The Pool Party of the Year: A YCH Adventure

Story by LeiLani on SoFurry

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#23 of Underwater Fantasies

Here it is. At nearly 12,000, it's not quite the longest one I've done, but quite likely the most complicated. This is the first time I've ever attempted a multiple-character story of this type, and I don't think anyone else ever has in the fandom. (if so, please point me to the story so I can glare at it enviously.) ^^

Sixteen people asked to take part in a "your character here" notion I had, and I'm pleased to say I did my very best to accommodate all sixteen characters portrayed here. So, without further adieu, I'd like to introduce them all to you as they visit our lovely hostess Leilani's island paradise for a very special occasion:

The pool party to end all pool parties.

And as you'll soon realize...that might just be literal.

My thanks to: (Kyrell) (Turquoise) (Felicia) Rob Stirling (Robert) (Gwen) Vojeto (Lauren) (Boom) (Rayko) Mekali Kaga (Mekali) (Tsura) (Kal) (SirDan) (Hopey) Blaze-Firastar (Ikazuchi) (Aidan) and (Natalya)

Leilani is owned by LeiLani

"...millions continue to watch the skies as-"

Leilani blindly thumped down on the snooze button to the clock radio next to her on the nightstand and yawned sleepily, keeping her eyes closed. Nestled snugly against her side, his bulging arms still draped around her body, Aidan continued to snore peacefully. She smiled, turning her head to look at the black panther's face, and then let out a soft churrip as another set of strong, big paws surrounded her belly, and she felt the smooth, hard flesh of tiger-sex pressed against her butt, fully aroused. "Ohh..." she trembled, lifting her ruddertail off to the side, laying it across her other companion's legs as she rolled over to face him. "Did not mean to wake anyone..."

The Siberian tiger grinned lustfully and kissed the sea otter's mouth, giving her whiskers a gentle grooming with her tongue. "Well, you did." He gazed into her deep green eyes and sighed, nuzzling her nose. "Alarm go off already?"

Leilani smiled, reaching down and brushing her webbed paw along the tiger's length, feeling it twitch and throb with her touch. "Mm-hmm. We need to be up soon. So much to do and so little-"

Rayko stopped her words with another kiss, his sex now straining against her paw. "There's plenty of time..." He rolled over, a powerful, yet sleek nearly-all-white tiger, until he could brace over the sea otter, and she eagerly lifted her legs to wrap around him.

Sensing movement, Aidan's eyes slowly opened and he looked fondly at the couple kissing. "Hey you two, get a room..." He chuckled and curled up against Leilani's side, slowly kissing her throat and sending little shivers through her dark brown fur. In little time, his ebon shaft swelled and thickened to incredible length, and soon nestled comfortably under her butt. " are so warm, otter..." As she turned her head to his, he gave her a powerful, deep kiss, his tongue combating with her own for several glorious seconds, enjoying the taste of one another.

On top of her, Rayko nuzzled over her breasts, starting to lick over stiff, aroused nipples until they glistened. She could feel him, hard, thick, ready to enter her, the subtle push against her labia, the bulb thick, already moist with precum. As deeply as she wanted to have both of her feline companions shafts buried within her, she had to get up. There was so much to do.

Leilani sighed and unhooked her legs from around the tiger, playfully pushing at his chest with her feet. "Alright, alright." She giggled and rolled over to let Aidan's swollen arousal free from under her. "Come on, you both promised to help me today."

Rayko grumbled but good-naturedly nuzzled the sea otter's toes. "So this is what we get for spending the night with you."

Aidan grinned and sat up in the large hammock to stretch. "Yes. Many wonderful hours of sex followed by back-breaking labor."

Leilani smirked as she hopped out, tossing them both their swimsuits. "I am not quite sure you did not break mine." She stretched languidly and caught the two big cats staring at her with lust in their eyes. Without saying a word, she smiled sheepishly and reached for a red and white floral sarong, then hastily wrapped it around herself, covering from her breasts to her hips. Both Rayko and Aidan visibly slumped. "Honestly you two," she giggled as she padded past them and over to a large firepit in a corner of her hut. She knelt near a pile of small thick logs and placed two of them inside the pit. "We will have time to play later, I promise."

Aidan finished tying his drawstrings, barely able to hold a full panther lust beneath tight red Bermudas, and walked over to where Leilani was readying the fire. "I hope so." He stood just behind her and felt her silky hair across his thighs. There was a temptation to untie his shorts and let out his fullness for the sea otter to swallow and gulp upon, until she could taste a gush of his cum, but instead he stroked her ears, earning a warm churr of pleasure.

Rayko finished dressing in a black pair of shorts and white t-shirt, taut swimmer's muscles rippling across his chest and arms. "Should be a great time, that's for sure." He picked up a small guitar next to the hammock and struck a few chords. "I can't wait to play for the other girls." The tiger started into a slow ballad melody then glanced at Leilani. "You think they'd care if I did a little metal?"

Leilani got up from the ground, leaving Aidan to begin building the fire, and walked past Rayko to a group of opened boxes, taking out several small wrapped containers. "I am sure they would like whatever you did, tiger. You are very talented."

They heard the steady drone of a motorcycle engine outside, getting closer and stopping. A knock came from the hut entrance and the soft face of a Siberian husky poked in before stepping inside entirely, dressed in a gold high-leg body swimsuit under ripped and faded jean shorts. "Hello, dears."

Leilani grinned and hurried over to give the canine a hug. "Natalya! So glad you could come." She took the husky's paw and led her towards the kitchen, nodding to the felines. "Aidan, Rayko, you remember Natalya Ruskiri, right?" After proper pleasantries were made, she added, giving the husky a hip-pet. "I still owe you for the wonderful fitness regime you showed me. My breath-hold times have only gotten better." And we will surely need it today, she added silently.

Natalya gave Leilani a quick kiss. "I haf much more to show you next time you visit, my dear." Her violet-blue eyes turned a little sad. "I-I mean...if ve had..."

The sea otter nuzzled her cheek gently. "It is best not to think of. Only good thoughts this day." She brightened and gestured to the large canvas bag slung around the canine's shoulder. "Did you bring everything?"

The husky nodded. "Da. Everythink for a nice borscht, and zen I make for you all my sister Yana's favorite, vegetable stroganoff with butternut pasta. Today I show you all how Russians really like to eat!"

Aidan and Rayko chuckled in unison. "Good, because we were getting sick of seafood from the sea otter," the panther cracked, and Leilani stuck her tongue out at him.

Before Aidan could make a proper gesture, two more felines stepped into the hut and greeted everyone. Leilani squealed when she saw the black, white, and red-striped tiger, and nearly ran into him for a tight hug, then grinned and turned to the white-haired lion with him, giving him a meaningful kiss. "Ika, Kyrell, it is so good to see you both. I am glad you could come."

Ikazuchi took Leilani's paw and lifted it to his mouth. "How could I stay away? You're like a water cooler at the office, a refreshment away from the mad frenzy of the business world. I'm truly honored to be here today." He realized he was still holding the sea otter's paw, and sheepishly dropped it, ignoring Aidan and Rayko, who were snickering knowingly. The lion was happy to be included among the island-girl's closest friends, but it had always been just that; nothing too romantic or personal. As many businesses and companies as he had conquered in his relatively short life, it was nothing compared to the difficulty in taking over the sea otter's - or anyone's heart - for that matter. Still it could be worse. He could be sitting alone at his luxurious penthouse, watching the news, waiting for the inevitable.

