Wolf and Deer - Prologue - Illustration by Arikla

Story by Amber Eyes on SoFurry

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#1 of Wolf and Deer


Once upon a time, there was a deerwolf. In a way, he still exists. This is the story of the origins of my character, and it will tell you a lot about the person behind him if you know where to look.

Let me start from the beginning. Or to be more precise, let me start from the point in time relevant to this story, as I take it for granted that everything is intertwined and "true" beginnings do not exist, in the same sense that there never really is any ending.

Why choose a deerwolf as a fursona? Truth is, I never chose anything. This happened on its own. The year was 2006. I was active in a forum and used a photo of a wolf as an avatar. For a Christmas joke, I gave this wolf the antlers of a deer. The result looked so nice and cute and it fitted together so well that I decided to keep it this way even after Christmas was long over. By then, the furry fandom was nothing more to me than a source of artwork.

This did not change until almost six years later when I found my way to a furry chat room. At that time, I had no fursona yet, but seeing that I did not want to roleplay as a human I was wondering which species might fit me best. I had to look no further than my avatar, and a name for him was quickly found as well, since I simply used my nickname. That's when Amber Eyes the deerwolf was unleashed onto an unsuspecting chat room.

One day, I was asked how I got the idea for this particular species. After giving a shortened version of the avatar story as an answer, I thought that there had to be more than that, that such a unique being deserved to have a proper history. This is when the tale began to form, the tale of Amber's parents, the tale of a hunt taking an unexpected turn - the tale of a love strong enough to overcome any obstacle.

So, follow me to a world not so unlike our own, a time that might have been and a place both familiar and new. Welcome, dear reader... welcome to Wolf and Deer.

Amber Eyes, shortly after Christmas 2014

PS: The artwork for this introduction was drawn by the amazing Ariklain 2014. Thanks, Ari... grrreat job! ^.^