Star Fox: First Contact - Mission I

Story by Felldewan on SoFurry

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#1 of Star Fox: First Contact

I have to admit here and now, this will be my very first attempt at writing a Star Fox fanfic. On another note, seeing as I have always been something of a fantasy writer over everything else, this will be my overall attempt at breaking through my writing capabilities and trying something new; sci-fi, in this case. Thus, if I come off as a little bit dull if not odd with my scientific terms, forgive me. I'm more used to, heh, writing about dragons breathing fire than a singularity that is a black hole swallowing up all of the galaxy. Either way, I hope that you will enjoy this romantic/adventurous tale featuring Star Fox being involved with an event that will bring awesome change to the Lylat System; meeting a citizen, a human, of the Solar System. Yes, even though I hate to burst your bubble at the start, this is another eventual tale where Krystal falls in love with a human. Although I hope I can make their romance as interesting as any other. Please, read and hopefully enjoy at your leisure.

Remember: favs would be nice, votes would be appreciated, watches would be encouraging and reviews - no matter the rarity - would be epic. Also, Star Fox is owned by the Nintendoooooo Company. Everything else, hey, is mine.

M** ission One: "The Starting Point"**


These days, there were many things that the planet of Corneria was to the system of Lylat. For starters, with its shining wealth, brilliant politics as well as prosperous economy, it'd served as the intergalactic capitol of the known galaxy for countless centuries; since the beginning of the space age back about several hundred years ago in the 2100s. Another known fact about Corneria, due to its mighty military power, due to its brave General Pepper, was its patient yet firm methods of maintaining the peaceful ways of the universe; a trait that'd been shown numerous times in the recent past during the many wars of the last two decades.

Yet, what was most known about shining Corneria, mind, was its increasingly inspirational rate of making heroes.

Truly, during this era, a number of champions had risen to defend the innocent. There were such majestic heroes like the bulldog Bill Grey, a top notch ace fighter pilot who'd been decorated for a number of heroic feats in battle, for facing the enemy hordes head on, for defending the freedom of his people with nary a complaint.

Then there was another champion such as Beltino Toad, technological extraordinaire, brilliant of mind, a proud family man - er, toad - who was responsible for the overall of defeat of the menace known as the Aparoids several years ago.

And oddly enough, having been enemies of the peace once, the members of the rebellious Star Wolf Team - Wolf O'Donnell, Panther Caroso, Leon Powalski - had even done their part in keeping the universe safe too. Which had been a natural play on their part, truth be told. For if the universe had fallen, all the peoples would've surely followed; good as well as evil.

Out of all of the best known heroes of Corneria if not all of Lylat, of course, was the mercenary yet noble band entitled Star Fox Team that, after so many years of successful and colorful missions across the galaxy, consisted of several interesting individuals nowadays.

Individuals such as these; there was the handsome, veteran, gifted vulpine leader of the group, Fox McCloud who had done a good job of upholding his father's name by being the best of the best at most everything he'd ever done. Then there was the ace, avian pilot of the band, Falco Lombardi, the green gifted engineer, Slippy Toad, the forever wise advisor, Peppy Hare, as well as the attractive, Cerinian native vixen telepathic, Krystal Cerinia.

Still, no matter its reputation for forging heroes through the fires of battle, there were such times like peace known to the planet of Corneria. And for the last few years, with the latest galactic issues having been suppressed by the armies a long while ago, peace was such a thing being currently experienced upon the shining capital world of Corneria where the massive, white city named after the planet itself glowed golden-silver under the summer sunlight.

Indeed, for the people as well as heroes of Corneria alike, with the date on every electronic now reading 1:00pm on June 13th, the best season of the year was underway; summer. Thus, with the day outside being mighty fine, with the skies above baby blue with a hint of white thanks to the sparse clouds, everyone - families, friends, people in general - were not staying indoors but were fully enjoying the many activities that could be had outdoors.

Yet, where the majority of the populace throughout the capital were having a grand time experiencing fun outside under the hot sun, the Star Fox Team was not. Rather, cruising purposefully over the lively utopia that was their home city in their magnificent, reinforced dreadnought of a space ship that was the Great Fox, the various members of the famous merc team were currently heading towards CDF (Cornerian Defense Force) headquarters.

For there at Corneria's military HQ, they would prep themselves for something they hadn't done in a very long time; a worthy mission. A mission that the telepath of the team, Krystal, was somewhat eager to undertake more than the rest of her fellows.