"We're all honored, otter-girl," Kyrell smiled and approached Leilani for another kiss, this time much longer and passionate. Everyone laughed as the sea otter's ruddertail started to whip furiously, her "tell" when she was overly excited and ready to play.

Slowly she pulled away from the tiger, relishing the kiss on her mouth, and then trembled, tucking her paws between her thighs. There was something about Kyrell she had always liked, whether it was their playful romps in the golden sands, or warm conversations snuggling naked under a star-filled sky. It was always refreshing to be with the unusual tiger, who appeared to her sometimes depressed or distracted. She longed to know what was eating at his mind, but the tiger would merely shrug it away as unimportant.

Still, Leilani felt good that he would visit every so often, and they would make love in the sand or the surf for hours, and spend the night together before he left the next morning. To her, it seemed like she was an oasis, a place he could go for peace and happiness away from what she could only imagine, based on the scars he had once shown her, must have been a very dangerous life.

"Leilani, you're blushing." Aidan laughed and came up next to her, massaging her shoulder. As she churred, she could hear him purring as well. Pressed up against her hip, she felt his warmth, still barely contained beneath his lycra suit.

Her eyes flicked down to see the bulbous tip of him nearly visible under the waistband. The temptation to stroke him, to feel him throb under her delicate touch, was hard to ignore. Before she could come up with a suitable retort to the panther, Rayko and Kyrell had both joined the pair, and now the tigers were nestled up against her backside, purring loudly and caressing her shoulders.

Natalya couldn't suppress a giggle. "I teenk soon she vill be so red she glows."

Ikazuchi agreed. "She's adorable when she's hot and bothered like that." His dark brown eyes gave Rayko and Aidan a quick once-over. "Just what have you three been up to today, or should we even ask?" He went over to Natalya and helped her take food out that she had brought.

Leilani smiled, glad to have an excuse to pull away from the trio of felines surrounding her, and casually joined the lion and husky, looking over the items. "I will not tell, and surely they will not either."

Rayko cracked a grin. "Oh we won't. Although, I really have to say..." He glanced over to the black panther and winked. "We certainly learned just how flexible she can be, didn't we, mate?"

Aidan laughed heartily, earning a reproachful glance from the sea otter. Another knock came from outside and he quickly sobered. "Saved by the bell," he muttered and went to the entrance as a beautiful, sleek Siamese cat with soft grey and white fur and piercing light-blue eyes stepped inside. "Hi there. Wow...we're just filling up with cats, aren't we? Come on in!"

"I'm not late, am I?" She sauntered past the panther and waved to Leilani.

"Not at all. Everyone's just arriving."

Ikazuchi looked up from the kitchen counter as the newcomer stepped into the kitchen shyly, her long tail twitching to and fro. "Um...hello."

Leilani smiled. "Felicia, I would like you to meet Ikazuchi Radi. I do not think you two yet are acquainted."

The two felines gently shook paws, still looking at one another intently. Felicia was first to speak. "So...Lani really knows how to throw a party, huh?"

Ikazuchi smiled. "That she does. I'm really glad to be here. Well, even more so now that I've met you."

Felicia colored slightly. "So what do you do?" She came close to his side to sit down primly, adjusting a sky-blue one-piece swimsuit around her breasts.

"What don't I do. I, um, take care of businesses I own and..." He trailed off, lost for words. In his eyes, Felicia was about the loveliest cat he had come across. There had been his share of sleeping companions in the past, but it was all about the sex and pleasure. Looking at her, the lion couldn't help but wonder if there truly could be more.

The Siamese laid a paw over his on the counter, and his heart beat a bit faster. "All work, no play?"

The lion chuckled, lost in her eyes already. "You might say that. And you?"

Felicia giggled. "Oh, I think it's probably a good idea to play as often as possible. We might not be kittens or cubs anymore, but it doesn't mean we can't still act like them, right?"

Ikazuchi considered this then shook his head slowly. "I haven't been a cub in a long time."

The Siamese bit at her lip then gave him a bright smile. "Well, bring him out to say hello." Her tail lifted up and snapped against the lion's butt, causing him to wince.

"Hey!" He laughed and grabbed for her tail. Felicia giggled and squirmed free, going to the other side of the counter to help with the food. "Geez, there's so much food, otter-girl. Where are we going to put this all?"

"Well, Aidan and Rayko already worked up their appetites, so they'll probably dig in right away." Kyrell snickered as he opened up a tray of shrimp cocktails and tasted one. "Not bad. Tangy."

Leilani looked pleased. "Fresh from the sea late last night. I had a little moonlight swim with the boys and did some dives to find these. A few of the rocks were really heavy down there so the extra muscle helped."

"What did we tell you? Just breaking our backs with hard work, she is." Rayko helped himself to one of the shrimp.

Felicia wandered over to the stove to help Natalya, who was steaming vegetables in a bamboo mesh tray for her borscht. "Oh I'm sure you both enjoyed the scenery anyway." Aidan and Rayko gave the Siamese cat an exaggerated dreamy look and she burst out laughing.

Another couple, a large brown bear and a robust golden retriever, laden with bags, arrived and were greeted by the growing crowd. The canine gave Leilani a quick hug and nose-rub. "Thanks so much for having us, Lani." She looked over at the bear whom had come in with her. "This is Boom. We sort of bumped into each other while we were getting here. Literally."

The bear grinned sheepishly. "I told you I'd pay for the damage, Lauren." He leaned down to give the otter a hug as well. "You doing okay, Leilani?"

"About as well as can be expected." She took one of the bags from Lauren and poked a curious muzzle inside, sniffing. "I smell tomatoes."

Lauren giggled. "Uh huh. Chicken parmesan. As promised." As Leilani practically gushed, she took the bag back and placed it on the counter, hugging the others one at a time. "Wow, we're going to eat for days with all this stuff!" She looked around as everyone's faces changed, etched in sadness, and the canine quickly waggled her paw at them all. "Hey, come on, guys. Smile! We're all here, together...that's what's important, right?" Reaching inside another bag, she brought out a snow-white bikini top that looked like it would hardly cover a tenth of her large breasts. "I know what you're all thinking, and you can just forget it." She grinned and tossed it over her shoulder. "I'm skinny-dipping!"

Boom caught himself looking at the golden retriever's chest, the tight t-shirt barely holding back voluptuous breasts. He began to imagine the canine swimming, maybe even coming up close to him, allowing his large paws to caress her, or his arms to hold her. Lauren caught the bear staring at her and smiled winsomely before preparing food with Natalya.

Other friends soon joined them, those Leilani had known for months, or years, or most of her life. There was Robert, a polar bear and a former British mercenary; Gwen, a golden mare with deep brown eyes that were always filled with laughter and flirtation; Captain Kalmback, or Kal to his friends, a delightful middle-aged snow leopard; Mekali, a young, curious, and yet mysterious cheetah; Sirdan, a handsome golden dragon Leilani had discovered hidden deep in an undersea cavern; an exotic escort bunny known best by her stage-name Tsura; a lovely blue-furred wolf named Hopey, and Turquoise, a lovable dolphin-canine she had once come across while swimming in the ocean. The two had bonded immediately and intimately as friends and lovers. Leilani was actually especially glad for her appearance, for it meant there was still a chance.

