My Three Jewels: Adjusting pt. 1

Story by FurryWolf25 on SoFurry

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#4 of My Three Jewels

This chapter was something else, I didn't want it to be too short, or too long but I think this'll do. Surprisingly it's not where I wanted to end this but it seemed like a good place to stop. And still more to come.

Helio and Cerule padded towards the center of the den looking about.

Inside, the den took a large ovular shape, save for the narrowing mouth. Soft straw and leaves laid haphazardly off to the side in a messy large nest. A large boulder blocked off a hole towards the rear, it was much too heavy for any of the blue eyes to move, and from the looks of it was probably cutting off access to something Lord Kra'zzerix didn't want to be seen. Deep slashes adorned the walls of the den; most likely from territorial battles over the area. Looking upwards to the ceiling, burns and etched stone could be seen, indications of encounters of intimacy between dragons within the clan. All in all, the den offered enough space to house multiple large dragons - given the chance multiple dragons would be enclosed in an area such as this- was established as an area of interest, and would withstand the seasons.

Kra'zzerix lowered Azure onto the nest. He leaned forward pressing his snout to the white dragons neck for a moment.

Helio and Cerule watched the large black dragon carefully. They were now in his domain and under his ruling now. A chill crept up their spines causing them to shudder.

Kra'zzerix lifted his snout from Azure and turned to the two with a glare. His body soon followed as he approached them.

"Now then..." He took a shallow inhale.

The young dragons glanced at each other nervously before looking back at the dragon lord.

"Why didn't you two say anything when Azure lost consciousness?!"

The two flinched hearing his harsh growl of a tone, whimpering lightly in response.

"I said that I would protect all of you, and I can't keep my word if you don't say anything! I would've easily been able to carry the three of you if..."

He carried on for some time, chewing them out. Cerule and Helio only nodded, and gave the "Yes Lord Kra'zzerix" "No sir" "It won't happen again" and "We're sorry" responses, asides from having some explanations.

Finally having calmed down nearing the end of his lecture, the dragon lord was now laying on his stomach, arms crossed over the other.

"In short, if you three are going to be here this behavior cannot persist. Understand?"

The two nodded. They knew where he was coming from, and although feeling that the lecture was a bit of an over exaggeration, there was truth in his words.

"Good. Now let me explain how things are going to work around here; these lands can get dangerous, meaning stay by me when leaving the den. If you wish to go out to the valley I will take you. I go hunting three times a day, early morning, noon, and nightfall, I don't take requests. If any problems rise, you tell me and I'll deal with it. The other Red Eyes within the clan may try to take off with any of you, but I'll see to it that it doesn't happen. Any questions?"


Helio shook his head.

"Alright then. Are you hungry?"

The two nodded their heads sheepishly.

Kra'zzerix smirked.

"Wait here, I'm making a quick trip."

He raised to his feet and padded out to the mouth of the cave.

"Wait I thought you-"

He took to the air and vanished in seconds.

"He's gone..."

Cerule padded over to Azure and huddled next to him.

Helio sat down on his haunches and stared out into the darkness.

This was all so different from what they were used to. The trio were of the second generation post-war litter as well, hatched in the winter. In the Blue eyed clan two waves of hatchlings would rise during the rotation; spring and autumn seasons, as traditions held. In the scramble to regroup (before the collection) the white dragons sparse the land, few made the decision to remain in their locations. The division resulted in a handful of Blue Eyes to start mating in other seasons; not many chose the path yet there was no backlash.

By the time the collection of the white dragons began, the clan quickly adapted by splitting families and constantly traveling. Azure, Cerule, and Helio hatched early collection and were warned of what was to come. They remained by their parents for half a season before they were forced to part. The rest of season was spent travelling close to their mother until she was captured. When the next rotation came, they had already taken the nomadic lives; left with only each other to depend on, three young brothers surviving in the world.

In their time roaming locations, they often kept out of sight from all other monsters. During the day they stalked the brush or took to the canopies when available. The night gave some opportunity to travel in the open. Rarely would they take flight, and often they took refuge in any place available. Hunting did prove difficult in densely populated areas and with the constant shift in position, they encountered plenty of monsters; escaping them wasn't easy but they managed.

In the seasons that they spent travelling, not once did they have a place that they could return to and really call "home" - albeit some time for the three to warm up to calling Kra'zzerix's den "home" - nor have to not worry about hunting.

Cerule looked up at Helio and grew concerned. "Helio?"

The dragon turned to his brother. "Hm?"

Cerule gestured for him to join the two in the nest. Taking a quick glance to the darkness again, he padded over and lay at Azure's other side.

Helio nuzzled Azure, lying his head gently over his. The dragon slightly wriggled under him. His eyes widened feeling his brother's reaction. A wide grin spread across Cerule's face.


Azure groaned softly, stirring around. Both dragons began licking and nudging him, estatic in his consciousness.

"Azure, you're okay!"

He blinked looking around. "Yeah...are we?"

They nodded. "This den is Lord Kra'zzerix's..."