Information - Story Links

Story by KitFox on SoFurry

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Informational post to explain the links between stories and the crossovers.

This document is a guide to the links and interconnections between the characters, worlds, and stories written by KitFox. Currently it contains specifically a record of story sets that have any kind of interlink between them. Might wikificate this in the future. This may contain some spoilers about the stories.

Tails of Power Universe Episodic Series

Tails of Power came to be when the challenge was put forth that "It's not possible to have a short erotic story with plot". This proves such quite wrong. The series was meant to be episodic with self-contained short stories. While characters could show up in multiple stories, each story would stand on its own as a story without needing to read the others to understand.

Interlinks Outbound links -

  • A new Kitsune character from this universe shows up in The Slip Into WoW
  • The unnamed Shadow Kitsune at the end of the dark Kitsune story Descent into Darkness shows up in the Mirror, Mirror... series and in Further Development

The Slip Into WoW Chapter-based, titled chapters

Based on the World of Warcraft game world to a degree as of the time of The Burning Crusade. The game has since left this story's timeline far behind. This story explores the concept of any fictional world really existing somewhere somehow. What if the story items made by the developers twisted what would otherwise be a relatively normal world into a shadow of itself with story-enforced oddities that the world is free of when the server shuts down? Swaps very frequently between character viewpoints.

Interlinks Inbound links - - A Light Kitsune named Teranda from the Tails of Power universe first shows up in the second segment of the story.

Mirror, Mirror... Chapter-based, titled chapters

A very short segment of this story was originally available in a Choose Your Own Story Path format. That project became far too overwhelming and was scratched, however the story concept itself lived on and grew much larger.

At this point in time, the main protagonist's name has not been mentioned anywhere in the story.

Interlinks Inbound links -

  • Elara, the Shadow Kitsune shown very briefly at the end of Tails of Power - Descent into Darkness, takes an active interest and role in this story universe.
  • Daniel and Sandra from Personal Development and Further Development show up in this story.

Outbound links -

  • The druidic protagonist from this story connects with the story in Further Development

Personal Development / Further Development A standalone story and its sequel

Originally written to explore the idea that an erotic story could completely lack any explicit language or description, but still stand out well.

Interlinks Inbound links - - Elara, the Shadow Kitsune shown briefly at the end of Tails of Power - Descent Into Darkness, is an active and involved character in Further Development - The druid from Mirror, Mirror... takes an active role in Further Development

Outbound links -

  • Daniel and Sandra and scenes from Further Development are integrated with the same scenes in Mirror, Mirror..., shown from a different viewpoint

The Dragon Experience Standalone story

Don't let anybody ever try to convince you that I am not evil.

Interlinks Inbound links -

  • Fourth wall broken with a nuclear blast. Sandwich Meats and The Dragon Encounter referenced in the story and Sandwich Meats universe implied.

Story/Series Groupings

Tails of Power > The Slip Into WoW Tails of Power >> Development <-> Mirror, Mirror... The Dragon Experience < The Dragon Encounter + Sandwich Meats