A slim one - but one nonetheless.

"Everyone, please have a seat and I will help Natalya with serving." The sea otter gestured to the large bamboo table just outside her hut, which was adorned with pretty seashells, sand crystals, hibiscus blooms, and pineapples.

As she went back to the kitchen area, the husky was just putting the finishing touches on the borscht, adding little zucchini slices to the top for decoration. Leilani took a deep sniff and sighed. "Smells absolutely wonderful, Natalya." She smiled and put a paw on her hip. "I cannot think of a better meal, can you?"

"Dah, lots of food is here." The husky replied as she looked around the kitchen table. "They are right, devushka. We eat many days." Her whiskers started to droop and Leilani stood up on her toes to kiss her mouth softly and meaningfully.

"Come," Leilani forced a smile and started picking up dishes. "We have starving friends waiting."


After everyone had sat down, Leilani brought out her own entrée for the large meal: a seafood stew made with small fish, crabs, shrimp, lobster, and mussels, all in a golden bisque of lobster, butter, and a touch of maple sugar.

"" Turquoise practically drooled.

Leilani grinned as she sat down next to her, with Aidan on the other side. "I knew you would say that. Everyone please begin eating. We have so much to talk about." She felt Aidan's paw against her leg under the table, slowly stroking her bare thigh, and her whole body tingled.

"Well, I'll say a few words," Robert cleared his throat and lifted his cup. "First, thanks so much for this, 'Lani. This is an, I'm usually pretty eloquent around the ladies." The rest of the girls laughed softly and Gwen caught herself staring a little too long at the polar bear's broad chest. "It's an honor to share this day, to share these times, and to...share more times together, wherever we eventually go." The group as a whole nodded gently as he continued. "I love this place and whenever I've come here, I could count on Leilani's hospitality to see me through. She's helped me get a lot of sleep some nights..."

Rayko snickered from across the table. "And other nights, maybe not so much."

Everyone laughed and the sea otter's cheeks burned with embarrassment.

Robert smirked. "Well, that too." His blue eyes looked deeply into Leilani's and he smiled warmly. "Thanks for your friendship, island girl."

Leilani smiled and nodded, looking down at her plate shyly.

Ikazuchi spoke up next. "I'm also glad to be here. I'm still a bit of an unknown to a lot of you, but I first met 'Lani when I was out on my boat sailing. She was out there in the middle of the ocean, just floating on her back, not a care in the world." He paused then added with a shy grin. "Naked too."

Lauren giggled. "Color us shocked."

"Anyway," the lion chuckled, "This big wave from my boat pitched her over and she let out the cutest squeak that I started laughing. Then she swam to my boat and glared up at me, and I stopped laughing real quick. I told her I was really sorry, invited her on board for a drink and we got to talking, and became friends. Seems we both share a bit in common. We have a lot of money real idea how to spend it all..."

"Ooh, I want _that_problem." Felicia, sitting beside him, added with a laugh, and laid her paw on the lion's arm. Ikazuchi managed a little blush and was surprised to find himself feeling warm and comfortable with the touch. He leaned his head over to nuzzle the Siamese cat's ear and she quickly purred with him. "Not sure if you'd like it too much. You'd be traveling mostly for business, and not much pleasure."

Felicia looked into his brown eyes, her own light-blue ones almost twinkling. "Pleasure can come from anywhere, kitten. Sometimes just being with the right someone is all it takes." She playfully pulled at some of his arm-fur, and he let out a yelp, tickling her side.

Kalmbach, the snow leopard, stood up and raised his cup. "I'm glad to be here too, miss. It's just a pity it couldn't be under better conditions." He removed black rectangular glasses a moment to wipe his blue-grey eyes. "Forgive me, I'm not really good with speeches either, I guess. Suffice to say that..." He paused and looked around the group. "I fought for many years and engaged in many battles and...I'm...very happy that soon the time for all fighting everywhere will be over at last." The snow leopard sat back down again and fumbled in his pocket for a sprig of catnip, placing it on his tongue to chew.

Beside him, Mekali sniffed curiously at the treat. Kalmbach smiled softly and offered some to the cheetah. "Catnip. The finest from Casablanca. Have you been to Africa before?"

The cheetah shook his head shyly, not answering. Up close, the snow leopard's musk and scent was soothing. While he didn't usually associate with older cats that frequently, he had always respected them as his elders nonetheless. He reached for the bit of catnip offered and tucked it uneasily between his teeth to chew.

"What do you think?" Kalmbach smiled, watching the cheetah's face.

Mekali swallowed carefully, then returned the smile. "It's neat."

The snow leopard nodded. "Can't have too much though. This stuff will throw you for a loop if you're not prepared. I usually use it to help me fall asleep. I get nightmares a lot."

"Why?" Mekali looked up at the older feline's face and the aura around him, and had his answer. Surrounding the snow leopard's face, he could see pulsing blue and purple streaks slashing around it in sparkles and crackles. As he focused more power on his psychic energy, he could almost hear the riveting and incessant echoes of gunfire and explosions, the screams of agony, the-

He shook his head quickly, realizing he was breathing hard, and reached for Kalmbach's arm to steady his swirling vision.

"Hey there, you alright, son?" The snow leopard frowned and looped a companionable arm around him.

Mekali's blue eyes shifted back into proper focus and he looked up at Kalmbach worriedly. "You've been through a lot, Captain. I'm so sorry."

Kalmbach smiled, his eyes starting to well with tears, and leaned his head over to nuzzle the cheetah's black and gold ears. "You can call me Kal if you want to. And thank you..."

"Leilani," Sirdan, the golden dragon, got up and faced her, looking nervous. "I remember when you first found my lair on the bottom of the ocean. You were just"

A few of the others laughed and the sea otter mock-glared at Aidan as he nudged her side playfully.

"I don't mean 'lost' exactly." He continued hastily, "You just seemed, well, really confused...oh, I'm really messing this up, I'm sorry. Look, all I want to say is, it seems that when you find yourself in our world, no matter where we come from, or what we are, you just find a way to, well, become a part of it. You endear yourself to others, and make them instantly love you..." He glanced around the large table as others nodded wordlessly, sharing smiles. "All I can say is, you're never lost when it comes to us. Because..." he hesitated and lifted up his glass, toasting her. "We always seem to find you." Now there were tears coming from soft grey eyes and he wiped them away quickly with a taloned hand. "So here's to you, little lost girl. It was quite a pleasure to find you one day swimming in my pool and...sharing quite a wonderful, unforgettable experience with me in that cave."

Leilani started blushing hotly now, and nodded stiffly, trying to keep her own eyes dry.

"Well, I don't know about all of you," Tsura said as she grinned and got up from the table, looking back at the dragon shyly. "But after a meal like this..." the bunny paused and untied her wrap, revealing a slinky black bikini underneath, and Sirdan whistled appreciably, causing her to grin sheepishly. "Who's up for a swim?" She jerked a paw over her shoulder, indicating the sparkling clear and deep infinity pool in the near distance, surrounded by loungers, rock statues, and a long winding sand-blasted deck, glowing with white-stone.

"Right. Been waiting when someone would suggest that," Rayko grinned too and got up from the table, followed by Kyrell and Aidan.

