Chapter XVI

Story by Drake_The_Traveller on SoFurry

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A little late then I'm used to, I had a research paper to due, and it sucked. I hope you all will enjoy this chapter, sorry if the end is a little flat, I couldn't think of a better way to end it. All that aside, don't forget to comment.

Everyone of them I read reminds me of why I write.


Chapter XVI

Alex was sitting on a bench at a park outside the building. All around him families strolled through the park. Pups running rampant in front like a skirmishing screen of cavalry, being held in check by the parents. It was peaceful. That was not taking into account the occasional staring, but by now he was used to it. Staring off into space, he though back to that mission. He had almost forgotten about Briggs, Jonathan, and Daniel. He scolded himself, how could he have? They were his friends!

They had died following his orders, he was responsible for them. The least he could have done was remembered them and their sacrifice. What kind of man was he, if he could erase the memories of his brothers in arms? Alex knew that it was in some small part due to the fact that he was no longer in his old reality.

It was all so surreal. There were times when he questioned his sanity. Maybe this was all some elaborate hallucination caused by the markers. Perhaps he was still on the station and had not activated the explosive. Was this all a fever dream?

"Usually the lecturer doesn't walk away, during the lecture." A vaguely familiar feminine voice said jokingly.

He looked to see who had interrupted his crack pot theories. It was Fara, the russet furred vixen who had temporarily joined Starfox, she was standing next to the bench and clasping her arms together. Her long and graceful ears were lopsided, he thought it gave her a roguish appearance. Green jewels stared at him, eyes holding a remarkable similarity to Krystal's.

"Can I help you?" He grunted. Usually he wouldn't have been so rude, but old memories resurfaced made for a grumpy human.

She seemed a little put off by his dismissive tone, her arms almost imperceptibly tightening to herself, ears flopping down submissively, and tail going flaccid. Immediately he began to feel like an ass. "Forgive my harsh remark, I am not feeling myself today." He sighed sadly.

She loosened up and responded. "That's okay, I understand."

He noticed that she was still standing so he scooted over and bid her to sit. With a thankful smile she sat next to him. "What can I do for you?"

"Nothing for the moment, I just thought that we should talk. Seeing as your not...." She trailed off looking for the right words, arms gesturing in the frigid air.

"Not from around here?" He supplied with a grin.

She nodded and smiled thinly. "I suppose that's how you could phrase it."

"So, what would you like to know?"

They spent over an hour talking on that bench. She surprised him, she was amazingly witty and yet, so fragile. Something had hurt her along time ago, Alex decided to do his best to help. She was curious, so he answered the many questions she had truthfully, all but one anyways.

"So what do you think your people are doing right now?" She asked.

"Uh, pardon?"

"You know, are they still fighting the necromorphs? Or did they win?"

Pepper had not told most people of what happened, and frankly he liked that. "I like to think that they won." He told her. He knew the truth but, a minuscule part of himself hoped, beyond hope, that if he told the lie long enough he could convince himself. That somewhere out there, his people still lived.

"That's good." Fara said.

"Yes...yes it is." Alex stood up slowly. "We should get going back huh?"

"Yeah, they are probably waiting for us." Fara agreed reluctantly. She was beginning to enjoy spending time with this man. He was so unlike Fox, mature and kind. Fox wasn't bad, he was just not the kind of guy for her. (And it didn't help that she still carried a grudge.) Alex on the other hand, was an engaging speaker and his sense of humor was funny to witness. Not to mention he was easy on the eyes. His muscular physique, and robust features lent him a strong bearing.

"Are you okay?" She heard him ask, she had been standing there for a while unmoving.

"Yes!" She yipped before collecting herself. "...Yes, I'm fine." Her chops burning a bright pink.

Lucky for her he was not paying attention, as he was walking away by then. She followed after him and reentered the building. They traveled back to the room. Alex was surprised to see that they all were still there, he had though some would have left by now.

He retook his place at the podium. "As you have seen, these things are no laughing matter. For the members of the 48th, I will release this recording to your commander. I expect for you to familiarize yourselves with all the types of necromorphs you have seen. As of right now, there is no set date for the raid, but I guarantee it will be soon. That's all." He wanted to be short and to the point, he was done taking about his past that day.