To be perfectly frank, having not had any really challenges to face since the end of the Aparoid War a few years back, all of Star Fox had been quite excited when, earlier in the morning, they'd been hailed by General Pepper about an undisclosed topic of utmost importance. The old blood hound commander had carefully explained to them that they, out of a rare few, were a trustworthy source of military power to bring in on a certain subject of interest. A subject he couldn't actually explain to them over a common communication channel.

Instead, if Star Fox were willing to report to the general's office at CDF HQ - like they were doing now - their mission would be fully explained to them in private, within a more closed off location where no one "unwanted" would overhear the details. In the least, what had been hinted about the mystery mission was that it was to take the Star Fox crew to the ever popular world of Sauria; also known as Dinosaur Planet.

In turn, at having heard that she was to revisit the world that'd been a second home to her after the destruction of her first, Cerinia, at learning that she was more than likely going to see many old friends on that world which was Dinosaur Planet in the near future, as her team members had gotten around to agreeing that they had nothing better to do but take on the mystery mission, Krystal had been the first to literally dash out of the Great Fox's meeting room after the mission update.

Within the hour that'd followed, feeling a thrill at being back in her old fighter outfit in what had felt like forever ago, the sapphire she-fox - after having taken a very sing-along, happy shower in her bathroom - had dressed herself in her personal quarters in her skin tight, black-blue, combat/survival uniform that now went stylishly well with her softly tinted aqua fur, sapphire blue bangs, emerald green eyes and pleasantly silver ringed, combed tail.

Seeing as where she was going to be walking amongst CDF personal today, she had to look her best after all. And as for looking her best, her attire wasn't complete without that which she treasured most; her elegant, golden, tribal staff that reminded her of her lost parents, of her lost people, of her lost world of Cerinia.

Thinking of them - of all that she'd lost years ago after the ruin of her home world - had made her strong since she'd joined Star Fox. It would make her strong again today, just like every other day.

"All Star Fox personal, attention please. The Great Fox will be docking at UCDF headquarters within the next fifteen minutes." The monotone yet somehow reassuring voice of Great Fox's maintenance robot, ROB 64, sounded out over the speaks everywhere, "It is wise for all team members to make their way down to the hangar bay for oncoming departure. Thank you."

"Good ol' Rob. Always keeping up with everything every second of every day. Like always." Krystal cheerily said to herself while looking at herself in her bedroom mirror, actually taking a moment to decorate her already pretty features with a white tribal necklace, some gem earrings as well as a bracelet on her right wrist, "Still, that was what that robot was built for in the first place, wasn't it? Slippy made him to be spot on with everything. And as for the ways of mechanics, that toad has never known failure."

Feeling that she had prettied herself up long enough, twirling her staff in her hands while putting her left hand upon her left hip confidently, the blue vixen felt satisfied with how she looked in her reflection. Truly, she looked nothing less than stunning. Not even Falco, who had been becoming rude with nothing to entertain him since the end of the Aparoid War, who had been commenting on her increasingly casual pick of clothes due to the past months of having no missions, wouldn't be able to crack any wise ass jokes about her choice in uniform today.

Well, being the way he was, maybe he more than likely would to spite her. Either way, if he did sniff at her attire, the blue vixen would simply just roast the avian's tail feathers with her staff. That'd show him who was "chicken" around these parts. "Roast chicken", anyway.

Giggling to herself at the thought of possibly being given the reason to show the avian ace pilot up in front of everyone, Krystal wasted no more time in dawdling in her quarters. Rather, with a spin in place to see how attractive she was, knowing her exotic get up would make Fox - her dearest friend in life, practically a brother of hers - and Slippy - that adorable amphibian - keep blushing for reasons they wouldn't explain if asked, she dashed out of her room... as well as yelped in shock when she nearly crashed straight into her favorite father figure; Peppy.

"Peppy, ha ha, I'm so, so sorry, my friend! Here, let me help you up." The vixen giggled as she hauled her chuckling, fatherly friend up off of the floor from where he'd fallen back out of surprise at her sudden arrival, "Again, I apologize for having jumped out of my room like that. I'm just excited about what this mission will include, you know? It's been forever since any of us on Star Fox were able to do anything that would allow us to stretch our limbs."

"Well, at the cost of my rear, Krystal, I can see that you're already stretching your limbs. Not only that, you look more like you're getting ready for a date rather than for a mission update in CDF." The old hare laughed, allowing his vixen friend - something of a daughter to him - to take his arm in hers and walk alongside him down the Great Fox halls towards the hanger, "Then again, foolish me, our team is heading off to somewhere where style will be expected. You've done well in making yourself look presentable, Krystal, my dear. How about me, hm? Are my ears straight enough? Do I require more wax on these whiskers? How about my tail? Do you think it could use some extra, I don't know... fluffing?"

