Beneath the Surface: Part II

Story by Phoenix on SoFurry

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#2 of The Young Fox Chronicles

The next morning was, to say the least, very odd for the young fox. For a while, he lay there on the couch, until finally he came to the conclusion that Wes wasn't going to come from within his bedroom any time soon. From the moment he had awoken, he had wondered whether or not the wolf had heard those two words that he had muttered the night before. If he did, not only would he be horribly humiliated, but also, he'd probably never hear the end of it from Wes. There was so much happening that he didn't understand.

He got up off the couch and padded down to the short hall to the bedroom at the end, and slowly pushed open the door. He nervously looked over the room, his eyes averting back and fourth to find nothing more than an empty bedroom. The bed sheets were strewn about, obviously having been slept in the previous night, and steam came from the crack of the door leading to Wes's bathroom. The sound of water hitting a hard surface could be heard from behind the partially opened door. Being the nosy, sneaky creature that he was, Ty decided to do a little snooping.

Keeping his ears focused on the sound of the shower water, he crept over to the night stand on the right side of the large bed. He slowly and quietly pulled open the top drawer, and his eyes grew wide with surprise. Before him was a very large and flexible sex toy, and, to say the least, wasn't the smallest 'thing' he had ever seen in the world. All of a sudden, the young vulpine's mind began to ponder as to why his older friend would have an object. He stared blankly toward the adult toy, until a deep, "Boo!" coming from behind caused him to go into a frenzy. The startled fox jumped forward with a loud scream and turned around in midair, breathing heavily, only to find a towel-covered Weston looking onward with a mischievous grin. Suddenly, Ty realized just what it was that he was holding in his right paw, reared back as if he were about to strike it against the husky. "You planning on knocking me out with that thing?"

Continuing to breath heavily, his heart racing, Ty dropped the dildo and did everything he could to keep his eyes off of the half naked male dog. "Oh, God! Not again!" he thought to himself as the same dark desires began to fill his mind. "Make it stop!"

"Listen, I've known you for a long time," began Wes as he turned his back to the fox, crossed over to the other side of the room and began rummaging through his clothes drawer, "and I know about the sneaky little critter that you are, kiddo. You can't get nothin' past me." He stated, that same cocky grin dancing across his muzzle. At this time, he removed the towel, back still turned to the boy, and reached for a pair of underwear.

Ty tried to look away, but he couldn't. Whatever resistance he put up vanished almost instantly as he began to revel in that gorgeous behind. He noted the beautiful mixtures of white and greys, and how the white spot came from his belly, stretched under his groin, and ended directly under that gorgeous tail. He especially loved how that white spot made a cute white circle in the center of his rock-hard, furry dog cheeks. Although far too shy and modest to admit it, he would have wanted nothing more than to-

"Bathroom's all yours, buddy." He said, continuing to dress himself while being turned away from his guest. The sexual fantasies he was currently running himself through took an abrupt stop, and as this happened, he came to the realization that he had a massive hard-on, forming a tent in his pajama pants. Not having a shirt to even remotely hide himself, he rushed to the bathroom as quickly as possible, and thought himself damn lucky for having set his clothes out the night before.

As the young fox stood there under the hot, pouring water, stroking those last few times as his seed traveled down the drain, he began to shake his head as he thought about the things that he had thought of doing since the last few days. "Am I gay?" He asked himself as he soaped down his boyish figure, making sure to clean off his beautiful red, black, and white coat that everyone always complimented him on. "Why else would I be having these thoughts?" He sighed deeply. "No... I just... I could never be..." Strangely, he couldn't find the words to complete the mental sentance. "I would have to give up everything. Mom's respect... my reputation... God, even CC would probably ditch me. What kind of straight guy would want to hang out with a fag all the time, anyway?" He pondered his mind for answers for several minutes, and then thought it best to ignore the thoughts for now; maybe if he did just that, they would go away. That's what he hoped would happen, at least. Upon ignoring these thoughts, other curiosities immediately surfaced. These thoughts involved Wes's newfound 'toy'. "I want to just flat-out ask him if he's gay, but..." He shook his head negatively as he rinsed his fur under the showerhead. "I mean, why else would he have something like that? Maybe he just uses it for stimulation. Wow, that'd be embarrassing if I asked him that, and it turned out he wasn't." There seemed to be no easy way to find out, and he wouldn't dare risk their friendship in order to unfold the mystery of the husky's sexuality. Much like his decisions on his other thoughts, he decided it best to ignore it for now.

