Names are a Tricky Sort

Story by WolfTales on SoFurry

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#3 of The Silence of the Savior

Chapter 3

He was use to eating alone, so the silence was hardly uncomfortable for him, but he continued to look at her as he ate. She wasn't delicate, but she hardly seemed crude or vulgar. Nothing like the legends he had been fascinated by as a boy. I thought struck him, and as he looked at her she met him eyes. She smiled and nodded at the plate in front of her, before stabbing more eggs and sliding them into her maw.

"I have a thought and, if I'm wrong let me know, but I think you're thinking it too." She stopped and looked at him, slight worry crossing her eyes. He put down his fork and folded his arms across the table in front of him, studying her. "You are nothing like the legends are you?" Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped a little. "Nothing about you fits with what I've heard or read. You hardly seem vile or deceitful. You're just like a normal person aren't you?" After a long moment, she slowly nodded her head. Then, even slower, she tentatively pointed one of her fingers at him. "You think so too?" She nodded slowly again. "I thought you might have." He smiled warmly at her and she found herself smiling back.

They continued to eat in silence, though the mood was very light. His plate clear, he looked up at her again as she continued to eat happily. "You would be more than welcome to stay her a little longer." Her eyes widened, finding his again. "If it would make you more comfor..." the phone started to ring, "table. That must be Jack." He pushed his chair away from the table and crossed the room to a small end table that held a cordless phone.

"Hello?... Hey Jack, thought it might be you. No everything's fine, we were just having some breakfast... No actually...What?" She looked up as his tone changed. "No, I was actually going to offer... No I understand, I'll talk to her... There's nothing to worry about... Yes really, I'm not that stubborn... That was different." She smiled and continued eating the last of what was on her plate. "You can't be serious?... So much for backing me up!... Yeah, yeah... Well, I'm not sure if I want you here... Of course I know you're going to come any way... Yeah, I'll see you then." Shaking his head he hung up the phone, smiling as he turned back to the table, but it was empty. He looked around till he heard the water in the kitchen running.

Heading back through the door way, he saw her standing at the sink rinsing the dishes. "You don't have to do that." She smiled but kept on rinsing. He shook his head. "Any ways, that was Jack, but he had some bad news." She turned at looked at him, the worry painted clearly on her face. "No, he's alright, but it seems those guys that attacked you have been making more trouble. Even got their faces on the news channel. We both think it would be better if you stayed here longer. Just another couple of nights or so. Jack said he's going to come over and make sure I'm making you comfortable and everything."

She breathed heavy for a moment, but when he looked at her he found she was actually laughing. Meeting his eyes contact, she looked down and nodded for a moment before she met his gaze again. "You don't need to thank me. Besides, it can get kinda lonely here sometimes, all by myself." She smiled broadly and he couldn't help but laugh and smile back.

"So what do you want to do till Jack show up?" She looked at him, surprised for a moment, before she shrugged. Setting down the dishes next to the sink she whipped her paws on her pant legs and pointed at him. "Me?" He blinked, surprising himself as a perverted thought ran across his mind. He shook his head a little and looked around the room, trying to avoid her gaze, or her low shirt. "Well, how about we watch a movie." Risking a glance back at her, she smiled and nodded.

Turning away from her he went back to the living room, having to look over his shoulder to make sure she was following. "You walk very quietly." It was more of thinking aloud to himself, but her ears perked up. She looked away and he could see her blushing again. "It's actually quite impressive." Reaching her paw up, she scratched behind her ear as well as hid behind her arm. 'She's cute when she's embarrassed.' He blinked and turned back to face the TV, surprised at his own thought process. As he crouched and opened the door on the stand the TV sat on, he tried to dig for the mistrust he felt last night, that he had always felt around Wolves, but it didn't seem right. Glancing at her again, he couldn't picture her trying anything against him, and not just because he was half a head taller with more muscles. If anything, when she wasn't angry, she seemed passive, almost like any other girl. Yet that thought didn't seem right either.

