Day Six - No Love For Ludroth

Story by DemonicBrit on SoFurry

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#6 of A Monster Hunter's Diary

AAAAAANNNNNNNDDDDDDD I'm back! For now at least...I've been stuck in a huge writing block lately due to a few, emotional matters, but I'm glad to see that my stuff still gets a read every now and then :D I'm trying to get into writing more and I hope you enjoy the story!

Well, they tell you that sometimes you'll land right in the bottom of the barrel with jobs like this, but I never knew how deep the barrel truly was until now, and luckily there were no witnesses. Anyway, today was as normal as usual, and then this wound up Caravan guard comes storming into town, speaking language so foul it could rotten the day's catch, he kept going on about a gang of Ludroth and I decided to consult him about this, and to tell him to keep his filthy yap shut around the town's children. When the steam finally stopped bursting from his ears, he told me that while he was guarding a caravan, a gang of six Ludroth approached their caravan and attacked, and he said and I quote "How was I supposed ta know d'em cute beasties packed such a wallop?" Maybe his authority got to his head, but I asked him if I may deal with them and he simply waved me off while scowling to himself. So I took the boat in to the Deserted Island and stocked up at base camp as per usual, and according to the Guard's instructions, the Ludroth gang were in Area Nine, so off I went, with my sharpened blade and buffed shield in hands, ready for anything!

It didn't take me long to locate the gang of Ludroth, they were all relaxed and gathered around the centre of the cavern, but the closer I got to them, the more I felt the atmosphere shift from a relaxed and tranquil water cove setting, to an unnerving and queasy setting, something akin to my previous endeavours. And there they were, all six of them, just lying there in the slowly flowing water of the cove's floor, I thought today was gonna go well for the first time, and by comparison to some, it did. I readied my Sword and Shield and began my charge, leaping up into the air towards the group and landing down the first strike, driving the blade of my Sword straight to the hilt through the skull of the closest Ludroth, a swift kill indeed, and from there, things went slowly downhill...I ran my blade from the skull of the recently deceased Ludroth and resumed my attack stance as the remaining five began to crowd around me, or should I say began to dive tackle me straight into the ground.

Once I was being fully pinned by each limb by four of the five Ludroth, I looked up through the low running water to see one of the Ludroth staring me dead in the eyes, and that made my soul chill, I had just killed one of their friends and then I was their prisoner, which made what came after the most confusing and degrading act of revenge I've encountered to date. The fifth Ludroth stood his front legs on my back, and because of such, his crotch was positioned right in my face, then his sheath opened to reveal a tentacle like shaft with a peculiarly spiked tip, hanging down in my face, doing absolutely nothing, my heart was racing and my mind was flooding with thoughts as to what was going to happen, seeing how sexually active the rest of the animals in the Deserted Island had been lately.

But then a long, warm, and putrid stinking stream of piss began to viciously rain down on my head, showering me in the musky stench of the Ludroth's urine. It certainly caught me by surprise, and so did the rest of them joining in on the fun, they kept my pinned with their hind legs while they stood up and showered me with stream after stream of piss, it was humiliating, outrageous, but it left me with an advantage. The Ludroth seemed to be getting so much into the 'group event' that they appeared to have forgotten they were the only ones keeping my down, and as they laughed at me in their cackling voices they stepped off my limbs to spray me further, only for me to roll myself over and quickly unsheathe my sword and cleave around me in one full high circle, slicing through the necks of all but two of them that were the furthest away at the time, so there I stood, my armour stained with Ludroth piss and half a party of Ludroth bleeding out at my feet, I knew I had to keep going!

The first Ludroth stood on his hind legs, readying to pounce, and as he leapt for me, I stood my ground and faced him with my shield held high, and as the Ludroth collided with my shield I felt the chance to strike was now, only to have that feeling stolen from me by the second Ludroth slide tackling my legs and knocking me clean off the ground and onto my back. Once again I was vulnerable, again at the mercy of two beasts, but this time round they had a different plan, the first Ludroth rushed down and bit into my armour and tore off my leggings, while the other Ludroth darted up to me and rammed his crotch into my face, and he reeked of piss and what I assumed at the time was dried Ludroth semen.

Suddenly, I felt the first Ludroth's chest against mine and something poking my asshole, and to go with that the second Ludroth's shaft was revealing itself from its sheath and pressing against my face. I forget why but the situation began to heavily arouse me, to the point where I stopped resisting and spread my legs as wide as I could to ready myself for the Ludroth cock that was soon about to rip me open. And then I felt it, the tip of spear-shaped cock began penetrating me, and it felt friggin' amazing! Inch by inch that thick and veiny shaft slid inside me, lubed by the piss and water it just slid all the way in, and out, over and over, none stop! All while the other Ludroth was shoving his bulging cock into my face, it didn't take me long to submit and open my mouth for the onslaught of his cock into my throat, and he did NOT let up! I chocked and gagged with each invading thrust, but eventually I became accustomed to it and started sucking the monster's piss stinking cock while I was being fucked hard in the ass.

I had lost track of time when the two Ludroth finally managed to reach climax, their thrusts began to hasten and they growled and grunted louder and louder, until I felt wave after wave of Ludroth cum erupt down my throat and up my insides. I tried my best to swallow it but there was just over enough for me to start choking, I viciously struggled and shoved the second Ludroth off of me and he collapsed on top of the first Ludroth, and in my dazed and defensive state I grabbed my sword from the ground, leaped and brought my blade down on the two Ludroth, penetrating through the second and impaling the first.

My quest was over, and I was certainly ready to leave. After carving up the corpses of the Ludroth for some Hydro Hide and Immature Sponge, I was making my way back to the camp when I looked up at the hills around me, just to take in the view of the beautiful landscape before I went home, but I saw this peculiar glimmer emitting from near the summit of the mountain, I figured I'd go check it out but before I knew it the boat to home was already docked and waiting for me, so I boarded the ship and was shortly back home, tired, and ready for a nice long bath...

I guess I'll go check out the summit of that mountain another time to see if whatever it was is still there, well, that is if I get the chance.