The black panther took Leilani's paw into hers and helped her from her seat. "Manners, everyone. The hostess goes first." Before she knew it, Aidan picked her up into his arms, causing her to squeal and giggle. "Heads or tails?" he laughed and carried Leilani, kicking and protesting, towards the pool, while the others followed after her, removing their shorts and shirts, sporting bikinis, speedos, and board shorts underneath.

"Heads!" Turquoise giggled, slipping an arm around Kyrell's and smiling up at him.

Aidan nodded solemnly. "Leilani. The tribe has spoken." With that, he flipped Leilani over his back and sent her yelping into the pool head-first, still wearing her sarong. Everyone watched, laughing as the dark-brown sea otter wiggled free of the cumbersome wrap and surfaced again nude, glaring up at the panther. He grinned and knelt by the edge of the pool. "How's the water, slinky?"

Leilani smiled almost viciously. "You tell me, kitten." In a flash, her arms splashed up and wrapped around Aidan's neck, and she yanked him into the pool on top of her.

Underwater, the panther flailed trying to claw back to the surface, but then Leilani was upon him, wrapping her arms and legs around him and pushing him deep to the bottom. As they reached the tiles, the sea otter smiled and clawed at his speedos, snagging at the waistband and ripping it away. Her eyes widened at the sight of an engorged ebony feline sex pumping from between his legs, and she trembled, straddling his waist briefly to kiss while her paw stroked over his hardness fondly.

Aidan returned the kiss and grabbed the sea otter's waist, already quite aroused, and strained to mount her on his shaft. But Leilani wiggled free of his grasp and swam away, heading back to the surface with the panther clawing and missing her leg. At the top, she giggled as the panther came close to her, purring loudly, then sheepishly smiled at everyone gathered around the edge. "Um...I...I guess swimsuits are optional at this point..." She licked her lips at Aidan and nuzzled his nose.

Lauren looked shyly as others around her smiled and started removing their clothes. Boom, the dark brown bear who'd been sitting next to her at the table, hesitated and then sat down on the edge, dangling his legs in the water. The golden retriever grinned down at him. "Not quite ready yet, huh?"

The bear looked up at her and smirked. "It's not that so much. I just...need to get used to it." Behind him, Felicia ran past, waving Ikazuchi's shorts around in the air and laughing, as the lion chased after her, stark naked and yelling. As they reached the water, they both dove in and disappeared beneath. "Some party, huh?"

Lauren nodded and sat down next to him, stretching languidly. "Mmhmm. The best one ever." She slowly removed her shirt, letting large, beautiful golden-furred breasts plump free. The bear stared at them intently for a moment before his eyes were drawn back to hers. "That's incredible..."

Boom looked curiously at her. "What?"

The canine giggled. "You only looked at my breasts for five seconds. That's a record to me!" She then bent forward, undoing her jean shorts and pulling them down her legs and footpaws until she was naked. "Now comes the big surprise." She hopped back to her feet and paraded herself in front of the bear, showing a rather full, plump figure, with generous hips and butt. "Too much?"

Boom grinned. "Actually I think you look really hot. I mean...I like a girl who has more to her than just fur and bones, you know? What's the saying, always more to love?"

Lauren looked pleased but then shyly tucked her paws between her thighs, covering her sex. "Yeah?"

The bear got up from the edge and undid his drawstring, pushing his swimsuit down so that he was soon nude in front of her, sporting a hefty ursine sex between dark brown thighs. He snickered, feeling less insecure. "Okay, you looked at that for more than five seconds, girl."

Lauren immediately laughed and came closer to him, and her bare stomach was soon pressed against his length. "I...I" She glanced down, watching Boom's sex stiffen. "Would to swim with me?"

Boom smiled and rubbed noses with the canine. "I'd like that." There was a sudden gasp from the water as Felicia finally surfaced again, laughing breathlessly at the lion coming up next to her. The two quickly kissed and then sank back underwater. "Um...Could we stay in the shallows though? Looks like the deep end is getting, um...really busy."

The golden retriever smiled warmly back and took his paws into hers. "Good idea. We could cuddle and...just talk, if you want..." The two padded over to the pool steps and sat down together. Lauren slowly lowered herself into his lap, and Boom wrapped his arms around her to hug.

In the pool, Leilani and Aidan were slowly making out in the deep end, sharing long, wet kisses. "Alright, you two," Rayko grinned as he swam over to join them, wrapping his tail around the sea otter's leg. "You're ignoring the other guests."

The sea otter smiled as she looked at the Siberian tiger. "I am not. It is Aidan's fault anyway."

The panther balked. "_My_fault?! Who's paw was wrapped around who's cock?"

Rayko chortled and came closer, pressing up nude against Leilani's side and nuzzling her throat. "Mm...come on, love. We did all that hard work today." His swollen member pushed against her soft thigh. "We get a reward, right?"

Leilani shivered and closed her eyes, her webbed paw stealing under the water to grasp the tiger's engorged sex and tug. "Mmm...You are right, tiger, as always." She looked at them both fondly, and with a twinkle in her eyes, ducked underwater in front of them, at once seizing Aidan's huge, thick shaft while nuzzling at Rakyo's own generous girth, giving the tip several bubble-filled licks before thrusting her head forward and engulfing the flaring tip inside her mouth.

Turquoise dove in to the deep end, nearly hitting Kyrell, who was floating suspended under the water, mesmerized by what the sea otter was doing to the other two felines. She smiled, nuzzling him, and reached down to rub fitfully at his groin, working her finned paw in slow circles to get him hard. The tiger let out a bubbly yelp of pleasure, and then his mouth was covered by the dolphin's as she passionately kissed him, her dorsal tail wiggling excitedly.

Robert sat nude on the pool's edge, watching Leilani dreamily, as Gwen came up next to him and sat down, keeping herself covered in a cream-white bikini that easily showed up dark brown breasts beneath. "Amazing, isn't she?" The polar bear smiled over at the mare, giving her a friendly once-over with deep blue eyes.

"Wonder how long she can stay down there doing that sometimes."

Robert chuckled. "Probably longer than any of us. Except maybe the dolphin-girl."

Gwen crossed her legs prettily and nodded. "Definitely longer than me. But there's a trick to it. You gotta get yourself relaxed first, and your heart has to not beat so fast, I know that."

The polar bear sighed and splashed at the water. "Getting me to relax isn't easy sadly, love. Been a while since I've really been able to find peace, especially with all this going on and-"

The mare shushed him with a quick jab. "We're not supposed to talk about that, remember? Lani's house rule." She laid a hand gently on his thigh. "I'll bet you could relax, if you put your mind to it. It's all about the will, you know. Want to do something with me?"

Robert blinked. "Well, sure. What?"

"Just breathe, in and out." Gwen smiled and brought her hand up to his brawny chest, her fingers nestling into soft white fur. "Okay, go. Try to focus on breathing. Ten seconds in and out. Keep your mind completely blank."

The bear rolled his eyes. "A lovely mare like you touching me like this is preventative, you know."

Gwen giggled, looking mischievous. "And a handsome, naked bear isn't?"

"Alright. Good point, love." He closed his eyes and started to breathe deeply in and out, while Gwen gently caressed and then massaged his chest.

"Good, there you go," she encouraged, and leaned her head closer to his cheek to whisper. "You're so soft and warm, you know? I know you don't realize it all the time, but you are. And it's very comforting to me. It should be comforting to you too..."