Most of the girls he had helped threw themselves on him the moment the door was closed behind them. Now he almost hated to admit the number of times he gone along with what ever they wanted from him. Scratching behind his own ear, he kept his view from hers. "Well, here's the small selection I have. Do you have anything in mind?"

Not noticing he was hiding from her, she came around behind him and looked through the doors. There had to have been at least fifty movies there. Her jaw popped open a little as she scanned the names, most of which she had never heard of. Finally he glanced at her. She closed her maw and shrugged, shaking her head. He sighed slightly, scanning his collection. "Well...I don't really have any chick movies," though his back was turned she scrunched her muzzle at even the thought. "How do you feel about action movies?" He looked at her again, smiling and nodding excitedly. "Great! Have you seen...this one?" He pulled one out and showed it to her. Examining the cover and title for a moment before looking at the back, she shook her head. "Alright," he held out a paw and she returned the movie, "I'll put this one in then. If you like action, you'll like this one."

She watched in awe as he pulled on a drawer she hadn't seen right above the door. But instead of pulling out, it just fell forward, revealing an expensive looking DVD player. Glancing at her as he popped open the case, he smiled. "You can go ahead and sit down, I'll get this started." Nodding for a moment, she turned around and sat on one of the far cushions on the three person couch, right across from the TV.

Next to the player, Jared grabbed the remote and sat on the opposite end of the couch from her. Hitting all the appropriate buttons to get to the menu and hitting play. Images started spreading across the screen and she was enthralled, but Jared frown. "Why is there no sound?" Looking at the remote he found the mute button. Pressing it, sound exploded from all corners of the room.

There was a thud sound and he looked next to him to find the girl on the floor with her ears pinned to her head, her eyes scanning the walls. "What is it?!?" He looked up and noticed the speakers mounted to the wall on either side of the couch. He looked back at her in surprise, still staring at the speakers till she finally met his gaze. "It's just surround sound..." After a long moment she looked down, her muzzle darkening in color once again as she shifted to her paws and maneuvered herself back onto the couch. Finding the button he turned the volume down slightly, still watching her. 'Never heard surround sound before?'

They settled in uncomfortably to watch the movie. At least a half hour in, the mood lightened due to the comedic relief. He kept glancing over at her to gauge her reactions, laughing at the same things and smiling when her eyes went wide in amazement. Then suddenly the mood in the movie changed; he had forgotten about the vivid sex scene. He glanced out of the corner of his eye, but her expression had hardly changed. She wasn't even blushing, just watching the screen. Looking back and hearing the actress moan out, suddenly he felt his cock start to twitch. 'Ah, shit!' He heard a sniff and shot a look at the Wolf girl out of the corner of his eye. She smelled the air and glanced sideways at him, before looking back to the movie. She had to have smelled his musk, but she didn't even flinch. He could feel his cheeks heat as he knew he'd been caught, but more so from how naturally she reacted to it. His cock suddenly lost all inspiration.

When the movie was over, they sat in silence for a short time, Jared more than slightly uncomfortable. "So... did you like it?" He glanced at her and she nodded, smiling slightly. Pushing off the couch he went back to the TV and slowly put the movie back in its place. But when he was done, he just sat there on his heals, not sure what to do now. After what seemed like forever, there was a buzzing sound. "Jared? It's Jack, buzz me in!" Tension almost completely lifted as he stood and crossed to the door, a small pad that she hadn't seen before on the other side of it. Pressing a button he spoke into the pad. "Sure thing Jack." Hitting the button next to it, there was a softer buzzing that held until he let go of the button.

