John Wolfe: The Merchant

Story by Roronoak on SoFurry

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Uh...I wrote something, finally. I thought I should write about my other lovely characters before I dive in with Honeydew, my 'sona. I took a lot of inspiration from reading books about the love and dreams that have been shattered due to an inability. I thought John Wolfe could be an inspirational figure in my future stories, perhaps as a master to an apprentice, or obtain a wandering companion. Thank you for reading.


The following document is the profile of my character.

Name: John Wolfe, or Fenrir

Height: 3' 5

Weight: 247lbs

Length: 4' 11

Fur Color: White

Scars: His back and chest is riddled with scars from the tortures he endured in his imprisonment.

Eye colors: One eye is a dark silver, the other golden brown.

Fur type: Matted, rough and bristly.

Body type: Thick, burly

Species: Feral - Timber Wolf

Age: 4 (32 in human years)

Preferences: Seclusion

Home: The hollow tree near the York River

Professions: Merchant, Thief

Personality Profile: The wolf known as John Wolfe was a merchant with boundless wits, which were refined and made stronger every day. He was a riddler; as people would say. A wolf without any true sense of word, but had a mind set on trickery and deceit. This however was not true, for John Wolfe the merchant told the truth wherever he went. He said it unclearly, but by no doubt was it the truth. He was a strong wolf. From the days of his youth, he ran past mountains, and the forests, and obtained strength. He pulled his cart by straps tied to his back. He isn't charitable, and considers value in money, love, and friendship equally.

Background: Wolfe was imprisoned by humans as a pup. He was beaten and tortured, and he could not communicate in a way for them to understand him. During his confinement in the Capital City's dungeon, he had undertaken speech and writing lessons by his fellow inmates. The hopes of his comrades in their captured state; the dreams of finally walking out into the sun, smelling the wind, and digging their feet into the sand again. Wolfe took on these dreams as he set out once again, this time, as a merchant to bring fairness and equality through simple business.