Robert's eyes opened to gaze at her brown ones. "It is. I'm...I'm really glad you feel that way." In the pool, Aidan let out a sudden cry of pleasure and then shook all over, and they both realized the panther was cumming hugely, no doubt spurred on by the sea otter's paw-play. Next to him, Rayko's eyes were nearly rolled back into his head, nearing his own orgasm. Gwen and Robert both chuckled and looked at each other, rubbing noses. "So, should we join the others?"

Gwen nodded readily, lowering herself down into the water as the bear did likewise. "Do you mind if I ride you?" She smiled and waded behind him, hooking her arms around his chest. "I haven't done this since I was a little colt..."

Robert laughed softly, waiting for his passenger to get a firm hold onto his back. "Well, hang on tight then, miss! I'll have you to the Covent Gardens Opera House in no time!" While the mare giggled and clung to him, the polar bear lumbered forward into the water and started to swim. As they passed some of the others splashing or making out in the water, Felicia's head popped up close by them, gasping for breath.

"Wait! Wait!" She laughed between breaths before she was yanked hard back underwater again in a flurry of bubbles and splashing.

Robert snickered and dunked his face into the water as he swam, watching the Siamese cat being dragged helplessly by the lion, her arms flailing, back down to the bottom of the deep pool. As she burbled into Ikazuchi's face, the lion quickly clamped his mouth around hers and the two began to kiss. Felicia's arms floated up and then wrapped around his neck to hug, closing her eyes, straddling and bouncing gently in his lap. The polar bear noticed the lion in full arousal and Felicia's paw was tenderly stroking it up and down. She spread her thighs for him, and Robert watched, fascinated, as the lion thrust his hips upward, and Felicia threw her head back in a bubbly cry of pleasure as his sex penetrated hard and deep into her.

The polar bear trembled all over, realizing his own member was now fully hard, bobbing against his thick thighs as he swam, and he slowly turned over, giving Gwen time to adjust to the new position, floating on his back and smiling up at her.

Gwen felt the bear's arousal poking against her fur and playfully squeezed the flesh between her thighs. "Ohh...hi there," she giggled and rubbed noses with him. "Saw something you liked?"

Robert blushed, instantly embarrassed, and honestly replied, "Well, let's just say some of them are already really...busy." He quickly added, bringing a paw to her face to caress. "That doesn't mean I don't enjoy the company I have right now very much."

The mare smiled and kissed him softly, her hand stealing down his stomach to light across his hardness. "Want to try that again without the negatives?"

The polar bear looked puzzled a moment. "Ohhh. Um...I enjoy the company I have very much?"

Gwen nodded and kissed him again, a much more passionate kiss, her tongue gently caressing and batting across the bear's. In time, her kisses traveled along his chest and stomach, with Robert whimpering quietly. By the time she started kissing his hard, throbbing lust, the bear was beside himself with pleasure.

"Please...please..." the bear gasped, his member already leaking pre-cum for the equine to taste.

Gwen nodded, aroused herself, and engulfed the bear's hot, swollen sex with her large mouth, pulling tightly and suckling on the sweet flesh. In almost no time, Robert cried out and rewarded her with a mouth-full of bear-cum.

"Ohhh, baby," she said between his spurts, her lips dripping with his seed, "Ohh, cum. Mmm, cum all you want...yes..." The mare hungrily licked at his pumping shaft, cleaning the sides, before even more cum erupted from the tip, spattering her muzzle with a fresh batch. "Ohh...not done, not done, mmm..." She immediately latched her mouth back over his sex again, drinking from him steadily, swallowing each release with a loud gulp while the bear continued moaning.

Beside them, Felicia and Ikazuchi came up to the surface, coughing uncontrollably and spitting water. The Siamese cat's arms were still locked around her lover's as the two caught their breaths, shaking all over.

Gwen smiled over at them, her paw wrapped around Robert's cum-soaked member and squeezing. "Having fun, kittens?" She giggled at the pair.

Ikazuchi chuckled, brushing his nose along Felicia's before kissing her again deeply. "Yes," he said when they finished. "It's like...being a cub again..." He looked fondly into the cat's eyes. "I used to swim with someone, long ago, when we lived by the lake. We were just kids. We didn't really know what we were doing then. We' each other and dunk and splash and...I think I was in love with her..." The lion purred loudly as he licked Felicia's nose. "We moved after a while, and...I never saw her again. I was so miserable. From that point on, I just used to think girls were there for me to just conquer and then forget."

Felicia smiled and kissed him again slowly, mmming. "Well...I might not be the kitten you once loved's nice that I remind you of her, isn't it?"

The lion nodded and kissed her hungrily, and Felicia mewled and wrapped her legs around him eagerly. "Again?" he whimpered, but already he could feel his shaft under the water hardening, pressing up against the cat's stomach.

Felicia bit her lip seductively. "Yes, again, and again...and-" She barely got in a breath as the lion lurched forward, diving with her back underwater. Through the water, Gwen watched as Ikazuchi pumped his legs and arms fiercely, dragging his lover back to the bottom, already thrusting into her wildly.

"Oh that is so hot..." Gwen trembled and Robert brought his paws under her arms, pulling the mare back up until they could kiss. "Mmm, bear, I am so wet right now..." She eased his stiffening member against her thighs until it was settled where she wanted it, with the thick tip pressed to her aching folds. With a shuddery breath, she clamped her hands on his chest and lifted her hips upwards, letting out another shaky gasp as she lowered herself onto his shaft, taking him balls-deep.

Leilani was still under the water, having gotten into a good rhythm, her arms around Aidan and Rayko's thighs and deeply swallowing both of their healthy members one at a time. She felt a brush by her legs and looked down to see Turqoise swimming up to her and smiling. The sea otter churrred gently at her and the dolphin-girl came up to her to kiss, their mouths joining briefly to allow the girl to exhale a little of her air into the mustelid's mouth. With her lungs pleasantly full, Leilani broke the kiss and ran her webbed paw along Turquoise's breasts, smiling at her, while her other paw continued stroking first Aidan's and then Rayko's massive members.

The dolphin-girl grinned and pointed at her captors, a lustful look in her eyes, and Leilani nodded, pulling away from the felines and allowing Turquoise to take over. Before she could go up for air, a paw was around her foot and pulling her deeper - into the arms of another tiger. She bubbled pleasure as she was immediately penetrated by Kyrell, and wrapped her legs around his waist, bouncing slowly in his arms as he mated with her, kissing her mouth passionately.

"So..." Natalya swam up, out of breath, and grinned at Lauren and Boom cuddling in the shallows, watching the antics around and under the water. "You are not to join them?"

Lauren blushed and then nuzzled Boom affectionately. "We're getting there."

The husky nodded before Hopey, the blue wolf, surfaced behind her and wrapped her arms around Natalya's stomach, humming affectionately. "Hey, where did you go?" She chuckled, already bringing a paw up the husky's leg and stroking fitfully over her mound. "I wasn't done yet..."

Natalya smiled and turned her head to nuzzle over her shoulder. "Ohh, dah. I know, devushka. I rest." She turned around in the water so that she could face the wolf, and kissed her deeply, enjoying the lupine's taste on her tongue.