He left the stand and walked out of the room, again, ignoring the looks coming from them. He didn't much feel like talking to his friends, or even Krystal and Fay. Right now he just wanted to sleep.

With that in mind, the journey back to The Great Fox was swift and uneventful. Once inside he went to his room and laid on his bed. He tried to sleep, but any headway was lost when he remembered everything. His night would have been one of restlessness if not for Krystal and Fay, who entered his room and cuddled up to him. Their warm and fuzzy bodies driving away his inner demons. For this he was forever grateful. As his eyes became heavy, he said one last thing. "I love you two." Hearing that they just snuggled closer blanketing him in warmth and love.

The next morning was...interesting. Half asleep, in nothing but his pants and a pair of worn out socks, he stumbled groggily into the kitchenette and started to fiddle with the coffee machine. He was grumbling about tails in his mouth when he heard a voice.

"Rough mourning?"

Accessing the forbidden knowledge of the ancients, he twirled around to face the voice waving his arms threateningly. His display of martial prowess did not impress the vixen before him, who only snorted. Realizing his Kung fu moves had no effect he straightened up and cleared his throat. "Uh...hello Fara."

She laughed softly, like the tinkling of melodious bells. "Hi Alex."

"Just to be clear, that never happened." He said offhandedly as he turned back to the machine.

"Oh...I think that it did." She said smugly.

"Well clear you have been seeing things because I have no idea of what your referring to." Alex muttered pressing the last button on the machine, which was now leaking the strong fragrance of coffee into the air.

"Sure." She replied, rolling her eyes, filled with amusement.

The door opened with a hiss and Peppy walked into the room to stand by the device responsible for waking up his tired old bones. "Hey Pep!" Alex said cheerily.

"Morning son." The aged hare replied tiredly.

"Are you okay?" Alex asked voice laced with concern. He liked the old hare. He never really new his father, his death was long ago, and Peppy always seemed like the man, (or in this case hare), his father would have been, if he were still alive.

"I'm fine, just a little tired, I'm not as spry as I used to be." The hare chuckled.

Still, the human led Peppy to the table and helped him into a chair. "Wait here I'll get you your coffee." Alex ordered firmly. Then he walked over to the machine and began to pour out a mug. Fara watched this with a smile, the man was a puzzle, one she swore to herself, to solve. There were many facets of his personality, compassion, care, strength, brutality, and self-sacrifice to name a few.

"Thanks son." Peppy exhaled as Alex handed him the steaming mug of liquid life. He took a sip and sighed in contentment, and leaned back. "That's just what I needed." They sat in companionable silence until Slippy walked in with Falco behind him.

Ever since he had been informed of his fathers kidnapping, Slippy had been a wreck. Luckily Falco was there for him. They may act at odds most of the time, but in fact they were close friends. Falco had taken it upon himself to watch over the fragile toad. And so with his help, Slippy was returned to a frame of mind somewhat resembling normal.

"Salutations Slip!" Alex exclaimed.

"Hiyah Alex." Slippy said in return, taking a seat at the table.

"How are you holding up?"

"I'll survive." The toad answered with a expulsion of carbon dioxide.

"Of course, and so will your father." Alex said with conviction, kneeling and patting Slip on the shoulder. "I will do everything in my power to save him, you have my word."

The amphibian visibly cheered up at that. "Thanks Alex."

"No need for thanks friend, it is simply the right thing to do." He raised himself back to his feet and grabbed his mug of dark brown coffee. "Now! I have a disgruntled vixen and collie to awaken!" Alex exclaimed merrily, walking out I the room and whistling a foreign upbeat tune.

Fara gazed at his retreating visage with a rueful smile, such a strange man.

Alex once more walked into his bedroom, yet Krystal and Fay were no where to be seen. "Where did they go?" He mumbled to himself. 'Wait! There!' Two tails jutting out from the edge of the blanket mound, one fluffy blue and white, the other brown and thick. They probably thought they could sneak in another few minutes of sleep, not on his watch!

