OR: Fenyks

Story by RaiRaijinn on SoFurry

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#8 of RH's Beastiary (Fantasy Races)

I have been neglecting to post these buggers for quite some time!

Species Name : Fenyks

Origins/Homeworld : Multiple worlds and Planes; Born from the union of Ralkya and Phoenix.

Average Height : 6'0 to 7'1

Average Lifespan : 140 years

Intelligence Level : Sentient, Literate. Above Average.

Civilization Level : Tribal

Civilization Age : Unknown

Population : Rule of thumb; for every 21 Ralkya, there is one Fenyk Born

Culture : Fenyks.... Ahh these Fireborn lads are the result of Ralkya and a Phoenix mating together, these creatures are nature's way of maintaining balance. Fenyks could be considered the Male counterparts to the Ralkya race in a way due to the fact that a mating between a Ralkya and a Fenyk spawns forth more of their kind but these two aerial dwelling creatures have their significant differences. Fenyks are not highly aggressive beings, mainly because of the contrast of their diets with their mates; these beauts of the sky are actually vegetarians that possess heavy preference for fruit as where Ralkya consume meats from game and animals.

It is assumed that the Fenyks do not possess certain drives that the winged maidens do, a rather fortunate circumstance for any surface dwellers because these lads are natural sorcerers. The arcane comes naturally to them to make up for the physical prowess the Ralkya are fond of utilizing against their prey. They are intelligent enough to put this arcanic affinity to clever use, aside in keeping their harems on a short leash, this source of power to them is like an additional muscle they use to solve their everyday problems.

Be aware though, they are keen seducers of women in order to recruit them into their harems to add a little variety, but it's better than being carried away against your own volition. Keep an eye on your daughters as well because they don't hesitate to ensnare some as young as the age of twelve in their mystical charm. Other than that, they are very polite and cordial in their mannerisms, seeing as they don't resort to physical aggression.

Fenyks are more civilized than the Ralkya in a way, they enjoy music, picking fruit of trees albeit, and playing instruments, unfortunate for those who own orchards due to the fact that these lads will snatch up about a barrel's worth for their own consumption. They are very useful to have though if one's town is beseeched by their feminine counterparts and are tired of having phallic stone objects on their rooftops to keep them at bay since a Fenyk will enrapture a tribe of the feathery maidens to do his bidding and serve him. It is somewhat of a vicious act of nature but some claim its divine retribution for the atrocities that Ralkya have committed.

Factions : various tribal groups, A Fenyk will often turn a tribe of Ralkya into his harem and have numerous offspring.

Technology : Fenyks are avid collectors of spellbooks, magical trinkets and arcanic charms for their own purposes alongside a collection staves, wands, and rods. They also have fond habit of pilfering the peculiar apparatuses used for Gnolboldic Arcania which infuriates their artificers to no end because the inability to retrieve such seemingly important equipment. Practically anything related to magic is likely to be a targeted by them, either out of sheer greed or curiousity.

Allies : Wizards, Sorcerors, and Warlocks, A lone Fenyk will tail any one they think is spell-caster of some sort in an effort to learn their magic. This is a natural curiosity for their kind, seeing as they seem to innately know Fire and Air magic when they are born but have to learn other types through study. It also means that you might see the occasional Pretty-boy birdie being an apprentice to this lot so he can learn how to conjure up food for his harem.

Gnolbolds , Well this one more of complex relationship that goes into more detail but to keep a long story short, it has a lot to do with interspecies relationships and technological progression. These furry little hooligans will gladly invite a Fenyk for their full moon ritual, but sometimes when these sharp-eyed boys catch something that looks like it's potentially capable of magic, they do not hesitate to try to take it home with them. We all know what happens when an Artificer Gnolbold realizes when something's been taken without their permission...

Ralkya , as if I didn't explain the relationship between these two races enough as it is already. Fenyks mate with these vicious maidens and turn entire tribes of them into their harems, even to extent that some of these fiery feathered boys will dress them up in whatever tickles their fancy, such as Maid Outfits...

Enemies : Orcs and Goblins! Fenyks will not hesitate to liberate a Ralkya that has been bound in chains because of a Greenskin that was clever enough to ground her. You do not wish to see these Phoenix-born males when they are angry, otherwise you might hear the sound of skin crackling like fried chicken. The same goes with goblins since these putrid little creatures often invade the skies with their vile flying machines that can dot the sky like a swarm of locusts.

Gnolbolds! Well, not to the extent of hate that a Fenyk will treat an orc but more of a playful rivalry since they easily catch onto the Gnolboldic sense of humor, albeit its time the buggers got a taste of their medicine! These winged sorcerers will often play practical jokes such as dropping wash tubs on the fuzzy little demons' heads or covering them head to toe in paint while they sleep, sometimes even intentionally move things around in their lairs to torment and confuse them. It's rather humorous when you play witness to such shenanigans that involved Fenyk Sorcery and Gnolbod Arcania, one could literally die laughing from slapstickery.

Hostility : Friendly unless attacked

Physical Description : Fenyks are rather lithely gentlemen, bearing the same wing configuration as their female counterparts, and equipped with the same deadly arsenal of talons that they tend to trim. They are also heavy preeners, spending a good portion of the day grooming themselves and others.

Eyes : Varying hues and colors

Hair : Tends to be rather long and varying colors

Skin : While Fenyks possess feathers throughout their body similar to their female counter parts, their feathers have a natural shimmer to them which often tricks a Ralkya maiden into thinking she has spotted a shiny object to plunder.

Sexual Dimorphism : Fenyks lack a female gender but their counterparting race, Ralkya make up for it.

Sexuality : Polysexual

Reproduction : Fenyks will often serenade a Ralkya into a trance before mating with her or enrapture her with a dance or two. After their union, the Male will entrap her using some form of arcania or psychological manipulation to keep her close and under control, utilizing her to capture other Ralkya to create his harem.

Fertilization : Viviparous

Gestation : 6 months

Brooding (Average # of offspring): Several children at a time, mainly Ralkya and Fenyks

Abilities/Traits : Work on later