After their long kiss, Hopey pulled away. "Mmm, hold that thought." She winked and then ducked her head under the water, trailing bubbly kisses down Natalya's breasts and stomach, and reaching her soft mound. The wolf poked out her long tongue and began to push against the husky's yielding folds with it, working the flesh into a swollen, puffy slit ripe for attention. She blew a few bubbles and then clamped her teeth over the exposed button of her clit, massaging it gingerly until she could feel the husky's thighs trembling with need.

All too soon though, she had to surface again and take in air, leaving the husky nearly whining, before she gulped in a deep breath and submerged once more to continue. Lauren trembled when she saw Hopey coming up gasping and kissing the husky passionately before ducking back underwater, and stole her paw down against Boom's groin, stroking his sheath. "Oh, that really looks like fun..." she growled against his neck as she kissed his fur.

Boom laughed softly, bringing his head close to hers to butt muzzles. "I thought you just wanted to cuddle..."

Lauren tilted her head with a smile. "You can do a lot while cuddling. Like...for instance, I can take my paw here and..." Her digits closed around the bear's shaft as it started to stiffen, and she could feel it pulsing and throbbing in her grasp now. "Ohh...Boom, you're so hard already, you naughty bear. What am I going to with it - er, I mean with you..." She giggled and started kissing him again, working her paw up and down his length, giving it tender, slow strokes from the thick balls to the swollen tip.

The bear groaned into the kisses as each movement of the canine's paw worked him into a frenzy. He glanced down and watched in the water as his shaft practically jerked at her attentions. "L-Lauren..." he gasped, and strained against her paw, bringing his mouth down to clamp around her throat and keep himself from whimpering in hot agony.

With Boom's maw gripping her, the canine's pleasure increased dramatically, and she stepped up the pace, twisting and then slamming her paw hard over the bear's length. "Ohh...come on, Boom. Give it to me..." she panted, and then gasped hard as a sprinkle and then a gush of bear-cum spurted from him, splashing back into the water. "Ohhh...mmm..." Lauren moaned and worked her paw slower, much slower, easing his release out with simple squeezes until he had emptied completely into the pool.

She kept her hold on him as he finally let go of her throat and kissed her wildly, growling with need once more. "Wait..." she murmured and lifted up from the pool stairs until she could turn to face him. "Let me..." Still smiling, the canine nestled herself into Boom's lap again, snugging his engorged shaft along her tail-hole and mound. "Mmm., wait..." The bear's paws were around her hips, trying in vain to mount her, and she wiggled them, gently pulling his large paws away. "Not"

Boom watched in fascination as the golden retriever lifted her hips further up, until the slickness of the bear's tip could settle flush against her tail-hole. She braced her paws firmly on his shoulders, gazing into his eyes as she then started to sink down, letting out a few soft cries of delight as the bear's full, hot sex plunged upwards and deep into her tail-hole. Immediately her anal walls tightened around the thick, heavy intrusion, squeezing and clenching around it possessively. Her eyes widened as they looked at his face, and her mouth hung open, feeling her ass stuffed with his flesh. Instinctively she brought a paw between her legs and rubbed hard at her slick crotch, teasing the swollen folds.

"Oh damn, bear..." she hissed through her teeth, licking her lips almost incessantly. "Ohh, that feels so good...mmm..." His large paws surrounded her hips and she eagerly wiggled them, inviting him to take her completely. Boom sunk down into the water more, bending the canine backwards until he could grab her legs and hold on. Squealing with glee, Lauren hooked her feet around the bear's neck and clung to him, rocking hard back and forth on his length.

Boom felt his hardness massaged and squeezed to the point of almost painful grabs, and then he was shaking all over, cumming thick spurts of his seed deep into her ass. Lauren felt his release and shoved her paw hard into her folds, suddenly orgasming atop of him, titling her head back and nearly screaming with lust. Both of them rocked steadily, riding one another's orgasms until they were both breathless and dizzy. Lauren slowly pulled her paw out from between her legs, and a gush of her juices leaked out against the bear's stomach.

Natalya, who had been watching their antics while the beautiful blue wolf was between her legs, had had enough. Between Lauren fisting herself and seeing Boom's glistening shaft plunging hot and deep into the canine's ass, the husky could no longer hold back. Despite knowing Hopey probably needed a breath, Natalya gripped around the wolf's head and forced her muzzle against her mound firmly, bending her head down to watch her own hot flesh being nibbled and licked. A few bubbles popped to the surface and Natalya suddenly felt Hopey's tongue thrust deep into her aching flesh. The husky cried out and squeezed her folds around the wolf's tongue briefly as she came against it, gushing out her juices into the water in several milky streams.

When her climax was over and she could see again, she quickly pulled up Hopey by the arms, and the blue wolf surfaced, coughing hard. "So sorry," the husky panted, quickly kissing her. "I needed cum soon. I could not let-"

Hopey got over her coughing fit and smiled widely, rubbing her muzzle across the husky's. "It's okay. I-I'm fine..." She started kissing her again hotly, stroking her breasts, and the two girls settled against the shallow end to cuddle.

Tsura meantime had singled out Sirdan from the crowd, sitting down in one of the loungers and watching the others, a dreamy smile on his face. The bunny sat down across from him and stretched cat-like on the lounger, curling her legs up and stroking her foot. "So," the bunny smiled at Sirdan, her long ears twitching. "You and Leilani, huh? What was that all about?"

The dragon chuckled and turned over on the lounger to face her. She was quite a beautiful girl, and from what the sea otter had said earlier about her, he was rather eager to hear her own stories of seduction. "Oh, um, she sort of happened upon my pool one day. There was an earthquake near here and it wrenched a bit of this giant reef free, and exposed my cave. She swam right into it and found me."

Tsura giggled, her soft green eyes looking fondly into his. "And then what happened?" The bunny turned and laid onto her stomach, lifting her legs up sexily behind her and crossing large lapine feet.

Sirdan watched her get comfortable and grinned sheepishly around thick whiskers on his muzzle. " Things. You know how she is..."

The bunny licked her lips and nodded. "Mm-hmmm. I do. We had a rather steamy adventure once in the ocean. She was taking me on a little tour of the reefs and we happened across this large kelp forest, with all these thick strands of the stuff rising up. She started to swim in and got her foot caught in one of the strands..." She purred softly, stealing a paw behind her back, between her thighs, and holding it there. "I got so worked up watching her trying to pull free, that I swam down and tied another strand around her other foot."

Sirdan trembled. "You didn't..."

Tsura giggled again, nodding. "I did, and...mmm...she loved it. She let me kiss her all that time, and I started tying her up more. And soon, I needed some air from her so I could stay down with her...and suckle from her breasts, and...and lick her pussy and...more..."

Sirdan swallowed hard, remembering Leilani underwater with him, practically screaming bubbles as his hot dragon-sex forced its way deep into her tight walls. "Oh yes, she's...she's really good at that...staying underwater..." He could feel the thick erection in his suit straining to be let free now.

The bunny kicked her feet slowly. "I don't know how long we stayed down, but even she was gasping for air when we finally came back up. We went right back to her hut and spent the night together. She had some dried seaweed left over from one of her meals and..." She laughed softly. "We tied each other up. Feet, paws. It was fantastic..." She looked over and saw Sirdan was shaking now and stroking the huge bulge in his shorts openly. "Too much information?"