He just stood there as they could both start to hear his light padding up the stairs. Then there was a knock. Opening the door was the Orange furred Fox. "Why do you have to live on the top floor? I gotta walk all the way here, just to climb a bunch of steps?" Stepping into the apartment he noticed the girl sitting on the couch. "Hey, how are you doing?" She smiled and nodded. "That's good. He hasn't been being a bully has he?" He eyed Jared sharply before looking back at her. She smiled again, laughing slightly as she shook her head. "Good, so" he turned to Jared, "what's her name?"

Suddenly Jared when pail white under his black head and brown muzzle fur. "Well... uh... that is..."

"You didn't even try to figure it out?"

"Heh..." He tried to laugh but he ears drooped at he look away from the couches toward the wall.

Jack sighed and shook his head before crossing to sit next to her on the couch. "So, do you mind it I guess what your name is?" Smiling hesitantly she shook her head. Leaning back he looked at her closely, tapping his claw on his chin and he thought hard. "Amanda?" She wrinkled her nose and shook her head. "Ok... Debby?" She raised and eye brow and shook her head again. He kept guessing, "Stacy?... Natalie... Sam... Rachel...?" Jared laughed when he sighed. "Am I even coming close?" Turning to look at her, he actually barked out laughing at the apologetic look on her face as she shook her head. "Well, if you're so good, why don't you try!" They were both looking at him now. Turning to face her, he looked her up and down, thinking again to the way he had seen her in the kitchen.

"Laine?" She cocked her head to the side, but shook it any way. "Didn't think so..." He dug through his memory till he found a few that sounded promising. "Sandy?" She shook her head. "Solina?" Pausing for a moment, she shook her head. 'Could it be that simple?' "Sunn, spelled with two N's?" There eyes were locked for long moments, till slowly a smile slid across her muzzle. Even slower she nodded.

"Ok," there eye contact was broken as Jared's gaze shifted to meet Jacks. "How on earth did you know that? And for that matter, where did you get that bizarre list?"

He looked back at her and smiled broadly. "They are all tribal names meaning Sun or Sunset. Like the colors of your fur, right?" She nodded again.

Jack looked back and forth between them, smiling at each other, and suddenly got a strong feeling. Standing he stretched, making the motions as obvious as possible. "Well I don't think I really need to be here... I'll get out of your hair."

"What? Hey, no. You just got here, Jack!" 'Yeah...thought so.' Jack smiled at him and tipped an imaginary hat.

"I'll catch you two later, you are staying here, right?" He looked at Sunn. Still slightly red from the obviousness of Jack's movements, she glanced at him and nodded. He could only smile and laugh a little at the knowing look on her face. "See you around." He shook her arm again, then crossed to Jared, taking his arm and clapping his shoulder. In a low voice, he hoped she wouldn't hear, he whispered to him, "Good luck." Pulling back he winked as he let go of his arm and reached for the door knob.

"Wait, Jack?..." He turned back to the bewildered look on his friends face before smiling and shaking his head, closing the door behind him.

They were both silent for long moments, not really looking at each other. "Well that didn't just up every thing." He glanced at her, noticing the blush as she tried to inhale deeply to get it to go away. Scratching his head again, he tried to shake the strange feeling that Jack knew more than he did... or than he wanted him to. The feeling only got worse when he looked at her. "So... uh... what do you want to do now?" Still looking down, now at her paws twisting around in her lap, she glanced up. Looking him up and down for a moment, she shivered, covering it well with a shrug. Maybe Jack was right...

Suddenly she had an impulse. It surprised her, but she followed it. Standing she walked through the door way to the kitchen, hearing him follow her slowly. Heading back to the counter she grabbed the same pencil and turned to look at him. Looking at it, she tapped the lead again, then looked up and pointed at him. His eyes went wide. " want to draw..." he pointed at himself, "me?" She nodded. "Um... ok, sure. I'll go get some of my design paper." He headed out the door and made for his bedroom as she followed and turned toward the dinning room. Pulling out two chairs, she set them up across an open space from each other. Looking at the lighting that was coming from the windows, she picked the once facing the other chair and the wall.