Feeling refreshed, he carried out his regular morning tasks, and drove off to school shortly after Weston.

The seventh period bell couldn't have rung any later than it did. He rushed out the door, nearly toppling over the others trying to make their way to the door, who were equally as happy as he was that another sucky Monday was over with. By arrangement by CC's mother, Ty had been asked to take the wolf home for the day, which was absolutely no problem for either of the furs, considering the fact that not only was CC's house only a few blocks away from the school, but also, it gave the two time to catch a few songs from the recently aquired 'Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children' soundtrack that the two furs were oh-so-baffled by.

After being generally goofy and immature, as the two furs normally were out of school, they arrived at CC's house. They said their goodbyes, and as Ty pulled out of the driveway, he grabbed his cell and punched in a number, then held the device to his right ear.

The bored, tired-sounding voice of a female fur came over the phone in her usual "Hello" greeting.

"Yeah, Ji?" He said nervously, always having been a bit nervous when it came to talking over the phone. He had always preferred being in front of the person he was speaking to, but in this situation, he was willing to make an exception.

"Whaddaya want?" She said, getting to the point, like she normally did.

"You got a minute?" He asked, knowing the answer, otherwise she would have already told him she couldn't talk.

"Yeah, what's up?" She asked, already telling that whatever he was about to say had some sort of significance.

He took a deep sigh, and began. "Listen, you know as well as I do that you're the only person I've ever felt comfortable enough with to talk about sex."

"Lord knows that's right. You've told me enough, like that time that I found out that you-"

"Ji! Not now!" He yelled, his cheeks turning red under his white face fur. "Anyway, as I was saying..." He began, quickly changing the subject. "I'm just gonna cut straight to the chase."

"I'm waiting."

"I, uh... I've been having some really strange sexual thoughts lately." His voice sounded very nervous.

"What kind of thoughts?"

"...Gay ones."

He waited for her reply, and she didn't answer immediately. Finally, she gave a simple, "So?".

"What do you mean by that?" He said surprisingly.

"I'm waiting to be surprised!" She exclaimed.

Ty arched his eyebrows. "So you thought all along I was gay?"

"No!" She yelled back, shaking her head with a laugh. "That's perfectly normal. It's a mixture of curiosity and raging hormones."

"But...but the urges are so strong sometimes. I've never felt something like this before."

He replied, looking back and fourth, obviously distressed.

"Do you want me to be honest?"

"Of course." He said, rolling his eyes.

"Give into them." She said calmly.


She laughed. "You heard me! If you want to get it out of your system, give into the temptations!"

"I don't think so." He said, shaking his head. "But thanks for your opinion." He pulled into the apartment driveway. "I gotta go, anyway. G'bye."

"Bye." She said with a laugh, and then hung up.

Ty opened the door to the apartment with the key he had been given to him by the owner that morning, and gave a loud "Hey" as he entered the living room.

"In the bedroom!" Yelled Wes from down the hallway. Ty reacted by dropping his book bag by the door and made his way to Wes's bedroom. He smiled when he saw his teacher, sitting Indian-style upon his bed, grading papers that were strewn about. The reading glasses he wore gave him the impression of being very intelligent. "How ya doin?" He asked, raising his head up with a smile.

"Good; took CC home." The fox replied, leaning against the doorframe.

"CC?" Asked Weston, confused at first. "Is that the tall wolf you're always hanging out with?"

Ty nodded with a smile. "Yeah, that would be him."

"You know," Wes began, scratching the back of his head with a sincere smile, "it's really odd that you two are as good of friends as you are. You're both so different, I mean."

Ty laughed with a nod. "Yeah, I've thought that, too. What people don't realize, though, is that he and I have a lot of similarities. They're just hard to see unless you know both of us very well." He smiled as he looked onward, thinking of the past memories that he and the wolf had shared. "Yeah, we've been through a lot. Been best friends ever since we were pups."

"That's good." Said Wes in return. Ty looked toward him with a strange look, not fully understanding what he meant. "It's good that you have someone that you trust that much. It's a beautiful thing to have a friendship as good as yours and his."

Ty nodded in agreement, and then there was a short silence. "Man, I'm bored." He stated, raising his paws above his head and resting them on his neck. "No homework."

Weston removed his reading glasses with a sneaky smirk. "I've got an idea." His eyes seemed to be contemplating something rather irregular.