"What? Huh? Oh...I'm...I'm..." He sheepishly took his hand away and the bunny quickly shook her head.

"No, it's okay..." She got up from the lounger and knelt beside the dragon, bringing her soft paw down to press to his bulge. "Mmm. I like it when it's hard like this..." She started to purr again, her small digits tracing the cotton-covered flesh tip to base. "Hard, full...ready to cum just for me..." Her paw tucked into his shorts and Sirdan gasped as warmth wrapped around his girth and held tightly. " know what I really love doing?" she said breathlessly as she squeezed his member over and over, until she felt a trickle of pre-cum drip onto her fingers.

"I...I don't know..." Sirdan offered, watching her paw working steadily inside his shorts.

Tsura didn't answer, only raised a paw up to her neck and untied the top bikini, letting voluptuous white-furred breasts drop free, and then her bottoms came next. Then she smiled girlishly and climbed naked onto the lounger with Sirdan, straddling his legs with her own. Holding the bikini top between her teeth, she then took one of the dragon's large hands and held it above his head, then quickly fastened the bikini top string around the lounger head-base. "Now..." she whispered, and bent her head down to his to kiss hard, passionately rolling her tongue across the dragon's much larger one, while her paw grabbed for his other hand, and pulled it up, tying it together with the other and using the bottom strings to make the ties tight. "Mmm...the bunny gets to play..."

Sirdan watched, gasping, as Tsura started to lap dance, keeping her paws on his chest while her hips rolled, grinding her wet mound hard against his arousal in several firm swipes of flesh on flesh. "Mmm..." she moaned as each stroke rubbed over her folds. "Tell me everything you did to that otter, Sirdan...and I'll tell you everything I did with her as well."

The dragon grinned, his hands straining against the strings, and spoke hoarsely. "She was just swimming around at first..."

Leilani could no longer hold breath in her lungs, having given the last puff of air to Kyrell to keep them on the bottom until they could have one last glorious orgasm together. She kicked hard from around his engorged shaft, as a cloud of their mixed juices escaped from between her thighs, and sped for the surface, clawing through the water and trying to keep her mouth closed. With the last bit of strength, she latched onto Aidan's leg and hauled herself up until she was in his arms, coughing and gasping for breath.

"About time you came up," the panther chuckled, putting an arm around her. "You alright?"

The sea otter nodded shakily, wiping her mouth. Behind her, Kyrell popped to the surface, taking in pure air for the first time in several minutes. He pressed up against the otter and kissed the back of her neck greedily, trembling and panting. "Ohhh, I had truly forgotten what that is like, diver-girl..."

"I...I never forgot..." Leilani replied, and turned around so that she could kiss the tiger soundly, spreading her legs around his waist until her feet were up firmly against the wall. "Never..." Her tongue pushed back against his and the tiger purred loudly as the two engaged in a long, wet kiss, filling each other's mouths with their tastes.

Turquoise surfaced close by Aidan, having already gotten the panther off into her mouth, and now shared another kiss with him, while her other hand stroked over Rayko's shaft hard and fast, realizing the tiger was close to eruption. "You know what I would love, tiger?" The dolphin-girl smiled and leaned her head forward to whisper into Rakyo's ear.

The tiger's eyes lit up like lanterns at night. " would, huh? Well..." He looked over at Aidan, who caught his wild look and grinned widely. "We'll just have to do that then."

Turquoise giggled at them both, then took a deep breath and submerged, sinking back down and taking Aidan's thick, black sex into her mouth again hungrily. She then floated up until her ass was facing Rayko, lifted her tail, and spread her legs invitingly. The tiger quickly grabbed her hips, already fully aroused once more, and plunged his shaft as deep as it could go into her warmth. The dolphin-girl burbled hard in pleasure around the panther's shaft, and closed her eyes, bobbing her head up and down his length in rhythm with the tiger's hard thrusts into her from behind.

Within a few moments, she could feel the panther's sex in her mouth throbbing so mightily that it felt alive. She pulled her mouth free to moan again as the tiger's sex slid eagerly in and out of her folds, and seized it within her warmth each time, as her legs squeezed around Rayko's thighs to keep herself steady between them. Another moment went by before she could feel Aidan spurting into her mouth like a flood, and she greedily began gulping down his cum in several swallows. She slammed back against the tiger fitfully, using her legs more, and was rewarded with a copious flow of tiger cum filling her canal. Her muscles squeezed instinctively around the cumming shaft, milking it completely dry before pulling away and surfacing between them, panting and kissing them both deeply in turn.

Leilani smiled at the glazed look on Aidan's face as he came, then nuzzled Kyrell gently as the two stopped kissing and held each other, her churrrs deep and loud with satisfaction. Beside them, Felicia and Ikazuchi came up, their bodies locked together, and the lion planted the Siamese cat up against the wall, kissing her slowly and passionately as he continued to slam his hips upwards, taking the cat over and over again, her legs clinging to his waist, her mewling loud and demanding.

After a few more hard thrusts, the lion gasped and buried his face into Felicia's breasts, cumming into her with the force of a hydrant. The Siamese cooed and wrapped her legs around him tighter still, and came with him, nibbling at his ears and top-mane as one orgasm rushed over another. After they had finally finished, the two purred and licked at each other's muzzles, laughing softly, still joined.

"You...make me feel like a kid, Felicia...I don't know how to thank you." The lion groaned.

The cat squeezed her legs around him and smiled, still purring. "Mmm...maybe a back rub?" She let go of his waist, pulling herself up and out of the water to sit along the edge. The lion nodded and got out as well, kneeling next to her and kissing the back of her neck softly, his large paws working over her shoulders.

Leilani smiled up at them, then turned to nuzzle Kyrell again. "Come on. I think I would love a massage as well." She turned to kiss Aidan's cheek gently, then pulled herself out of the pool, slapping her wet shiny tail against the tiger's front as he followed her out and to the loungers.

Meanwhile, sitting cross-legged naked and alone on the pool deck watching the others partake in their pleasures, Mekali sighed deeply and distracted himself with simple water shows, creating a running fountain in his paw, levitating the stream, or twisting it to make shapes and dips. So intent was he with his ministrations, he never saw nor heard Kalmbach, the oldest of the group, sit down quietly next to him, seemingly mesmerized by the aquatic demonstrations the cheetah was performing.

"That is incredible," the snow leopard breathed gently, as if speaking too loudly would interrupt the water itself.

Mekali smiled sheepishly. "A...trait I've had since I was a kitten. Not that it matters too much now."

"Telekinesis," Kal replied, still marveling. "I ran with a pretty sizable crowd of soldiers during the last war, and they had among them someone with the gift. But it wasn't much. He could barely bend a spoon - much less do what you're doing right now. It's just...well, I haven't the words for it." As the cheetah made another impressive looping stream with the water, he asked tentatively. " strong is it? I mean..." His eyes flicked upwards to the sky. "Could it...?"

Mekali turned to look at him, still holding the fountain in his paw. "No. I-I'm not that strong. I don't think anyone is."

Kal nodded, looking sad. "It was worth a thought." The snow leopard watched his display a few minutes in silence then asked, "Why aren't you in the pool with the others?" He casually scanned across the surface, seeing several couples now deeply kissing one another between pants and growls, obviously in afterglows. He laughed. "I'll bet the water is pretty warm now."