He quietly placed his mug on the table and moved into a position. He covertly entered the fortress of sheets and wormed his way to the sleeping vixen and collie. Krystal's maw was unflatteringly hanging open and she was snoring most obnoxiously. Her long tongue flapped out to hang outside her mouth, like a worm trapped half way out of its hole.

Fay was curled up into a ball of fur. The only discernible feature being her long tail and wet canid nose. Both women were sleeping heavily and would probably not wake up without a little effort. Which he would enjoy, thoroughly. He moved into position.

With a grin, he flew over them. As he went by he grabbed them both by the waist simultaneously, and pulled them off the bed. The three fell of the bed in a pile. Krystal had awoken instantly. "What the heck!" She grumbled angrily staring at the smiling perpetrator.

"Morning!" He replied enthusiastically, and scooped up the still unconscious Fay. He began to tickle her forcefully. Her eyes shot open and she laughed uncontrollably.

"Stop, stop." She pleaded in-between giggles.

"Never!" He shouted and continued his attack. Fay tried to tumble out of his grip but he was too strong. Eventually she surrendered and went limp. In which case he let her go. She collapsed on to the floor and heaved in deep breaths. She looked at Alex with a smile.

"Good morning!" She said when she had recovered, still displaying her indestructible optimism.

Alex brought her into a hug and laughed. "Yes it is."

Krystal whined from neglect. Alex included her in his hug, long arms more then suitable in holding the both of them. They stayed like that for a awhile. Sadly they had things to do that day so Alex let them go. "So, what's the plan today?" Krystal asked him.

"Well, I need to work on my armor, I'll be needing it soon." He replied, maintaing his enthusiasm, even though the thought of going against those monsters once more plagued him.

Krystal and Fay frowned sadly at that. They just wanted for life to go back to normal. No more space monsters, no more cataclysmic threats, just them and him. By it seemed that life had other plans. "Why can't we have at least a month where nothing goes wrong." Fay sighed.

"I don't know honey." Alex said as he got back up. He helped the women back to their feet and picked up his mug of coffee. He was about to leave when he remember something. He sighed and put the mug back down.

"Forgetting something?" Krystal asked with a smirk.

Indeed he was. "Maybe some clothes." He replied offhandedly. He was still in his pants and socks, having forgotten to dress. He was about to go get his only pair of clothes when Krystal put a paw on his chest.

"Wait right here!" She commanded and left the room.

Alex was puzzled and looked to Fay for an answer, she just shrugged and shook her head. Seconds later Krystal returned with a large box. "What's this?" He wondered.

"A gift." She replied with a smile, canines flashing briefly.

Interested, he opened it. Inside lay an assortment of clothes. He pulled out a pair of pant and was surprised to see that there was no hole cut into the seat. Krystal saw his curiosa expression and answered. "I had them especially made."

", did you get my dimensions?" He asked incredulously.

"...ways." She answered mysteriously.

"Huh." That was hardly comforting. But that didn't matter, he had new clothes! He quickly went into the bathroom and put on one of the outfits. When he finished getting dressed he walked out of the bathroom with a frown. "These...are kinda tight." She had bought him some sort of fitness shirt and pants, black of course, and they were...form fitting.

"I though you would look good in them." She told him. "Clearly I was correct." She was looking at him, intently. Fay had a dazed expression.

"I guess so, and I suppose they are not all that bad." He said as he grabbed his jacket and put it on, and placed his cap on his head. "I will see you ladies later." He bowed with a flourish and walked out.

"Excellent choice of clothing." Fay commented to Krystal.

"Yep." She replied.

Alex left his room and headed for the ship's armory. He had out his suit and weapons in there after working on it with Slippy. He needed to tweak it a tiny bit more and maybe add a few things. When he opened the door he was met with a odd sight.

Falco was lavishing over his knew handgun, and staring menacingly at a familiarly grey wolf. Wolf (his name ironically), was in the small range of the ship. The lupine was firing his blaster at a brace of targets lining the wall. From what Alex could see he was a pretty descent marksman.

"Hey Falco." He greeted the distracted avian.

"Hi Alex." He answered back, eyes still glued to the wolf in the range.

