing in one day. Make it big, complicated, and obscure. Now, off to work!" She went to her desk and sat down as all us five kids went and got stuff for our project.

Apparently Ted decided to try at drawing, but who knows what it looks like because he obscured the thing with his backpack. Alex tried painting, which I couldn't see from my angle. I prefered drawing, so I had paper and a few pencils with varying lead width.

"So, Seth, what's with the new pentagram look?" [Ted]

"He's going through puberty." [Alex]

"Wait, is that really what it is?"

"Something like that. I didn't get them until I was two, in the first place, so I guess it has something to do with growth." [Me]

"Huh. Looks cooler now." [Ted]

"Yeah, it really does." [Alex]

We went back to working, and Ms. Daywaters came around and checked our work later. She seemed impressed by Alex's painting, which was just solid blue, and she didn't even comment on Ted's drawing, which no one saw. She looked at mine, and I guess she liked it? I don't know, she just nodded and went back to her desk. We all started putting stuff away since it was almost time to go, and off to english we went.

English was as boring as you'd expect it to be, a big class of twenty kids in a small room, being lectured to by a golden lion who seemed content that he understood english to such a degree. Lunch was boring, since we didn't see any of our friends, and it wasn't until astronomy that we finally were entertained and sort of excited.

"Good afternoon, fellow inhabitants of this astronomical satelite to what?" Everyone gave Mr. Ankira a questioning look. There were over twenty of us in the room, and oddly enough, the majority of them were jocks. Mr. Ankira was a gray wolf, with dazzlingly bright, golden eyes. Seriously, he looked perfect for the job of crazy smart astronomer.

"Oh, come on! That's a question, someone give me an answer."

"To the earth?" [Ted]

"That's less than dissapointing. Okay, I'm going to take role, and we'll move on to a pre-test to figure out what all it is you know." He took role in less than two minutes, and we moved on to his quiz.

"Everyone, raise your hand if you know what a planet is." Everyone raised there hand.

"Keep it up if you know what a moon is. ... Good. A star?" A few people dropped their hands.

"An asteriod? Meteor? Comet?" Some twelve people had their hands up. Ted was not one of them.

"An orbital satelite?" A few more people dropped their hands.

"A system?" Five left.

"A system cluster? Heh, yeah no difference. A galaxy?" Three left.

"A black hole?" Me and Alex were the only two with our hands up.

"A super nova? A quasar? ... Dear god, why are you two even taking this class?"

"Because our old schools wouldn't have something like this." [Alex]

"Fair enough. Okay, class, let's begin with the smallest level of astronomy, our solar system." He went on to give us an introduction to astronomy and took an extensive amount of time going over Earth, compared to the measly minute and a half he spent on the other planets.

Astronomy was over with soon enough, and geometry was surprisingly short as well. We bolted back to the dorm to find the others waiting around for us to get there. Daniel was there, too. He wasn't actually talking, but he was waiting for us. Me, to be specific.

As I came up the stair case to see them standing there, I saw him tip his head and glare at me. His eyes seemed to burn a permanent image into my brain that'd give me nightmares for eternity. Once Ted and Alex saw him, they moved in front to try and keep him from me, but he didn't even move. He was waiting, watching, learning.

You know, until he spoke. "Hey, Seth?" His voice sounded calm, smooth, and relaxed. It was like listening to the devil's voice but through the mouth of a psycho.


"I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I didn't know the pentagrams were natural. I hate it when people are up in your face about their religion. It's annoying, and... I have anger issues. And medications. And therapy was too expensive for my parents, so... I just wanted to say I'm sorry." He spun around and went back into his dorm. Well. I was fucking wrong as hell. We all went back into the dorm, and dealt with what little homework we had.