For a moment, Ty's imagination got the best of him. "Oh my God... Is he going to ask me to-"

"Let's go to the movies!" The husky exclaimed excitedly. "I know it's random, but you're bored, and my eyes are starting to hurt from all this reading."

"Duh, Ty. Of course he wouldn't ask you something like that." Silently, he once again scolded himself for his thoughts. "Yeah, a movie sounds great."

And that was that.

The two took Weston's 2005 Mustang to drive to the theater in the nearest big town, which was roughly around 30 minutes away. The two seemed to talk the whole way, reminiscing on memories past when Ty was younger and Wes was still in high school. Finally, Wes changed the subject to a more serious subject. "So," he began suddenly, "you still doing okay with the breakup?"

Ty remained silent for a while, sighed, and leaned his head against the glass, pulling his coat tight across his body. "Yeah, I think I'm doing better." He replied. He was always fine until he began thinking about it.

Wes frowned. "I'm sorry. I'll stop if you-"

"No, it's fine." He turned to face Wes, looking into those deep eyes of his. "Really."

Silence filled the car, until Weston eventually spoke. "I know it's hard to accept, but you'll eventually find someone new."

"You're right." Said Ty with a sigh. "It's just hard to let go of someone that you've been with for that long."

"I know." Replied Wes. "Trust me." As they pulled into the parking lot of the theater, Wes smiled. "Looks like we're here." The two entered the building and both padded over to the ticket booth. Ty pulled out his bill fold, but his hand was stopped by the much larger one of Weston's.

"But, I have enough to-"

"Nope. My treat." He said, smiling. Ty sighed, blushing at Weston's sincerity. He had always gotten embarrassed when it came to having things given to him. The two loaded up on snacks and entered the movie.

The flick was a sappy love story that took a sad turn for the worst towards the end. This of course, began to upset Ty to the point that he couldn't hold back his tears. Now, normally the strong-willed fox would not have let himself go to the point of tears during the movie, but due to his recent breakup, the movie only served as a reminder of the painful truth. He did everything he could to keep himself stable, but a few tears made it past his eyes. Weston pretended not to notice.

After the movie ended, the two made their way to Weston's car. Wes shoved Ty by the shoulder. "What did you think?" He asked, trying to break the silence.

"It was good." Replied the fox as he seated himself in the passenger seat of the black vehicle. "It really captured your emotions, you know? I'd give it a ten out of ten."

Weston started the car. "Agreed."

The door to the apartment creaked open, and immediately, both young men began shivering. "Jesus Christ, it's cold!" Exclaimed Ty as he placed his paws inside his coat pockets.

"I know, I know." Replied Wes as he walked over to the heater. He began fiddling around with it, and finally cursed under his breath and turned around. "Piece of crap's broken, and I don't know anything about fixing a heater."

The young fox rolled his eyes. "Hoo, boy." He began to look around, and noticed the phone on a counter by the door. "Well, can't you call someone to fix it?"

"I would, but it's too late." Replied Wes as he looked down at his watch. He put his hands on his hips, obviously frustrated. "Looks like we only got one option here."

Ty gulped. "And that is?"

"We're gonna have to share my bed, kiddo."

"Holy crap..." Ty told himself. "And I thought this couldn't get any worse."

Ty changed into his blue plaid pajama pants and a tee shirt, and was then forced to stand in front of Wes as he undressed for a second time that day. This time, he turned away from him and jumped into the large bed to keep his mind off of the husky. Weston changed into a tight tank top tee and a pair of wool boxers, turned off the lights, and climbed into bed. Ty had already turned on his left side and was curled up in a fetal position, shivering harshly. Feeling sorry for the young fox, he laid down right beside him, and held him close. The warmth of the husky's large body immediately brought relief to the fox. Ty could feel every curve of the beautiful dog's body, and not to mention a peculiar bulge in the bottom of his back. "Better?" Said Weston as he slid his masculine arm across the fox's chest, increasing the warmth.

Ty's groin immediately reacted to his touch, and he only prayed that Wes didn't find out. He only sighed and replied, "Yeah." As much as he wanted to deny it, he couldn't. He loved the way the husky felt next to him, his body pressed up next to his own. He wanted nothing more than to have this beautiful creature take him, right then and there.

But that could never happen.

Well, there's part two! Hope the story kept you interested. Just as before, if you want this to continue, tell me so! A special thanks to all those that gave such nice reviews on part one. You guys motivated me to work hard on this part number two. I fixed the paragraph problem (hopefully). Thanks for pointing that out to me; learn something new every day!

Reviews are always appreciated!