Alex moved to block his vision. "What are you doing?"

"Keeping an eye on him." The avian replied.


"You can't trust the guy."


"He's wolf!" The avian exclaimed, as if that was all that needed to be said.

"But....he is your teammate for now." Alex said in confusion.

"Doesn't matter." Falco replied stubbornly.

Alex sighed. "Can you do me a favor?"


"Just, let it go for now. There are better things to watch out for." Alex said.

Falco looked uncertain. "Really?"


"Right fine I'll leave him alone." Falco grumbled.

"Good." Alex said satisfied, with that taken care of he went to his suit of armor he had stood it at the end of the room. It was past all the blaster rifles and pistols on the racks. When he reached it he opened the inside and took a look. He went over it, the armor's internals were functioning properly and had been repaired. That aside he checked the stasis and telekinesis devices. Both were okay, no damage taken from any of the previous battles.

Now that he knew the armor was good he sought about adding things to it. Using what little engineering skills he possessed, Alex grafted some more plating to it. While he was working he felt a tap on his shoulder. He set down the torch and other supplies and turned around.

Wolf was standing behind him. "What are you doing there?" He asked.

Alex gestured to the armor, Wolf nodded. "Just adding some things to my armor."

"Huh, cool." Wolf looked like he had something to say, but didn't know how to say it.

"Need something?"

"Uh...I just wanted to talk." Wolf finally said.

"Alright." Alex replied and shifted his body away from his suit. "What do you wanna talk about?"

"I was hoping you could fill me in on this whole space zombie business."

"Oh, well I don't particularly like talking about it. How about I just give you something, it'll do a better job then I ever would."

"That'll work."

"Here." Alex took off the video player on his suit and handed it over. "This doubles as a video player and a sort of archive thing. With this, all your questions will be answered."

"Cool." Wolf said and took it from him.

"Just find me when your done, and I'll take it back." Alex said before turning back to his armor.

"Okay, I will." Wolf promised before walking away to find a spot to use it.

Fox opened the door to the armory to find Wolf directly on the opposite side. "Wolf." He muttered

"Hey Fox." Wolf greeted distractedly before walking past holding something. Puzzled, Fox watched the lupine walk away. He shrugged it off and entered. Inside Falco was on the range, testing his new pistol. The blue high-powered shots whizzing down-range. Alex was tinkering with his ebony suit of armor. Fox decided to talk to him. He walked over and said his hellos.

"Sup Fox." Alex said over the sound of the welding torch. He was wearing a mask, sparks flew off of it as he melded something to his suit.

"Hey Alex, I wanted to know, what you talked about with pepper, the specifics." Fox explained.

"Sure, let me just put this stuff away, I was done anyway." Alex stored the tools and sealed up his armor. After that he walked out of the armory with Fox alongside. They went to the den, inside they sat at the table. "So, what did you want again?"

"I was hoping you could tell me what you and Pepper talked about."

"Okay, well we just talked about the plans, and I voiced my concern about Venomian retribution."

"What did he say?"

"He said that any retaliation would be better then a necromorph outbreak."

Fox sighed. "He's right, I don't even want to think about what it would be like."

"Your right, you don't." Alex said sadly.

"...I didn't mean to dredge up any bad memories." Fox said apologetically.

"It's alright, I'll carry them till I die." Alex said dismissively.

The metallic door to the den clanged open and Penelope and Lupa walked in, with Fara. When Fox saw her he looked extremely uncomfortable, the vulpine attempted to hide behind Alex's bulk. His tail gave him away, the orange and white tipped appendage stuck out like a sore thumb.

"Hi Alex...Hi Fox." Fara hailed.

"Oh! Hey Fara." Fox muttered nervously scratching the back of his head and coming out of his obvious hiding place.

"Alex!" Penelope shouted before running to him, breaking the tense silence.

"Hello little one." He said and picked her up, and placed her on one of the chairs next to him. Far and Lupa sat on the opposite side, much to Fox's dismay. Alex just smiled at his discomfort, from what Fara had told him, he deserved it a little.

"What are you doing today." Fara asked.