"You look as fine as ever, Peppy. Ha ha, even in your usual attire on the Great Fox here, you've always had a gentle air if not bold appearance about you." Krystal reassured her joking friend, glancing over his shoulder at his aged yet plushy tail that wiggled with childlike spirit, "Besides, unlike Falco, it's not like you have to apply a lot to yourself to make yourself presentable for the CDF, my friend. Out all of us members, you're the most memorable. You're the father of us all on this ship, especially to Fox."

"You give me too much credit, my dear. I simply say what needs to be said and am there when needed by any of you." The hare answered humbly yet proudly, feeling grand to hear that his position as advisor to the team had been a valuable one over the years, "As of late, of course, I haven't really been blessing any of you with wisdom or guidance. I've more been helping ease you all through your boredoms. Although, finally, with a mission coming our way, it would seem that my advice will finally be needed around here again. What a nice change of pace."

"Yes. What a nice change of pace indeed." Krystal agreed, nodding her head happily, "No longer will we be drifting through space looking for something to do. No longer will we be training every day in the Corneria barracks. Now, soon enough, we will be on Sauria taking part in something important again."

"Sauria. I wonder how that planet of yours has been doing over the years since the Aparoid attack, Krystal, my girl." Peppy admitted gently, looking a bit curious, "You have been keeping in contact with Prince Tricky and his family since the bug invasion against his home world, have you not?"

"I have." The blue vixen replied, nodding her graceful head, "I've already thought over the possibility of our mission in Sauria being about facing an aparoid threat again, Peppy, and I feel that that is not what we are being called upon by General Pepper for at the moment. No, Prince Tricky and the rest of the dinosaurs have been fine since the end of the Aparoids. Everything there is okay there. If it were not, we would have known long ago."

"You mean you would have known." The hare cut in, smiling fondly at his best friend, "You were the first to sense danger against Dinosaur Planet during the war of the Aparoids. You would be the first to do so now. So, if you say that everything on Sauria is fine then everything is fine. Still, what about that planet could be so secretive that General Pepper couldn't reveal it over the communication link to our ship this morning? This mission to Dinosaur Planet, in an untold way, must be quite important if that old blood hound is taking all of these steps of secrecy."

"Of course it must be very important. Why else would the general be having us meet him personally in CDF's headquarters for the mission details? Why else would we, the best of the best, be included?" A new male, confident voice cut in from behind, making Krystal as well as Peppy look over their shoulders instantly, "Honestly, we're Star Fox, you guys. Aren't you used to taking on bigger than life, super-secret jobs like this? C'mon."

Blue fathered, red rim eyed, walking with a confident swagger in his steps, Falco Lombardi was the one who had just coolly spoken his opinion about all of the secrecy of the mission that was to be held upon Dinosaur Planet. Not having ever been one to kneel to superiors, having belonged to a rebellious gang before his years of being an ace pilot of Lylat's most celebrated mercenary team, the avian bird was dressed casually. As usual, Falco wasn't looking to impress anyone at CDF. He was being himself, no matter what anyone thought of him; good or bad.

"Oh, we're quite used to the super-secret jobs of taking on the entire galaxy, Falco." Peppy chuckled good naturedly at the approaching ace pilot who walked right by with a huff, "It's just that, usually, the jobs show themselves to us before we're offered them. You know, a war starts and we're called on to help end it. Alien bugs begin to invade, we're brought into the fray. Stuff like that. For the first time, our team doesn't know what to expect in the future. This is a mystery contract for a change."

"Ooh, whoopee. A mystery for a change. Hot freakin' diggity-dog!" The avian sarcastically replied, acting like he was impressed with all that was being discussed when he wasn't at all. Truth be told, he was impatient about everything happening. Always, his rapid, overconfident nature had made him a "shoot first, ask questions second" personage on Star Fox. And the fact that he couldn't fast forward this event to its point was making him negative. "In the end, secret or not, we're still going to be given the task of conquering whatever. And in turn, Star Fox is going to fulfill its mission. So, why did General Pepper delay the inevitable this morning and not just give us this mysterious contract over the messenger rather than make us run all over the place like this?"