The cheetah added, "And dirty..." He shook his head. "I'm just not much for deep water. I tried the shallow end but that area got a little crowded."

Kal nodded. "I can relate, my friend. I was forced to fend for myself in the sea after a shipwreck long ago." He stretched his arms and Mekali could hear the cricks. Another look at his aura, and the cheetah thought he saw a much calmer, gentler wave of blues coming off of it. "Been a bit hesitant to try it again." He suddenly grinned widely. "Though it's probably not a problem for you. You could just levitate if the going got rough, right?"

Mekali chuckled, ended his water-displays, and leaned back on his paws. "Probably, yeah. I guess so. Would you like to see me do it?"

Kal's eyes grew larger. "You mean, you can? Oh, I would love to..." He watched intently as the young cheetah got up from the deck, eyes lingering upon the boy's groin and the healthy sheath between his legs, and waded into the shallows until the water was to his neck. Kal cleared his throat and got up, following the boy in.

When Mekali was in water over his head, he turned to face the snow leopard and smiled, closing his eyes and concentrating. At once, his nude form began to rise, as if the water itself was lifting him up, and all eyes were suddenly upon him, the others at once mystified and amazed. When he was a good few feet above the surface and out of the water entirely, Kal grew concerned and quickly leaned forward to grab his legs.

"Whoa there, young lad. I'm convinced! You don't need to float away from me." He laughed and realized his face was nestled close to the cheetah's groin. He lifted his head up to look at Mekali, who was smiling nervously. "Get down here now," he said gently, and brushed his muzzle across his sheath.

Mekali felt suddenly very warm as he felt the other feline's nose and whiskers rub over his fur, and without meaning to, part of his shaft pushed up from the sheath, aroused. He bit his lip, still looking down at him. "N-no..." he whispered. "I'd like to stay up least for a few minutes..." He trembled hard. He had never become turned on so much by another male before, and he was excited about the idea of the snow leopard continuing to nuzzle him.

Kal purred deeply and closed his eyes, giving the cheetah's shaft a few gentle licks, swiping the flesh with slick, warm strokes, until it was nearly bulging and stiff. Mekali gasped and brought his paws down to tangle into the snow leopard's wet hair, enjoying just the faintest tongue-touches. Soon however, the licks and sweet kisses across his member became too much of a distraction. He lost focus on his power and dropped into the water with a splash.

Kal quickly picked up the youth before he could sink further and helped him to the surface, giving him a tight hug, his own aroused shaft now pressing and rubbing across the cheetah's. "I've got you...I've got you, son," he whispered, and the two began to kiss, slowly, experimentally at first, the oral presses turning to long, slow, tongue-filled kisses as each explored the other's mouths. In time, the older feline's paw was under the water, grasping the boy's length firmly, giving it a few gentle tugs, causing the cheetah to moan into the kisses.

Mekali in turn reached for the snow leopard's sex, wrapping his fingers around hard, throbbing flesh and jerking. The two became lost in the sensations, whimpering against each other as their paws sought out lusts, jerking, pulling and tugging, until each began to lose control. Kal came first, his body tensing up, seizing the breath from his lungs, and spurted a generous amount of feline seed into the water, with Mekali still excitedly finishing him off with quick tugs and squeezes. Before the cheetah could finish himself, however, Kal took a deep breath and went down, clamping his mouth hard around the boy's shaft and gulping down his flesh.

"Ohhhh...Y-yes." The cheetah's eyes rolled up into his head as he felt the older feline's tongue lash over his member, swallowing saliva and pool water at once, tickling the sex until it was ready to erupt.

Kal stayed underwater a minute longer. It was all the time he needed as he felt and then tasted a jerk of the boy's cum on his tongue, becoming a few, and then several. He clamped a paw around the boy's sac and held on, massaging, forcing the cheetah to empty more and more seed into his lover's mouth as his orgasm heightened and then slowly ebbed. He came up to the surface, gasping, his mouth still full of cum, and quickly hugged him, kissing him deeply and sharing the delightful taste of his spunk and the beautiful though cloudy water surrounding them.

When each could catch their breaths again, then looked at one another. "Are you...alright, son?" Kal asked, searching the boy's gleeful eyes and smiling.

Mekali grinned sheepishly, nodding, still panting. "That was fantastic...I don't remember...cumming so hard before..." He purred deeply and hugged around the other feline, their spent sexes drifting between their stomachs before touching and rubbing again slowly in the current.

Leilani smiled as she enjoyed a backrub, mmming with pleasure at Kyrell's touch. "I want you all to know," she announced pleasantly, "how happy I am that all of you came today...and I promise that-"

There was a loud thud, distant, like a small, tiny roll of thunder. Everyone turned and instinctively looked out at the endless sea before them.

"W-was that it?" Turquoise whispered, and her paw reached up for Leilani's, suddenly frightened.

The sea otter looked down to her, nodding, then around the pool at everyone. "I-I want you all to follow me," she said, her voice breaking, her eyes filling with tears as she got up and slid into the water. "The pool is deep. I-I do not know how deep we will be but...we have to plan to be underwater a long time. Maybe...minutes..." She licked her lips nervously, and Aidan beside her wrapped an arm around her to steady her. "We have not much time. Everyone please breathe in and out, hard exhales and inhales...and...when I tell you, take the deepest breath you can..."

There was another sound now and it did not fade away nor cut off. It was a rumble, like a freight train, and it grew louder and more intense. Felicia cried out and pointed towards the water - and they all saw it.

It was massive. It seemed to fill the whole sky as it rose up, like a watery monster, a wave no surfer could ever endure, nor comprehend, nor imagine.

Leilani turned to nuzzle Aidan and then the dolphin-girl. She and Turquoise could stay underwater long enough, but she didn't trust the others' abilities. Her plan to bring them here, to show them the pool, to get them all inside and sharing love, had worked as she had hoped.

Now she had to hope and pray that between she and Turquoise, there was enough oxygen to keep everyone alive.

The wave came closer. Felicia sobbed and put her head against Izakuchi's shoulder, but continued breathing hard as told. Boom and Lauren looked at one another, hugged tightly, and smiled uneasily, taking deep breaths together. Kyrell, Aidan, and Rayko surrounded Leilani and Turquoise, and followed the sea otter's breathing rhythm, looking determined.

Mekali turned to nuzzle his new lover shyly. "Well, if we didn't like deep water before, we're...about to, right?" There was fear in his voice, Kal could tell, but there also seemed to be hope. He grinned and they shared a hug before panting hard, filling their lungs.

The others came forward, meeting in the deep end with Leilani, waiting for her signal.

The water came closer as it blotted out the sun.

It filled the whole world.

Leilani took one more glance at Turquoise, nodding quickly, then addressed the group. "One. Two.!"

As one, everyone dove down, kicking hard and deep to the bottom of the pool, and watched as Leilani turned and braced against the wall, motioning them to her sides.

We will be so deep, she thought, watching the others worriedly. Already some of them were struggling. Too soon Turquoise and she would be sharing their life-giving air, sustaining them.

But for how long?

She heard a loud roar as her ears suddenly popped with the instant depth change, and realized she no longer cared. Whether they made it to the surface again or not, she was with them.

That was all that mattered now.

She pushed off the pool wall and swam to one of the others, kissing them deeply and sharing her air - and her love once more.