"If Pepper chooses, we will be moving out today, for Venom." He replied Grimly.

"I see."

"Honestly I hope it is today, I must save Slip's father." Alex said with a determined expression.

She nodded at that and turned to Fox. She was still mad at him. But in the interest of an effective team she tried to be civil. "So...Fox, how have you been?"

The orange vulpine looked startled, he had not expected her to be so calm. "Uh...I'm doing fine."

"That's good." The vixen said with a neutral smile. There! She had not been hostile.

"Big brother?" Penelope said tugging in his jacket.

"Yes little one?" He said looking down to her.

"Are you coming back?" She asked innocently, her wide crimson eyes looking at him wonderingly.

"Of course, no monster is going to take me down, I'm too awesome." He said with a comical puffing of his chest.

She giggled and hugged him. "Yep! You showed those monsters when you saved me!"

"I saved you for myself!" He growled playful and began to wrestle with her. She knocked him out of the chair, her on top futilely pummeling his chest with small paws. The adults at the table watched with smiles and laughs. Fox looked to Lupa and grinned, she returned it.

"Hark! I am slain!" Alex suddenly exclaimed and gave off a fake death gurgle, falling to the floor dramatically. The still giggling pup sitting on his chest.

That's when Wolf walked in. He saw the human planning dead with the little girl sitting triumphantly on his chest, and gave a rare smile. "Looks like the big bad human has finally met his match." He snickered jokingly.

"So it seems." Fox agreed from his seat. Out of the blue the vulpine's and lupine's communicators beeped.

"Fox here."

"This is Wolf." They said unanimously.

"This is Commander Dobrey of the Howling Wolves, the General has green lit the mission, It will commence in five hours, Pepper had requested your presence." A gravely voice said.

"Understood." Wolf and Fox replied.

With a sigh, Alex got up from his defeated pose, Penelope clambered off him. "Copy that." He turned to the little lupine and said sadly, "it seems are fun time is over."

"Awwwwww." She whined.

"Yeah, I'm afraid so." Alex grumbled. They said their goodbyes, Fara said she would catch up later. So Alex, Wolf, and Fox left. On the way to the meeting with Pepper Wolf handed him back his recorder.

"Thanks." He said.

"No problem." Alex replied. In no time at all they found themselves back at Pepper's office, for the second time that day. "What do you need General?"

"I have a bit of good." The old hound said.

"Really?" Fox wondered curiously.

"Yes, in a surprising moment today, I was contacted by Andrew Oikonny."

"How in the hell is that good news?" Fox demanded angrily. He still held a deep seated hatred for the primate.

"Because Fox, he had agreed to the mission." Pepper answered.

Fox broke, "waaa..." He mumbled.

"Yes, he contacted me and asked for assistance. It seems that his head of science is a little crazy." Pepper said with a grin.

"I don't follow." Wolf grumbled.

"The scientist, Eric Liedman, is obsessed with this Project that Okionny wouldn't tell me about."

"Markers." Alex said grimly.

"I could only hazard that guess. So I asked him, 'why would we help him?' He said that the research was a danger to both factions, and he would be willing to renegotiate our earlier peace terms."

"That's great news!" Fox said beaming with excitement. "Now we won't have to go to war."

Wolf brought him back down to Corneria. "So how exactly are we supposed to do the mission?"

"Oikonny has cleared out all outside defenses for the base, but he can only do it for so long. Still, the scientist has followers in the fleet, so there will be ships in space over the facility. But the path to the ground will be clear." Pepper explained.

"Won't they retaliate anyways?" Wolf questioned.

"Oikonny has said that he will brush off the battle as a terrorist attack." Pepper replied.

"When are we doing this?" Alex asked.

"As soon as you get back to your ship, but remember, The Great Fox will have to deploy from outside Venom's radar and sight range. If they see it, they will know it is us who attacked. No matter of convincing from Oikonny would do otherwise."

"Yes sir!" Fox saluted.

"Good luck gentleman, the future of our way of life rides with you." The old bloodhound said gravely.

"I won't let you down sir!" Alex said determinedly.

"Just remember to come back alive." Pepper replied.