"General Pepper has his reasons for doing things, Falco Lombardi. You would do well to respect the way of your elders if not superiors." Krystal cut in, rolling her eyes, "I understand what Peppy is talking about. Every mission we've taken has been a huge deal. One that we've come to know about beforehand. Yet, this mission is something we don't know about. As the general made it clear earlier, this event is something that obviously can't be known by just anyone. Thus, we should be honored that we're - the best of the best - being included into this ordeal. That's why we have to take all of these steps in meeting with Pepper."

"Whatever. I still see this as pointless." The ace pilot answered, shrugging simply as he carried on walking down the hall towards the hanger ahead, "And why would anyone be interested in what General Pepper had to say to us earlier over the com? What's he so scared of? Enemies? What enemies? We took care of them a long time back. If you haven't noticed, nothing has been happening in the galaxy. It's been mind-numbingly boring around here."

"You're being mind-numbing. That's for certain." The Cerinian vixen growled under her breath, reaching for her staff purposefully with an impatient glint in her green eyes, "Here, hold still. You want some excitement, Falco? I'll give it to you in a fiery fashion."

"Now now, my dear, whatever would the CDF think if they saw you getting ready to assault one of your fellow members? Tut-tut, as Fox would say; such behavior is not at all very ladylike from a beauty such as you." Peppy snickered as he put a hand upon Krystal's own, stopping her from taking aim after the swaggering avian ahead with her staff, "You must understand him, Krystal. Falco, has always been the one who hasn't done well being stuck in a cage with nothing to do. Ironic, is it not? Him being a bird and not at all doing well being cooped up with nothing to do, I mean?"

"Yes, I see your point, my friend. Thank you for restraining my temper there a moment ago." The blue she-fox admitted guiltily, getting a grip on her anger. She understood now that Falco was not being sarcastic towards his fellow team members. He was being sarcastic towards the event taking place. Having had nothing to do since the end of the Aparoid Wars like the rest of his crew, he was impatient in knowing what was to come in the future. Still, he could show some respect towards brilliant General Pepper. Sheesh. "Ah, here we are at the elevator to the hangar, my friends. Falco, don't you dare hit that close button or I will allow Krystal to shoot you good."

"Shoot me good? What?" The avian questioned innocently, his finger casually drifting away from the close door button on the hangar elevator as his two friends joined him, "I wasn't going to go anywhere without you two. That's the truth. What were you saying about Krystal shooting me good, Pep?"

"Oh nothing, nothing. I said nothing of the sort." The aged rabbit chuckled, winking at smiling Krystal as the elevator doors closed and began to lower them towards the hangar bay where the Arwings, Landmasters and all else of the Star Fox vehicles could be located, "Don't pay any heed to the ramblings of this old hare, my boy."

"That's funny... In the past, you were always telling me to pay heed to your ramblings, you old fart." The avian muttered grouchily.

"I beg your pardon?" Peppy questioned of the bird innocently next, pretending he hadn't hear the insult but having heard it with his good ears all the same, "What was that you said, Falco?"

"Er, nothing." Falco quickly responded, shrugging innocently although he was far from that, "I said nothing. You gotta clean out those ears of yours, old man, or folks are going to start thinking you're going crazy."

"He called you an old fart, Pep." Krystal teasingly put in while sticking out her tongue, having read the avian's mind easily with her telepathy, "Truly, that's what he called you a moment ago. I see it in his mind's eye."

"Pft. As if. Peppy's my old man, don't you know? Why would I call him such a nasty thing?" The ace pilot argued coolly, hugging the humored old hare in a one armed embrace as the blue vixen smiled smugly, "Seriously, Pep's always telling me to do those barrel rolls when I need to most. He's kind of the reason I haven't been blown to bits at times. That goes for you too, Krystal."

"Most certainly." The sapphire she-fox replied, holding onto smiling Peppy's arm as Falco went on cuddling the elder hare, "Do a barrel roll! I tell myself that each night before I say nighty-night. It's always helped me sleep, Peppy."

"Same here, same here!" The ace pilot admitted with a laugh, not letting Krystal get the best of him in front of his supposed old man, "Can't get a wink of shut eye without going over the practice of doin' barrel rolls in my head-"

"Alright, that's enough from you two kids!" Peppy finally laughed aloud, reaching out with both of his arms and hugging his respectable crew members in a family hug. Where Falco yelped in surprise, Krystal giggled brightly. "My my, how proud I am to be such a valued old man of this crew. Who would have thought that my constant advice on doing barrel rolls would help you two sleep easier? Here I always figured it gave you nightmares from time to time."

"It does, you old fart. It does." Falco coldly grumbled in his mind this time, not knowing snickering Krystal heard him with her telepathy nor noticed him roll his eyes.